Im burned out...

32, i am right there with you a few years ago. world of warcraft really burned me on any type of video games. i hardly can stand playing someone more then once.

i am getting back into Magic the Gathering, its a lot better to bs around real people and not some internet trolls.
It sounds like OP has been on a steady diet of all the worst games on earth for the past several years. Sounds like you just need to take a break for a month or two, live some life, then maybe branch out into some other genre's and see what else is out there.

It's easy to get burnt out when you're playing some crappy RPG/MMO that has you grinding on the same stuff for hundreds of hours. Maybe try something more story driven and immersive and see where it goes from there.

I'll throw out a few suggestions:
Far Cry 3/4
Bioshock Infinite
Tomb Raider 2013
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Just Cause 2
The Witcher 1/2/3
Assassins' Creed: Black Flag

That ought to keep you busy for quite a while, if/when you are ready to get back into gaming.
Yea, I dropped videogames for awhile (though, my addiction to buying them is still high -- Thanks Steam!) and I moved to boardgames. The increased social interaction and also the ability to actually use my brain is an amazing thing. Love boardgames.

I have been geting back to videogames. However, it takes a lot of trial and error to find the title that I will spend an amount of time with. Right now, I'm liking action games like Bayonetta and Devil May Cry.
Maybe you're burnt out on mmo's?

I know for me personally that happened, the mmo genre just feels too "stale" and after a while it's like every new mmo just feels like you already played it before (because they are largely built upont he same gameplay hooks).

Might I suggest trying other genres or something you might not tried much at all?

What are some other genres of games that you enjoyed back in tihe day and haven't played in a while, maybe I can suggest some games for that.

Also do you only want new games or would you mind playing some older games that you might have missed out on?
I burned myself out hard over the winter break. Finally finished Divinity Original Sin which I had been plucking away at since release (too busy with work to spend time on the game). Started and finished South Park Stick Of Truth. Then started and finished Wolfenstein The New Order. I got into a depressed funk, back where I had worked so hard for so long to get out of. I had to take a break and get my head straight again before it was too late.

I started going to the gym with my buddy, started eating better, lost 30 pounds so far this year (down to 204). I've been in school for the last 6 weeks so I haven't had a chance to go during the week (intense schooling for my apprenticeship), but after this week I can go again daily. I run 5km (3.2 miles) on the treadmill in just under 30 minutes when I go to the gym on the weekends, I couldn't even do that in high school when I biked everywhere. I also hopped on my bike for the first time in 5 years and rode 26km before the rain started coming down too hard.

I'm 31, I need to make some life changes this year, and I have some momentum going. But Witcher 3 is out, pre-loaded on my computer, just waiting for me to write my final exam this friday. My 670 will likely hold me back in the game, but right now I'd rather put that $400+tax towards a motorcycle course ($600). Choices...
33, just finished dying light a few months ago. I haven't played anything yet. I have 30 mins on dragon age 3 and 30 mins on bloodbourne for ps4.
I had the same thing for a few years. Then suddenly it all came back and I started playing more than ever before, however now I'm back in the same boat again, nothing keeps me occupied for more than half an hour at a time, not even old games that I used to love. But now I'm confident that it will pass again.
31 here, I find the mindless games now are to dull, whereas before I could fill hours with that crap.

Find yourself some good mind rejuvenating games, games with huge story elements;

KOTOR, KOTOR2, older games, but might be more up your alley.

I am currently playing;
Cities: Skylines
CS:GO (my main game, play maybe 2 matches when I can)
Star Citizen (not finished yet, but fun)

Im 35 and burned out with games...I love to play games but none of the current games is showing me any if you have the time to listen to me whine then here we go...

I play LOL but its only fun 1-2 games a day.

Then i play final fantasy XXVIIXV or what ever the number they use...just started and its boring
I just skip all the lore in games cuz its boring..

I also bought Black ops 3 but i could write 100 reasons why it sucks..thanks god i got it cheap.

