How many use WASD?

What keys do you use for movement in FPS or TPS games?

  • WASD

    Votes: 168 72.1%
  • Arrow keys

    Votes: 32 13.7%
  • Number pad arrow keys

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • Something else

    Votes: 31 13.3%

  • Total voters


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 17, 2004
It seems like a useless question, but there is a bet between me and a friend on the outcome of this poll. We both agree that most people use WASD, we just disagree on the percentage of people that do.

The poll will be open for a week depending on how many votes it gets. I will tell you the particulars of the bet AFTER the poll is closed because I don't want to taint the results in any way.
i used the arrow keys up until half-life came out. i was too lazy to change the controls-- which were wasd default.
Arrow keys for life. They line up better than the WASD keys. I tried playing with the WASD keys on my girls computer because her arrow keys and other keys in that area were positioned out of the norm, but I hated when my cap locks were on and I always found myself pressing the wrong buttons. Arrow keys do suck for games which require many different controls because the keys in your area are limited.

Thank Rainbow Six for using this control style.

Oops! I noticed I voted for the numpad arrow keys. I use regular arrow keys with some buttons on the numpad.
I use WSAD but a friend of mine uses the most fucked up key config I've EVER seen. He uses FDSA for his direction keys. It pisses me off when he hops on my computer and resets my key config to his fucked up scheme.
I use QWES. My keymapping started out with simulations. QWES are StraffeLeft, Forward, StraffeRight, Reverse, respectively. A & D are turnleft and turnright keys.

Eventually, i migrated to FPS games but QWES stuck. A and D are now the Use and Reload keys respectively.

Q - Straffe Left
W - Forward
E - Straffe Right
S - Reverse
A - TurnLeft / RollLeft/ NextWeapon / Use
D - TurnRight / RollRight / PrevWeapon / Reload
R - Deploy / Fortify / Crouch
F - Super Jump / Rocket Jump / Climb / Stand / Prone
SPACE - Normal Jump

I wonder how many people use the QWES keys too. I find it more comfortable having all three fingers in a row. Having them on WAD feels kinda awkward.

EDIT: Edited the definition a bit
FDSA? I could understand HJKL (vi/rogue keys) but FDSA doesn't make much sense.

WASD seems less than ideal, too - if you want to use some improperly aligned keys that are surrounded by a bunch of other keys so you can't feel where you are on the keyboard, put them in the middle of the KB, so you have plenty of extra keys arund you for extra commands. Even moving to RDFG (where my KB has the nipple on F) gives you extra keys in all directions.
i used to play with arrow keys back when i was high on crack

now im drug free

WASD is the way to be
Rt. Mouse: forward
Lft mouse: fire
Middle Mouse: alt fire
A: strafe left
S: strafe rt
Z: backpedal
Q: weap up
W: weap down
X: crouch
E: use
R: reload

Then everything else just goes around those keys based on the game.
I think my system is the best. More centering on the left hand plus each of your fingers has true comfortable access to at least 3 other keys each. Also, for balance your fingers need to rest on the same SIZE key, the WASD has your left pinky resting (at least mine does) on the caps lock. Maybe it just feels weird, but I think it is an unbalanced foundation for the true gamer. I think it is important to have movement incorporated into the mouse because you using that to look around; try it out if you haven't.

Q - Last weapon (or lean left)
W - Whatever
Right Mouseclick - Move Foward
Left Mouseclick - Primary Fire
Middle Mouse - Secondary Fire.
S - Straffe Left
F - Straffe Right
D - Reverse
A - Sprint
R - Reload
ALT - Prone
G - Grenade
Z, X, W, V, B, are any choice.
V - Flashlight/Nightvision
SPACE - Normal Jump
Lf SHIFT - Walk slowly

Y, U are chat keys and should stay that way because if you type without holding the mouse you will automatically center your fingers right under U.

Try it out, I'd like to see something that feels better than this.

The last time I played with arrow keys was with Doom. I believe with the advent of Mouse looking there is no need for using arrow keys anymore.
DevilMan said:
Rt. Mouse: forward
Lft mouse: fire
Middle Mouse: alt fire
A: strafe left
S: strafe rt
Z: backpedal
Q: weap up
W: weap down
X: crouch
E: use
R: reload

Then everything else just goes around those keys based on the game.

Interesting... ;)

I think I could only use that for racing games... not FPS.

Maybe I'll go and try it though. :D
People always ask why I use the number pad instead of WASD. They tell me I could have more buttons but honestly, how many do you need? The last guy I talked to pretty much only used ten or so keys anyway. There's sixteen usable keys on the number pad. (Seventeen if the game is coded not to get confused about NumLock.) And then I have the arrow keys under my little finger so I could easily extend four more. And my ring finger is in reach of at least four keys of the Insert block; all of them if I can afford to lift my had for a fraction of a second. So there's 26 keys. It's also easier to lift my had in I need to; since the keys are nice and lined up, I don't accidentally come back to the wrong set of buttons. I don't really know why more games don't just default to the number pad; or why they didn't start there in the first place.
I'd use the number key if I was left handed; it has a great basis in that all the foundation keys are the same size.

