Hdr + Aa

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razor1 said:
I never said they were dumb, maybe thats the percepetion you had when they annouced they couldn't? Also remember they aren't using thier own engine. Code base for an engine that isn't made by ones self is hard enough to go in and modify (the learning curve just to make the game takes a year on an engine, foget about understanding the engine core itself). Its not a simple process. What I'm saying they can get it done, but they weighted time vs. money, and money won out. And how often does Bethsedha make patches for thier games? In the past I remember it took them quite some time, so its not likely they keep going after the code once it goes gold, so thats why they gave that explination, so they don't need to look into any more, most programmers are lazy, less work for more money thats pretty much it.

Razor1 you define the word speculation? The fact is, there is only one place to go if you want HDR+AA with Oblivion and its not with "The way it's meant to be played" logo on the box. Sadly, I made the wrong decision.
Coolmanluke said:
Razor1 you define the word speculation? The fact is, there is only one place to go if you want HDR+AA with Oblivion and its not with "The way it's meant to be played" logo on the box. Sadly, I made the wrong decision.

Well then why did crytek have to make a new patch just for the x1x00 series cards then, which took 1 to 2 month at least to get working? Its not speculation it had to be done period.

And this driver modification not only works on Oblivion but other games too, so there is a major change in the way the drivers handle HDR applications. Its pretty obvious older code for HDR doesn't sit well with HDR + AA. There has to be changes.
razor1 said:
Well then why did crytek have to make a new patch just for the x1x00 series cards then, which took 1 to 2 month at least to get working? Its not speculation it had to be done period

We have heard the programers had it working in about a day....not 1 to 2 months.... Did not seem to take the folks that did Serious Sam2 months to add it either.....

Code base for an engine that isn't made by ones self is hard enough to go in and modify (the learning curve just to make the game takes a year on an engine, foget about understanding the engine core itself). Its not a simple process.

I dont think thats a fair statement at all as it depends on the engine and other things. I know first hand that users of Epic's unreal get full access to the source code and many go in an make modifications to fine to the curernt UT Engine to fit their needs. So wether its "hard" or not really depends on many factors
Jbirney said:
We have heard the programers had it working in about a day....not 1 to 2 months.... Did not seem to take the folks that did Serious Sam2 months to add it either.....

I dont think thats a fair statement at all as it depends on the engine and other things. I know first hand that users of Epic's unreal get full access to the source code and many go in an make modifications to fine to the curernt UT Engine to fit their needs. So wether its "hard" or not really depends on many factors

They didn't have it working in a day, a day or two to impliment but a month or two for stability. Don't forget stability on all systems is much more important then getting it up and running. I would expect Crytek to do it faster its thier own engine they better know how to modify thier own engine quickly.

Yeah it is a fair statement. I know first hand how hard it is even with full source code to certain engines to modify thier code.

I know people that have bitched about adding in custom shaders into Unreal 3 engine too. Modifing the rendercore can be quite a bit more difficult then adding in game specific changes.

When a rendercore is designed its all one unit, just like the physics engine, just like the game.dll. These units on themselves can be interechanged easily (for well designed apps) but making changes within each indivdual unit can be conciderably more challenging. You can only have it one way. Speed (raw performance) vs Flexibility (easier modification). Graphics engine are made for speed not for flexibility.
razor1 said:
They didn't have it working in a day, a day or two to impliment but a month or two for stability. Don't forget stability on all systems is much more important then getting it up and running. I would expect Crytek to do it faster its thier own engine they better know how to modify thier own engine quickly.

Yeah it is a fair statement. I know first hand how hard it is even with full source code to certain engines to modify thier code.

I know people that have bitched about adding in custom shaders into Unreal 3 engine too. Modifing the rendercore can be quite a bit more difficult then adding in game specific changes.

When a rendercore is designed its all one unit, just like the physics engine, just like the game.dll. These units on themselves can be interechanged easily (for well designed apps) but making changes within each indivdual unit can be conciderably more challenging. You can only have it one way. Speed (raw performance) vs Flexibility (easier modification). Graphics engine are made for speed not for flexibility.