I use to play Wow when it was vanila and i was high warlord and had all the shit you can imagine.

I tryed alot of free mmorpg games like Tera and Aion and perfect world and Rift and Rappelz and many more i cant remember...they all are boring in the long run.

I also plyaed Path of exile until i realised the drop rate is awfull and i barly found anything.

Wasting several weekends staring on steam or youtube for a decent game is hopeless...:(

So i would like to know what game do you play and why and maybe we could play the same game to add some fun :)

Approaching 30 myself, and I have a great suggestion for you.

When I got tired of all the over-hyped and underwhelming games coming out, i went backwards in time. I bought a Gamecube, Dreamcast, Wii and searched online for the top 10,20,30, and 50 games lists for those systems and start ordering them one by one. It's amazing how many great games we miss out on, and as long as you're not a graphics whore you'll have tons of fun. Playing older games I never played but were highly praised is fun. Kind of like finding a diamond in the sand.

I just recently got Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem for Gamecube which is in most top 10 lists for the Gamecube and still goes for at least $30 on Ebay. So I am excited to continue playing that.

If you want to stick with more modern games, some games I recently finished and really liked are:

Wolfenstein: The New Order
Destiny (Xbox One, but I still play it)
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If you like old vanilla wow and need something exciting check out

Its a brand new vanilla server thats been open 2 months. Its blizzlike and has over 7000 active players at a time. Its fucking crazy. Im alliance on shhume if you need help :)
34 here. I go through these periods as well. I'll play games, then take a break and read some books.

Right now, the two games I play regularly are Dota 2 and Rimworld. I'll sprinkle in some other games here or there, but they don't usually last too long. I have Gal Civ 3 in my sights, but will wait awhile before I give it a shot.

I actually should cut back on gaming some, and focus more on getting in shape.
Maybe you all are right..but i will start with witcher 3 and that vanila wow could be a thing for me.

What about Battlefield hardline ?
I heard it has few bugs like you can ride on a bike while jumping out from a rooftop and not even take a hit :D BUt if somone could hook up with me in that game perhaps ?

I also found that explore game " No mans sky" but its only for console yet...
I'm only 26 but I feel I went through a similar experience last year. Started pc gaming in 2012 and noticed I didn't actually play very many games besides guild wars 2 and tera. I was also looking for a great mmo but I wasn't enjoying myself like I should have. I realized mmo these days don't really promote team work so for me games like those are only fun if played with friends. What I did was drop the mmo/online requirements and started playing standalone single player games. Been having a blast playing in last few months beat both metro games, alien isolation, vanishing of ethan carter, far cry 3, all the batman arkham games, witcher 2, tomb raider, currently playing gta v, and I'm sure I forgot some.
Try a game that exercising your brain and thought a little bit. Try an RTS or some kind, or possibly a good single player RPG.

The problem is that you are jaded, because all you play is MMO and MOBAs.
I just realized that my comment was quite flippant, that was not my intention. Apologies.
I went through the same thing a few years ago, I love my video games and important people in my life basically disappeared so I stepped away from the computer for a while and did a few different things, I started reading a whole lot more, I started working out a whole lot more, I'm a car enthusiast so I also started working on my car a whole lot more and you get the idea.

The most important thing I did however was refocus my efforts on my education, I'm back in college working on my engineering degree and the short end of it is that between college and my full time job - I'm putting myself through school, I'm definitely not bored.

I now have a lot more time off since the spring semester is over (I'm debating on summer school) but I'll never get entirely away from video games.
I'm in the same boat, sort of. I haven't gamed by myself in weeks, but I do enjoy some World of Warships a bit. The most time I spend gaming lately however, is with my 5 year old son. He plays a ton of Minecraft and Skylanders. Basically what little spark I have for the hobby lives in where it all began for me... the mind of a child, console games. Certainly not sitting at a desk worrying about frame rate, settings, or anything like that.

