[H]OT! X800XTPE AGP $206.10

Mine came in this afternoon and I picked it up at the fedex place at 4pm. I've been gaming on it practically ever since. It came in a white box with everything sans demo game disks. Its got the vivo cables and power "Y" cable. The card is brand new, the AGP fingers are flawless like they've never seen the inside of a slot. (Dont they test these things before sending them out?!?). Anyway, I coudnt be more pleased. I've jacked up all my settings to highest and 1280x1024 with 4x/8x aa/af and its looking beautiful. I'm not even gonna think about OCing this baby. Looking forward to three years of warranty. :)
I have a quick question for anyone who has gotten theirs already...did you have to sign for it, the package I mean? I'm on vacation and won't be there on Friday to do that if it's required. Any info would be appreciated. Oh yeah, where's Pigpen? I have a tracking number, ha!
I'm pretty sure FedEx won't leave packages at your front door unless you specifically sign the release form for it. It's funny because the only way you can get the release form is by missing the first delivery attempt and signing your name on the back of the card they leave behind.
Rhentno said:
I have a quick question for anyone who has gotten theirs already...did you have to sign for it, the package I mean? I'm on vacation and won't be there on Friday to do that if it's required. Any info would be appreciated. Oh yeah, where's Pigpen? I have a tracking number, ha!

If I was you I'd call fed ex a put a hold on it I had a delivery in the past that needed a sig and it was left hanging on my drive way gate.. the kicker I was in the hospital for emerg surgery if my neirbor hadn't seen it , well you know poof... How do you prove the sig for me I was in Hosp ...

edit what a bummer my package show it shipped out of Tx Monday at 1158 pm and not another tracking post ;( LOST IN SPAAACCEEEE
weird that link shows it expired 1-25-05 lol

Originally Posted by SkewdAtom
It is when you can get an X800XT PE from ZZF for $279 shipped (In Stock):

Davenow said:

PM me if its AGP :D :cool:

AGP = Very Yes

Once I'm sure the XTPE is bug-free I'll be throwing the X800 XL up for grabs. It's a sweet card in it's own right, and I'd let it go for what I paid @ CC for it. It's really only a few weeks old.
pigpen said:
You'll never see it. Don't waste your time.
pigpen said:
I'll bow out of the thread because it seems rather pointless to continue. When you all get your x800xt's for $229 you can throw it back in my face. I would bet the farm that won't be happening anytime soon though.
pigpen said:
I never thought this thread would reach 100 posts of people buying into it. Just trying to save some people what could be a potentially huge headache. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, just realistic. There's a precedent here with ATI. If they ever actually come through with this deal, you won't see it for before december.
pigpen said:
Whose bitching? I'm just offering my advise. I never said you have anything to lose from the ATI deal. But you will not get a card from them. I'll be waiting for you to prove me wrong.
I know this is gonna get deleted or at least edited but these pics were too funny to not post :D

HiJon89 said:

Does that poor woman have sideburns? I mean like Elvis style sideburns.

At any rate, pigpen is probably hiding somewhere with his tail between his legs. Enough of the ragging on him, let's get this thread back on topic.

To those that want to keep on flaming pigpen:
lock this fucker down, it hasn't been hot for more than a week

EDIT: LOL @ that millionare idiot :D
Someone from Pricenetwork.ca got the following awnser from ATi's customer service:

Hello Hugh,
Overseas bulk shipments came in through US ports.
These should be in stock in Canada in the next two weeks.
Thank you

An oversea shipment could definatly mean those cards are ALL spanking new, if it's true! Brand new X800XT PE for 200 bucks? Hell yeah!!
Grats to the Canadians if they are!

(And no, I don't think I'll STFU. I'm having too much fun feeling all warm and glowy inside.)
HiJon89 said:
I know this is gonna get deleted or at least edited but these pics were too funny to not post :D
This is genuinely intended to be in good-natured fun. No hard feelings, but I couldn't resist.