Again, all your doing is speculating on what these companies did or didn't do. I can speculate that the rise in gasoline prices is due to the bird flu epidemic, but thats all it is speculation and holds no factual merit. = Worthless posts.
Coolmanluke said:
Again, all your doing is speculating on what these companies did or didn't do. I can speculate that the rise in gasoline prices is due to the bird flu epidemic, but thats all it is speculation and holds no factual merit. = Worthless posts.

your posts are worthless since you speculate without a basis of facts thats problem ;). I've been coding engines and game programming also other areas of programming aswell for many years now, if things have changed to the way you are stating either I'm a dinosaur or have no fundemental organization skills of a 3d renderer. Niether of these are true, so where is your programming knowledge at I would think quite a bit lower for your responses have no merit what so ever.
Coolmanluke said:
The fact is there is only one place to go if you want HDR+AA with Oblivion and its not with "The way it's meant to be played" logo on the box. Sadly, I made the wrong decision.

Don't be so sure. ATi's Catalysts, in my opinion, are an absolute mess. This is speculatory, but I believe many of the refurbished X1900 cards you see on Newegg and other sites had no real hardware issues. I believe it's far more likely that their software components simply did not work correctly.

I'd say that you should be satisfied with the choice you've made.
razor1 said:
your posts are worthless since you speculate without a basis of facts thats problem ;). I've been coding engines and game programming also other areas of programming aswell for many years now, if things have changed to the way you are stating either I'm a dinosaur or have no fundemental organization skills of a 3d renderer. Niether of these are true, so where is your programming knowledge at I would think quite a bit lower for your responses have no merit what so ever.

Thats exactly what your doing, specualating without any facts. Just because you have some programming experience doesn't make you an authority on anything. You don't work for ATI, Nvidia, or Bethesda. By the way, I'm guessing English is a secondary language? In any event, I'm done arguing with you.
Coolmanluke said:
Thats exactly what your doing, specualating without any facts. Just because you have some programming experience doesn't make you an authority on anything. You don't work for ATI, Nvidia, or Bethesda. By the way, I'm guessing English is a secondary language? In any event, I'm done arguing with you.

Razor always makes grandiose claims of being a game programmer but we have yet to see any of his work. It's his ace card to get out of any argument or put himself in an authoritive position.
5150Joker said:
Razor always makes grandiose claims of being a game programmer but we have yet to see any of his work. It's his ace card to get out of any argument or put himself in an authoritive position.

Why are you using two names? Can anyone check on MFZ and Joker, I think they are the same person.........

Btw Joker I told you if you want to meet me at E3. Will you come? If you want to talk to me in person be there ;).

All you have to do is come by the nV booth and ask for TF, they will know who to point you too.
Coolmanluke said:
Thats exactly what your doing, specualating without any facts. Just because you have some programming experience doesn't make you an authority on anything. You don't work for ATI, Nvidia, or Bethesda. By the way, I'm guessing English is a secondary language? In any event, I'm done arguing with you.

And it must be yours too, since you can't take your own advice. Wow amazing, can't see your own hypocricy?

Which is worse, base possibilities on prior experience and knowledge and facts, which has a good deal of merit, or bases it on ideas that have nothing but guesses, like yours? Well the theory of reletivity is based on prior experience, knowledge and facts and still holds up today. I don't see how you can dispute it unless you have another theory which is based on more robust facts or facts that I have stated to be wrong, or is that too hard for you to understand, I think it is too hard for you to understand since you haven't thought it through at all.
razor1 said:
And it must be yours too, since you can't take your own advice. Wow amazing, can't see your own hypocricy?

Which is worse, base possibilities on prior experience and knowledge and facts, which has a good deal of merit, or bases it on ideas that have nothing but guesses, like yours? Well the theory of reletivity is based on prior experience, knowledge and facts and still holds up today. I don't see how you can dispute it unless you have another theory which is based on more robust facts or facts that I have stated to be wrong, or is that too hard for you to understand, I think it is too hard for you to understand since you haven't thought it through at all.

