HP Blackbird 002


Apr 1, 2007
I'm not a big fan of boutique pcs but as soon as I saw the blackbird I knew I wanted that case. (Just like I bought the XPS 720 because I thought the case was awesome, too bad its BTX all around) Well mine came yesterday and early impressions are very good. This thing weighs a ton and is built like a tank. I got it for just under $2600 all in so its was imo a good deal. Please limit the comments of "bah, I can build it for half that!" I wanted the case and was willing to pay the premium. I thought I would share some pics with you guys/gals, pardon the mess as I've been a little busy









I'm not gonna lie, thats a killer looking rig. Oh so clean. What videocards are those though? 8800GTs??
Its an amazing job. I was able to get my hands on one a little while back.

The entire case is tool less!

The wire job is amazing!
(note, wires are pre run in many places, Makeing upgrading system hardware a snap! and
one of my most beloved features about this case!)

Its quite!

It has a strong good look to it!
Hey . . . is it just me or does anyone else HATE this guy???

I mean he's got the best stuff around . . . and lots of it!

J/K I'm not really a biter . . . I am just jealous, Oliver!

Nice stuff, man!

What else you wanna sell me now that you've got this new toy? ;)
Yeah those are 2x8800GT surprisingly enough made by eVGA. I got the lowest priced one i could configure with water cooling. E6850, 2GB ram, 320GB HDD, 900w PS. One thing I was shocked with was the amount of bloatware installed or lack there of. There was hardly any. I`m not going to be able to afford an Omen anytime soon but Voodoo sure impressed me with the unboxing experience. It was like opening one of the older generation iPods when apple wanted to make it memorable.
Yeah those are 2x8800GT surprisingly enough made by eVGA. I got the lowest priced one i could configure with water cooling. E6850, 2GB ram, 320GB HDD, 900w PS. One thing I was shocked with was the amount of bloatware installed or lack there of. There was hardly any. I`m not going to be able to afford an Omen anytime soon but Voodoo sure impressed me with the unboxing experience. It was like opening one of the older generation iPods when apple wanted to make it memorable.

I thought they were EVGA 8800GTs but it looks like they changed the cooler. The reason i asked was because i saw EVGA Warranty Stickers. Anyways, i think that you have a modified/newer cooler on your 8800GT.
There really is no case better, except for maybe a Mac Pro case. I beta tested the machine and found it to be incredible wonderful, and it wasn't even the finished production one yet. You will truly enjoy this machine I believe. Cheers.
I agree with you 100%. I really wish that they sold this case alone, maybe they do ? By the looks of it, they may be a chance that a thermochill rad could fit inside. But besides the voodoo omen this is one of the best cases out today.
Please don't tell me you keep it sitting under your desk in the way it looks in the pictures!
Awesome rig. Screw the "i can build it for less" haters. I've built several computers in my lifetime and I don't think I had one fire up without a problem. If you have the money to buy a gaming PC, power to you. So much easier.

Those load temps are excellent. Looks like HP has done it right!
Nice frikkin rig.

I wish I could buy that Voodoo keyboard/mouse combo, those are freakin' lovely.
You have an awesome rig, I love it. Considering its a HP branded product, I'm curious as to if HP assembles the PC. My gut tells me no, but, the wiring, etc. just seems too nice to be done by your run of the mill HP assembler, so is Voodoo actually building these BlackBirds and just selling them under the HP brand?
Yeah the bird is assembled by voodoo. I picked mine up locally here in Calgary at Voodoo`s head office. Their new office is impressive to say the least, I have a friend that works there and I got a mini tour of their new facility. Their paint room is frickin huge and puts a lot of high end body shops to shame.
Does it come pre-installed with a shit load of useless software like many other pre-built computers do? I hate that.
Its pretty much free of bloat ware. I thought i was in for a reinstall of the OS but I didnt see any "freebies" or "special offer" software. Even the AV was nice, devoid of any Symantec crap, just AVG Pro and a 1 year subscription.
cuxy-How were you able to configure your HP with the components you have for 2600 - I am about to buy the blackbird and cant come close to thar price in the LC edition -Thanks
Its pretty much free of bloat ware. I thought i was in for a reinstall of the OS but I didnt see any "freebies" or "special offer" software. Even the AV was nice, devoid of any Symantec crap, just AVG Pro and a 1 year subscription.

