I hope someone suffers for this great injustice!

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Happy Hopping said:
Just mention to Dell and tell them you just notice it. Dell doesn't care. If Dell can't prove it is intentional damage, then you get a replacement free.

Nice sense of ethics, perhaps you should run for political office.

Perhaps you could loan me your car so I can go roll it over a few times, “You wouldn’t care”, right? :rolleyes:
The Diplomat said:
Wow - have moral standards really declined this much? Why the hell make Dell try to replace it? They didn't do a damn thing. It's just this kind of crap that drives the prices on this stuff way up for the rest of the honest consumers.

Sort out whether or not your sister actually did this. If she did, SHE should pay for it. She pays for your new one and she gets the old one - that way she can see what she did every time she uses the monitor. In my day this is how it would have been dealt with. Not to mention the fact that she would have been grounded for 2-3 months.


Also, Dell will know that the 'tear' is not from natural use. You don't think Dell puts the LCDs through a testing barrage before they release a product to the public? It was tested through heck before it was even offered as a product. They know what is normal and what is not.

If you can't get your sister to admit to it....such is life...suck it up and deal with it.
why do people care so much about dell?

when they set their prices they take into consideration stuff like this.
Dell is a group of people. if you steal from Dell you are stealing from people.

And no one is making you buy from them.
hey....dont steal from dell..i have some stock in them...
(goes and sells it)
on second thought....they have been asses lately....heh j/k
I understand about the loss of a high priced piece of computer equipment.i been there...
however...it isnt dell's fault.....however, if your monitor has other imperfections...such as stuck pixels or something or backlight problems.....then you might have a loophole....tell them you want a new one because of those things.....dont even bring up the tear...and if you get a new one...good for u, it was because of their imperfections...not your dumbass sister who tore it...so your somewhat covered.....this is whats called playing the system..not abusing it.
good luck, and slap her once for me :)
Mysticcal said:
Also, I'm going to college in a few months, what can I do so that my monitor stays scratchless when replacing my sister with drunken frat boys?

give them your sister? JOKE! :p :p :p
Don't fight so much and things like this wouldn't happen ;)

I feel your pain though, I have a younger brother and back when he was like 6 7 & 8 he used to do all sorts of stuff to my things. Whenever we'd fight he'd go take something of mine and hide it or damage something. Needless to say this sent me through the roof, I'm just glad I wasn't into computers back then or there would've been some damaged equipment.... :(
Mysticcal said:
My parents are divorced, I pay NO Bills, just mooch until I get kicked out... my mom can only afford to keep a roof over my and my 2 siblings as it is.

theres something terribly sad about this statement
The Diplomat said:
Wow - have moral standards really declined this much? Why the hell make Dell try to replace it? They didn't do a damn thing. It's just this kind of crap that drives the prices on this stuff way up for the rest of the honest consumers.

Sort out whether or not your sister actually did this. If she did, SHE should pay for it. She pays for your new one and she gets the old one - that way she can see what she did every time she uses the monitor. In my day this is how it would have been dealt with. Not to mention the fact that she would have been grounded for 2-3 months.

When my 23 year old was in his mid teens I caught him taking apart his new video game. Said "you just got that and you're taking it apart already?". He said "the new model just came out, I'm gonna pull a wire off inside and take it back as defective so I can get the credit for the new one."

He got himself a little lecture. Far as I know he's still got that OLD video game...
HTPC Rookie said:
When my 23 year old was in his mid teens I caught him taking apart his new video game. Said "you just got that and you're taking it apart already?". He said "the new model just came out, I'm gonna pull a wire off inside and take it back as defective so I can get the credit for the new one."

He got himself a little lecture. Far as I know he's still got that OLD video game...

Wow, what an old stuck in the past "thats not the way it works anymore" codger you are.


Warranty will not cover that if you are honest with them. And you shouldnt even think about trying to return that. Its not Dells fault.
heh, go into her word processing program and replace some of her common words with profanity. Its simple but effective. Maybe you coming to her rescue will fix things.
Mysticcal said:
Only thing is.... I can't prove it she originally did it...

Yeah sorry dude that was me. i was walking through your back yard and saw that beautiful dell 2405FPW, just seeing it made me mad b/c my parents wouldn't let me buy one. your window was open so i just crawled in and was gonna steal it but i heard your sister comming, so i just scratched it and left.
I don't think one of my brothers would have ever dared do something like that when I was growing up. For one, my dad would have given him a beating (ass beating, I'm not talking child abuse) or when older he'd have been severely yelled at and had some major restrictions going on.