I've been following this thread and its a goner. Lock it please. Your posts make no sense Razor1, quit it already.
razor1 said:
They didn't have it working in a day, a day or two to impliment but a month or two for stability.

What? We were talking about how long it took to get it to work not if it is stable. The current Chuck patch from ATI is anything but stable. Dave indicated at B3D that the Cryteck guys had it working very soon after having their first working x1800. Same with Croteam and SS2. You made the claim that it took months but never said anything about stability in your first claim. It does not take months to get HDR and AA working.

razor1 said:
Yeah it is a fair statement. I know first hand how hard it is even with full source code to certain engines to modify thier code.

I know people that have bitched about adding in custom shaders into Unreal 3 engine too. Modifing the rendercore can be quite a bit more difficult then adding in game specific changes..

Again you made the broad statement "Code base for an engine that isn't made by ones self is hard enough to go in and modify...." I said it depends on many things. I also know several developers that are using Unreal based engines that dont seem to have a problem modifing Unreal engines. Of coruse these folks have been using Unreal engines for a while and know them pretty well. Thus as I stated..it depends on many things (one of them being the developers level of knowlegde and experince with an engine).

razor1 said:
All you have to do is come by the nV booth and ask for TF, they will know who to point you too.

Well I guess that explains a lot now :)
ill come by the nv booth ,

um .......yeah right ,

maybe when they stop implementing cheap optimizations and finally release a fast video card without any IQ reductions,

but i doubt it
razor1 said:
All you have to do is come by the nV booth and ask for TF, they will know who to point you too.

And you expect people to believe you are not bias? I already knew you were bias towards NV in a big way, at least now I understand why.
razor1 said:
All you have to do is come by the nV booth and ask for TF, they will know who to point you too.

When I come to the nVidia booth, should I say, "can you redirect me to TF, your prized forum shill?" :p :D
fallguy said:
And you expect people to believe you are not bias? I already knew you were bias towards NV in a big way, at least now I understand why.

Well I can dig up your posts and show bais up to ying yang if you want. Why don't you look at that thread that you started about nV supply problems and yeilds, There is some hard evidence that I posted there. Or are you going to try to shoot that down with no proof at all?
5150Joker said:
When I come to the nVidia booth, should I say, "can you redirect me to TF, your prized forum shill?" :p :D

Hmm interesting you say that, which didn't hold so dear at Rage ;) , now did it? But obviously neither you or Bobrownik are going to show up because I'm sure you can't back up anything you say. BTW, I have a private message from someone that use to post here a while back, from pakastain, Doctor, have a wife? How did you do all that when you aren't even in Med school? I can really call you what I think of you, but I think this pretty much speaks for itself.

Why don't you come down to E3 you're in Davis, California, shouldn't be more then a 4 hour drive.
Jbirney said:
Again you made the broad statement "Code base for an engine that isn't made by ones self is hard enough to go in and modify...." I said it depends on many things. I also know several developers that are using Unreal based engines that dont seem to have a problem modifing Unreal engines. Of coruse these folks have been using Unreal engines for a while and know them pretty well. Thus as I stated..it depends on many things (one of them being the developers level of knowlegde and experince with an engine).

Ok JB go to B3D and ask any of the numerous programmers there, they will say the same things I am, I know engines very well, I know software very well, this is something you keep forgetting, and I keep reminding you of. I think if you knew anything remotely close to actually programming, you would understand where I'm coming from.

Unreal 3 code base is completely different from previous engines if you didn't know that please stop. My god, its a different physics engine, totally rewritten AI, animation system rewite, even the model format is much different then previous Unreal engines. You are taking about an engine that is 3 times bigger in code then the previous Unreal engine. The only thing that might even be similiar is the sound engine.