Do you have kids?

edit. Also, most of my hobby time these days is filled with either soccer practice, games, arts and crafts with my kids or photography. I don't allot much time to game these days.
I'm old as the hills and I still play game.

Playing GTA V most recently.

Just budget your gaming time to something reasonable like 1 hour / day.
OP I work 8 to 10 hours a day, have a family, workout regularly, and game from 2 to 10 hours a week. Move out of mom's basement and get a life and you won't get burned out from games.
Video games are just terrible tech demos now. I just watch movies like a normal person.
fuck this shit... I'm going for a run right now at 11:30p. I'm laying in bed... wife and kids are aslee0 and I'm wired... I got hit with a 6 month ban in WoW so time to take advantage. going to drive the new car to a popular jogging spot and go... if I don't check in by 2 am... tell my wife...
At least I am not the only old bastard here(61).haven't played much since tomb raider decided to play shadow of Mordor good game.
I'm back and alive. the Hasidics didn't kill me.... 2.5 mile 35% Nov and 65% walk. love the enviroment
So what kind of botting were you doing? Honorbuddy?

yea. Just using grindbot to farm random misc mobs in a given area. I dont pvp with it or farm resources. Stuff that affects the economy or other players experience didnt fly with me. My cousin gave me his life time key and ran it because I dont want to level a toon from 1-100... I dont have time for that crap and its boring as hell... been playing the game since release and lvling a toon is boring as shit.
kinda upset because I was about to hit my 75th attempt to kill onyxia for the gleaming quelsarrar on my paladin... I wanted to get in some last minute arena before the season changes.... I want another Glad title.
Games played for fun...

Diablo 3/RoS
Killing Floor 2
Dragon Age (1-3)
Fallout 3

i get lost in Diablo 3 and Dota 2, binge-ing for upwards of 6 hours on a day where the spouse is at work...
Don't feel bad op, I'm 37 and have been going through the same thing the last 2 years. When I get burned out I can't play anything. I load up a game play it for about 2 minutes and quit because I just can't get interested. What works for me is taking a month or 2 break from gaming and do some other hobbies. Then I can come back and play pretty hard for a few months and then the cycle repeats itself.
Great post all..keep this post up :)
Now i have something to look forward to when i come home from work.

I learned a new urban wored today "Jaded" :D

And no i dont have kids or any plans on getting some because i am married with my pc and we live good together haha

I live in my own small flat in a block, but the funny thing is that my mom also lives in this block in her im not sure if i moved out of her "basement" yet or if she moved in to my "attic" XD

Do anyone have a comment on the BF4 Hardline before i go waste on that also ?
Games played for fun...

Diablo 3/RoS
Killing Floor 2
Dragon Age (1-3)
Fallout 3

i get lost in Diablo 3 and Dota 2, binge-ing for upwards of 6 hours on a day where the spouse is at work...

Since when is Dota 2 fun?
Umm I have a full time job as an engineer and I play Magic:The Gathering semi-competitively so I don't have a ton of time to play games. It's always in the back of my mind that I need to go finish "7th saga" and "EVO" on snes.

Multiplayer wise I mainly play a lot of CSGO. I just got Killing Floor early access which is a lot of fun.
The Last singleplayer I sunk a ton of my life into was Dark Souls 2. Currently struggling through Bloodborne. I do not like it as much aesthetically. Dark Souls had this dearly post life limbo feel to it. Bloodborne is just kind of gothy moody. I don't like it as much.

I actually disagree with people that think CS and Dark Souls aren't for everyone. I think they just have a really high learning curve/cost of entry.

I'm only interested in games that have a serious mental challenge to them. People seem to think that both those titles are twitch games but thats not true at all. Both are mostly about strategy and tight co-ordination. I've won CS rounds without ever firing a shot. Doing crazy ninja defuses or plants.

Unfortunately I can't think of a good way to initiate people. Its all about try power really.

