How many x1900s and 7900s are out there?

Which do you own?

  • X1900XT, X1900XTX, X1800XL, X1800GTO, X1800XT

    Votes: 50 45.9%
  • 7900GT or 7900GTX

    Votes: 59 54.1%

  • Total voters
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So far the 7900s outnumber all x1800 and x1900s combine...looks like quite the shortage... :eek:
^eMpTy^ said:
So far the 7900s outnumber all x1800 and x1900s combine...looks like quite the shortage... :eek:

Of course if the only data point you are using is the results of one forum were members are highly motived to seak out not only deals but are web savey and very determined...then you have a very limited sample point...
Jbirney said:
Of course if the only data point you are using is the results of one forum were members are highly motived to seak out not only deals but are web savey and very determined...then you have a very limited sample point...

Indeed...but I think the point stands, the cards are there if you look...they aren't exactly growing on trees...but it's no gtx512...
^eMpTy^ said:
So far the 7900s outnumber all x1800 and x1900s combine...looks like quite the shortage... :eek:

There is a shortage. Denying it, doesnt make it factual for you. Imagine how many more would be sold if they actually had cards in good stock.

The other poll shows more X1900 alone, than 7900's. 13 people voted that they wanted a 7900 card, but couldnt find one. Yes, thats called a shortage. pcx's 3dmark results show far more X1900's, than 7900's.

Once again, its not how many cards have been sold, its the fact that there is a very limited supply of 7900 cards on the market compared to the 7800 series. Want a 7800GTX? better not look to newegg, ZZF, or MonarchPC. Because you wont find one in stock there. Yes, thats called a shortage.
fallguy said:
The other poll shows more X1900 alone, than 7900's.
No it doesn't.

It currently shows:
X1900 XT 21 + X1900 XT Crossfire 5 (10 cards) + X1900 XTX 20 + X1900 XTX Crossfire 2 (4 cards) = 55 X1900 cards

7900 GT 26 + 7900 GT SLI 6 (12 cards) + 7900 GTX 12 + 7900 GTX SLI 9 (18 cards) = 68 7900 cards

And the Steam survey data is there to show how many of each card family is added every couple of days. I planned on updating that post every other day. But since you brought it up: after 22 hours, I see that 23 X1900 cards were added and that 32 7900 cards were added. It's too early to draw conclusions yet (at least 2 weeks of survey updates would be good), but if this trend continues it points more towards high demand outstripping regular availability as the cause of the "shortage."
^eMpTy^ said:
So far the 7900s outnumber all x1800 and x1900s combine...looks like quite the shortage... :eek:

And you actually think a poll on a forum is goin to give accurate results? Its very easy for !!!!!!s of either side to click whatever they want to skew the results regardless if they have the card in question or not, ida thought anyone with half a brain could figure that much out, apparently not though.

How about we all buy whatever the hell we want and stop acting like little twats on a forum.
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