Have you seen the Unreal 2 engine games that came out? I really don't see much modification done in the render core other then 1 game Pariah. Which they did do quite a bit of changes, but that was made of Digital Extremes, they did at least 2 other games on that engine and have worked very close with Epic in the past and I'm sure the future. How any games did Bethsedha do with the Gamebyro Engine. This is thier first one. Which they didn't really go in and modify the core (many time with engine liscenses there are stipulations in there where its not so favorable to make changes in the engine (source code has to be given back to the liscensor, if there was proporitary code other then the engine liscense that needed to be added, in many cases this happens, it will throw a monkey wrench into the contract). Linage 2 was made on the Unreal 2 engine and there wasn't much change to the rendercore on that game if you didn't notice I'm mentioning it now. Not many people buy an engine to go in to it and make heavy modifications its not cost productive. Many people buy an engine so they don't need to worry about the base techonology.

Just for an example of how hard it can be. Our game code on the Cry Engine takes up over 200 MB or disk space. Over 200k lines of code. Thats just our game code forget about the game scripts, the ai code modificaitons, the physics code modifications etc. We brought on a new programmer mid way through our demo developement cycle, a very good programmer with 5+ years of experience in game related programming. It took him about 6 months to understand our game code well enough to start coding clean code for us. Now this guy has also worked on engines before, we were going to put him on engine programming and shader work, but decided not to because we didn't have a year for him to get used to the code. We also decided against major modifcations of the rendercore but we were forced to make some changes which took the amount of time I mentioned above. To tell you the truth the Cry engine is quite a bit easier to use then most enigne that I have had experience with. But it still took quite a bit of time to really get used to it. Documentation is great most engine have very good documentation, but documentation usually doesn't help much going into the engine and making modifications. Give Bethsheda some credit, they made an RPG, which is 100 times harder to code for and make it fun to play over any FPS.

I'm not making a statement that one of the IHV's wanted or didn't not want the developers of this game to do what they did, but I will give Bethseda benefit of the doubt since they stated they "couldn't", (more like they didn't want to because of my personal experiences). If you are going to say that is not a possibility you guys really should have something to say other then accuse, because its obvious there is no facts or even remote possibilities behind your statements.
razor1 said:
Ok JB go to B3D and ask any of the numerous programmers there, they will say the same things I am, I know engines very well, I know software very well, this is something you keep forgetting, and I keep reminding you of. I think if you knew anything remotely close to actually programming, you would understand where I'm coming from.

Unreal 3 code base is completely different from previous engines if you didn't know that please stop. My god, its a different physics engine, totally rewritten AI, animation system rewite, even the model format is much different then previous Unreal engines. You are taking about an engine that is 3 times bigger in code then the previous Unreal engine. The only thing that might even be similiar is the sound engine.

Have you seen the Unreal 2 engine games that came out? I really don't see much modification done in the render core other then 1 game Pariah. Which they did do quite a bit of changes, but that was made of Digital Extremes, they did at least 2 other games on that engine and have worked very close with Epic in the past and I'm sure the future. How any games did Bethsedha do with the Gamebyro Engine. This is thier first one. Which they didn't really go in and modify the core (many time with engine liscenses there are stipulations in there where its not so favorable to make changes in the engine (source code has to be given back to the liscensor, if there was proporitary code other then the engine liscense that needed to be added, in many cases this happens, it will throw a monkey wrench into the contract). Linage 2 was made on the Unreal 2 engine and there wasn't much change to the rendercore on that game if you didn't notice I'm mentioning it now. Not many people buy an engine to go in to it and make heavy modifications its not cost productive. Many people buy an engine so they don't need to worry about the base techonology.

Just for an example of how hard it can be. Our game code on the Cry Engine takes up over 200 MB or disk space. Over 200k lines of code. Thats just our game code forget about the game scripts, the ai code modificaitons, the physics code modifications etc. We brought on a new programmer mid way through our demo developement cycle, a very good programmer with 5+ years of experience in game related programming. It took him about 6 months to understand our game code well enough to start coding clean code for us. Now this guy has also worked on engines before, we were going to put him on engine programming and shader work, but decided not to because we didn't have a year for him to get used to the code. We also decided against major modifcations of the rendercore but we were forced to make some changes which took the amount of time I mentioned above. To tell you the truth the Cry engine is quite a bit easier to use then most enigne that I have had experience with. But it still took quite a bit of time to really get used to it. Documentation is great most engine have very good documentation, but documentation usually doesn't help much going into the engine and making modifications. Give Bethsheda some credit, they made an RPG, which is 100 times harder to code for and make it fun to play over any FPS.

