Hdr + Aa

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I find your post misleading at best.

You fail to mention that the Chuck patch for Oblivion has known render errors, and is not supported by ATI or Bethesda.

AFAIK, there are no games currently patched to full FP16 HDR precision + AA.

You fail to mention that there are very few of those games in current release, some of those aren't patched to HDR+AA, and that you have no idea whatsoever when the others will be released. (e.g. guys told me they were buying Voodoo5s for Duke Nukem Forever, because "it will be out soon")

You also fail to mention that the G80, nVidia's next gen chip, will support FP HDR + AA (I have this straight from nVidia) and that for the unreleased games, a R580 might be a mid range card by the time the games are released.

So all is not exactly the "wondrous world of HDR+ AA for ATI owners" you seem to want to portray.

I didn't mean HDR and AA are ATI only features forever, I meant they are now, and that the user base may well be too small for devs to care about. Bethesda obviously didn't.
Rollo said:

I find your post misleading at best.

You fail to mention that the Chuck patch for Oblivion has known render errors, and is not supported by ATI or Bethesda.

AFAIK, there are no games currently patched to full FP16 HDR precision + AA.

You fail to mention that there are very few of those games in current release, some of those aren't patched to HDR+AA, and that you have no idea whatsoever when the others will be released. (e.g. guys told me they were buying Voodoo5s for Duke Nukem Forever, because "it will be out soon")

You also fail to mention that the G80, nVidia's next gen chip, will support FP HDR + AA (I have this straight from nVidia) and that for the unreleased games, a R580 might be a mid range card by the time the games are released.

So all is not exactly the "wondrous world of HDR+ AA for ATI owners" you seem to want to portray.

I didn't mean HDR and AA are ATI only features forever, I meant they are now, and that the user base may well be too small for devs to care about. Bethesda obviously didn't.

The bottom line is, right now, you can get superior image quality on ATi hardware, end of story. HDR+AA is in its infancy now just as FP16 HDR was when the 6800s first came out...I said then that it was a cool feature that shouldn't be the deciding factor in a purchase, and I say the same thing now that it's ATi with the upper hand...

However, lets not mince words here...ATi clearly has the upperhand in the IQ department right now...and the simple fact is, that if you go out today and buy an X1900XTX, you'll get a better gaming experience in Oblivion than you would with a 7900GTX.

Give credit where credit is due.
razor1 said:
Very nice comment ;)

You earned it.

razor1 said:
BTW until you show me proof, at least me dude you don't need to open it up, I'll freakin sign an NDA with you if you like.

You don't read or comprehend very well do you? You have been offered proof and you have chosen to refute the facts. There is nothing more I can or will do about it. At the end of the day, I don't owe you anything more than what I have already posted in other forums. If what I have posted does not satisfy you, too bad.

razor1 said:
As I said English isn't my first language, my weak point is spelling, if you have nothing else to pick on. I would like to see you speak Hindi, or Kanada, or Telegu. You probably couldn't even say Hindu gods name right.

Well, now you are hurling insults? At least you are consistent.

razor1 said:
You can't show me proof since you have none is where I'm coming from, you say your out of the NDA commitment, you can share the information.

I have the proof. I will not be sharing it with you because

a) you don't work for the developer or pubilisher

b) you are not and never have been involved with the projects in question

c) the documentation is none of your business.

razor1 said:
Its called professional journalism. A journalist or newspaper can be held in a court of law for such things. As can you, I'm not saying I'm judging you, but at least give me evidence for me to change my view. If you can't you going on a tirad won't amount to anything.

Spelling: tirade.

Professional journalism? What does that have to do with the fact that you have threatened me publicly over an issue that you have no clue as to what you are talking about? You have judged me without a shred of evidence. You have threatened me publicly without a shred of evidence. The burden of "proof" is on you. I was involved with the projects and developers, you weren't. How utterly ridiculous to think you know anything about any of the projects, developers, or publishers. What a crock of nonsense you have cooked up. What you don't even realize is what a PR nightmare you have made of yourself and for your game.

razor1 said:
Edit: spelling error, guess spelling must be one of your pet peeves.
I will keep posting "NO EVIDENCE" and will not comment on your posts from this point on word until you show me proof.

