How long till 2GB 5870?


Jun 12, 2007
Even though I have plenty of cash bursting a few seams in my wallet, I just might wait for the 2GB 5870 model. Anyone have any guesses when it may be released? How long did it take for the 1GB version of the 4870 to be released?
Kitty has stolen the magic 8 ball, thus I can not give you an answer.


*note, I don't own a cat, just something I saw on tinypic.
They might when running at 3x1920x1200 is what people are concerned about. Personally I am annoyed they are not launching at the start, I really want one and I hate how they constantly do this. Rip off the early adopters and then release the better products a month later.
Games use 2gb now? Wtf am I missing? And last I heard we were hard pressed to use 1gb outside of GTA IV
well its not that you need to 2gb but its that fact that may need more than1gb for some games at some settings especially with the newer cards that can really crank the AA and res. I believe someone showed that at 2560x1600 GTA 4 used over 1.6 gb of vram with max settings.
With eyefinity's ridiculously high resolution+AA+huge draw distances in stuff like GTA yes, games can use over 2gb now :)
That's why I'd want 2GB, for the multidisplay. How sweet to run three screens and like 5760x1200?
1GB definitely won't be enough to run most games in a dual monitor configuration (24" - 30") in full res with AA. Heck some games can push the boundaries of 1GB with a single 30", especially with GTAIV as some have pointed out. Do we know for sure the 2GB won't be available at launch? That is surprising if so, especially with the way ATI is touting Eyefinity.
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1GB definitely won't be enough to run most games in a dual monitor configuration (24" - 30") in full res with AA. Heck some games can push the boundaries of 1GB with a single 30", especially with GTAIV as some have pointed out. Do we know for sure the 2GB won't be available at launch? That is surprising if so, especially with the way ATI is touting Eyefinity.

Yeah kinda lame to talk about eyefinity like it's a revolution in gaming, and then launch without a card that can handle it...
You're right though at this point everything is speculation, Here's hoping the 2 GB comes at launch.
Yeah kinda lame to talk about eyefinity like it's a revolution in gaming, and then launch without a card that can handle it...
You're right though at this point everything is speculation, Here's hoping the 2 GB comes at launch.

I'm pretty sure that they were showcasing the demos using 1GB 5870 cards. So it's not like they can't handle eyefinity. But I think I'd like a little more memory headroom on my graphics card if I'm gonna run triple displays.
I'm pretty sure that they were showcasing the demos using 1GB 5870 cards. So it's not like they can't handle eyefinity. But I think I'd like a little more memory headroom on my graphics card if I'm gonna run triple displays.

to my understanding, there is a 1 GB and 2 GB version of the 3 screen cards, but the 6 output cards are only going to come in 2 GB, so it was probably on a 2 GB card. All hearsay though until we see something official.
1GB definitely won't be enough to run most games in a dual monitor configuration (24" - 30") in full res with AA. Heck some games can push the boundaries of 1GB with a single 30", especially with GTAIV as some have pointed out. Do we know for sure the 2GB won't be available at launch? That is surprising if so, especially with the way ATI is touting Eyefinity.

I think I might be running into that 1gb issue with lotro @ 5760x1080... if I enable AA or DX10 shadows I have to really dumb down the IQ far beyond what I think is acceptable otherwise I get this choppy sensation... the fps is still over 30 but I can tell the card is struggling at something.. most likely moving texture data.. it still looks really nice without AA and DX10 shadows though.. the extra FOV is pretty amazing.

I wonder how much more a 2gb card would cost.. maybe $100 more?
I think I might be running into that 1gb issue with lotro @ 5760x1080... if I enable AA or DX10 shadows I have to really dumb down the IQ far beyond what I think is acceptable otherwise I get this choppy sensation... the fps is still over 30 but I can tell the card is struggling at something.. most likely moving texture data.. it still looks really nice without AA and DX10 shadows though.. the extra FOV is pretty amazing.