I'm not making a statement that one of the IHV's wanted or didn't not want the developers of this game to do what they did, but I will give Bethseda benefit of the doubt since they stated they "couldn't", (more like they didn't want to because of my personal experiences). If you are going to say that is not a possibility you guys really should have something to say other then accuse, because its obvious there is no facts or even remote possibilities behind your statements.

Yawn, I see your still at it. Your as bad as Rollo. Why dont you leave our forums and go spread your Nvidia propoganda elsewhere. Your bias is undeniable.
Mrwang said:
Yawn, I see your still at it. Your as bad as Rollo. Why dont you leave our forums and go spread your Nvidia propoganda elsewhere. Your bias is undeniable.

Well big words for a sleepy head :) point not noted ;). What does Rollo have anything to do with this. Exactly you guys have no arguement so you want to try to make a point but can't its quite pathetic.

So you want to spread ATi propaganda is that it? Walking the middle road a bit to hard for you to grasp, Thought so.
razor1 said:
Well big words for a sleepy head :) point not noted ;). What does Rollo have anything to do with this. Exactly you guys have no arguement so you want to try to make a point but can't its quite pathetic.

So you want to spread ATi propaganda is that it? Walking the middle road a bit to hard for you to grasp, Thought so.

Sleepy Head? Well your a poo-poo brains. Lol, get a life.

Stop wasting everyones time here. Im an Nvida supporter and all but why are you posting in a thread titled HDR + AA? It's something that Nvidia cannot do. The visual quality the ATI cards are producing in Oblivion is simply amazing though.
Mrwang said:
Yawn, I see your still at it. Your as bad as Rollo. Why dont you leave our forums and go spread your Nvidia propoganda elsewhere. Your bias is undeniable.

Argumentum ad hominem

Argumentum ad hominem literally means "argument directed at the man"; there are two varieties.

The first is the abusive form. If you refuse to accept a statement, and justify your refusal by criticizing the person who made the statement, then you are guilty of abusive argumentum ad hominem. For example:

"You claim that atheists can be moral -- yet I happen to know that you abandoned your wife and children."
This is a fallacy because the truth of an assertion doesn't depend on the virtues of the person asserting it. A less blatant argumentum ad hominem is to reject a proposition based on the fact that it was also asserted by some other easily criticized person. For example:

"Therefore we should close down the church? Hitler and Stalin would have agreed with you."
A second form of argumentum ad hominem is to try and persuade someone to accept a statement you make, by referring to that person's particular circumstances. For example:

"Therefore it is perfectly acceptable to kill animals for food. I hope you won't argue otherwise, given that you're quite happy to wear leather shoes."
This is known as circumstantial argumentum ad hominem. The fallacy can also be used as an excuse to reject a particular conclusion. For example:

"Of course you'd argue that positive discrimination is a bad thing. You're white."
This particular form of Argumentum ad Hominem, when you allege that someone is rationalizing a conclusion for selfish reasons, is also known as "poisoning the well."

It's not always invalid to refer to the circumstances of an individual who is making a claim. If someone is a known perjurer or liar, that fact will reduce their credibility as a witness. It won't, however, prove that their testimony is false in this case. It also won't alter the soundness of any logical arguments they may make.

Terra - The least you could do was give an argument to why he is wrong...
razor1 said:
Hmm interesting you say that, which didn't hold so dear at Rage ;) , now did it? But obviously neither you or Bobrownik are going to show up because I'm sure you can't back up anything you say. BTW, I have a private message from someone that use to post here a while back, from pakastain, Doctor, have a wife? How did you do all that when you aren't even in Med school? I can really call you what I think of you, but I think this pretty much speaks for itself.

