How much have you/will you spend on your Conroe rig?


Limp Gawd
Nov 30, 2003
All prices after shipping/rebates/tax/markups

2GB GSkill PC6400------------------------$245
Gigabyte GA 965P-DS3------------------$157
74GB Raptor---------------------------------$130
300 GB Seagate SATA-------------------$90
Antec Super Lanboy------------------------$15
500W Antec SmartPower----------------$15
LiteON DVD-RW----------------------------$31
Heatsink Ninja-------------------------------$40

(already have vid card from old rig)
TOTAL $983
I have about, depending on if I go with the E6600 or E6700 or E6800. I will have the following into my new system



-iLLuZioN-B18C1 said:
All prices after shipping/rebates/tax/markups

2GB GSkill PC6400------------------------$245
Gigabyte GA 965P-DS3------------------$157
74GB Raptor---------------------------------$130
300 GB Seagate SATA-------------------$90
Antec Super Lanboy------------------------$15
500W Antec SmartPower----------------$15
LiteON DVD-RW----------------------------$31

(already have vid card from old rig)
TOTAL $943

Wheres the video card?

I spend about 900$ including a e6300
-iLLuZioN-B18C1 said:
All prices after shipping/rebates/tax/markups


Technically, that would be an 'Allendale' rig, right? ;)
Core 2 Duo 6600 - $390 out the door (will have tomorrow)
Corsair DDR2-800 XMS - $150 AR
EVGA 7900GT reloaded 500/1500 - $260
Gigabyte 3D Auora - $135 shipped
Samsung DVD-RW 16x - $32 shipped
ThermalTake TR2 - $80
GA-965P-DS3 motherboard - $143
WD 74gig raptor 16Meg Cache - $140 AR
X-Fi Xtreme Music - $83 shipped
EH250 headphones - $43 shipped
some mic: $13 shipped

Ehiem 1250 - $75
Dtek White Water cpu block - $40 shipped
DD Maze 4 - $65
Silent GTS 240 black ice $48
DD Fillport - $12
3 120mm fans:$28ish
15ft clearflex tubing $18ish

total: 1750ish or something close to that. After shipping and a few clamps and such it was alittle more
chickenselects said:
Core 2 Duo 6600 - $390 out the door (will have tomorrow)
Corsair DDR2-800 XMS - $150 AR
EVGA 7900GT reloaded 500/1500 - $260
Gigabyte 3D Auora - $135 shipped
Samsung DVD-RW 16x - $32 shipped
ThermalTake TR2 - $80
GA-965P-DS3 motherboard - $143
WD 74gig raptor 16Meg Cache - $140 AR
X-Fi Xtreme Music - $83 shipped
EH250 headphones - $43 shipped
some mic: $13 shipped

Ehiem 1250 - $75
Dtek White Water cpu block - $40 shipped
DD Maze 4 - $65
Silent GTS 240 black ice $48
DD Fillport - $12
3 120mm fans:$28ish
15ft clearflex tubing $18ish

total: 1750ish or something close to that. After shipping and a few clamps and such it was alittle more

I think I am going with the Aurora as well. I hope its a great case!
Around $500. I only need the CPU and motherboard. I already have everything else I need.
I ended up dropping right at 2K.
I got a 6700, the Asus 965 board, 2GB of ram, a 500GB HD, a 7900GT, a standard OEM DVD-RW, a new case (Thermaltake Tsuanmi w/ 650w PS), and an Xfi sound card.
I've already got good monitor/speaker/keyboard/mouse so there was no need for anything there.
Not too bad actually. I figure the 7900GT is good enough til DX10, so I didn't spend much in that dept.
Here's my financial graph

Sold last computer +$750
Sold WoW account +$450
Last paycheck +$650 (-35% to savings account, = +$422.50)
Sold paintball gun +$700

Net = +$2322.50 to spend on it.

Hoorah for being young and still living in parent's house and not having to pay mortgage and bills :p
Korialstrasza said:
Sold WoW account +$450

WTF, $450 for a WoW account? Are people that addicted to that game that they will pay $450 just for an account with a leveled up character or whatever it is that makes it worth something? That is sad lol.
I just need a new motherboard and CPU. I am looking forward the Asus P5B vanilla and the E6600. I hope to hit 3.0GHz on a 333FSB with my memory at 1:1. From what I have seen so far, my expectations are somewhat conservatives but will be faster than what is currently available. That would be satisfying. ;) I am not as [H] as I once were but a stable computer matters more to me than a highly overclocked computer but I still want to be wild :D

I have bought some SuperTalant DDR1000 2gb and now have Motherboard and CPU E6600 and 300gb hardrive to buy , also HSF

I have put £600 for it . I have already a 7950 , Xfi Elite Pro , 900 Watt Tagan from my last system in a thermaltake Kandalf case. Its going to be a bad ass mo fo of a system. At least i think it will be :)
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burningrave101 said:
How much time did you have to invest into playing WoW to do that? Did you cut yourself off from society and luxuries like sleep and food and just play WoW around the clock lol?
we all invest time in doing something . It is good fun and it isnt that expensive but at least today he can get a PC out of it. We all play games and he will make money in doing so. Nice one :)
burningrave101 said:
How much time did you have to invest into playing WoW to do that? Did you cut yourself off from society and luxuries like sleep and food and just play WoW around the clock lol?

hardcore raiding in wow really isn't as hardcore as it sounds. I work 9-5 every day and raid
7-11 or so. aq40 3 nights a week, 3-4 hours a day, bwl 2 nights a week, 3-4 hours each. friday and saturday nights off. I'm not doing anything else on weeknights...

anyway, I had about 950 budgeted for cpu, mobo, ram, gpu, but ended up going with am2 and saved about 250$. college budget ftl.