The problem with MMOs is endgame content and a lack of any kind of challenging or engaging story. You know whats funny is Phantasy star online was actually kind of a hard game. I mean when even with a good team you could struggle and make mistakes and it was a pure action game so you're never grinding. With most mmos its all about this ramp to endgame gear gear pvp yadda yadda its so bland and it feels very similar to the pay to win facebook games. You're either giving up an excessive amount of time or money you could be spending doing something fun.
bought some magic cards, now i am gonna play. i'm gonna see if i can train my dog to play for the lols. :D
Pretty sound advice in this thread. I'd say you can refine it all down to the following:

Change the types of games you play. (mix it up a bit)
Mix in other or new hobbies.
Take a little break.
Stop playing grindy MMOs.
Maybe go back and play some older / retro types of games that focused on different aspects of play to today's games.

(those last two kind of roll into the first one, but I wanted to call them out specifically)

I get tired of games every-so-often, so I focus more on my other hobbies or get outside a bit more. After a little of that, I tend to start looking for an old favorite game, or something new, and things take off again for a while.
I actualy had this in about i download the winuae or the dosbox and find some good old amiga games for fun :) I had A600 and A1200 and tons of games.

I also grew up with the C64 with floppy drives and tape

So now i have:

Wicther 3
Wow vanile ( thanks for the info on that )
Battle field 4 hardline ( I will get this eventualy at payday )
Win Uae and dosbox

I just quit LOL for good since i cant handle the rage loosing ranked anymore. So dota 2 is no go
and smite i dident like.

I realy want that No mans sky game..cant wait for a pc version and finaly i haft to freeze my self down until Lost Ark gets released in EU :)
I actualy had this in about i download the winuae or the dosbox and find some good old amiga games for fun :) I had A600 and A1200 and tons of games.

I also grew up with the C64 with floppy drives and tape

So now i have:

Wicther 3
Wow vanile ( thanks for the info on that )
Battle field 4 hardline ( I will get this eventualy at payday )
Win Uae and dosbox

I just quit LOL for good since i cant handle the rage loosing ranked anymore. So dota 2 is no go
and smite i dident like.

I realy want that No mans sky game..cant wait for a pc version and finaly i haft to freeze my self down until Lost Ark gets released in EU :)

Nice! I came from C64s and Amigas too!

I highly recommend the latest WinUAE build plus AmiKit. AmiKit is a nearly perfect Workbench install. Then if you get the HDD mounted version of the games, you can just click and play without all the simulated disk swapping. :cool:

The Amiga has been coming up a lot lately. On a music/synthesis forum that I'm on, I just ran across a musician from one of my favorite demo groups from back then.

Also, I can't wait for No Man's Sky. Now that I think about it, (and it may be because they're a British studio) this game has an Amiga sort of look to it. Some of the art kinda reminds me of old Psygnosis games.
I'm 33 and been playing a bunch of Heroes of the Storm which just went to open beta. Since you played LoL and have a blizzard background you might really enjoy it as well. Message me if you feel like meeting up in game and I can show you the ropes. I play pretty late PST so if you are in bed by 11pm PST that won't work.
Same boat here. I just built a gaming super-rig though. I enjoyed the building and tweaking part more than actually playing it though! I need to finish Dying Light, and then finish GTA V and Witcher 3.

My wife and I just bought motorcycles, so hopefully that will keep me busy for a while :D

I think as we get older we just value time more and are more selective of what we do with it. I am pickier now about what games I play than ever before. I also like playing with friends more than alone and I prioritize it more now than ever before.

I buy games like the Witcher and never play it because I like to support devs like CD Projekt Red who actually give a damn. Reason why I dont play them is not because they arent good, its just I dont really do single player anymore and I dont have the time lately to put 60+ hrs into a single game. I rather spend that time out with friends or gaming with friends.
Glad to see that there are some older fellas in here still playing at age 60+...that's awesome. That will very likely be me. I've been gaming since I was 8 (Nintendo) and gaming on PC since the 486 days. One thing that has changed since then is that I'm now a die-hard PC gamer. I used to get so excited when the new consoles were I have a PS3 and XBOX 360 and don't touch them. And I've had zero desire to get a PS4 or XBONE.