Now that *alone* is a reason to go with these guys.
Why didn't you do a sexy unboxing video and put it on Youtube for us to see? Congrats on your purchase, very nice indeed.
I have been considering ordering a system from either Maingear or AVAdirect....but I am definately gaining interest in the Blackbird. :D
Man that thing is awesome. This has to be the best factory built PC ever. Damn that is nice.

Too bad I could never afford one :(
It is nice...now that the price dropped. The initial launch price for the "limited edition" was a touch excessive
Ok, now for the "I am jealous and can't afford it post":

"Screw that, I can build one ten times better myself for 1/2 that price and that case sucks since it has plastic parts on it. And since the OP has Vista installed on it, he sucks as well and doesn't know what is good or bad."


Can you take a photo or two with the side open but zoomed out a bit so we can get a nice overall picture of that beast's guts?
I configured the blackbird with my specs in my sig and it is way more expensive than what i paid. there is a huge premium on the case and brand. BTW, i didn't build my rig, it's a Dell 720.
great computer and of course, awesome case. the wiring job is impeccable. I didn't realize it comes with the cpu watercooled. I love the tooless hard drive caddies as well as the pop up media readers.

If they sell that case by itself, I'm sure there'd be a hefty premium but I'd get it in an instant.
I configured the blackbird with my specs in my sig and it is way more expensive than what i paid. there is a huge premium on the case and brand. BTW, i didn't build my rig, it's a Dell 720.

Yea, you get what you pay for. It's like buying store brand Mac & Cheese vs Kraft Mac & Cheese. If all ya want is to eat Mac & Cheese, the store brand gets the job done, but if you want some taste, you have to spring for the Kraft.

Seriously, is your Dell watercooled? Is it as fancy as the Blackbird in regards to the case and the pre-wiring setup?
The one I just configured with a Q6600 was at $3100 shipped, same specs otherwise with OP... OUCH
Yea, you get what you pay for. It's like buying store brand Mac & Cheese vs Kraft Mac & Cheese. If all ya want is to eat Mac & Cheese, the store brand gets the job done, but if you want some taste, you have to spring for the Kraft.

Seriously, is your Dell watercooled? Is it as fancy as the Blackbird in regards to the case and the pre-wiring setup?

i dont know about store brand vs Kraft, dell and hp are almost the same (one has alienware, the other has voodoo). anyway, the case is not as fancy as the BB, nor is it stock-water cooled (not sure if they hav that option, i know alienware does). pre-wiring is great, i have had no problem with it. in fact, i got the red case, like the one cuxy was selling a while ago. i'm not knocking the BB case, i love it. besides the case i'm not sure where the rest of the premium is coming from cuz voodoo isn't stamped anywhere visible on it.
the Black Bird is more worth it if ur buying the higher lvled version...the entry version priced at 2.4k is just ridiculous because so much money is going to the case and name
the Black Bird is more worth it if ur buying the higher lvled version...the entry version priced at 2.4k is just ridiculous because so much money is going to the case and name

true that. well, whenever cuxy decides to get rid of this one i'll be happy to pick it up... at least for the case
I do like the Blackbird, particularly the high end model. However, HP's1 year limited hardware and 1 year technical support doesn't compare favorably with warranties from other boutique manufacturers.

Maybe HP assumes that those individual who have the disposable income to purchase a high end Blackbird are not worried about a multi-year warranty. :confused:
well maingear VM and Puget's warranties are all 1 year at default also. I'm sure there is a way you can renew ur warranty, cause I did that with my HP laptop. When I bought it all you could get was 1 year, and they called me like 2 months before my warranty was up and asked me if I wanted to renew it for $99