How Did Blue Become So Dominate?


May 27, 2008
I remember when LED fans started popping up, ever since then it seems everything comes with BLUE LED fans, and everyone just go in that direction with everything else.

I want to see more red!
yes blue has been the color for years!!!! and i hate it now!

we need new colors, screw red / green / blue / blacklights and white
It is a relaxing colour.

Red is an angry colour.

Green is a sick colour.

Blacklight is a drug colour.

White is a boring colour.
amber and orange LEDs are also available, EL wire is available is about a dozen colors, and blacklight paint can be mixed into countless shades (if it's not automatically disqualified by being 'blacklight' paint).

i don't mind that most LED bling is blue. LEDs can be swapped easily enough. i just wish there were more subtle colors available, and some means to tell exacly what color you're getting (aqua vs. royal blue, lime vs. forrest green), not to mention how bright the LED is.
I find white cathodes/leds a refreshing color.. especially in contrast with red. Plus hardly anyone uses white from what I see.

Here's the kikboxes case I won, and I did the build for my brother. It turned out nice. (the case is now for sale btw..)


Here's the kikboxes case I won, and I did the build for my brother. It turned out nice. (the case is now for sale btw..)


Hmm, What do you call those covers over your pci slots? I've searched for some but I can't find any...

My case is pretty boring in that area, and I would love to find some UV reacting ones as i've got UV CCFL in there not doing much at the moment!
Thanks :D
Thanks! I'm in the UK but i've found those exact ones on eBay, thanks again.
I was just searching for... pci slot covers... but apparently they're 'protectors' silly me...

:D Thanks
You can Laugh at my British face, because that blue kit will cost me
$10.68 of your dollars, not fair.
A lot of people like blue. Personally, it's my favourite colour, so I prefer blue lighting regardless of how "overdone" it is.
theres lots of different colors out there, just dig through all the sites and youll find something that strikes your fancy

nicely done wiretap, i like white too
I prefer blue cause its a color that will let me sleep :)

but I have always wondered the same thing, although blue is my fav color as well
I dunno, a black case with blue LED's looks really good to me.

I agree its overdone, but when executed properly, it can look really good.
For eye blue light is actually rather "striking" colour, from that aspect red is actually best. Amateur astronomers use dim red light during visual observation because that retains eye's dark adaptation best.
(Its a better green in person. Must have been my camera settings being too ... whatever it takes to cause it to do the teal colour).
It's the automatic white balance which destroys colour accuracy very easily.
LEDs produce rather narrow wavelength band light, in fact your camera couldn't even identify light source, so you have to use manual WB (for example sunny/cloudy) and see which setting captures colour best. (or use RAW)

It is a relaxing colour.

Green is a sick colour.
Actually hospitals use greenish colour shades (along light blue ones) because those are relaxing... and blood doesn't show as red in fabrics of those colours.
You must hate leaving your computer and going outside... all that green colour in nature.;)
Blue is a worst color. Not because of color itself, but because of overuse and brightness. Look, you have a problem buying a hardware without blue leds :
1) Razer Deathadder keyboard - blue light
2) Enermax Aurora keyboard - blue lights
3) Lian Li PC-V1000 & Lian Li PC-A17 cases - blue (power) and red (HDD activity) lights
4) Samsung monitor - blue lights
5) Toshiba notebook - blue lights

I slowly make a allergy to blue color. The only things that save this are my speakers (green leds), TV (red/white led), routers/switches (green leds) and my hotswap rack (orange/green leds).
Before blue LEDs became viable mass market products, everything came with green, red or yellow/amber LED, so the first "modders" put blue LEDs into all of their stuff simply to have something "different". The industry simply took a cue from that.
Before blue LEDs became viable mass market products, everything came with green, red or yellow/amber LED, so the first "modders" put blue LEDs into all of their stuff simply to have something "different". The industry simply took a cue from that.

At least it were 3 colors. Now you must pray not to get blue-LED in your just bought product :).
I hate all LED's that can't be turned off. I habitually put black tape over them on anything I buy and literally cut out the ones that are in my fans. I like clear fans. Why do thay all have to have lights in them?

