HardOCP's sues Infinium

Since the threat of a lawsuit came so much later than the original article, this feels more like a last ditch effort. I believe thier intentions were to discredit the article publically. That way if anyone asked them about it, they could say the article was flawed and retracted. Once again giving them a seemingly clean bill of health for potential investers. IL is probably in financial trouble, not necessarily right now, but enough so that they cannot see the project through. Something needed to be done.

No matter what they said, they had no intentions of filing a lawsuit. If they were going to, they would have. Plain and simple.

They obviously misjudged Kyle's character if they thought they could push him around. I would also guess that they never thought Kyle would force the suit to happen. I mean, it isn't often that parties on the verge of getting sued force the matter.

IL now has to work on damage control. Lets see if they can figure out how to put the shit back into the horse. In the end, nothing will have actually changed.... IL will only have failed faster.
This just gets worse and worse for that loser Tim Roberts. By alienating his target audience (or at least people who will likely be in contact with his target audience) he has effectively ended any hope of the Phantom (I love the irony of that name) ever succeeding even if it does exist. The other stupid thing on IL's part is that they never even bothered to make a phony Phantom by mocking up a SFF PC and pretending it was a Phantom prototype. I guess they couldn't do this because they would have had to run a game on it - and IL would be called out early by the game's manufacturer who had no idea a Phantom version of their game existed!

P.S. I don't know what it is, but after reading a few of Tim Roberts' posts online, he kinda reminds me of Derek Smart.
Originally posted by The Other
honestly that makes no sense from a marketing standpoint. Building a Game Console without the hardcore gamers in mind. That is like making a bra without the female in mind. I guess he forgot who were the people standing in line for the PS2's.

That is why so many products fail, it is a lack of research and a lack of information, and usually forget that they are consumers as well, and what do consumers want. They might have a research team or whatever but they need to do the homework.

Game Console not for hardcore gamers.................... SMH

He's not marketing a game console to gamers. He's marketing a 'company that produces game consoles' to investors. He wants someone else to pay for his Porshe. His companies don't have to succeed or even produce anything. They just have to stay around long enough to pad his bank account until he comes up with his next scam^H^H^H^Hbusiness venture.
Originally posted by Mattman
P.S. I don't know what it is, but after reading a few of Tim Roberts' posts online, he kinda reminds me of Derek Smart.
At least Derek came out with a product.
So where does this thread fall.......

Web Linkage Worth Clicking, Soapbox, News Forum.

Just wondering....................

as you know who would say.............THANX
C'YA :cool:
i think this thread should stay here's why:

1. this affects all of us here. if Kyle is forced to shut down, we're all without the [H] (although i'm not worried about this happening)
2. this is about the Phantom's hardware is it not? ;)
3. IL sucks :D :p
Originally posted by Xyster
So where does this thread fall.......

Web Linkage Worth Clicking, Soapbox, News Forum.

Just wondering....................

as you know who would say.............THANX
C'YA :cool:
Lets see, this thread is 5 pages long so I'm sure the Mods/Admins know about it, the owner of the forums has posted here, it's about general hardware (even it it's a vaporware). Any other reason you want to know about why this thread belongs here? :rolleyes:
Traditionally, any discussion about OCP takes place here in General [H]ardware. There's also a thread in the Games forum. Kyle does know about the thread and reads everything. I haven't personally called or emailed him yet because he already knows I support him and he's hella busy.

In other news, I applied for a PACER account, but it'll be a week before it gets to me and I'm able to use it. Once I have that I'll be able to pull the docket information on the pending case and post it here. (That is unless someone already has a PACER account...)
Lets start here.

Originally posted by Phoenix86
this thread is 5 pages long
Why should the length matter. She never cared before. :)

Originally posted by Phoenix86
the owner of the forums has posted here[/B]
That shouldn't matter.

Originally posted by Phoenix86
it's about general hardware (even it it's a vaporware). [/B]
No its about a Lawsuit.

So you have explained nothing.

You peolple are to uptight. I was just being a smart ass.
And I will delete it if any of you crazy bastards gets out of hand!!!

Length = high visiblity=more moderation= this thread would already be move/locked if needed.

Owner posted in thread= highest visibility, see above.

