IGN GTAIV World Review Premier

I carry no brief for either, because I doubt I'll ever play it. The load thing appeals to me, but if you like online, which they've been pimping for this game bigtime, and you are a big fan of this game long term, I don't see how you could not go 360 with the superior XBL and the gaurantee of episodic content that will be exclusive. I'd trade those two things for "slight visual edge" any day of the week.

Because online is most likely going to be exactly the same, and like ive said before, new IP > episodic content. As much as i loved playing GTASA to death, i really needed to put that game to rest. The shelf life of that game is long enough, and with the COD map pack, MGO, and MGS4, i would rather give love to all of my other games to mix it up.
Because online is most likely going to be exactly the same, and like ive said before, new IP > episodic content. As much as i loved playing GTASA to death, i really needed to put that game to rest. The shelf life of that game is long enough, and with the COD map pack, MGO, and MGS4, i would rather give love to all of my other games to mix it up.

The question wasn't what system to buy, it's what version of GTA4 to buy. That is why saying "new ip > episodic content" is really stupid in this conversation. If your friend who had both systems asked "HI, what version of GTA4 should I buy?" , I doubt you'd respond that you should buy GTA4 for the PS3 because Metal Gear solid is on the ps3.

Makes no sense. If you want to have a "which system should I buy" conversation, then upcoming games would be perfectly relevant.

btw, online on the ps3 and 360 are not "exactly the same" in any case.
The question wasn't what system to buy, it's what version of GTA4 to buy. That is why saying "new ip > episodic content" is really stupid in this conversation. If your friend who had both systems asked "HI, what version of GTA4 should I buy?" , I doubt you'd respond that you should buy GTA4 for the PS3 because Metal Gear solid is on the ps3.

Makes no sense. If you want to have a "which system should I buy" conversation, then upcoming games would be perfectly relevant.

btw, online on the ps3 and 360 are not "exactly the same" in any case.

Im making the argument that playing a game to death isnt what most people want when they think about buying the version.. they think about whats immediate, like the graphics. Im saying that theres really no point in getting episodic content if theres 500 other games to play, especially a new rockstar one.
When there's years between them, and the "episodes" are good, such as the rumored new entire cities in GTA4's case, you might not be in the market, but there will be many who are without a doubt.
What does Xbox live have ANYTHING to do with the 360 version being superior? The online experience will be IDENTICAL. For one there will be millions of copies sold for PS3, so any concern that there will not be an adequate fan base for the PS3 is ludicrous... there will be no problems at all with finding full servers to join. Secondly is there any reason to think you can't get a party going with you're friends easily? If there were problems with the online function of GTA4 on the PS3 we would have heard about it by now.

Seriously people get whichever version you fucking want, you don't need to rationalize your purchase to anyone on the internet and this fanboy banter is ridiculous. Honestly why is everyone so defensive? Sony fans are happy that they FINALLY get a multi-plat game that looks and runs slightly better instead of getting the shaft like usual and within 2 seconds MSFT fans hop in to go WELL LIVE PWNS AND WE GET DLC SO PS3 STILL SUCKS!1!11!11!!11! And so what the 360 has a tiny bit more pop in... oh noez that texture took about 2 seconds too long to load that totally killed my gaming experience... stop kidding yourself you would most likely have to run the games side by side to notice a difference and at that I don't think the difference would be enough to swing a vote in any direction, from IGN's review it seems the differences are negligible at best.

The 2 versions are the same, they got the SAME scores from IGN. Their negligible differences were not enough for IGN to rank one version higher than the other. If you have both consoles the only criteria you should be thinking about is which console are your friends getting it on (if you're interested in online play), which controller you prefer, and if dropping money on DLC down the line is something you want to do. But somehow I don't think all the bickering is between people who have both systems ;).
What does Xbox live have ANYTHING to do with the 360 version being superior? The online experience will be IDENTICAL. For one there will be millions of copies sold for PS3, so any concern that there will not be an adequate fan base for the PS3 is ludicrous... there will be no problems at all with finding full servers to join. Secondly is there any reason to think you can't get a party going with you're friends easily? If there were problems with the online function of GTA4 on the PS3 we would have heard about it by now.

