Horizon Zero Dawn

24 right now and just got to the Carja border lands. Loving the story and the fact that
it takes place in colorado
is super funny to me.
Put a couple hours into this and I am impressed to say the least. 30 fps really doesn't bother me with this game/ps4 pro.
Entirely new to the console also, had it less than a week. Love the visuals and environment, fun taking screenshots and just taking in the environment. The scavenging and crafting and stuff isn't entirely original or anything so far but everything is executed and put together with such perfection and attention to detail. Probably my favorite game since dark souls series and the last 3 years and gaming only on PC. Have not played bloodborne yet though.
From what I can discure after browsing online and checking other forums, seems like one hour in game will take a minute of our time. So the day/night cycle might take 24 minutes for the full day.
Can't say how great this game is so far. Played like 8 hours yesterday.
Just finished the RHO Cauldron at level 19. Tough and long but worth it. Unlocked a ton of machines to override.
Also...anyone else notice when you override a corrupted machine they attack the others in the area that are still corrupted? Like getting extra help.
I just got to Meridian and am Level 18. I think I should run some Hunter's Lodge and Couldron stuff.
Hit 21 this morning. Amazing game, one of the best I've EVER played. Doing all the side quests in the town before Meridian.

OH, and in case you didnt know, at any of the merchants if you scroll all the way down under potions (I think) you can buy a 'fast travel' that you can use forever.
I hit level 26 today and I'm not to Meridian yet. Trying to do as many side quests and shit I can come across. The stuff in the desert areas are kicking my ass though but I'm not overriding machines and having them help me yet, probably should.
Basically the same for me though I made it to Meridian. I haven't progressed the main quest after that and I'm doing all the side quests and errands. Yeah the desert stuff is tough.
Most side quests I found were in Meridian. Which other side quests I may have missed in starting areas?
Most side quests I found were in Meridian. Which other side quests I may have missed in starting areas?

There are quite a few in the starting area and off the top of my head can't remember. Someone's missing daughter, find someones ring, rescue people trapped in some ruins ect.

Did you do the first Cauldron?
This game has "upstage" written all over it.

We'll be talking about this on GOTY shortlist at the end of the year, hands down. Definitely on mine and no way will it get knocked off.
Melee combat with no lock on... I dunno, pretty hectic. The machines were not too bad, but mobs of human enemies are something else. Spend all my attention and effort trying to keep the camera from going bonkers. Actual fighting is a secondary concern to keeping myself orientated as I am fighting.

But that is my only beef. The game is great. Looks fantastic, runs well, tight controls, engaging story. Love the primitive setting.

Awesome news all the way around.

I hope this game's success could possibly have it hit the PC at some point for all the obvious reasons.

I think this game is locked for the GOTY shortists and it may even do some upstaging of some bigger named titles depending on how things shake out.

I'm really that pleased and impressed with it. I think the sky is the limit for this.
I'm bummed out that I finished the game. It was awesome all the way through and that ending...
when Aloy finally finds Elisabet's body
I got choked up a bit. Such a good game, Guerrilla needs to win awards for HZD.
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I'm bummed out that I finished the game. It was awesome all the way through and that ending... I got choked up a bit. Such a good game, Guerrilla needs to win awards for HZD.

I'm doing a pretty thorough 1st playthrough and I know this is how I'm going to be when I finish this.
I'm doing a pretty thorough 1st playthrough and I know this is how I'm going to be when I finish this.
Take your time. I did almost everything and hit level 50 at the end. I also suggest you get the ancient armor. It's so good.
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Take your time. I did almost everything and hit level 50 at the end. I also suggest you get the ancient armor. It's so good.

I definitely want to. Not 100 percent sure how/where to get all the cores. I've tried to avoid spoilers.
I got as far as the proving and started a new game! I really did not like the way I played up to that point. Too much learning and bumbling around. This replay is much better. I even picked up a quest I missed. But mostly I have a much better grasp on the menu system, crafting, skills, weapon upgrades and all that. The game is really more fun when you know what you are doing and how to play.
I think I missed a quest at the start too... I now remember a green exclamation popping up on my map as I was doing the spear retrieval quest and thought that I'd come back to it after I'd finish. But when I did it wasn't there anymore...