Phantom=hardware, discussion about a lawsuit of a hardware device=a general hardware discussion.

Stop trolling, this thread has lasted long enough before, and we have managed not to get warning posts/locked thread. Since some of us are interested in this whole discussion don't ruin it for the rest of us. If your not, move on. If you want to get a thread locked bring that up with a Mod/Admin/Owner since you have his attention too.

Sorry Kyle, trying to stay ON topic, some don't wanna... :rolleyes:

BTW Morely nice site, esp. since they (IL) kept deleting posts/info, and last time I checked the whole forums was disabled. :cool:
Well, I've been asking for screen shots of Tim Roberts' little tirades on his forums before he killed them, and I got a few from an anonymous tip.

Tim calls Kyle the 'lowest form of life on this planet' and a 'yellow dog' journalist.

Infinium vs. [H]ardOCP

Verdict- Infinium is GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY.

Award the Plaintiff 100% of damages and legal fees.
Morely, check with Grimlakin, he was tracking the IL forums pretty good, not sure if he got screenies. BTW how's the store coming?

Grimlakin, did Jason ever put up, or did he just shut up about a demo at GameWyze?
Originally posted by DeepFreeze
Infinium vs. [H]ardOCP

Verdict- Infinium is GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY.

Award the Plaintiff 100% of damages and legal fees.

Mr. Roberts, you will are sentenced to no less than 10 years in a federal "pound me in the ass" prison. and a very, very bad person. :p

Morley: i love your site, aren't YOU worried about being sued though?! :D
Originally posted by Torgo
Traditionally, any discussion about OCP takes place here in General [H]ardware. There's also a thread in the Games forum. Kyle does know about the thread and reads everything. I haven't personally called or emailed him yet because he already knows I support him and he's hella busy.

In other news, I applied for a PACER account, but it'll be a week before it gets to me and I'm able to use it. Once I have that I'll be able to pull the docket information on the pending case and post it here. (That is unless someone already has a PACER account...)

I am not sure if anyone has access to that state in my office, but I will check. I mostly deal with California.
Originally posted by SlickJesus
Mr. Roberts, you will are sentenced to no less than 10 years in a federal "pound me in the ass" prison. and a very, very bad person. :p

Morley: i love your site, aren't YOU worried about being sued though?! :D

Bring. It. On.

I need a new outlet for my creativity, a lawsuit sounds delicious.
From what I researched PACER accounts are universal. You just need to login at the particular District Court to perform a search. It should be pretty easy to find since it was filed 2/27/2004. I posted the link to the court on Page 4 of this thread.

Ahem, Kyle - do you have a case number to assist us?
Originally posted by Morley
Well, I've been asking for screen shots of Tim Roberts' little tirades on his forums before he killed them, and I got a few from an anonymous tip.

Tim calls Kyle the 'lowest form of life on this planet' and a 'yellow dog' journalist.


Well first Infinium sues [H]ardOCP for "problems in its article", then procedes to produce a dodgy lawsuit, and then Tim Roberts decides to go even lower and resort to derogitive statements about Kyle, our Editor and a great man. Ifinium should by now have lost every little bit of respect it may have had. I know i am now not even interested in the Phantom, not just because it is basically a PC anyway (XBOX pioneered this form of consoling anyway), but then they proceeded to make money in the cheapest way possible. May [H]ardOCP win their case, and prove to the world Tim Roberts is a complete and utter idiot.
Donate the extra money to a good cause if you win.

Then you 1) make a charity happy, and 2) make IL look like the worst people on Earth.

Two birds with one stone :p
watch yet another one fo Timmy's businesses claims bankruptcy:D making his score 7/7 of the businesses he had some thing to do with that have gone belly up
Read this article from Slashdot.org (The geek site of geek sites) Its weird because this writer Robin Miller takes Infinium Labs side and supports them big time actually makes the phantom look like it might be a good idea. Then towards the end of the article he starts to be a little sarcastic of Tim Roberts and Infinium Labs. Its strange.


This is a really big deal freinds and can very well close down or change [H] in a BIG way. This guy Tim DOES have money and capital behind him as well as big players such as Kevin Bachus who was part of the Direct-X team and helped make the X-Box what it is today.

