[H]appy with the 4870x2? ***Sign Up Here***

I'm jealous of all the Geforce GTX 280 owners who upgraded to the 4870 X2 and have had a good experience. I've had the most difficult time making mine work properly.
I'm pretty happy myself, especially getting in on the Best Buy deal. It is a lot smoother than my Crossfire 3870X2 were. Now.. I'm just waiting for a reasonably priced 4870 1GB card to come out for Tri-Fire.
I'm jealous of all the Geforce GTX 280 owners who upgraded to the 4870 X2 and have had a good experience. I've had the most difficult time making mine work properly.

I'm jealous of people who can afford to upgrade from GTX 280 to a 4870x2....
I'm jealous of all the Geforce GTX 280 owners who upgraded to the 4870 X2 and have had a good experience. I've had the most difficult time making mine work properly.

haha I hear ya Dan, my hope in seeing your resolve your x2 issues are quickly dwindling...

for the time being I'm sticking w/ the official 8.8's, I have no clue if my Quad fire is running @ it's full potential, but so far the games I've played has kept me smiling...so I'm not gonna try and mess around w/ it :D
Yeah, I scour the internet every day looking for possible solutions to the problem. I'm not about to change any more hardware or buy anything else. I'm really almost completely screwed and I'm almost to the point of throwing my Geforce GTX 280's back in.

After messing with BIOS settings, drivers, new BIOS version, all the Catalyst drivers, fresh installs of the OS, mutliple cards, etc. I'm fresh out of ideas.
I'm pretty happy myself, especially getting in on the Best Buy deal. It is a lot smoother than my Crossfire 3870X2 were. Now.. I'm just waiting for a reasonably priced 4870 1GB card to come out for Tri-Fire.

It's a lot smoother than my 8800 ultra sli set up as well, and that is saying a lot.

Any who, updated the list.
I'm pretty happy myself, especially getting in on the Best Buy deal. It is a lot smoother than my Crossfire 3870X2 were. Now.. I'm just waiting for a reasonably priced 4870 1GB card to come out for Tri-Fire.

Why on earth would you want to use CrossfireX with only three cards instead of dual 4870 X2's?
Count me in.
I'll be even happier once they put out a decent aftermarket rear-vent cooler!

Supposedly there is going to be an asus version that will dissipate heat across both gpus effectively. In reality these gpus are designed to withstand the heat. I'm seeing idle temps from 59-66c and 86-88c depending on ambient temps on automatic fan control mode...which is perfectly fine for this card. Thinking that these gpus are running too hot is all in our heads. I've never had artifacting. Now for Ocing this card...that's another story. You could OC this card with the stock fan on so long as you adjust the fan percentage manually by editing your profile.
Why on earth would you want to use CrossfireX with only three cards instead of dual 4870 X2's?

Well it means I won't have to upgrade my PSU. I don't have to manage the additional heat (don't want to give up my current case yet). Plus overall cheaper?

From the benchmarks I saw over at techreport.com, The Tri and Quad are neck and neck currently, with only GRID being negatively impacted because of the 512MB on current 4870 cards. When a 1GB card gets released this should hopefully resolve the issue.

So if going from 512MB to 1GB holds true, you will probably see very little difference between Dual 4870X2 and a 4870X2 + 4870(1GB). I know I saw little to no difference from Dual 3870X2's compared to what others were seeing with 3870X2 + 3870.

Of course, why is doing this any worse than Tri-SLI?
Well it means I won't have to upgrade my PSU. I don't have to manage the additional heat (don't want to give up my current case yet). Plus overall cheaper?

From the benchmarks I saw over at techreport.com, The Tri and Quad are neck and neck currently, with only GRID being negatively impacted because of the 512MB on current 4870 cards. When a 1GB card gets released this should hopefully resolve the issue.

So if going from 512MB to 1GB holds true, you will probably see very little difference between Dual 4870X2 and a 4870X2 + 4870(1GB). I know I saw little to no difference from Dual 3870X2's compared to what others were seeing with 3870X2 + 3870.

Of course, why is doing this any worse than Tri-SLI?

