HardOCP's sues Infinium

I have an offer to make to IL. Pay all of the medical costs for the Smiths, retract all of your stupid statements and threats, offer a public and private apology to Kyle and [H]ardOCP, pay Kyle's legal costs, and [H]ardOCP will drop the suit and leave the matter be until they screw something up again. This also includes Kyle leaving up the article as is that started this all.

I think this would be a fair and good solution for all involved.
Hey kyle, if you win Tim Roberts house (aka IL headquarters:D:D:D)

Can we have a huge lan party there??
lmao, P.A. wrote

So Tim thinks we did that comic strip to get more traffic driven to our site. That’s a nice thought Tim but you’re way off . You see unlike Infinium Labs and your doomed console, Penny Arcade is successful. How can I say this without sounding like an asshole? Penny Arcade has more readers in a given second than your site will ever have even if it were to sit and rot on the internet until time ends and the universe implodes. Hmmm, I guess I can’t.

Tim also says we called him to let him know it’s all in fun. This again is bullshit. I don't care if he likes the comic or not. I've certainly never called the guy and I have no intention of doing so.
LOL at everyone. :D Funny comments indeed.

I know the dudes over at IL crapped in their pants when they read the [H] this afternoon. :eek:
Originally posted by -Panther-
hey all, long time casual reader of the site. this infinium nonsense is what finally compelled me to post, and all I have is but one question for Kyle and co.

where do I send the check?

keep fighting the good fight gentlemen


Same here...same here.

Notice the bankruptcy experience in infinians representation.
This made my day......I'm really happy that Kyle and crew are going after the scumbags at Infinium Labs. All I can say is WOOT and Kyle we're all behind ya! They messed with [H] and now they're gonna regret it.

If Infinium had any brains they would drop their stupid claims, apologize for being the complete liars that they are, and donate some $$$ to the Smith Family Benefit (although if they did that I'd wait until their cheque clears before I'd believe its a real donation).

haha, gotta love it. You alienated your primary audience, and now your getting sued into oblivion. Smooth move, IL.

Originally posted by WinterWolf
Go Kyle! Leave a [H] shaped boot print on his backside.

Boot print? I'm thinking cattle brander! :eek:
Hey kyle when you take over Infinium, will you start buildling us councles.

Im thinking something around 300-400 bucks that tears up xbox. :D

Then make some [H]ella games and youll be the straight up owange

Also id like these coucnles to be watercooleed :)
If this makes it to a court-room, we should show up wearing our [H]ardOCP shirts.:D
Originally posted by merlin704
If this makes it to a court-room, we should show up wearing our [H]ardOCP shirts.:D

Go [H]ardOCP! Go [H]ardOCP!

BTW, perhaps PA might get sued as well for showing something that made fun of Infinium. But it would be a baseless case, and would mean Infinium became bankrupt for paying too much for Ambulance-chaser lawyers.

Ahh, making fun of Infinium. Good times. Just don't sue me. :p
Originally posted by omega-x
kyle has a team of lawyers? :eek:

of course he does...he needed them for his suit against everglued.

Originally posted by hulksterjoe
Kyle's got lawyers. Do people remember that for a long time there was a company that if you read the rules about this forum ( its no longer there but it used to be ) . It specifically mentioned that if you said their name in the forum it was grounds for being BANNED.

yes sir i do remember :)

i was here when people did get banned for it...it wasnt a joke LOL
as for the task at hand. Honestly I bleieve Kyle will win this battle as nothing IL has done so far has proved legit...and their letters are actually amusing..not threatning
Kyle, if you are still reading this... Are you the only site currently in llitigation with IL? I'm surprised that they would only go after you and not sudhian, PA, or any of the other sites that have commented on the twisted past of Tim Roberts and his Midas touch of death. Seems like discrimination if you are the only ones. I can't imagine life without ya'll, so do me a favor and make it clear to them that intimidation doesn't work at the [H] and the [H]orde is at your side.

As for the tragedy that befell the Smith family, I work for a hospital here in central Cali and would be happy to ask the resident doctors here any questions on his behalf. Feel free to give him my info if he would like to begin a dialogue.

This is why I love HardOCP so much. They are willing to go all the way to maintain their credibility and they do not put up with anybodys crap. They are not just standing up for the rights of the internet media. They are also standing up for our right to know the truth.
Originally posted by Skywarp
This is why I love HardOCP so much. They are willing to go all the way to maintain their credibility and they do not put up with anybodys crap. They are not just standing up for the rights of the internet media. They are also standing up for our right to know the truth.

