HOT! 30 GB OCZ Technology Agility SSD $87 AR FS

I've never seen so many SSD naysayers in one place before. I wonder if you guys didn't do a fresh re-install or something.

SSD is the best thing to happen to my PCs since I moved from a Northwood P4 to an E6600
my bad, 120gb. the game didnt load faster. the ssd benched on hd pro faster....the experience wasnt night and day as others have stated. It didnt provide more wow factor than a cpu platform upgrade. the boot time was faster for me. If I didnt run a hd benchmark, I would not know that anything changed. Not worth the $300 plus for sure....people must be coming from a crappy, slow hd, that are amazed.

OR maybe, just maybe, they're doing something with their computer besides gaming that actually merits the investment into a SSD. :rolleyes:

For other tasks, it's still a more substantial upgrade than just about anything else you can do to a system right now (short of going from 1GB of RAM to 4GB+ or from an old single core A64/P4 to something modern). Laptops tend to benefit even more since most of 'em use slower 5,400 RPM drives (and you tend to shut it down or suspend it more often, obviously).

For anyone that's multi-tasking heavily or dealing w/apps that will benefit from an SSD tho, the difference is way wayyyy more substantial than going from a somewhat old HDD to a Raptor tho, or from a C2D at 3GHz or w/e to an i7... As far as general responsiveness, loading, etc. (obviously a processor upgrade would still shine in other areas, like video encoding, etc.)
it's stupid to argue about SSD's, if you have no use for one, then why bother commenting on them? It serves no purpose. If you can't afford the price tag, then why comment on them? Get a job or something
I say try them for one month. Then TRY and go back. You'll find ways to make yourself think it's okay to live with regular drives but you'll know in your heart there's alot of speed in these drives. So I challenge the naysayers to try this out.
I say try them for one month. Then TRY and go back. You'll find ways to make yourself think it's okay to live with regular drives but you'll know in your heart there's alot of speed in these drives. So I challenge the naysayers to try this out.

I had 2 and sold them. It didn't do anything for me except load windows faster which is pretty pointless unless you like to sit and stare at such. Games were still plagued by network latency and I rarely need to reboot my system. It would be nice in a laptop for the speed/heat/power savings and for encoding once size and prices gets more ideal for the common consumer.
Enthusiasts waited so long for SSD to become affordable that they want so badly to believe in the amazing press.

Take it from somebody who owns the Intel X25-M (the drive that some hype as crushing the competition) and the lowly OCZ Agility 120GB. I can only tell the difference between each drive during large sequential writes, where the Indilinx excels.

And only under heavy multitasking do I see a huge difference between my 7200RPM 500GB platter hard drive and SSD. So I would probably only recommend SSD to heavy multitaskers. Don't waste your money if you are just a light gamer and web surfer. I probably wouldn't bother with drives this small either, under 60-80GB. There isn't enough room for the OS and additional slack. Slack is important to maintain proper speed and longevity. So I guess call me just another naysayer.

EDIT: I just wanted to clarify that my advice was limited to desktops only. I do believe these drives would be an especially huge step up for older laptops. I neglected to say this.
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