I was just curious.
Put Me Up There Please! :D
I just edited the Config files on Crysis to Very High setings in Vista64's DirectX9.c path & I'm getting 25 To 50 FPS and the FPS aren't Jumping up and down like in XP.
This Kicks Major Ass!
I am a very happy with 4870x2. Gaming at 1900 x 1200 w/ AA and AF is great.
Sign me up. I was kinda waiting for someone to start a thread of ppl who actually liked their card. There is a lot of negative going around and most don't bother to post the positive.
Sign me up. I was kinda waiting for someone to start a thread of ppl who actually liked their card. There is a lot of negative going around and most don't bother to post the positive.

If I put the card in my other machine I've got nothing but great things to say about it. So not all of my experiences were bad.
Sign me up. I was kinda waiting for someone to start a thread of ppl who actually liked their card. There is a lot of negative going around and most don't bother to post the positive.

Alright, Updated, #25 on the list and counting.
I'm sure I'll be tacking my name to the list in a week. Just ordered a new system powered by a 4870x2 :D
sadly you must remove me from the list, I returned my visiontek to best buy today. bummer too, got in on the cheap release price. It was working great with 8.54 drivers finally.. after fucking with different drivers and then not being able to install the 8.54's etc.. finally got em installed fine, everything was working great for a day or two.. rebooted today.. loaded up iracing and my frames were back to complete shit.. 30-50fps at best and not smooth.. slideshow like.. cod was bad as well. removed all the ati stuff, put my 8800gts g92 back in and now get 150-170fps in iracing and my normal 50-100 in cod4. Gunna wait for the refresh of the gtx 280 or 260 and get one of those.
That's odd, been running 8.54s for a week and haven't had any in game performance issues. Oh well, good luck with the other cards, hopefully you won't have bad luck with your next card. I'll replace your name when another happy owner chimes in.
That's odd, been running 8.54s for a week and haven't had any in game performance issues. Oh well, good luck with the other cards, hopefully you won't have bad luck with your next card. I'll replace your name when another happy owner chimes in.

Yeah I loved it when it worked.. it was wierd.. had same problem with 8.8's... was working good.. even in cod4, an occasional stutter but overal was great.. then all of a sudden it would start running half speed and lots of stutter and so on.. shrug.. after the third time of that and hours of drivers removal/reinstallation/research I was done.. I may pick up another one once drivers mature.. but by then I will probably have something else.
Yah, it doesn't matter what video card you go with, there are always going to be a few bad eggs. Sucks to be the unlucky one that gets the bad egg though *sigh*
dooxoo -- what are you setting in Iracing?...

pretty much maxed out 1920x1080 res, would have to double check though.. I do have af off though.. I seemed to get better handling with it off for some crazy reason.
Put Me Up There Please! :D
I just edited the Config files on Crysis to Very High setings in Vista64's DirectX9.c path & I'm getting 25 To 50 FPS and the FPS aren't Jumping up and down like in XP.
This Kicks Major Ass!

Cool deal, added to this list. What exactly did you change in the config files?
Damn, I sooo want this card that it hurts LOL

/thinks of wife...must be something I can do to convince her:(
Sign me up. I was kinda waiting for someone to start a thread of ppl who actually liked their card. There is a lot of negative going around and most don't bother to post the positive.

True, pretty much why I created this thread...wanted to see if there are others that are indeed finding good results with this card like I am.
I would have liked to have seen a mixed thread with both a list of people who do and dont like their experience. Just having a thread of lovers is no different to just having a thread of whiners :p Saying that some people like the card doesn't mean much unless its weighed up against the people who are having problems and aren't happy.

What's the point of saying 30 people are happy if 40 people are unhappy? :p Of course 30 people being happy and only 1 unhappy (sorry Dan :p) would be what I want to see.
I would have liked to have seen a mixed thread with both a list of people who do and dont like their experience. Just having a thread of lovers is no different to just having a thread of whiners :p Saying that some people like the card doesn't mean much unless its weighed up against the people who are having problems and aren't happy.

What's the point of saying 30 people are happy if 40 people are unhappy? :p Of course 30 people being happy and only 1 unhappy (sorry Dan :p) would be what I want to see.

Well I am just hoping for a quick resolution to my issues. I'm unhappy right now, but the card is a good card, its' drivers are just problematic right now.
yup its a good card, good performance in games that do work but the driver is really bad compared to nvidia. some of the stuffs in driver/CC simply dont work as intended.
So far, I'm pretty happy with it IN WINDOWS. Can't speak for Linux, yet. I'm using the 8.8 Beta drivers. Normal 8.8s screw up. Hopefully there will be better driver support in 8.9.