Blue is my favorite color.
I don't have a problem with blue LEDs, it's just when they're so darn bright! I don't have a problem with blue LED fans or case lighting, but rather consumer electronics or other applications where you can't turn off or disable the lights.
E.T;1032617490 Actually hospitals use greenish colour shades (along light blue ones) because those are relaxing... and blood doesn't show as red in fabrics of those colours. You must hate leaving your computer and going outside... all that green colour in nature.;)[/QUOTE said:
The hospitals I've been to usually use a light blue. I've never seen green, and by "sick" I meant like .. when cartoon characters get sick they turn green :p.
Blue is a worst color. Not because of color itself, but because of overuse and brightness. Look, you have a problem buying a hardware without blue leds :
1) Razer Deathadder keyboard - blue light
2) Enermax Aurora keyboard - blue lights
3) Lian Li PC-V1000 & Lian Li PC-A17 cases - blue (power) and red (HDD activity) lights
4) Samsung monitor - blue lights
5) Toshiba notebook - blue lights

what are you talkin about toshiba notebooks have blue lights, none of my toshiba's have blue lights, all of them have green/amber lights.
what are you talkin about toshiba notebooks have blue lights, none of my toshiba's have blue lights, all of them have green/amber lights.

All of the really new ones tend to have blue, the newest ones have white.
I like to think that red is a friendlier colour in a dark room. Blue is too bright and intense. Red is visible, but isn't bright enough to hurt your eyes.

Of course, you shouldn't be using a computer in a dark room... bad for your eyes.
what are you talkin about toshiba notebooks have blue lights, none of my toshiba's have blue lights, all of them have green/amber lights.

My last 2 had blue light around/in power button (M30X-155 and A100-912), in the last one (A100-912) all lights are blue except when you don't have full battery or you are in sleep mode (in that case it is orange).
hmmm, my toshiba's are all from the business side of their product lines, perhaps that is why we have diff lights?
when i was 16 i built my 1st PC and LED fans were just becoming all the rage. i bought a medium SuperFlower case (based on a LianLi) w/ clear windows on both sides and the top w/ all clear 80mm fans. at a time when most cases didnt have windows and only a few had 1. mine had 3. so i bought a blue LED kit for it w/ 2 10" glass tubes that lit up the entire case (and my room) blue.

fast forward to today, and when i turned on my new rig in the nice, new Antec nine hundred case, the 1st thing i did, before even looking for a POST, was pull the plug and cut the LED wires in the Tri-cool fans that came with it.

if done right (meaning professional and with an OFF switch) i'd consider lighting up a PC. but for 90% of the cases out there, it looks annoying.
I like to think that red is a friendlier colour in a dark room. Blue is too bright and intense. Red is visible, but isn't bright enough to hurt your eyes.

The human eye has two types of light receptors: rods and cones. The cones are specialised for colour vision while the rods are specialised for faint light. The rods cannot even detect colour, but they can see much fainter light. This is why things look black-and-white by moonlight – there is not enough light for colour vision. Over a period of 20 minutes in the dark, the rods become more and more sensitive to dim light. This is called dark adaptation. It means that after about 20 minutes of stargazing you can usually see a lot more stars than you could when you started.
As soon as you look at a bright light this extra sensitivity goes away. It takes another 20 minutes for it to come back. This means you do not want to flash a torch around when you are stargazing, but you do want to see your Star Wheel. The solution is quite simple.
Rods have a low sensitivity to red light. You can use a dim red light without losing your dark adaptation.
And unlike red light rods detect blue light well and when their light sensitivity is about hundred times that of cones (used during day/in bright light) so it's no wonder if blue LEDs are as comfortable as "hitting to wall".

Red illumination and lights are used often by military also for same reasons, they don't blind user and allow greater stealth by being harder to detect from long distances.
Actually, the reason blue is so dominant is because people these days have absolutely NO taste whatsoever.


I enjoy feelings of calmness or serenity as I pillage villiages, ravage your women and take your children to raise as my own.

Actually mine is blue lights green coolant silver case with back drives and when I look at my computer I look at the fracking monitor, its where things tend to happen.

its usually cake to change out the leds to any color available , well some fans maybe not - buy a clear fan and mount your own.

Use whatever YOU like, jeez. What a waste of electrons.
Logitech and Microsoft have both started using orange as thier default color...Im still not sold on it replacing blue, but change is nice i suppose.
I like orange/amber and white becoming more popular. I still like blue but agree - it has to be done in moderation. Too much blue is definitely not a good thing (especially as bright as a lot of the blue LEDs are).

Might have to change out my blue/red LEDs in my A05A to amber/white...that'd probably look slick. ;)
Actually, the reason blue is so dominant is because people these days have absolutely NO taste whatsoever.

Wow, just when I thought I'd seen every kind of snobbery out go and get elitist over a primary color. :rolleyes:

I'll readily concede I have elitist tendencies over certain things like music or film, but colors? Lighten up a bit. ;)
