I hope someone suffers for this great injustice!

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Jun 10, 2004
I had an AP Spanish Test today, and last night there was a giant fight with me and my sister about how she should be quiet because I needed to study.... 1/2 hr later and 2 stained items with pizza, we both were in our rooms quiet as tadpoles... I took the test and did pretty well. after the test I come home to check on my mail and PC in general... go back to school for 5th and 6th period. then come home at the end of the day, I didn't notice anything during lunch this unusual. but when I got home today after 6th, my sister was home before me. I check my computer and I find a 1/2'' line in it. I tried cleaning it with an lcd cloth, water, and small dab of vinegar on the cloth.... nothing. I turn off the LCD, and notice the line remains while it's off.... great a 1/2'' TEAR in the LCD, right in the center, on a 960$ 2405FPW monitor. However, I cannot prove it, and since she's only 14, I cannot do anything about it.... would Dell help me? personally I think it's her but she denies it when I ask her.... ugh...

Some people should be shot for doing things like this...

Warning High Bandwidth picture.

yea everytime I fight with my brother i make sure to do it far away from my belongings. He always goes for the stuff that i love the most.

how long ago did you get? if its still under warrenty im sure dell will cover it. just tell them it happen naturally.
I dont understand how highschool kids can afford such items nowadays? Man, im working my ass off to get through college now and dont seems to have any money to spare. Lucky kids....just live with it.
Wow - have moral standards really declined this much? Why the hell make Dell try to replace it? They didn't do a damn thing. It's just this kind of crap that drives the prices on this stuff way up for the rest of the honest consumers.

Sort out whether or not your sister actually did this. If she did, SHE should pay for it. She pays for your new one and she gets the old one - that way she can see what she did every time she uses the monitor. In my day this is how it would have been dealt with. Not to mention the fact that she would have been grounded for 2-3 months.
Bugster said:
I dont understand how highschool kids can afford such items nowadays? Man, im working my ass off to get through college now and dont seems to have any money to spare. Lucky kids....just live with it.
I know what you mean, I'll be lucky if I can afford 512K G.Skill
It's just this kind of crap that drives the prices on this stuff way up for the rest of the honest consumers.

Oh yeah, I'm sure our income tax rate would be 1%, there's be no sales tax and we'd get monthly stipends from the government from the day we're born until we die if only the epidemic of people trying to get companies to pay for damages caused by siblings would just stop!

Hey grouchy old man, sorry the world isn't as perfect as it was when you were young. And get the stick out of your a** and just appreciate the humor of the original post.

wait, how can a 18 year old afford a system like yours :eek:
Bugalaman said:

wait, how can a 18 year old afford a system like yours :eek:
man...I am in the army, have NO bills but internet, spend money on supplys every once in a while, so I keep all the money I get, and I dont even make enough for a system like that.
just get your parents to buy you a new one....
Also, I'm going to college in a few months, what can I do so that my monitor stays scratchless when replacing my sister with drunken frat boys?
Max-Powers said:
man...I am in the army, have NO bills but internet, spend money on supplys every once in a while, so I keep all the money I get, and I dont even make enough for a system like that.
just get your parents to buy you a new one....

My parents are divorced, I pay NO Bills, just mooch until I get kicked out... my mom can only afford to keep a roof over my and my 2 siblings as it is.
The Diplomat said:
Wow - have moral standards really declined this much? Why the hell make Dell try to replace it? They didn't do a damn thing. It's just this kind of crap that drives the prices on this stuff way up for the rest of the honest consumers.

Sort out whether or not your sister actually did this. If she did, SHE should pay for it. She pays for your new one and she gets the old one - that way she can see what she did every time she uses the monitor. In my day this is how it would have been dealt with. Not to mention the fact that she would have been grounded for 2-3 months.
Mysticcal said:
My parents are divorced, I pay NO Bills, just mooch until I get kicked out... my mom can only afford to keep a roof over my and my 2 siblings as it is.

so...um....help her out.
IN DEFENSE to all the teenagers with high price stuff:

You old people..... GET OVER IT! We have a job. Yeah, it might be minimun wage but remember we have no bills to pay ;) So even if we make $200 a week, thats $200 we can use for anything we want.

Im tired of people being in shock when a kid in highschool has so much good stuff. It seems to hapen everytime somone says their age. They always assume that parents are spoiling them.
Goat_187 said:
]Im tired of people being in shock when a kid in highschool has so much good stuff. It seems to hapen everytime somone says their age. They always assume that parents are spoiling them.