Also, more importantly, I was more than willing to defend my property from my brothers, and they knew it. My parents didn't believe in just buying me stuff. I had to work for it, and so did my brothers, (clean the house, mow the lawn, wash the car, etc) so if something was broken or damaged we knew what it had cost us. Then of course when I got a job, my stuff was even more valuable to me.

So basically, stuff like that just didn't happen in our house.

Sounds to me like your parents haven't made this clear to your sister... the value of other peoples property. So basically your options are either

a) make it perfectly clear to your sister yourself,
b) try to get your parents to make it clear to her (and possibly make her pay for it),
c) suck it up and accept her denial story and have things like that happen to you your entire life.
d) resort to violence

Option D must be saved for severe or extenuating circumstances, but I'd say she just earned herself a black eye minimum. Then again I grew up with 2 brothers, so things could get a little harsh. If you've ever had someone punch you in the face I can guarantee you it'll change your view on life. Then again, when I was in high school, if you had a black eye and tried to cry to someone about it you'd basically just get laughed at. Now you could probably be thrown in jail for assault or something like that.

Any way you look at it, if you let your sister get away with that you're a sucker. (sucka)
Mysticcal said:
Only thing is.... I can't prove it she originally did it...

well.. just slap her upside the head... she can't prove a thing! ;)
I agree with the old codgers. It's not Dell's fault --- no amount of QA would've prevented this problem. I'd call around to see if there is any way to repair it, Dell might know of some cleaning fluid or something. That said, abrasions on LCDs are surprisingly hard to notice when they are on, so I might just live with it instead of taking a risk making it more noticible.

As for your sister --- I don't think revenge is the right way of going about it. I've got a little brother myself, and when he was younger, he wrecked a decent amount of my stuff. But that's what being an older brother is all about --- lot's and lot's of patience. If she admits to doing it, then make her understand what she did, and that will be punishment enough. If she doesn't admit to doing it (gasp: she might be telling the truth), then don't push it --- down the road you're going to appreciate a good relationship with your sibling a hell of a lot more than some LCD. Personally, this should be a lesson not to have delicate stuff around young or immature children. Your LCD is seriously screwed around drunk college students (immature children...) --- I'd ask suggest looking at Dell's CompleteCare (accidental damage insurance), and seeing if you can get coverage for your LCD.
BillR said:
Nice sense of ethics, perhaps you should run for political office.

Perhaps you could loan me your car so I can go roll it over a few times, “You wouldn’t care”, right? :rolleyes:

hey, dell is nobody. they don't care about you nor the satisfaction of your product. They can't even spell the word "Service". Why being nice to them, they deserve it. They are cheap, but they have no service, read the other thread on this forum on dell 2405 return.
does you see the rest of my post..or no?..
So DOES your 2405FPW have any factory defects....such as stuck pixels....or did you get the one in a 100 that is perfect
Octave said:
does you see the rest of my post..or no?..
So DOES your 2405FPW have any factory defects....such as stuck pixels....or did you get the one in a 100 that is perfect

so far so good on mine.. I don't see any bad pixels with dpb.
I'm suprised no one has said this:

Tough, deal with it.

You basically got yourself what you possibly deserved by fighting with her in the first place. Could you not have gone someplace else to study after you asked her to quiet down the first time?

I'm also guessing this isn't the first time this has happened. Granted not with your flat panel but maybe something else you own. (and thinking your sister did it)

If you fire back at her and do anything whether it's something she'll notice or not, then things like this will continue and you'll no longer have the sympathy of anyone here in the forums especially your sister.

If you take the higher road and learn something from this, I promise you she will learn something as well and before you know it things like this won't happen anymore.
for starters, you can try teaching your parents how to actually parent their children.

if you tell your mom, and your sister lies to your mom about doing it. then your family is borked.
Don't fight with siblings...I did it a few times growing up (middle child), and it leaves an impression on you.

I still hide my toothbrush when my family visits me. :(
The simplest way to avoid ruining expensive toys is to:

1) avoid putting them in situations where they can get ruined (duh)
2) don't buy them

Ok, ok. My point is, I can afford a $40,000 car, but I drive a Ford Escape. People are idiots and will ruin you shit. Unless you only drive it on Sunday's etc.