I wonder how much more a 2gb card would cost.. maybe $100 more?
100 bucks more for an additional 1gb would be insane.
So already some news about the 2GB cards?
This is really taking too long :(

What is the hold up ? I remember Kyle saying that the Eyefinity-6 card should possibly come out around the same time of the 5870X2, that was before it called the 5970. Well that card came out two months ago, where is the Eyefinity-6 with 2gb memory card ?

I sometime get an error in WoW and game crashes to desktop, only in very intense areas, like flying from Flight path to FP in Northrend areas like Dragonblight with tons of trees, it brings my game to a crawl at 5760x1200, and then the game crashes, says it is a "memory dump error"
I think I might be running into that 1gb issue with lotro @ 5760x1080... if I enable AA or DX10 shadows I have to really dumb down the IQ far beyond what I think is acceptable otherwise I get this choppy sensation... the fps is still over 30 but I can tell the card is struggling at something.. most likely moving texture data.. it still looks really nice without AA and DX10 shadows though.. the extra FOV is pretty amazing.

I wonder how much more a 2gb card would cost.. maybe $100 more?

The next step of Eyefinity games should be:

Lower quality settings for the flanking monitors.
What is the hold up ? I remember Kyle saying that the Eyefinity-6 card should possibly come out around the same time of the 5870X2, that was before it called the 5970. Well that card came out two months ago, where is the Eyefinity-6 with 2gb memory card ?

I sometime get an error in WoW and game crashes to desktop, only in very intense areas, like flying from Flight path to FP in Northrend areas like Dragonblight with tons of trees, it brings my game to a crawl at 5760x1200, and then the game crashes, says it is a "memory dump error"

it's might be ATI's (temporary) answer to fermi's (rumored to have 1.5 - 2gb) maybe ATI is waiting a bit until more solid fermi info is released/or the card itself is released.

Other than a write up about it on a foreign site
ATI has been very hush hush about it since November
it's might be ATI's (temporary) answer to fermi's (rumored to have 1.5 - 2gb) maybe ATI is waiting a bit until more solid fermi info is released/or the card itself is released.

Other than a write up about it on a foreign site
ATI has been very hush hush about it since November

Good point, maybe the Eyefinity-6 card was put on hold and turned into the refresh card ? Would be the 5890 in March ?
100 bucks more for an additional 1gb would be insane.

I agree that's a lot.. might have overshot a bit, but that ddr5 aint cheap.
edit: hrm.. I guess it isn't too expensive after all.. but the card would need some redesigning to accommodate the extra mem.. maybe $50 over the 1gb model? might be more reasonable.

The next step of Eyefinity games should be:

Lower quality settings for the flanking monitors.

that would be nice.. not sure if it will be possible..
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I agree that's a lot.. might have overshot a bit, but that ddr5 aint cheap.

Maybe if it was the refresh card, had a bigger memory bus, and also had an additional 1GB... then is would really be worth it's price.
I sometime get an error in WoW and game crashes to desktop, only in very intense areas, like flying from Flight path to FP in Northrend areas like Dragonblight with tons of trees, it brings my game to a crawl at 5760x1200, and then the game crashes, says it is a "memory dump error"

You might want to research that. I believe WOW as a 32bit program is only capable of addressing 2GB of memory. If I understand correctly, that's the total amount, so I'd wonder if the wall would be here. You may just be crashing from this limitation, of which video isn't gonna help.

Check out this link about memory allocation. Also this lengthy thread about AffinityMask might help to clear up a bottleneck that may be occurring.

Though WOW is supporting Eyefinity, I wonder if its so long in the tooth that you'll never see this fixed.
I get the same crash in WoW, its not the eyefinity setup as i had it happen on my 30" monitor too. It's an addon that is requesting too much memory. Basically you have an addon that has a memory leak in it. I still havent figured out which addon it is though.
I get the same crash in WoW, its not the eyefinity setup as i had it happen on my 30" monitor too. It's an addon that is requesting too much memory. Basically you have an addon that has a memory leak in it. I still havent figured out which addon it is though.

