If you have purchased Windows XP OEM with Vista Upgrade coupon, please post here!

hey thanks for in fo, hey guys i now know why vista was delayed the FBI did a raid at the plant . locked up all the illegal aliens.:D :D

So I "completed" my rebate crap online about Jan 10th. I emailed them my POP, and then faxed it once I noticed in two weeks they didn't change from COA validated to COA/POP Validated.

So it was POP/COA Validated until a week ago. Then all the sudden it went to "Order Sent to Back Office", then it went to "Order Received", then it went to "Order is approved" a couple of hours after I emailed to ask what "Order Received" means. I e-mailed them to have a proof when they email me back with explanation of what "Order is approved" means.
Here's their reply:
Dear Customer,

Thank you for your interest in the Upgrade Redemption Program.

That status means that we have received all the information we need and your order is being processed so that it can be shipped.

The Upgrade Redemption Center

NOW GET THIS - The status of the order has gone back to COA VALIDATED! I mean what the hell is going on! I even called the damn bastards to check what order is approved meant right before they changed it to COA Validated. The supervisor at that time told me that "the order will be shipped in the next batch, and that's real soon!"..

These people are reallllllly pinching my nerves. I am realllllly officially aggrevated, pissed off, and I mean PISSED OFF!
minees still stuck on order approved, friday willl be two weeks.This is just getting so rediculous.

modustink can kiss my ass
Me too!

Order Status : Order is shipped
Shipping Date : Monday, March 12, 2007
Carrier : MEXP

Hopefully it will be here soon.
1 Vista Home Premium Express Upgrade OEM disk received today.

Maybe I'll install it next year, lol.
:D Mine is still......

Order Number : XXXXXX
Order Status : POP/COA validated
Shipping Date :
Carrier : Standard
AWB# :

I was getting cheesed off with the cancellations and re-ordering and thinking of chucking it all in, when a bloody good m8 gave me his WIN VISTA ULTIMATE UPGRADE to use as he has 2.

So Moduslink you can take aslong as you f$$king like from now on,Wa$kers.:D

And Moduslink cancel this 2nd attemp i really don't give a 4xxxx m8
1 Vista Home Premium Express Upgrade OEM disk received today.

Maybe I'll install it next year, lol.

When did they send yours?

** Nevermind, they shipped the 8th like they did mine. :D Maybe I'll get it tomorrow.
For those of you wondering how long it actually takes once it's shipped.

It was less than a week for me to get the upgrade package in Southern California from the day it shipped. While the email suggested something outrageous like 3 weeks, it actually took around 4 days if I remember correctly.

rek :)
I got an email reply to my question. I asked why my orderd went from Order is approved to COA VALIDATED> They basically said - it could have been a mistake. What a bunch of scums!
Mine is showing as:

Order Status : Order is shipped
Shipping Date : Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Carrier : Mail Express, Check Status at: tracking.mailexpress.biz
Carrier Tracking Number : MExxxxxxx

Along with this, I received an email saying it would be 1 week to ship it to me. Today was a week, no sign of any software showing up at my house!
Mail Express says it is in NJ, and USPS Gives me this with the tracking no. they gave me:

Electronic Shipping Info Received

The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on March 11, 2007 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

their jest giving us bread crumbs:eek:

i didnt get any tracking number for mine ,same mail carrier . i think their pulling our leg .:(
Mine is showing as:

Order Status : Order is shipped
Shipping Date : Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Carrier : Mail Express, Check Status at: tracking.mailexpress.biz
Carrier Tracking Number : MExxxxxxx

Along with this, I received an email saying it would be 1 week to ship it to me. Today was a week, no sign of any software showing up at my house!
Mail Express says it is in NJ, and USPS Gives me this with the tracking no. they gave me:

I'm skeptic but....I'll find out when I get home.

Your item was delivered at 9:57 AM on March 14, 2007

FYI - My ship date was March 7th if that helps.
Well I checked on the tracking website last night and it said that it had been turned over to USPS on 12 March, so Monday. Hopefully that means it'll show up sometime this week. But that'll depend on what type of USPS shipping it is I guess. I think someone said Priority. So maybe it'll show up today. Who knows...

