Hard Gaming Diablo 3 BattleTag List

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Lord Stabington of [H]ard|Fortress
Jan 8, 2008
NOTE: I won't be maintaining this thread anymore. If anyone would like to continue this, please copy the list to a new thread & go from there. Thanks.


Purpose for this is to have the [H]|G community join up & enjoy some D3 MP gaming. :)

BattleTag info: http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/battletagfaq

BattleTag creation for D3: http://www.battle.net/account/management/battletag-create.html

BattleTag List (79 total)

  1. jester1176 - hitstreak#1270
  2. Dark Shade - dino#1628
  3. amarvin125 - Amarvin250#1797
  4. IcedEmotion - BioZombie#1901
  5. CrimsonKnight13 - StarKiller13#1142
  6. Wildace - WildAce#1546
  7. ashmelev75 - Aznamir#1387
  8. fdiaz78 - Dejinn#1486
  9. Stiffy - Stefaun#1337
  10. Goaty - Goaty#1134
  11. jumper - Lubemywand#1844
  12. stryder2720 - Stryder2720#1215
  13. FrEaKy - Shaggy#1693
  14. m33pm33p - m33pm33p#1613
  15. Intel_Hydralisk - ZannX#1209
  16. 4saken - pl1ght#1359
  17. Redleader - Ford#1908
  18. 00PS - sk7nny#1116
  19. GDstew4 - FlashIV#1932
  20. K2rn2g3 - Karnage#1886
  21. ChRoNo16 - ChRoNo16#1603
  22. Kaidao - Kaidao#1465
  23. chockomonkey - DukeLeto#1627
  24. Business6 - Business#1943
  25. Weenis - Andrew#1126
  26. theNoid - superNoid#1680
  27. bigchedd - BIGCHEDD#1940
  28. b14z3 - Furiak#1151
  29. Loading - Loading#1409
  30. jarotgers - JollyEwok#1653
  31. dremic - Dremic#1113
  32. BETA - BETA#1450
  33. NovaCloud - HavokCloud#1309
  34. cocacoladrunkie - Abey#1971
  35. Bonksnp - Bonksnp2#1256
  36. ivioksha - ivioksha#1691
  37. harsaphes - harsaphes#1318
  38. HeavensCloud - Bentley#1380
  39. EPOQ - epoqalypse#1926
  40. Adam.C - slice#1354
  41. simko1ra - SimKow#1783
  42. That's_Corporate - MrSneaky#1271
  43. supernova73 - dyonys#1481
  44. wolff - WolffTech#1181
  45. hmz - cipsaz#1285
  46. Saturn_V - calculon#1785
  47. DSee - DSee#1516
  48. Kelby - Kelby#1519
  49. TheCowOfNow - TheCowOfNow#1133
  50. Majinhoju - Daimonos#1750
  51. mtbush - AttuVoss#1352
  52. AudioCow - AudioCow#1253
  53. Superfly3176 - Superfly3176#1288
  54. Oomps - Dandelo#1597
  55. RW2112 - PitViper2112#1837
  56. RoffleCopter - SpessMehreen#1710
  57. JayteeBates - jtbates#1573
  58. iTravis - DukeNemku#1470
  59. MrGuvernment - MrGuvernment#1979
  60. NoOther - NoOther#1591
  61. reg411 - regulat0r#1558
  62. SeaFoam - SeaFoam#1484
  63. GishForever - Gish#1428
  64. hdawg06 - mrgoggles#1177
  65. gregnash - fizzypalefac#1915
  66. DJ Big T - e.t.o.hartman{at}gmail.com (Real ID)
  67. Gooch3008 - GOOCH3008#1735
  68. ben chi(f4) - benchi#1941
  69. Cat1yst - Cata1yst#1135
  70. Commander FAT - CommanderFAT#1171
  71. dajet24 - OverCharged#1617
  72. Stiler - Stiler#1630
  73. Dmac122383 - Mindnumb#1869
  74. daveop - DaveOP#1173
  75. AceCR42 - Renegade#1197
  76. squall78 - djatc#1801
  77. SulSeeker - SulSeeker#1252
  78. thedocta45 - Thedocta45#1632
  79. heymynameisjesse - heyimjesse#1469
In the future, if the list gets too long, I'll utilize Google Docs.
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Do you add people over bnet while in-game using other's battletag or by character names? I didn't play wow/sc2, so I'm kinda new to this thing.

The account page final went back on.

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Do you add people over bnet while in-game using other's battletag or by character names? I didn't play wow/sc2, so I'm kinda new to this thing.

All that's required is BattleTags unless you know someone's real name (RealID). Your specific BattleTag is limited to Diablo 3 but using a Real ID will allow you to see someone in any game. Also, knowing someone's SC2 BattleTag means that you will only able to see them in SC2.

So who wants to get something going on Tuesday? Ill be on from like 6PM to forever, took wednesday off. Got the energy drinks and beef jerky is marinating as I type. My buddy will only be on till midnight EST so I'll need people to play with after/during.

Who's in?!?!
So who wants to get something going on Tuesday? Ill be on from like 6PM to forever, took wednesday off. Got the energy drinks and beef jerky is marinating as I type. My buddy will only be on till midnight EST so I'll need people to play with after/during.

Who's in?!?!

I might be, unsure at this point. I couldnt get the time off from work due to this being mid-semester, IT's busiest time.

I get off work at 4:30 Tuesday morning and have 12 hours before I have to go back to work Tuesday night...I don't know if I'll be getting any sleep.

If you add me send your forum name so I know who you are :p
Still deciding if I should buy it. Never played the other two.
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