Just a question, are you left handed? I find I need to have space between my left hand and my right hand (which holds mouse). If I was left handed I imagine the mouse would be on the left side of the keyboard and my right hand would rest on the number pad.
I use the arrow keys for Half-Life and Counter-Strike, but I use wasd for everything else. I can't bring myself to use wasd for CS, and in UT I can't play well with the arrow keys. Those games must use diffrent sides of the brain or something :D
i switch jump and walk forward, so W = jump, right mouse button = walk forward. i can still play pretty much the same with WASD though, kinda gotten used to both
Blakestr said:
I'd use the number key if I was left handed; it has a great basis in that all the foundation keys are the same size.

Just a question, are you left handed? I find I need to have space between my left hand and my right hand (which holds mouse). If I was left handed I imagine the mouse would be on the left side of the keyboard and my right hand would rest on the number pad.
Nah, I just move the keyboard down a little.
I use an IE 3.0 mouse so here are mine...

Right Mouse: Move Forward
Left Mouse: Fire
Scroll Wheel: Weap Up/Weap Down
Big Thumb Mouse Button: Alt Fire
Small Thumb Mouse Button: Reload
Comma: Strafe Left
Period: Strafe Right
Spacebar: Jump
E: Use.
WASD or ESDF ...99% of games I use WASD tho ..I forget which game used the ESDF config
I use the arrow keys and the entire right hand side of the keyboard with the mouse.

I think WASD is retarded.
My basic settup for any shooter.

W: Forward
S: Back
A: Left
D: Right
Q: Crouch
Caps Lock: Lean Left
F: Lean right
E: Use
R: Reload
RT Mouse: Fire
LFT Mouse: Zoom

Right Arrow: Quick Load
Left Arrow Quick Save
I have been using this fow a while
shift - USE
right mouse - forward
left mouse - primary fire
mouse scroll - select weapon up/down
(if mouse has extra buttons, I use a Logitech MX 700)
middle button - reload
left extra button - secondary fire
; - lean left
' - lean right
I have a problem with going below my finger line, so the big space bar is eay to hit.
no problem going above my finger line so, there is a plethora of close keys for other functions.
works for me
Good to see more people using the right mouse button to move forward. It is a very comfortable system and leaves your left hand open to the keyboard.

bobsagat, I use that config for most every game I have played. I am using the default for WOW now though. I don't mind it for 3rd person games but man my left hand gets tired using it to move.
I'm left handed so arrow keys all the way, i've always used them and i'm not gonna change any time soon.
Arrow keys and I feel ashamed.

I'd much rather migrate to the WASD keys but its so hard. Its almost like trying to quit smoking. I cant just go cold turkey.
I am too lazy to change the default controls in games, so I just got use to WASD.
E - foward
D - backward
S - strafe left
F - strafe right
A - jump
CTRL - walk
SHIFT - zoom/secondary
MOUSE1(left click) - fire
MOUSE2(right click) - crouch
SPACE - use
I use arrow keys and am proud of it :p. I'll only consider using WASD if all the keys surrounding it are popped out, or if the game is slow paced. But I'd rather much use DZXC or EASD if that were the case, since it aligns much better with the middle finger.
Eklipto said:
Arrow keys and I feel ashamed.

I'd much rather migrate to the WASD keys but its so hard. Its almost like trying to quit smoking. I cant just go cold turkey.
Why would you be ashamed of the arrow keys?

I use the arrow keys and I'm damn proud as well.
WASD is like an extension of my hand. They are the only keys starting to fade on my keyboard, and I just figured out why!
Arrow keys, heck I didnt even use a mouse in quake1, heh I remember getting pissed when rocket jumping in a fight back in tf. [strafing (alt + left/right arrow) looking down (del) and fire + jump (ctrl + space) all at the same time]

Ive tried wasd on occasion, when too lasy to change and once seriously in quake3 (was on a laptop though)

Hurts my wrist/hand.
up arrow - forward
left arrow - strafe left
right arrow - strafe right
down arrow - backward

enter - jump
shift - duck
/ - prone
ctrl - sprint
\ - weap mode / aux
end - reload
del/ins - scope / zoom
backspace - drop weapon
- - team talk
keypad ins - toggle walk (stealth like in quake3 / doom 3)
I can do WASD for slower paced games, but for faster "twitch" style games...

"The Mouse of Doom Setup"
L Mouse - Forward
R Mouse - Backward
M Mouse - Depends on game. Walk, zoom, etc

"The Home Row Key Combo Smackdown"
A - Crouch
S & D - left/right strafe
F - Primary Fire

C - Seconary Fire or other important key
Q - Use, Open, etc.
W/E - Grenades, Mines, etc
R - Reload
V - Flashlight, Nightvision, etc.
G - Another semi important key for my trigger finger
C - Map, Command console, etc.

Main movement right hand, main actions left hand. The strafing seems much more manageable to me this way. Sure I get made fun of by all my WASD friends. But then they die. I started this way and I'll die this way!