Well, indirectly, you're parents are kinda helping you out, (paying the bills and all that), but you're point is well taken. During college, I used to work 50-60 hours for pretty much my entire "summer vacation". I worked hard, earned good money, saved some and spent some. I figured if I'm going to spend all my time working or studying so I can work later, well, I'm at least going to have something nice to show for it...
why COULDN'T an 18 year old get that... when you're younger and still have your parents paying for your food and everything else, you have more net income as you don't have to worry about that other stuff

I'm 16 and got all my computer stuff myself

I would be f-ing PISSED if my little sister did that to my stuff... luckily I only have older brothers who wouldn't do that :)

what is she in 9th grade? she should know better...
what does age have to do with anything? im 22 and when i was 17 i had 10k in the bank from saving my money from work
tell her how immature she's acting by damaging your defensless equpment (wouldn't that be great if it fought back though?)

it should piss her off and make her stop because usually people, especially girls hate to be called immature
just bring her to the monitor, point at the scratch, and ask her:

Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?
Sleep with her. That ought to teach that bitch some manners... :mad:

The above is sarcasm... ;)
she'll count on you one day...refuse to help her in any manner till it justifies 1000$
First, you sell you sister for scientific experiments.

Second, hey I feel your pain but Dell has no part in this.
looks like she hit it with something or threw something at it KICK HER ASS SEABASS!!!
QFT=Quoted For Truth.
QFMFT=Quoted for Mother Fscking Truth.
man...I am in the army, have NO bills but internet, spend money on supplys every once in a while, so I keep all the money I get, and I dont even make enough for a system like that.
just get your parents to buy you a new one....
Get promoted brother....I have two :D
Just mention to Dell and tell them you just notice it. Dell doesn't care. If Dell can't prove it is intentional damage, then you get a replacement free.
is it all that noticeable with it on?

I'm sure you had other problems with the monitor too but have been too lazy to get it fixed. You should get it fixed.
The Diplomat said:
Wow - have moral standards really declined this much? Why the hell make Dell try to replace it? They didn't do a damn thing. It's just this kind of crap that drives the prices on this stuff way up for the rest of the honest consumers.

Sort out whether or not your sister actually did this. If she did, SHE should pay for it. She pays for your new one and she gets the old one - that way she can see what she did every time she uses the monitor. In my day this is how it would have been dealt with. Not to mention the fact that she would have been grounded for 2-3 months.
totally agreed! dont let her get away with it. Otherwise she would do something even worse later in her life ....find her favorite shirt/skirt or whatever and tear it into pieces
ddarko said:
Oh yeah, I'm sure our income tax rate would be 1%, there's be no sales tax and we'd get monthly stipends from the government from the day we're born until we die if only the epidemic of people trying to get companies to pay for damages caused by siblings would just stop!

Hey grouchy old man, sorry the world isn't as perfect as it was when you were young. And get the stick out of your a** and just appreciate the humor of the original post.

Income tax is set by the state not by Dell; Sales tax is set by the state not by Dell; I never said the world was perfect when I was young. I am explaining how things were dealt with when the world was NOT perfect - and it worked.

What you are talking about is fraud - plain and simple. Dress it up however you like to make yourself feel better about it.
But the facts are: 1-When the monitor arrived there was not a scratch in it; 2-Now there is; 3-Dell has nothing to do with the problem; 4-You know all of this is true.

This type of fraudulent behavior costs credit card companies, online retailers, etc. billions of dollars every year. They have three choices: 1-Go out of business; 2-Eat the cost themselves and reduce their profit margin; Or 3-Pass the costs on to their customers. Which one do you think they will choose?

Checking my ass for sticks. Nope - don't see any. :D
Currently.... her wi-fi doesn't work and I'm not going to fix it.... *snickers* and that's nothing.
the only thing to do in this situation is to take revenge!

buy a staple gun, and staple all of her cds to her wall, then feign ignorance when asked about it
Mysticcal said:
Currently.... her wi-fi doesn't work and I'm not going to fix it.... *snickers* and that's nothing.
fix it and then borg her machine, make sure you set processor prioity to low (not idle) and use Tenchi4U for your user name and 33 for Team.


That'll teach her & help save lives.
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