how to remove media player classic

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Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 28, 2004
the ver of windows xp pro im useing came with this annoyince and i cant seem to uninstall the POS, its not in add/remove programs and deleting hte file from my c folder dosent fullk uninstall it

any help please
1. Windows does not come with Media Player Classic
2. MPC is not a POS - It can play almost every filetype flawlessly, and it incredbly powerful. No bloat at all.
3. It's not in add/remove programs because it is a single .exe file.
ok now that we have gotten the 'useless replys that dont and will never help, from the pointless !!!!!!s' outta the way. lets get back to the problem of uninstalling it

Shameless Liar said:
1. Windows does not come with Media Player Classic
3. It's not in add/remove programs because it is a single .exe file.

1. my copy came bundled with it

2. if thats the case why does it still show after rightclick/open with i still show WMP and MPC in that menu and if i try to open anything(video or sound) it opens with it
Renswic said:
ok now that we have gotten the 'useless replys that dont and will never help, from the pointless !!!!!!s' outta the way. lets get back to the problem of uninstalling it

1. my copy came bundled with it

2. if thats the case why does it still show after rightclick/open with i still show WMP and MPC in that menu and if i try to open anything(video or sound) it opens with it

If this is the case, then you better not tell us where or how you got that copy of XP as it would get you banned from the forum. You obviously do not have a legit copy if it came with Media Player Classic.

XP does have a copy of Windows Media Player 6.4 buried away. However, unless you know where it ia and specifcally use it, you will never know it's on your system.

I would suggest you not flame the others that have posted in this thread. They have actually done more to help you than you know especially since you don't seem to know what Windows does and does not come with.

it is a legal copy, i help out at a local computer shop here, they have started offering windows xp pro with some bundled softwere, i offered to test one of there "loaded setups" after installing windows(and entering the number on the COA sticker) you have the option on installing a number of both usefull and useless apps

that being said, could we possably get back on track and tell me how to uninstall MPC? i know it breaks all your hearts that i dont like it, but i dont i dare to be different
Renswic said:
it is a legal copy, i help out at a local computer shop here, they have started offering windows xp pro with some bundled softwere, i offered to test one of there "loaded setups" after installing windows(and entering the number on the COA sticker) you have the option on installing a number of both usefull and useless apps

that being said, could we possably get back on track and tell me how to uninstall MPC? i know it breaks all your hearts that i dont like it, but i dont i dare to be different
You abrasive attitude, choice of language, grasp of the english language, and inablilty to comprehend forum rules with your > 10 line sig doesn't really spark much sympathy.

With that out of the way.

Do this to help everyone out with exactly what media player you think is causing your problems. Goto the help menu, click about, and post a screenshot of the popup with version info and everything from your media player classic.
Menelmarar said:
You abrasive attitude, choice of language, grasp of the english language, and inablilty to comprehend forum rules with your > 10 line sig doesn't really spark much sympathy.

With that out of the way.

Do this to help everyone out with exactly what media player you think is causing your problems. Goto the help menu, click about, and post a screenshot of the popup with version info and everything from your media player classic.

well after spending 2+ hours tring ot weed it out of my system i was a tad upset about it, chose to speak my mind about it, the waking up checking my post and seeing that i had been flamed not once but 2 times for not liking MPC pissed me off a tad, then of course getting chewed out for flaming the 2 that flamed me, was well. fubared, i dont see how my typing, spelling or grammer really effects the post other then being a 3rd or 4th flame at me, as for the rules, i am useing a legal copy of windows(if i aint then dell, compac, HP, all the prebuilt system makers arnt including legal copys eather, because 99% of there systems come with bundled softwere as well) and it was my understanding that hte sig was limited to 12 lines, i may have been thinking of a different site, please link to me to correct number of lines alloud and ill fix it once im back from work...

heres the SS of what ver it is, sorry for not resizeing, im not sure how to do it with paint

yes those are 2 [h]ard icons on my bookmark bar, one is for the front page the other is for the forums, demonoid is being used atm to make sending a boat load of family pitcures and home viedo to an aunt for some sort of family history thing

ill be back after doing my 10 hours at work
As said before, Media Player Classic does not install. It is nothing more than an exe and maybe an ini file in the same directory as the exe. You delete it and it's gone. There is nothing more to it than that.

My MPC came with the K-Lite Mega Code pack and is under c:\Program Files\k-lite code pack\

Like everyone said, MPC doesn't install to the OS or registry, it is a single .exe file. If you were to delete the .exe or the k-lite folder, then the program would be gone completely.

That said, I don't know why you would want to get rid of it as, again, it installs nothing to the OS, is a single .exe file with low mem usage, and plays any type of file you can throw at it. It has never failed me before.

But, your prerogative.
Renswic said:
2. if thats the case why does it still show after rightclick/open with i still show WMP and MPC in that menu and if i try to open anything(video or sound) it opens with it
There can be a number of things on the context menu that are no longer installed on the computer. While an installer CAN install something to that reg key, it typically won't uninstall it from same. Also note that (IIRC), once you have opted to open a particular file with a program, that program will remain in the menu.

If when MPC came with the system, and XP already set to open all media files with MPC, then you are going to need to change the associations manually. Easiest way to do this is to right click the file > open program with > choose program > check "always open with this program" > ok. An installer CAN change all of this, but again, just because the program is uninstalled, doesn't mean that the assocations aren't unlinked.

Cheetoz said:
How to Remove Programs from the "Open With" List

mpc is only a .exe and doesn't 'install' into the OS.

You might think about keeping MPC around just in case. It's a nice player.
Renswic said:
ok now that we have gotten the 'useless replys that dont and will never help, from the pointless !!!!!!s' outta the way. lets get back to the problem of uninstalling it

1. my copy came bundled with it

2. if thats the case why does it still show after rightclick/open with i still show WMP and MPC in that menu and if i try to open anything(video or sound) it opens with it
That kind of ignorant attitude thould get this thread locked.

I already said it's a single .exe. If you can't find and delete a single file, then you are a retard. Delete the file, then play with filetype associations in whatever other player you are using.
It confirms to us that you can't do much of anything on your own when you cannot grasp simple concepts such as the difference between "there" and "their"

Renswic said:
i dont see how my typing, spelling or grammer really effects the post
To uninstall MPC delete mplayerc.exe and browse regedit to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Gabest\Media Player Classic

Delete the key \Gabest\Media Player Classic and it should be properly uninstalled

ok i tracked down where it hides(in that codec pack), now that i know were it is, and have played with the settings a bit ill give it a try and see if i can learn to like it

for those that helped, ty much, those that flamed me cause im not 100% sure i like it, bugger off and those that flamed me bacuse of my spelling/grammer/typing skills, get a life
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