I did think it was weird though that the place they turned the package over to USPS for "last mile" delivery (as their website says they do) was someplace like Tennessee or something. Hardly last mile for Southern California but as long as I get it, that's ok. Still not OK that it took this long but whatever.

Now my question is, once I get this can I go on to Microsoft's site and order up the 64-bit CD for the cost of shipping? Or does that only work for the retail kits? Not that it matters near term but inquiring minds want to know... :)
:mad: :mad: im tired of this crap im about to jump ship and go to the store and buy my copy of ^%$%#^^& shelf. ill sell my copy on ebay that im getting from these clown , they keep feeding us crap about mailing date and shipping company and more crap . dont you guys see this as a tactic to shut us up. ITS TIME FOR REVENGE.:(
:mad: :mad: im tired of this crap im about to jump ship and go to the store and buy my copy of ^%$%#^^& shelf. ill sell my copy on ebay that im getting from these clown , they keep feeding us crap about mailing date and shipping company and more crap . dont you guys see this as a tactic to shut us up. ITS TIME FOR REVENGE.:(

Its a good possibility that the copy you are getting is a OEM upgrade license which will only work on your PC which has a COA of a certain range, so selling it on Ebay may not fly.
Well, checked the mail, still nothing. I love it, it was one week since they shipped it on Tues, and USPS still is showing that they were electronically notified by the shipper on March 11, 2007 to expect my package for mailing. Glad to see our tax dollars at work with the post office!! Tools.....
When you get it you will probly not like it anyway.

Well I got my Ultimate, Business and 2 Home Premiums.

So Im happy now. But:eek:
Well, checked the mail, still nothing. I love it, it was one week since they shipped it on Tues, and USPS still is showing that they were electronically notified by the shipper on March 11, 2007 to expect my package for mailing. Glad to see our tax dollars at work with the post office!! Tools.....

The post office is not funded by tax dollars. It's those 39 cent stamps at work for ya!
Is this true, I thought I would be able to install this on another computer check here.


Pretty sure it isn't. It'd be pretty elaborate to tie everything together (more trouble than it's worth for MS).

Also, it's true that the USPS does not use taxes (since 1982, anyway):

Does the U.S. Postal Service® rely on tax dollar support and is it part of the U.S. Government?

The US Postal Service® is totally self-supporting. It is an independent establishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States.

* Since 1982, all income is derived from the sale of stamps and not from taxes.
The US Postal Service processes 183 billion pieces of mail a year and delivers 43% of the worlds mail while offering one of the lower-cost First-Class postage of any industrialized nation.
The US Postal Service continues to offer lower cost First-Class Mail® postage than any other industrialized nation, and has been self-supporting since 1982.
All income is generated from the sale of stamps and related services.


Their tracking isn't nearly as nice as UPS or FedEx, sadly. :( Mine was supposedly shipped out on the 11th/12th.
hay thanks for in fo ,worst case i buy the business ver go home and find the thing in my mail box aaaarrrrhhhh. :mad: :mad:
i have two hard drive in my pc so i can do the clean install ,i built a new pc for this vista spent$ 2740.00. buck on this monster . this why im mad about this vist upgrade program 44 days and still counting. 2 sata drive $180.00
8800gtx $630.00
$ 500.00 2GB kit (1GBx2), Ballistix Tracer 240-pin DIMM (with LEDs), DDR2 PC2-8000 memory module
Intel D975XBX Motherboard $200.00
tv card $50.00
2.4 cpu dual core $320.00
fans $50.00
thermotake cas $80.00
saitek led key board $60.00
360 xbox sound system $200.00
light on sata dvd/cd burner $35.00
22inch gate way monitor $350. + warranty 50.00
dvi cable 35.00
i should charge their assess for making me waite , igonna send them a bill.
Pretty sure it isn't. It'd be pretty elaborate to tie everything together (more trouble than it's worth for MS).

I sure hope not, because it's a pain in the butt to steal Windows when they do that like they do with XP where you can't install XP from let's say a Dell on a homebuilt rig since it looks at the BIOS.

