I would like to start folding with the team...


[H]F Junkie
Dec 18, 2010
I am an absolute newb. I have read the FAQ's but I am still confused on how to join the hardforum folding team.

Please help. I am going to learn how to fold a little at a time and progress my hardware in the hardcore folding eventually while I sleep etc....

For now my system in signature is pretty [H] but I will be selling most of it and going even [H]arder with Sandy Bridge e and Rampage IV/SR3 eventually.

Thanks if you can help. All I have downloaded was the basic folding @ Home application and installed it and that is it.
My recommendation is to look at the guide made by Zero82z:


however, the all in one solution that has occurred recently is GPUTracker:


remember if you do this method to follow the steps, step-by-step, IIRC the program puts EVGA's team # in by default, instead of the proper team 33 ;)

I would suggest running -smp, not big adv, if your only going to be folding part time on that 2600k.
Welcome tangoseal. All that stuff you have heard about folding for the [H]orde being addicting is a lie, don't believe it.

So anyway once you get some points and experience under your belt I would suggest considering Linux for folding. Pretty nice point advantages and in a few months you will probably own at least one quad CPU rig so you will need to run Linux anyway!

Welcome again always happy to see new faces.
Will do. I will wait a bit longer before I start folding. I have sold some of my signature rig below and will be early adopting Sandy Bridge E 3930K and Rampage IV if I can find one the first few days. I will be eventually moving to EVGA SR3 with dual 3930K's or Xeons whatever work. I will probably have a pretty stout folding rig.

Right now I am waiting about 2 more weeks before the SDB-E parts are at my "Add to cart" disposal on new egg haha!
Very nice, with the SB-E parts it will definitely be worth getting a linux vm fired up to take advantage of the extra large work units available for it. In the meantime, I would recommend following the second link from WFeather and acclimating yourself to the concept, terms, etc. This will also get your first 10 work units out of the way so you can start earning the bonus points.

Welcome to the team!