Seriously people get whichever version you fucking want, you don't need to rationalize your purchase to anyone on the internet and this fanboy banter is ridiculous. Honestly why is everyone so defensive? Sony fans are happy that they FINALLY get a multi-plat game that looks and runs slightly better instead of getting the shaft like usual and within 2 seconds MSFT fans hop in to go WELL LIVE PWNS AND WE GET DLC SO PS3 STILL SUCKS!1!11!11!!11! And so what the 360 has a tiny bit more pop in... oh noez that texture took about 2 seconds too long to load that totally killed my gaming experience... stop kidding yourself you would most likely have to run the games side by side to notice a difference and at that I don't think the difference would be enough to swing a vote in any direction, from IGN's review it seems the differences are negligible at best.

The 2 versions are the same, they got the SAME scores from IGN. Their negligible differences were not enough for IGN to rank one version higher than the other. If you have both consoles the only criteria you should be thinking about is which console are your friends getting it on (if you're interested in online play), which controller you prefer, and if dropping money on DLC down the line is something you want to do. But somehow I don't think all the bickering is between people who have both systems ;).

What does Xbox live have ANYTHING to do with the 360 version being superior? The online experience will be IDENTICAL.

The online experience on both systems (nor the wii for that matter) as a general matter is NOT in fact identical at all. The fully integrated friends list and standardized voice is a reason anyone with a brain realizes xboxlive is the gold standard of consoles online. Some people might take that into consideration when making purchases.
The online experience on both systems (nor the wii for that matter) as a general matter is NOT in fact identical at all. The fully integrated friends list and standardized voice is a reason anyone with a brain realizes xboxlive is the gold standard of consoles online. Some people might take that into consideration when making purchases.
On PS3 I can invite my friends into a game, and I can talk to them with a headset when they're in it. It's not quite as simple as Xbox Live, but the end result is the same with my friends and I in the server chatting and having a good time... so I fail to see how the online experience differs all that much. And standardized voice... for every person trying to work as a team or discuss tactics there are 3 10-13 year olds saying they raped and pwned everyone and that everyone is gay and then sending you hate messages AFTER the game is over with them flipping off their webcam yeah good call on giving every console a headset microsoft.
On PS3 I can invite my friends into a game, and I can talk to them with a headset when they're in it. It's not quite as simple as Xbox Live, but the end result is the same with my friends and I in the server chatting and having a good time... so I fail to see how the online experience differs all that much. And standardized voice... for every person trying to work as a team or discuss tactics there are 3 10-13 year olds saying they raped and pwned everyone and that everyone is gay and then sending you hate messages AFTER the game is over with them flipping off their webcam yeah good call on giving every console a headset microsoft.

Because people always act rationally online when they have anonymity. Until xbox live, online gaming and the internet was a paragon of civility and understated wit.
I don't trust "World Review Premieres" solely on principle. PC Gamer, Doom 3, 98%? Ummm...no.

They promised something to get the first review out there, and I'm sure that something didn't leave journalistic integrity uncompromised. Not that that's too big of an issue with IGN in the first place, but still.
Because people always act rationally online when they have anonymity. Until xbox live, online gaming and the internet was a paragon of civility and understated wit.

I'm not saying there haven't always been the annoying kiddies and that they aren't there on other systems. They're just there in much higher numbers on 360 since everyone has a mic, and anyone who has played CoD4 or Halo 3 recently would have the joy of experiencing this.
I don't trust "World Review Premieres" solely on principle. PC Gamer, Doom 3, 98%? Ummm...no.

They promised something to get the first review out there, and I'm sure that something didn't leave journalistic integrity uncompromised. Not that that's too big of an issue with IGN in the first place, but still.

Very true. Remember there's a reason they're the first, and it's because there's a quid pro quo.
Very true. Remember there's a reason they're the first, and it's because there's a quid pro quo.

Maybe, I typcially trust IGN's reviews as they're typically spot on with how I would rate game, But I honestly didn't expect this game to get below a 9.8 or so with how much they've been singing it's praises in all the previews for it, so a 10 didn't seem that odd to me.
Maybe, I typcially trust IGN's reviews as they're typically spot on with how I would rate game, But I honestly didn't expect this game to get below a 9.8 or so with how much they've been singing it's praises in all the previews for it, so a 10 didn't seem that odd to me.
Hey... did you like Jade Empire? :D
why all the hate on jade empire?

its a very good game... one of the best of the last generation
A few things I've been thinking about... I REALLY like Niko. I can really get into him as the main character. I also like all the other characters. Doing jobs and moving the story along gets really interesting. Everyone is basically trying to survive and make a living any way they can. You can see how one person's actions affect everyone else. It gets very involving the further along you get