Wow, you contradict yourself in a single sentence. That takes skill. You can post whatever you like since you don't respond to nor comprehend facts. I highly doubt you will not comment on my posts.

Here's a clue for you...stop threatening others in forums and I will likely not bother responding. See if you can manage your ego long enough to stop threatening people with NO justification. Remember this...you brought this on yourself.
edit: nm this has gotten boring. Razor will never prove he's a programmer.
You earned it.

I remember reading your comments at nV news to the mods and other forum members there when you got banned. Too bad those posts were deleted by the admin because they were so offensive. You were attacking people verbally just like you are now, just because they wanted to see what kind of evidence you really have and you couldn't produce it to them. I think its a habit for you when people say your statements are BS

You don't read or comprehend very well do you? You have been offered proof and you have chosen to refute the facts. There is nothing more I can or will do about it. At the end of the day, I don't owe you anything more than what I have already posted in other forums. If what I have posted does not satisfy you, too bad.

That was not the proof I wanted, you know that very well, You said you had documentation that specifically showed money switching hands for certain optimizations.

I want to see that! If you can't produce it shut up.

Well, now you are hurling insults? At least you are consistent.

Hurling insults? I know you can't, very few Americans can pronounce hindu words correctly. I'm stated a general fact. And you going on about my spelling which will help me in the long run I'll be more careful until its inbread into me is diverting the issue.

I have the proof. I will not be sharing it with you because

a) you don't work for the developer or pubilisher

b) you are not and never have been involved with the projects in question

c) the documentation is none of your business.

Great I thought so, you are a LIAR

Just like you lied at NVnews numerous times.

Spelling: tirade.

thank you for the correction in english, scholar :rolleyes:

Professional journalism? What does that have to do with the fact that you have threatened me publicly over an issue that you have no clue as to what you are talking about? You have judged me without a shred of evidence. You have threatened me publicly without a shred of evidence. The burden of "proof" is on you. I was involved with the projects and developers, you weren't. How utterly ridiculous to think you know anything about any of the projects, developers, or publishers. What a crock of nonsense you have cooked up. What you don't even realize is what a PR nightmare you have made of yourself and for your game.

What you are doing is not professional at all. You are swaying people with no hard evidence. If Bush was to say Canada is screwing with us because Collin Powel told him so and we have to send our troops up there, would the American people believe we have to with out proof? Thats the way you want it to be, I will question your motives and your behavior, and your profesionalism.


Wow, you contradict yourself in a single sentence. That takes skill. You can post whatever you like since you don't respond to nor comprehend facts. I highly doubt you will not comment on my posts.

My posts have my personal first hand knowledge of what we do. I never give a difinitive answer, if you were to show me proof of your so called "I was told so" or " I have internal documentation" Then I will change my view.

I wasn't threating you till you insulted me and my intellegence I don't like that. Just like you don't like it, Got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You want to talk sh*t be my guest, but don't insult others intellgence. and personally for that matter, I know the way you are I've seen you post and how rude you are to others. Take your own words into concideration next time.

Here's a clue for you...stop threatening others in forums and I will likely not bother responding. See if you can manage your ego long enough to stop threatening people with NO justification. Remember this...you brought this on yourself

Good, because the more you respond the more you seem to screw up. Too bad your timeline post and what you did for EA timings was deleated at Rage, its quite funny for a guy that is a trouble shooter on a forum to get a beta build of a game don't you think? Then your timings were off by a year of the games release from the time you said you worked? And your reponse to that is who cares? Please 1 freakin year, hypothetical situation, where you too high or drunk to forget an entire year? All these things add up to your credibility and motives of your statements.
Well, as tensions have hit a high in here, its time this meets the end of the line. As always, instead of the insult flinging and arguing, I'd suggest that the report button be used.
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