All I'm saying is that this is a little scary...thats all.
I still think that on the part of IL, this is nothing but a publicity stunt. They probably aren't getting the coverage and press they want so they thought this would be a good way to get it. Depending on how they have things planned, they could pull this off to their benefit. I've seen too many instances of something like this happening, and the offending company getting off in the long run without any real tarnish.

I wouldn't be surprised if they actually have some sort of working prototype at this point. All of the press they are currently getting will help spotlight them at E3 or whatever the show is that they plan to show the Phantom off at. It doesn't mean they will succeed with the Phantom, but getting this press will make sure people are watching them when they want it.

I would love to see everything said and done with the current crap going on before they have a chance to show off the Phantom if they actually have one "working". That way, they don't get the timing and publicity I think they are betting on.
I think we need to be quiet of the whole thing because I am sure that IL has had more hits in the entire life of the "project."

Because the more we talk the more others know.

We need to support Kyle but not encourage IL.
IF its a viable concept, Dell will jump in and say goodby to infinium

P.S. Such a venture requires 100million dollars minimun. Thats alot of venture capital rounds in this day and age.

Debt service could eat up cash flow very fast
Originally posted by Morley
Hehehe, yup, I've really got nothing to lose. =)

lol You have an interesting personality. :p I might just give that a try some day... ;)
Originally posted by vw1972bug
Read this article from Slashdot.org (The geek site of geek sites) Its weird because this writer Robin Miller takes Infinium Labs side and supports them big time actually makes the phantom look like it might be a good idea. Then towards the end of the article he starts to be a little sarcastic of Tim Roberts and Infinium Labs. Its strange.


This is a really big deal freinds and can very well close down or change [H] in a BIG way. This guy Tim DOES have money and capital behind him as well as big players such as Kevin Bachus who was part of the Direct-X team and helped make the X-Box what it is today.

All I'm saying is that this is a little scary...thats all.

I really doubt there is anything to be "worried about", as far as [H] goes... If it comes down to a legal fund thing, I am sure we will all throw something into the hat.

Kyle is not a stupid dude... I am sure he chose a fight he can win. He (personally) has too much to lose--> he feeds his family doing this. I am not sure what sort of damages could be awarded if he loses (shudder).

I strongly believe that he has a right to give his opinion on any product or manufacturer. If he didn't I sure, as SHIT wouldn't come here. It's his (and his staff's) opinions that I look to because I trust them to give it to me straight (as they see it) when it comes to computers and hardware.

I still find it just facinating that they would attempt to strong-arm a site like this... obviously the IL staff hasn't done any research into [H]. Kyle can be a bit of a pitbull in heat when he gets his back up... :)

The bad press they are getting now has to be putting the screws to them. E3 better show some good shit, or they are done, baby.

I just realized that I have a working "Prototype" right now. Hell, I'm using it to post, since it's just a computer!!

I cracked up when I read Mr. Roberts statement about how the Phantom is not for hardcore gamers. Since the video demo of it on their website clearly states "Built by gamers for gamers".

I was telling my wife about all this yesterday. She asked me what exactly the Phantom was. When I explained to her what it was, she told me that it was a stupid idea. And I quote: "you have a PS2, Xbox, and a computer which you can play games on, without a monthly fee. You would be an idiot to buy this thing". She's a smart lady. :)
Ok my co-worker is sure he can pull the case information if I can let him know what City and/or District it was filed in. Anyone have that info?

Edit: Nevermind, I have that info already, gimme a few minutes.
Originally posted by TheOneKEA
That's the crux of the matter, of course - if you don't have the money, you're kind of stuck.
Its why forums pretty much arent worth having.
if IL was really smart he would market SFF cases and Phantom software to run on a pc to play games using his service

but as has become blatently clear he is 12 eggs short of a dozen
Originally posted by Lunas
but as has become blatently clear he is 12 eggs short of a dozen

No he doesn't even know what eggs look like.

All I can say is poor marketing, if there is a such thing as phantom, they really need to get better marketing agents.
Give it some time to work itself into the system...it takes them a little bit to process everything...
I thought this thread could use a "bump"...

I suppose no news is good news? I guess now that the parties are in litigation, we won't be hearing anything until it is resolved.

Kyle? Anything you can tell us?
