[H]appy with the 4870x2? ***Sign Up Here***

Two formats, three driver rev's, modding the registry in safe mode, and now using 8.52's. Count me in, I'm a believer, great card!
Two formats, three driver rev's, modding the registry in safe mode, and now using 8.52's. Count me in, I'm a believer, great card!

lmao...there should be a...

"you know you are a 4870x2 owner if you have....

1. done more than 1 OS reformat
2. tried all the official and beta drivers, @ least twice
3. ran driver sweeper more times than necessary

lmao...there should be a...

"you know you are a 4870x2 owner if you have....

1. done more than 1 OS reformat
2. tried all the official and beta drivers, @ least twice
3. ran driver sweeper more times than necessary


4. have had no problems whatsoever with your card
5. awestruck by the jawdropping performance
6. need to sell your kidney in order to get a 2nd one so you can run CrossFireX
Upgraded from a 8800GTX to a 4870X2 and all i can say is: this card is a beast...well, i think you can add me to the happy list :D
Supposedly there is going to be an asus version that will dissipate heat across both gpus effectively. In reality these gpus are designed to withstand the heat. I'm seeing idle temps from 59-66c and 86-88c depending on ambient temps on automatic fan control mode...which is perfectly fine for this card. Thinking that these gpus are running too hot is all in our heads. I've never had artifacting. Now for Ocing this card...that's another story. You could OC this card with the stock fan on so long as you adjust the fan percentage manually by editing your profile.

Oh I agree, I'm sure anything in the 80 degree range has been tried and tested by ATi. I just want to slap a great cooler on the thing and start jacking up the clocks :)
Just wanted to say that for those of us on the fence, with limited ATI experience considering a 4870x2 that this is a very helpful thread.

Sure you have to take the good with the bad and all cards have issues if you ask enough people, but on average I am hearing allot of enthusiasm and satisfaction with the x2.


BTW, If I get one and have problems it is all your fault! ;)
Well looks like that list wont be updated anymore. The op has been banned again due to his hmmm unchecked remarks in the X2 review thread.
Well looks like that list wont be updated anymore. The op has been banned again due to his hmmm unchecked remarks in the X2 review thread.

Well he's banned from the video card section of the forums. He's not totally banned.
Well he's banned from the video card section of the forums. He's not totally banned.

So who's going to create the thread on how "[H]appy that B.C. is banned from the video card section? ***Sign Up Here***" j/k

I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist.
So who's going to create the thread on how "[H]appy that B.C. is banned from the video card section? ***Sign Up Here***" j/k

I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist.

lol, I would, but I'm not sure if Kyle would strike it down or be the first to put his name on the list. :eek:
lol, I would, but I'm not sure if Kyle would strike it down or be the first to put his name on the list. :eek:

haha seriously though, seeing how he was over @ the evga forums and then brought his antics here...it was only a matter of time before he "ran his mouth" to the wrong person.


so how about those x2's? current issues/topics:

1. Dan is still having COD4 hiccups
2. I can't get my cards to stay @ stock speeds during game/3d mode
haha seriously though, seeing how he was over @ the evga forums and then brought his antics here...it was only a matter of time before he "ran his mouth" to the wrong person.


so how about those x2's? current issues/topics:

1. Dan is still having COD4 hiccups
2. I can't get my cards to stay @ stock speeds during game/3d mode

Yeah and I'm really wondering what to do about the hiccups in CoD4. I'm getting terrible performance and I'm not getting anything resembling smoothness even when I the FPS is good. Its' just choppy as hell.

Call of Duty MP is much better but I can't really compare results because I can't play the exact same maps between single and multi-player modes.
I don't see whats wrong with being excited about his $500 video card purchase. If you don't like the threads, don't click on the link, and if by accident you do, don't read the text. He wasn't spamming in this sub-forum anyways. There were 5 threads on the previous 6 pages.
Nothing wrong with making positive experience threads about Ati products or even NV products for that matter. Its a nice breath of fresh air compared to the threads about those that have issues. Balance is needed even here at H. Im a bit saddened about his semi ban though. I never was annoyed by him personnally, but I can understand that some here were. He was tredging in deep water in that X2 review thread....felt almost like he wanted to be banned by directly confronting Kyle the way he did.

You dont mess with the grand pouba unless you looking for trouble ROFL
Nothing wrong with making positive experience threads about Ati products or even NV products for that matter. Its a nice breath of fresh air compared to the threads about those that have issues. Balance is needed even here at H. Im a bit saddened about his semi ban though. I never was annoyed by him personnally, but I can understand that some here were. He was tredging in deep water in that X2 review thread....felt almost like he wanted to be banned by directly confronting Kyle the way he did.