Why don't you come down to E3 you're in Davis, California, shouldn't be more then a 4 hour drive.

I just might be willing to come down - ask your nV masters that their shill has requested someone from Davis, CA be given a pass and I'll try to be there. As for someone receiving a PM from me where I claimed to be an MD that's bogus as well. The only "someone" that received a PM from me awhile back was you where we had a conversation about you being an immigrant from India and I mentioned that my parents were also from Pakistan and that I was married and planning on going to med school. Not that it even matters on these forums or even has any relevance to this thread - you're obviously so scared of being exposed as a shill that you'll do anything to try to discredit your detractors. However, you're the one exposing yourself as an nV tool by inviting me to visit you at the nV booth during E3.
5150Joker said:
I just might be willing to come down - ask your nV masters that their shill has requested someone from Davis, CA be given a pass and I'll try to be there. As for someone receiving a PM from me where I claimed to be an MD that's bogus as well. The only "someone" that received a PM from me awhile back was you where we had a conversation about you being an immigrant from India and I mentioned that my parents were also from Pakistan and that I was married and planning on going to med school. Not that it even matters on these forums or even has any relevance to this thread - you're obviously so scared of being exposed as a shill that you'll do anything to try to discredit your detractors. However, you're the one exposing yourself as an nV tool by inviting me to visit you at the nV booth during E3.

LOL well you will see in a months time then ;) . Great response love the fight Joker, but unfortunately, if you can't stop accusing, it will just be mud in your face. Also I can't get you a pass, well I can if you have some association with the game industry. if you do send me a copy I'll send it to the right people, and we will see if there is any avialable ;). Hmm I don't remember you stating you were from Pakastain. This was told to me by someone other then yourself. Go back and check the posts at Rage. There was no mention of that there where I had the last conversation with you. Oh btw You clarified that you weren't an MD at Rage after I questioned you twice. You yourself didn't come out and say it. Even after I said talked to you with statement
ask your collogues in the Medical field
was my quote which you had no response for. If you have anything further to say, you can talk to your toliet because thats all the amount of crap thats coming out of your mouth and it will soon show.

BTW I'm not scared we are revamping our artwork and most of our models are done, soon we will have screenshots, or I can show you some model screens right now if you like?

Why don't you start talking to your toliet right now ;)

BTW these are 2 of our in game characters 9k polys each 2x 2048x2048 textures hieght maps, normal maps, lightmaps, and of course diffuse maps. These are in engine shots also. The first character shot of the creature is not fully detailed yet, we still have to add in the final level of detail for him.

Our level assets are being worked on right now so its going to be sometime before they are ready for us to actually show screenshots.

Also our game runs a bit better on ATi cards at the moment, so all you guys beeping about being one sided be my guest and step right up. You guys have no idea the pressures there are to make these high line games, thats why I give Bethsheda a break. I fully know nearing going gold time, its not possible to add in new features.

Edit: Joker I stated to you before we will show you when we are ready, not when you want us to show you. Got it? You think you rule the game industry because you buy them? You are a select few that buy these games, dont' get me wrong it would be great if you buy our game, but we will advertise and promote when our product is ready. Otherwise if we started to go out there when we aren't ready, we don't want to be another HL 2.
Well, I just played the new de_dust for Counterstrike:Source (HDR added) and it was amazing. And you know what, I'm using a 7900GTX and I had HDR+AA in full force and it was stunning. So I don't know what to assume. I don't know much about the FP16 blending and whatnot but it is possible.
Coolmanluke said:
Sleepy Head? Well your a poo-poo brains. Lol, get a life.

Stop wasting everyones time here. Im an Nvida supporter and all but why are you posting in a thread titled HDR + AA? It's something that Nvidia cannot do. The visual quality the ATI cards are producing in Oblivion is simply amazing though.


Hmm read post above ;)
John Reynolds said:
And here I thought we were talking float-based HDR and not integer formats.