To try to keep this on track with the 2GB 5870. I wasn't referring to Eyefinity as being the problem, but that 2Gb may not solve your problem. Now granted, selling the 1Gb model and upgrading is a pretty much a win/win if you were thinking about Crossfire.

Concerning WOW, you may want to check to ensure they will see returns from an upgrade to a 2Gb model. As you know, the speeds are the same for either 5870, so I'd be sure it's the memory being maxed out, not the cpu and not the processing power of the video card. With it being a + $400 investment, this may be better served as a processor upgrade and not a video card.

And to throw a monkey wrench into the 2Gb release date, with Displayport 1.2 specs released, ATI may be working to integrate these into the card. It's hard to tell if DP 1.2 will require much for hardware changes to be accommodated. If there isn't, perhaps this might be a reason.
Expect 2 gigs with the 5890 or whatever they call the refresh in june. It will help them at the high end to better compete with the 1.5gigs the new geforces have.
what do you think is honestly the percentage of people that will/do run multiple monitors, less then 5% if that...
what do you think is honestly the percentage of people that will/do run multiple monitors, less then 5% if that..

I'm trying to think of a single person I know running one monitor who games on their machine.
I agree that's a lot.. might have overshot a bit, but that ddr5 aint cheap.
edit: hrm.. I guess it isn't too expensive after all.. but the card would need some redesigning to accommodate the extra mem.. maybe $50 over the 1gb model? might be more reasonable.

that would be nice.. not sure if it will be possible..

The card does not need redesigning, the pads are already there for the extra GB on the back of the PCB. The only difference is that they are populated, and the backplate & cooler is different because of the 6 mdp.
The next step of Eyefinity games should be:

Lower quality settings for the flanking monitors.

Yeah I've said this before actually, I think a 1/2 resolution on the side monitors would probably not be noticeable, especially with AA enabled.

I run a 2560x1600 resolution monitor and it has 2 native resolutions 2560x1600 and 1280x800 as the 2nd is basically just using a block of 4 pixels (2x2) to represent a single pixel. And with a bunch of AA it actually doesn't look as unbearable as you'd think. Now bung that in your peripheral vision and you're probably not going to be able to tell the difference when focused on the middle monitor. You've just lowered the rendering power needed for a side monitor to ~25% of what it was before.
Yeah I've said this before actually, I think a 1/2 resolution on the side monitors would probably not be noticeable, especially with AA enabled.

I run a 2560x1600 resolution monitor and it has 2 native resolutions 2560x1600 and 1280x800 as the 2nd is basically just using a block of 4 pixels (2x2) to represent a single pixel. And with a bunch of AA it actually doesn't look as unbearable as you'd think. Now bung that in your peripheral vision and you're probably not going to be able to tell the difference when focused on the middle monitor. You've just lowered the rendering power needed for a side monitor to ~25% of what it was before.

YES. I hope this is eventually possible. I would then buy a third 30" and be in gaming heaven...there is no real need for the peripheral monitors to have to run at 2560x1600 and waste GPU power when you're not going to be focusing on them anyway. Like you said, 1280x800 would be just fine and ease the burden considerably.
Yeah I've said this before actually, I think a 1/2 resolution on the side monitors would probably not be noticeable, especially with AA enabled.

I run a 2560x1600 resolution monitor and it has 2 native resolutions 2560x1600 and 1280x800 as the 2nd is basically just using a block of 4 pixels (2x2) to represent a single pixel. And with a bunch of AA it actually doesn't look as unbearable as you'd think. Now bung that in your peripheral vision and you're probably not going to be able to tell the difference when focused on the middle monitor. You've just lowered the rendering power needed for a side monitor to ~25% of what it was before.
Excellent idea, and hell, it'd probably be more realistic modeling of peripheral vision anyway. One thing I don't like about Eyefinity is the "fish eye" effect you can get on the side monitors. While you can somewhat correct for this by changing the FOV, it still feels off to me. I'd love to flank my 30" with a pair of ~19" 1440x900 monitors in portrait mode - I feel it'd give a very realistic effect.
Yeah im looking for the 2gb cards to run 3x dell 27" screens eventually.