So... dude (well you got a Dell..so) at your age why not just spend a few hunderd bucks instead of a grand and get a 19 or 20" LCD? That way when it gets ruined it's not so painful. You should plan on having to replace stuff sooner than you think. If you can't afford to, you really can't afford it in the first place.

Get a lock for your door!! Same when you got to college. Get a lock for your door, or a cover for your LCD (AND A SERIOUS LOCK FOR ALL THAT CRAP CAUSE' COLLEGE STUDENTS STEAL EVERYTHING!!!). Man if you live in a frat, firt party you have that LCD is going up someone's shirt. Save yourself the grief and get a cheaper one. Or get some type of homeowner's insurance.

So... if you can't control who's around your stuff and can't afford to replace it... think about the real cost of ownwership.

Don't screw Dell. Karma will bite your ass everytime. Trust me, I know.
Tiny said:
Don't fight with siblings...I did it a few times growing up (middle child), and it leaves an impression on you.

I still hide my toothbrush when my family visits me. :(
LOL......i dont even WANT to know

as for stuck pixels.....i guess this is the only time you ever thought you would be wishing to have something wrong with your display from the manufacturer..heh
but ya..i guess your outta luck...
and yes.....dont buy expensive crap unles you can afford to replace it......people are born stupid...end of story
If it makes a difference, I CAN afford to replace it, I just don't WANT to replace it.... Good thing I found out our college has key cards instead of regular locks.... I think I'm going to go the Dell route, after all the component imput doesn't work.... and I love my PS2/ Xbox/ GC
Mysticcal said:
I think I'm going to go the Dell route, after all the component imput doesn't work....

Whatever you feel you need to do. Good luck in school (which one? just curious). Where are you going to live? Dorm? FRAT? If Frat, God help you and your expensive gear. :eek:

Does your hard working Mom have a homeowner's insurance policy? I think it covers things like power surges, which could make your LCD go poop.
The Diplomat said:
Wow - have moral standards really declined this much? Why the hell make Dell try to replace it? They didn't do a damn thing. It's just this kind of crap that drives the prices on this stuff way up for the rest of the honest consumers.

Sort out whether or not your sister actually did this. If she did, SHE should pay for it. She pays for your new one and she gets the old one - that way she can see what she did every time she uses the monitor. In my day this is how it would have been dealt with. Not to mention the fact that she would have been grounded for 2-3 months.

Think about this...

In highschool your girlfriend has parents to pay for things.

In college your girlfriend has parents or job to pay for things.

Outside of school your girlfriend has YOU to pay for things.

dont listen to the negative ppl on this thread....look out for urself and ur best interest, seriously its easy to judge someone when ur not in their place...and i can bet you most wouldnt think twice bout sending it back
Mysticcal said:
Also, I'm going to college in a few months, what can I do so that my monitor stays scratchless when replacing my sister with drunken frat boys?
leave the expensive lcd at home and get a huge cheap crt if you can, thats what i did, lol. but seriously in the dorms crazy stuff can happen anytime so i try to keep the expensive toys at home or out of harms way at least.
it will most likely be key carded dorm room, San Fran state, Science Dorms.... so at least my peers will be around me and MAYBE respect me.... 6 hrs away.... hard to get to and from, unless you ship things... which is actually cheaper in gas :(
Beat the living fuck out of her. No mercy, sell her computer and any possesions to pay for it. Then turn the scratched monitor on and throw it in the bath tub with her, burn that bitch. Wow I can only pretend my sister would piss me off that bad. If that ever happens to me my sister better never bath again.
bench261 said:
dont listen to the negative ppl on this thread....look out for urself and ur best interest, seriously its easy to judge someone when ur not in their place...and i can bet you most wouldnt think twice bout sending it back

How sad you are to think that the people that suggest doing the right thing are "negative". You've said it all. That's the shit world we live in these days. People fuck up then "expect" to be bailed out because it wasn't their fault. Sigh. :rolleyes:
EricDawg said:
How sad you are to think that the people that suggest doing the right thing are "negative". You've said it all. That's the shit world we live in these days. People fuck up then "expect" to be bailed out because it wasn't their fault. Sigh. :rolleyes:


Make lawyers very very happy.
Eah, don't waste your breath.

Ya know they say that everyone deep down knows what's right but I think that you have to be taught it by your parents and it's not something you learn elswhere.

So many people are just the result of thousands of years of habit.They really don't know, and in that respect you can't blame them. You work with what you have

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