Well then, let the arguement for HDR float-based+AA begin.... :confused:

I mean come on, High Dynamic Range is High Dynamic Range no matter what the procedure. The botton line is that 7900GTX's can run HDR+AA.
entre nous said:
Well then, let the arguement for HDR float-based+AA begin.... :confused:

I mean come on, High Dynamic Range is High Dynamic Range no matter what the procedure. The botton line is that 7900GTX's can run HDR+AA.

Well yeah it is possible the way they did in HL2, but using FP 16 gives a much richier feel. Humus a ATi programmer actually did a version of HDR using integer base and amazing it really is very close to FP16 HDR, just a smegion of artifacting in some areas, but otherwise looks awesome.
When Lost Coast came out I remember certain Nvidia Fans braging about the higher percision HDR they got. But now that ATI has All forms of HDR covered its just meh? I dont think Razor1 is a nvidia Shrill he has been very non biased imo. I dont agree with his ideas in this thread they are kinda off but a shrill for one arguement? Please.
John Reynolds said:
No one disputed that. But you're trying to compare apples to oranges with your screenshots.

Some people clearly stated that Nvidia just cannot do HDR+AA. A few post up there is a direct qoute. I'm not trying to compare anything, I'm just posting screenshots of HDR+AA on an Nvidia card because some people believe it to be completely not true.

But I am going to have to remove those pics soon, my bandwidth is already at its limit....
{NG}Fidel said:
When Lost Coast came out I remember certain Nvidia Fans braging about the higher percision HDR they got. But now that ATI has All forms of HDR covered its just meh?

Well, ATI doesn't have all forms of HDR covered by any stretch of the imagination (particularly float-based that's usable with multi-sampling). Both companies have a pretty limited set of formats they each support right now.
John to clarify I wasnt talking to you in that last post I was talking to the poster prior. I didnt see your post. I realize I should have be more specific. But I was just being vauge.
razor1 said:
LOL well you will see in a months time then ;) . Great response love the fight Joker, but unfortunately, if you can't stop accusing, it will just be mud in your face. Also I can't get you a pass, well I can if you have some association with the game industry. if you do send me a copy I'll send it to the right people, and we will see if there is any avialable ;).

I thought you said that you'd invite me to E3 so I could talk to TF or whoever the hell you are at the nVidia booth? More b.s. from you as usual I guess - ok I admit it, I'm trying to goad you into getting me an E3 pass :D Just ask your nVidia supervisor if he'll be kind enough to send me one.

Why don't you start talking to your toliet right now ;)

BTW these are 2 of our in game characters 9k polys each 2x 2048x2048 textures hieght maps, normal maps, lightmaps, and of course diffuse maps. These are in engine shots also. The first character shot of the creature is not fully detailed yet, we still have to add in the final level of detail for him.

Our level assets are being worked on right now so its going to be sometime before they are ready for us to actually show screenshots.

Dude as far as I know you're that game company's janitor or nVidia PR man. Just because you showed a couple pictures of models doesn't mean you're substantiating yourself as a game engine programmer like you claim to be.

Edit: Joker I stated to you before we will show you when we are ready, not when you want us to show you. Got it? You think you rule the game industry because you buy them? You are a select few that buy these games, dont' get me wrong it would be great if you buy our game, but we will advertise and promote when our product is ready. Otherwise if we started to go out there when we aren't ready, we don't want to be another HL 2.

Most decent game developers love PR for their game, you're the first I've met that claims to be a programmer who shy's away from even mentioning the game you're working on. Like I said above, you still haven't proven that you're one of the key programmers yet.
entre nous said:
Here they are fellas, HDR+AA on a 7900GTX. Let the arguemnt finally end.... Some shots are purposely overexposed.

2 3 4 5

Those are WAAAAAY overexposed, in fact I just get a white page with the following text :

The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Please try the following:

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Open the www.htkse.com home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
Click the Back button to try another link.
Click Search to look for information on the Internet.

HTTP 404 - File not found

hehe sorry man - had to. Still waiting to see HDR and AA on a 7900 GTX
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