HardDC'er for June 2006 - Nominations (56k Beware)

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Ya the sad fact of the matter is, that I seem to be like a fly on the wall that everybody passes up. Contests, you name it, I'm just the little man that don't have money or can't borg or don't own mass amount of machines to play with the guys above me.

Vote for a guy who is helping his family and doing what he can in folding, No matter where he is on the rankings.
Scorpionjwp said:
I'm not rich as most people on this forum seems to act like they are, but Dammit I'm trying fit in around here.

we reading the same forum? I don't see a load of rich people around here, just over bearing mods. ;)
marty9876 said:
we reading the same forum? I don't see a load of rich people around here, just over bearing mods. ;)
I could always ask Lethal to come mod for a bit and see how you like it...
Scorpionjwp said:
Ya the sad fact of the matter is, that I seem to be like a fly on the wall that everybody passes up. Contests, you name it, I'm just the little man that don't have money or can't borg or don't own mass amount of machines to play with the guys above me.
HAHAHHAHAHA...your funny...i only have 2-3 machines running at my house since i just bought a house and have zero money right now because of it. but in the spirit of folding, i have gone out and educated friends and colleages that i should borg there offices.

Vote for a guy that goes out and spreads the word about folding and tries to get every computer he sees to fold.

p.s. Moose is a whore and smells funny :p
Hey I fold with a server farm of crappers and only 1 highend machine. Now I don't know about you but, even though they are crap computers with 500mhz or somewhat higher, I don't like the excuse from many of you to shut them off, the excuse of they are not efficient.

Well excuse me, if I had $1,000's to spend on brandnew equipment each year, this would not be a problem with me. Ya, I'm funny well, when you live in a community, that A. is scared everyday of idenity theft, and B only allow a person whom they known all their life touch their computer, than having a person who they don't know work on it. And C. When the job you currently have is working as a deli clerk making $6.50 an hour, I can't borg crap.

But when the only thing you can find is a low paying job in a Grocery store, I believe I'm glad I'm holding a job and rather disappointed that a company wouldn't hire my father with 30yrs in maintance scheduling and supervisor experience over a person fresh out of college w/o experience and take the jobs.

I can browse any forums here and find people talking about highend equipment, review of this and that. Where as a person who is struggling through life, with not alot of cash, he or she is a piss in a bucket to them.

I got into this forum by relic, he told me that this forum is not about who has a better job or who has lots of cash, it a forum that has helpful knowledge with helpful people. And a DC Forum that will take you under their wing to help you understand Folding and get loosen up from the hectics of life.

Now you will you vote for, a person who is struggling but still trying to make progress, or a person that has the power and money to go ahead with progress. Think about that, and vote for the [H]ardDc'er for June.
Scorp, that was a nice speech, but I think you are taking us a bit too seriously...lighten up, bro. :)
I will only lighten up, when quite a few people here actually notice me around here instead of me being that rug on the floor everyone steps on or over.

I have folded since I met Relic, I'm one of Relic's recruits, and probally the last of them. I try to fold when I have power around here, it seems to go up and down, but I try. I Fold when my servers crap out on me, I'm having a tough time keeping them up, but when they stay up. The crapper machines once they are up, it may take them awhile, but each little bit helps me, no matter how long it takes.

I fold because that one day diabetes will be cured, wishing each day I got to spend more time with my grandfather before he passed away from a disease, that could be cured through the advancements of folding.

I fold with a great community of people whom have lost someone dear to them and take that fight to the disease, than the disease taking a life.

My will to live comes from my grandfather, I know what must be done, so other don't have to suffer what I went through when I was little. You don't know when a person who is 3yr old, don't know the meaning of why Jesus took your grandpapa away to heaven. And many years later have it explained to you in greater detail. Through countless times of thinking of ways to go to heaven and see your relative, and deep depression. To a complete understanding of why god took your grandfather and seeing the light to continue to fight for your relative to make people understand what must be done to stop Diabetes.!
I'm writing you this through crying tears, You see why I fold, you see why I have survived.

Now choose Fold for the person who is suffering through the hell of it all, I'm the ultimate HardDc'er all time, no contest will judge me ever!!!
AtomicMoose said:
I could always ask Lethal to come mod for a bit and see how you like it...

see, if we respected the mods then maybe things would be a little more civil around here.... :eek: :D

ok, maybe not.
DUDE Scorp....we get it...and yea...i never said i have any high-end machines and i have the same "crapper" farm as you except my is in my office and they only run 8 hrs a day. but i still make due. i dont complain but i still find ways to ramp up and keep myself in the lime light of the forums. And i knew who you were. i see you time to time giving advise to the newer members right along side of everyone else. and about money to buy more high-end machines...guess what...that is everyone....my house payment is $2400 a month (california sucks for that) and i only make $2600 a month and my wife only works parttime to cover all of the other bills and we are doing everything without ANY assistance from anyone else. and about people not trusting you with there computers, that is everywhere...cuz think about it...to most people a computer is the third biggest investment of there life next to a house and a car....would you just trust anyone with a home or your car...i think not....its all about going out and getting a few people to trust you with it and then it snowballs cuz they tell EVERYONE and everyone is looking for a guy they can trust to work on there computer. Start out with friends and family and have it snowball after that.

and i will nominate you if you pony up with a pic :D
p[H]ant0m said:
Boy, that could get you in loads of trouble.... :p
sorry...didnt know any better....remember i have only been causing problems around here this year only :(
roftranspo said:
sorry...didnt know any better....remember i have only been causing problems around here this year only :(

Yeah, you're forgiven K*-lite. ;)
ummm...has anyone else noticed that this thread is about twice as big as any other nomination thread and actual vote thread....is this really all my doing :p :D
roftranspo said:
ummm...has anyone else noticed that this thread is about twice as big as any other nomination thread and actual vote thread....is this really all my doing :p :D

Back to the fun!






















if i count right its 13 to 9...i dont count scorp's since he hasnt supplied us with equal chopping power :)
This post has been edited by Moose.

Reason: Over Bearing.
marty9876 said:
Bugger moose keeps editing perfectly legit posts

Meh, made too much stuff to scroll through. Anyhow, who want's to see him twice? ;)
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