Help! First time watercooler.


Apr 29, 2006
I have my loop setup but after adding PT Nuke I have a loop full of bubbles, it looks almost like someone put soap in my system.
I flushed everything clean and made sure it had NOTHING in it.
I ran it for a little while without PT Nuke and it looked fine.

I'm totally lost, help.

EDIT: Pictures


It's been this way for about 30 minutes now. I'll have pictures in a sec.
Temps are great though, 62ºC @ full Prime95 @ 1.275v, 3.675GHz
I used 4.5 drops (one only half assed it into my fillport).
EDIT: I think it's the Benzalkonium Chloride not dissolving completely in water. Time to redo this fuck up. :rolleyes:
It is normal to have lots of small bubbles at first. If you're using a fillport rather than a reservoir it can take a while for the bubbles to disappear. Give it 6 hours or so.
It is normal to have lots of small bubbles at first. If you're using a fillport rather than a reservoir it can take a while for the bubbles to disappear. Give it 6 hours or so.

I call (agree) and raise a couple of days. Give it a few days, other than the "swoosh" noise its not hurting anything. Give it a while to calm down, its too much work to drain that system and you did nothing incorrect I can see from you post. Calm down and your loop will too, eventually :D
It's not small bubbles. I looks like foam.

I suggest draining your loops ASAP. The GTZ pins and other components may get clogged up.

Also, as someone mentioned, don't use too much. 3 drops max for 1.5l system.
It could be some flux and leftover machine parts from your radiator or something.

It honestly looks like emulsified air to me though, i'd let it sit for a few hours and see if the foam breaks (it should).
In short, there are impurities in your system. This may damage your system. Really, refill your loop.

Some say it's air bubbles but I've done a couple of water cooling systems and none shows such cloudiness. It's like mixing soap/dyes in your system.