Anyways, it doesn't matter to me anyways, my Vista is going on my laptop which it is supposed to go on. My desktop is screwed for Vista since nVidia won't release Vista drivers for my ULi 1695 chipset.
just received my vista upgrade in the mail. glad finally received this thing. now if i only could decide if i want to install this. read lots of article about the os slowing games down. i have c2d 6300 oc to 3.0gig. 2gig ram raid 0 for hdd. gfx7950 w/512 ram. so i might duel boot it instead. happy hunting for your vista upgrade.
just received my vista upgrade in the mail. glad finally received this thing. now if i only could decide if i want to install this. read lots of article about the os slowing games down. i have c2d 6300 oc to 3.0gig. 2gig ram raid 0 for hdd. gfx7950 w/512 ram. so i might duel boot it instead. happy hunting for your vista upgrade.
hey guy post your shipping dates and stamp dates?:D
Mine is showing as:

Order Status : Order is shipped
Shipping Date : Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Carrier : Mail Express, Check Status at: tracking.mailexpress.biz
Carrier Tracking Number : MExxxxxxx

Along with this, I received an email saying it would be 1 week to ship it to me. Today was a week, no sign of any software showing up at my house!
Mail Express says it is in NJ, and USPS Gives me this with the tracking no. they gave me:

I got the same electronic shipping note today from USPS, and it states that my copy is in illinois as of March 12th
Well, read back a few posts to read my case.

Now it's gone from being in COA Validated.. to Order Sent to Back Office.. to Order Received.... I got an email last night from moduslink saying that the order was cancelled beyond their control. I am really clueless as to whats going on.
Well, read back a few posts to read my case.

Now it's gone from being in COA Validated.. to Order Sent to Back Office.. to Order Received.... I got an email last night from moduslink saying that the order was cancelled beyond their control. I am really clueless as to whats going on.

I got the same email, but my order wasnt canceled.But it has been stuck on order approved for 2 weeks, and still hasnt shipped.

You need to call the modustink monkeys and find out whats going on.Dont even waste your time emailing.You wont get anywhere, unless you like canned responses.

if you are in the U.S

they have 2 call centers, the outsourced one, and the actual moduslink call center number is


this is the number you want to call

3 months after posting my PoP, and 2 weeks after e-mailing a copy. I've now finally got 'COA/POP validated'.

Now, hopefully I'll get my vistas 'within 4-6 weeks'.
Called the modus number,

spoke to a Marcie. she spoke to her supervisor, either of them cannot tell me why my status has been going in circles, now stuck for the second time in 'order received' after it was in "Order Sent to Back Office" for two times already.

She said that her supervisor has been receiving calls about people who complain their order status has been doing weird changes, and going in circles. They said they will try to find out by tomorrow what is going on. Of course that is SHIT. Complete SHIT.
My order still says COA verified. I actually e-mailed NewEgg today to let them know I think the whole Vista Coupon thing was a complete waste of time and I would have been better off waiting for Vista to just come out rather then buy the XP to Vista upgrade thing. I faxed my papers to modus twice already.
My order still says COA verified. I actually e-mailed NewEgg today to let them know I think the whole Vista Coupon thing was a complete waste of time and I would have been better off waiting for Vista to just come out rather then buy the XP to Vista upgrade thing. I faxed my papers to modus twice already.

mines been stuck on order is approved for two weeks with no signs of shipping anytime soon.This whole has been a fiasco.

I should have just waited myself, id already have and be dual booting right now.
I FINALLY GOT MINE!! Only took 9 days, I'm impressed, when they said a week, I was thinking 14 days, not 9! I am already using it, total install was about 30 min or so... It actually installed faster than XP. FYI, my USPS tracking actually says it was delivered today as well, BIG difference from saying they only received notification that it would be shipped.... BTW, i set it up for a dual boot also, works great, with the exception of losing my Firefox bookmarks.
from: morrisville,nc 27560
1-800-817-5602 mailexpress stamp, but postal boy delivered it. 1lb package:p :p