You dont mess with the grand pouba unless you looking for trouble ROFL

He was a troll, pure and simple. He worked very hard to make posts just to infuriate people. Kyle put up with people for a while, hell, he had already gotten banned at least 3 times that I know of. I'm suprirsed he wasn't banned sooner.

As far as posts like this, I don't have a problem with them. Except knowing who started this thread he had only one intention.
Reading his other threads hes a fan boy with masssive denial problems.

He claimed Dan D was 'spamming' his threads with negative views on the 4870X2 cause quote "Dan couldn't find his ass because his head is so far up it" (in realation to his 4870X2 Problem in which dan was quite fair and unbiased.)
Big Cactus was an idiot plain and simple. He 'claimed' he was going to get a GTX280 a long time ago and then suddenly about when the 4870X2 was about to launch switched his purchase to a 4870X2.

hes just an ATI troll idiot that made way too many 4870X2 threads.
He was a troll and a fanboy and

I freaking miss him, he was so amusing. Now All this popcorn and beer will sit unused..
So I didn't read all 6 pages of this, figured some thread crapping would happen in here as crap does happen. I have my 4870 X2 cooled by two DD maze blocks and some sweet ramsinks. I do have some issues in a few games but most is minor stuff. I love it and you can put me on the happy list.
The [H]appy 4870x2 Owners List

1. Bigcactus
2. Ste
3. Kadozer
4. Speedy523
5. Angelus897
6. Chilly
7. Dethred
8. GreenGoose
9. Chameleoki
10. Xaeos
11. SSGWright
12. WaXmAn
13. Jkw
14. Tims880
15. Nanan
16. Xenozx
17. CanadaOwnsJoo
18. Unrealsword
19. Blackforge
20. Verncat05
21. That's_Corporate
22. RavenousNewt
23. Ganesh21
24. Troub
25. Copyright
26. DavePars7
27. Jasonx82
28. MelonSplitter
29. Jiggaman2576
He was a troll, pure and simple. He worked very hard to make posts just to infuriate people. Kyle put up with people for a while, hell, he had already gotten banned at least 3 times that I know of. I'm suprirsed he wasn't banned sooner.

As far as posts like this, I don't have a problem with them. Except knowing who started this thread he had only one intention.

this is true. BigCactus was banned from the EVGA forums as well. i also agree that there's nothing wrong with posts like this.
For the record I had no problem with the list. It's just like the Love your Socket 754 thread or other similar threads. What bothered me was the half dozen threads about the 4870 X2 that didn't need to be there and the attacks on people that didn't have a rosey experience with the card.

We also had two very good threads at least one of which was started by him that he later crapped up. I didn't care for that as those threads are something I'm using to get my problems resolved.
Having to RMA because of my odd video snow/noise problem. Aside from that, gaming performance has been great.
My first post in here! I just made the switch from a GTX280 to 4870x2.

Another 4870X2 ''[H]appy owner'' here. :D
I'm soon to be one -- although I expect the source of my happiness will be more from ditching nForce than anything else.

Quick question though: from what I've read the issues seem to be around performance scaling with the current drivers? Are people experiencing crashes and Vista driver resets with this card? I must say, I'd rather new drivers for a new card be stable and slow rather than fast and crash prone. My 8800 GTX SLI setup performed well out of the gate, but a year's worth of crash-tastic Vista drivers negated a lot of the fun.
I'm soon to be one -- although I expect the source of my happiness will be frm leaving the world of nForce behind.

Quick question though: from what I've read the issues seem to be around performance scaling with the current drivers? Are people experiencing crashes and Vista driver resets with this card? I must say, I'd rather new drivers for a new card be stable and slow rather than fast and crash prone. My 8800 GTX SLI setup performed well out of the gate, but a year's worth of crash-tastic Vista drivers negated a lot of the fun.

When I was using Vista I never had any driver crashes or blue screen or any type of crash...

But yesterday the memory went bad, so RMAing now.
Upgraded from an EVGA 8800 GTX SC, and couldn't be happier, add to the list.
The [H]appy 4870x2 Owners List

1. Bigcactus
2. Ste
3. Kadozer
4. Speedy523
5. Angelus897
6. Chilly
7. Dethred
8. GreenGoose
9. Chameleoki
10. Xaeos
11. SSGWright
12. WaXmAn
13. Jkw
14. Tims880
15. Nanan
16. Xenozx
17. CanadaOwnsJoo
18. Unrealsword
19. Blackforge
20. Verncat05
21. That's_Corporate
22. RavenousNewt
23. Ganesh21
24. Troub
25. Copyright
26. DavePars7
27. Jasonx82
28. MelonSplitter
29. Jiggaman2576
30. WldWzl