HardDC'er for June 2006 - Nominations (56k Beware)

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Nomination for Moose. He contributes so much, like keeping Mary in line :eek:
I'll see your college pic....


And raise you....


And then, I'll go all in...


oh god thats awful....let me count my chips and see what i have....i will get back to you.
Ok...i see your bet:



and for the finally, how many times have you been nominated?:


and that video has hilarious :D

I'll be voting for roftranspo for the spanking he gave all of us in the Ironutz Invitational. He ramped up bigtime and deserves some major credit.

marty9876 said:
Guys with out shirts on, same shit you all posting.
i would use your dress pic if you didnt cut off the shoulders :p
AtomicMoose said:
If you need me to explain it to you again, PM me.

No, last time I PM'd you I got cooties.

Someone email that pic back to me then cuz my recollection seems to differ than the ALL mighty....

@rollypolly- yea,. I cut it off at the shoulders for a reason....

I don't know why, every time I read "roftranspo" is equates to --rolling on the floor non stop-- for some dyslex reason.
marty9876 said:
Someone email that pic back to me then cuz my recollection seems to differ than the ALL mighty....
Kyle is the almighty, you can call me lord. :p
The moose showing off his mad DDR skillz:

roftranspo said:
Ok...i see your bet:

and for the finally, how many times have you been nominated?:


and that video has hilarious :D


bwhahahahaha. This ones going to have my laughing for a long time.

And yes... this is the first one on one, assuming no one else gets nominated.

Moose... you crossed the line. How dare you desicrate the hotness of Alizee!
marty9876 said:
I'd hit myself there! Ohh wait, I already am....

The best part of it is the smile at the end. Its just like the creepy smile picture that moose photoshoped onto a pig-mobile.
Viper87227 said:
The best part of it is the smile at the end. Its just like the creepy smile picture that moose photoshoped onto a pig-mobile.
i thought the exact same thing :)
Me thinks a little something something is coming for ya today Moosie....

I was looking for a thread that took a HARD right turn. Lucky me! Here it is! ;)

I would nominate someone, but my photoshop skills suxors. :(
Well, I thought long and [H]ard about it, and I am going to nominate Anderu. His dedication to this team is unparralled. Not to mention, he is about to cross 11 Million points! :cool:

AtomicMoose said:
Did you send me another present?

I've was let down yesterday, hopefully someone will get off their ass today.....hint hint.
psst... Hito?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Sorry, I did not read #2.

Will someone nominate me :)
Moosie is scared...he doesnt want to run up one-on-one wth me...thats why he nominate anderu...what moosie???? you afraid its still out of your reach???? and i thought you were the master of the reach throuh...guess not....
Don't Underestimate the Reachthrough from the moose, he might have reached through you w/o you knowing so.

I give you fair warning, Watch out for the Mooses horns, they are quite sharp, for turning the tables or where this thread is heading.
Thanks Moose!

Now I know what all those Academy Award nominees mean when they say "It is an honor just to be nomiated".

Recognition by ones peers is truely the highest compliment that can be paid, and I am honored. :cool:

Anderu said:
Thanks Moose!

Now I know what all those Academy Award nominees mean when they say "It is an honor just to be nomiated".

Recognition by ones peers is truely the highest compliment that can be paid, and I am honored. :cool:

kiss ass

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