I don't game on the PC like I used to...meaning from the time I get home from work until I go to bed. I am now old enough to enjoy other things like my firearms and motorcycles, plus there are life responsibilities and I really enjoy spending time with family. I'm 34 and my girlfriend knows that I'm a gamer. Sadly she's not quite the geek I am so she doesn't play with me, but she doesn't discourage my hobby either, which is great.

It really is all about balance. I've gotten burned out before, but I've always come back. These days I find myself reading [H]ardForum more where before, that time would be spent gaming. Typically if I'm not too tired and can stay up, my gaming binges occur on Friday and Saturday nights after I've spent the evening with the lady and everyone's in bed. Some weeknights I might put in an hour or two, but it never takes priority over time with family or stuff that needs to be done around the house. If I see her heading out the door to walk the dogs, I'll get up and join them to get some exercise and clear my head.

So I feel like I game a lot, but that's probably because so many people that I know do not game at all (or they game casually). The reality is that I don't play nearly as much as when I was younger; it's enough to satisfy my gaming taste buds but lets me lead a pretty balanced life. I never feel addicted, but at the opposite end of the spectrum I never feel like I'm done with gaming. So I guess I'm in a pretty good spot.

Besides not caring about consoles anymore, the other thing that has changed is that I no longer feel quite the same level of magic and excitement that I used to. I remember being in school and almost getting chills because I was so excited to come home and play Doom or Carmageddon or Mortal Kombat. But heck, that was 20 years ago...I used to get butterflies thinking about girls that I had a crush on and laser bowling until midnight was pretty damn awesome, too. I wish I could still get that magical feeling about games, but then again, if I did then I might not want to do much of anything else. I guess I've seen and played so much by now that I'll never get that same feeling like I did when I played Resident Evil or Silent Hill or Metal Gear Solid for the first time. That's not to say I don't greatly enjoy's just not the same as when I was young with far fewer responsibilities and experiences. But every now and then a game will come along that sort of recaptures those feelings. I enjoy nearly pissing my pants when trying to sneak through Alien Isolation, laughing my ass off at the dialogue in Saint's Row III, and the story/cutscenes/production values in games like GTA V, Assassin's Creed, and the Batman Asylum games.

I'm also a big proponent of replaying older games that I really enjoyed, particularly from my youth. I've seen several people here say that they only play games once or that they have no interest in going back and playing older games. That's definitely not me. In addition to new games, both AAA and indie, I love going back to Half-Life, System Shock 2, Thief, Deus Ex, Max Payne, etc. every so often. Not only are those fan-fucking-tastic games, they do hold strong nostalgic value for me. I can still remember trying to play them on my old rigs and how awesome they were. Playing them kinda brings me back, plus they are better than many games that have been released since then. I really miss some of the old studios and dev teams from the 90s/early 2000s.
Nice! I came from C64s and Amigas too!

Me three!

Getting my C64 was a dream come true back in the day. Getting an Amiga 500 then later a 4000 with my own money was the continuation of that dream. Wish I hadn't given them away years ago.

Psygnosis had some of the absolute best game music back then and some of the best visuals at the time. And of course, I lived and played through the Lemmings craze when it hit until it faded.

I still run emulators to play games from those days pretty often though. Even have a C64 emulator on my phone for those long days at work, just to mess with. :D
I just quit LOl for good because i could not stand loosing s2 rank for the 3rd time and be demoted and i gave that game the middel finger :D

And i actualy feel better and less angry these days. So i wont play Hon or any clones.
I will stick to my new game list.

I liked the Space crusade on loading screen ever with that commander scream :D