OK, my only complaint so far, and believe me, its a small one, but worth noting, is that the fan on these things is LOUD when running at full blast. When I got all my settings on full, every 20-30 seconds the fan spins up a little bit and you can definatly hear it for a good 10 seconds. Not as bad as when you first turn on the computer, then its like 80MM TORNADO loud (and I'm not kidding) but only for like 10 seconds. Its not enough to bother me and I am sure I'll get used to it, but if I didnt like my 3 year warenty so much I'd definatly slap an AC Silencer on this baby.

Most of the time tho, its not running the fan hardly at all and its inaudible.
Shinare said:
OK, my only complaint so far, and believe me, its a small one, but worth noting, is that the fan on these things is LOUD when running at full blast. When I got all my settings on full, every 20-30 seconds the fan spins up a little bit and you can definatly hear it for a good 10 seconds. Not as bad as when you first turn on the computer, then its like 80MM TORNADO loud (and I'm not kidding) but only for like 10 seconds. Its not enough to bother me and I am sure I'll get used to it, but if I didnt like my 3 year warenty so much I'd definatly slap an AC Silencer on this baby.

Most of the time tho, its not running the fan hardly at all and its inaudible.
that loud noise means yur better than pigpen
Interesting situation here, FedEx just dropped mine off and I'm looking right at it right now, and yet my credit card has yet to be charged... So at the moment I got the hottest deal of all. Has everyone else who has recieved their's been charged already, or is it some wierd policy to ship first and bill later?
My account was drafted the same day I got the "Your order has been released for processing" which was Monday I believe.

Sounds like you got a free card. ;)
Shinare said:
Sounds like you got a free card. ;)
I haven't been "charged" yet either, but I can see the hold for funds that ATI put on my 2 orders.
Scar1.8T said:
Interesting situation here, FedEx just dropped mine off and I'm looking right at it right now, and yet my credit card has yet to be charged... So at the moment I got the hottest deal of all. Has everyone else who has recieved their's been charged already, or is it some wierd policy to ship first and bill later?
ive had orders take forever to charge to my account. i ordered a watch once and i finally got charged like 2 weeks after it came

i havent been charged yet either. hoping for free card lol.
Same here, they put a hold on the amount when it was released for shipping, but didn't charge it....and now the hold is gone. :confused:

Not putting too much hope into it, but interesting way of doing business nonetheless.
Fedex is playing mindgames again, this is the 3rd or 4th delivery Ive had this summer when they say "Out on the truck for delivery" and I dont see it for a day or two longer. If its not here tomorrow I might cry 8(

My creditcard still has a temp authorization on it, hasent been charged fully yet.
g3no said:
Fedex is playing mindgames again, this is the 3rd or 4th delivery Ive had this summer when they say "Out on the truck for delivery" and I dont see it for a day or two longer. If its not here tomorrow I might cry 8(

My creditcard still has a temp authorization on it, hasent been charged fully yet.

Plz your not totally alone My Card shows it LEFT texas at 1148PM on the 16th and not another peep my package has vanished...

MY bank is hold my payment which is waiting for authorization , so ATI has done an intial billing so I can't use that 220 dollar black hole :) Normaly I can watch my package go across the country
:confused: :eek:
I got mine at 4:50 looks totally new came in a white box. Installed and running, got like 6200+ in 3dmark 2005, doom3 16x12 well I did'nt write it down but I think 65 fps high quality all settings let app decide. I think my old 9700 pro was like 22 fps. Ati tool says 420 core 16 pipes and so on.
Salisa said:
Plz your not totally alone My Card shows it LEFT texas at 1148PM on the 16th and not another peep my package has vanished...
Both of mine did that until a few minutes ago. Now I see both are 20-30 miles away from me (Los Angeles).
cefoskey said:
Hey pigpen.....


[QUOTE=cefoskey]got mine

very hot


hi pigen, where you at. come join the party[/QUOTE]

LOL! :p

Looks like he missed on a good deal.:D :rolleyes:

I did too though :o