Well put. ;)
Has there been a response from Delirium Labs, or are they still wiping their asses after shitting themselves?

Maybe they're out looking for another homeless crack addict to right their next legal documents, since their previous ones were embarassing.
What I don't understand is whose bright idea over at IL was this anyway?

It must have been Tim himself. Because no marketing guy in his right mind would suggest pissing off this many people. After all, WE are their potential customer base. And all IL is doing is pissing off a good chunk of their potential customers. Even if this thing finally makes it to market, I wonder how many [H]ard customers there will be?
Originally posted by ItsTooHot
After all, WE are their potential customer base. And all IL is doing is pissing off a good chunk of their potential customers. Even if this thing finally makes it to market, I wonder how many [H]ard customers there will be?

Ummm, none? Way to go IL. Talk about shoot yourself in the foot. :rolleyes:
From the main page:

Forbes has picked up on the [H] lawsuit. Did they think this was going away? IL's posturing and legal manuvering goes against the core value of a publication, it'sa intergrity. Kyle CAN'T sit back on his laurels, unless he would rather flush the site away with his credibility. From what I see IL is forcing Kyle's hand, and it's a direction they don't want to go.

Keep up the good fight, and good luck.
Originally posted by Phoenix86
From the main page:

Forbes has picked up on the [H] lawsuit. Did they think this was going away? IL's posturing and legal manuvering goes against the core value of a publication, it'sa intergrity. Kyle CAN'T sit back on his laurels, unless he would rather flush the site away with his credibility. From what I see IL is forcing Kyle's hand, and it's a direction they don't want to go.

Keep up the good fight, and good luck.

Acually, Kyle is forcing IL's hand. They have done nothing but send out badly written, threatening letters. Kyle actually went out an sued them. In the long run, it's probably a lot easier this way. Kyle will be able to get this stuff done and over with at a pace quicker than IL was taking.

I can't keep this up long, so save if you want it.
This is Tim on the Phantom message boards discussig who their target market is. :)
who else but a "[H]ard Core" gamer would spend $400 on a console, $50 per game, $20 in monthy charges, and $50+/month on a broadband connection? no one.

if you wanted a Phantom with 2 games, your intial cost for the thing will be $570! my rent dosn't cost that much!
I don't know what planet Tim is living on but he needs to be brought back down the earth and injected with a big ass dose of reality.

It's funny how things like this happen, Maybe a teacher will sue a kid for calling her something. That would really make my day.
Originally posted by Rumors

I can't keep this up long, so save if you want it.
This is Tim on the Phantom message boards discussig who their target market is. :)

heh... the idiot doesnt know how to punctuate :p
Originally posted by scotmod
I don't know what planet Tim is living on but he needs to be brought back down the earth and injected with a big ass dose of reality.

It's funny how things like this happen, Maybe a teacher will sue a kid for calling her something. That would really make my day.

like my high school teachers, the fat ugly bitches? lol.
Originally posted by Rumors

I can't keep this up long, so save if you want it.
This is Tim on the Phantom message boards discussig who their target market is. :)

honestly that makes no sense from a marketing standpoint. Building a Game Console without the hardcore gamers in mind. That is like making a bra without the female in mind. I guess he forgot who were the people standing in line for the PS2's.

That is why so many products fail, it is a lack of research and a lack of information, and usually forget that they are consumers as well, and what do consumers want. They might have a research team or whatever but they need to do the homework.

Game Console not for hardcore gamers.................... SMH
Originally posted by Torgo
Well, technically this is the Reuters newsfeed. It's more than just Forbes. Everyone who subscribes (ie most newspapers, news sites) to Reuters now have this.
Sure, just about every news service in the world has Reuters feeds, but that doesn't mean they deem all Reuters feeds newsworthy. Forbes selected this article out of Reuters, so it caught their eye as being important to their audience, investors. Not good if you are trying to squash the news from reaching your investors...

No, IL is forcing Kyle, Kyle wouldn't be sueing if they didn't start their legal action, the article would have just been out there. They threatend action, Kyle responded, they responded, Kyle updated his article to correct the (excuse my sarcsm) MAJOR FLAWS in the article and sued to proove the rest (99.99%) is true. IL was at the helm with this, they could have not done a thing, not the courts are invloved and their screwed.

Oh, I don't think we'll be seeing Kyle post to this thread anymore since there is pending legal action.
Infinium labs is crap. I have friends in several big game development companies, and let me tell you... none of them are working on any secret phantom projects. Actually none of them really know what the phantom console is, LOL!

Infinium Labs is shoe'ing themselves in the nuts over this.

I can't wait to see them burn. :D