Guess who's back in stock? go now, get into the choppa.

fuck sake do we really need a new thread everytime a 5850 or 5870 is in stock?

If they are xfx, yes... I would think so. And especially as hard as they are to come by right now, any attention I am sure the community would appreciate.
High prices... I'm happy with my new 4890. No game even purely supports DX10 afaik, so I'm not worried about DX11.
not to rub salt in the wound but shit they are gouging pretty damn bad, I paid $370 for my 5870 on the week of release from newegg, I had ordered a bunch of stuff for a new build i was planning, one of those things happened to be a 285gtx which as far as I knew in early September was supposed to be the best performing single gpu card, placed the order started browsing reviews for video card and BAM I noticed the 5xxx series had been released the day before.....I rma'd that sucker .... didn't make sense to pay the same ammount for a card that wasn't as good a performer......I debated waiting to see if the price was going to drop, which I usually do, I' am not typically an early adopter of cutting edge....oh well
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These more expensive xfx cards stay in stock for an awful long time now, this is the second time in the past week they've been in stock the better part of a day. Looks like there aren't too many people willing to pay these kinds of prices which is good for the rest of us.
lol @ people getting mad at these threads.

We can all use something called context clues and pretty much guarantee a thread like this is refering to the 5850 or 5870 being in stock, somewhere, before clicking on it.

Its not a big deal, you wont lose sleep over it, everything will be ok :)
Another reason for new threads like this is that existing threads, even if updated, will be thought of as old threads because the contents are thought of as old and the only thing that is going for it is a discussion. Will I think I will be updated by an instock thread that is a month old, or will I be updated by an instock thread that was created today?
I am going to wait as well but I do appreciate members giving a heads up on a hard to find part
There is a $50 premium above the original Msrp right now, but I think the actual msrp has been adjusted to $279.
There is a $50 premium above the original Msrp right now, but I think the actual msrp has been adjusted to $279.

Really? I thought MRSP was $299 now from the prices that are regularly being charged on the 5850.
I ran accross a HIS 5870 at Micro Center here in Houston for $399.99....I went ahead and picked it up.