Also, be sure to...
attack and knock down all the dummies throughout the beginning area to unlock a Trophy. This includes the ones outside Rost's cabin at the very start, which you can get back to if you missed them via the option of two very long climbs. There is a metal flower up there, too.
I think I missed a quest at the start too... I now remember a green exclamation popping up on my map as I was doing the spear retrieval quest and thought that I'd come back to it after I'd finish. But when I did it wasn't there anymore...

Also, be sure to...
attack and knock down all the dummies throughout the beginning area to unlock a Trophy. This includes the ones outside Rost's cabin at the very start, which you can get back to if you missed them via the option of two very long climbs. There is a metal flower up there, too.

Damn it, I didn't do that at all...also the spoiler stuff.
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Remember to visit Rost's grave now and then. Aloy likes to keep him up to date on her adventure. It's just one of many special touches found in this game.

That's really neat that it goes to those lengths. Does she mention anything about going there, or is it sort of like an Easter egg?
That's really neat that it goes to those lengths. Does she mention anything about going there, or is it sort of like an Easter egg?
Aloy does mention Rost several times during the game but she doesn't actually say she wants to go to the grave. I just went there on my own and once I walked up to the grave it triggered a scene.
Ancient Armory sidequest question:

I *think* I missed the Core from the Maker's End part of the quest where you really start getting into the story. Faro's Skyscraper.

Can I go back and get it or am I screwed and do I have to undo several hours of gameplay and replay that to get to where that core is?
Ancient Armory sidequest question:

I *think* I missed the Core from the Maker's End part of the quest where you really start getting into the story. Faro's Skyscraper.

Can I go back and get it or am I screwed and do I have to undo several hours of gameplay and replay that to get to where that core is?

You can go back at any time. Climb to the very top of that area to find the power cell.
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This guy shows that you can get all the power cells even AFTER you have finished everything. No glitches, no tricks...

I really am impressed with how fair and well crafted this game is. This is great! :)
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Finished the game on "Hard" with all armors, weapons, quests, locations found, plus Platinumed it. Excellent game, lots of fun, eager for more. Hoping for some competent expansions in future DLC.

Ancient Armor was fun, but found myself switching between it and my Stealth armor frequently. Shadow Bow with 3 Fire mods was my fav, but Lodge Sling, Tearblaster and Tripcaster were also frequently used. The game has so many valid approaches, it is hard to say one thing is better than another. Well balanced, which was enjoyable.

Also, this game on the Pro with an HDR TV is freakin' GORGEOUS.
I still can't come up with a complaint about this game that's worth mentioning.

Hoping for some competent expansions in future DLC.

I can guarantee it. I think a page ago a link was posted to that effect and I have an idea what at least one of them will be:

If you go out as far as west as you can up into the mountains and look out past west you see unused open desert area. I'm guessing that is or will be asset area used for the "Forbidden West" and some expansion content. Forbidden West has been mention by more than one character and written up in several of the "codecs" and goodies you find while exploring. I say something involving Forbidden West is a high likelihood.

If you go all the way East and jump into the water and start swimming out you can go a decent pace outside of the map and see some stray assets and some snapjaws. Safe bet something will happen there, too, although that's more suggestive: Is where that part of the map (East = Colorado basically) what's left of the USA on the east side? It looks like it at that rate otherwise it's a BIG lake or some such. No way to know yet.)
Picked up Horizon Friday night, didn't get a chance to play it until yesterday and played a bit today. Holy crap this game is good. Playing a non-Pro and it's amazing how well the game runs for how good it looks. I haven't run into any noticeable slow down or stutter yet. Combat is a blast, I just unlocked the ability to control the machines and that's a ton of fun. Fighting groups has just the right amount of challenge to not be frustratingly hard but also still make you feel good after fighting off a lot of enemies at once. I'm not usually a big fan of Ashly Burch's voice acting but she does a good enough job as Aloy to make it work.
Finished it today... Got everything in an effort to learn the ins and outs of what went down. What a journey.

Looking forward to the follow-up whether a prequel, sequel, or something in between. I'd hate to be on that development team though - it'll be hard to top this, but if they get even close to it, I'll be happy.

Not many games where I'm searching every nook and cranny for every data point, text bit, whatever just to get a better understanding of the world.