GTX 670 Reviewed and Benched. It still manages to beat out the 7970.

Speak for yourself. There's no way I'll ever drop $500 on a video card. If AMD responds to the 670 by dropping the 7950 to $300-350 MSRP, I'll buy one and so will droves of other price-conscious gamers.

You just made my point for me. If nVidia cuts prices you won't buy an nVidia card. You'll just wait for the inevitable AMD price cut and buy an AMD card. So why would nVidia cut prices to begin with?
Speak for yourself. There's no way I'll ever drop $500 on a video card. If AMD responds to the 670 by dropping the 7950 to $300-350 MSRP, I'll buy one and so will droves of other price-conscious gamers.

lol, there is a word that defines this statement...

"Speak for yourself"


"and so will droves of other price-conscious gamers."

err, those droves that you're now speaking for.

/just saying

The 670 certainly has some potential, can't wait for full reviews.
Speak for yourself. There's no way I'll ever drop $500 on a video card. If AMD responds to the 670 by dropping the 7950 to $300-350 MSRP, I'll buy one and so will droves of other price-conscious gamers.

Got some statistics to back that claim up? Price-conscious gamers that I know have another saying, "There is no way I'll ever drop $300 on a video card." You don't know what AMD's margins are, and whether it'll be worth it for them to get enough $300+ nVidia buyers to switch to them by slashing prices so aggressively.

Xeth's right on here, IMO.
Most reasonable people don't give a damn about "brand loyalty". They buy the best bang for the buck in their price range. Whoever nabs that crown in the $200-$300 range stands to gain a great deal.
Most reasonable people don't give a damn about "brand loyalty". They buy the best bang for the buck in their price range. Whoever nabs that crown in the $200-$300 range stands to gain a great deal.

Probably true. But I would hope that people would at least think about what company they are buying from when plopping down $300+ on a GPU. eVGA, for instance, has a relatively proven track record for good RMA service and long term support. ASUS, for instance, throws you out the airlock when your board needs service (slight exaggeration based on experience). ASUS has burned me twice; I refuse to do business with them. eVGA has done well by me though we've had our disagreements and XFX has been very helpful in the past as well.

Brand loyalty from a proven track record is good thing. Brand loyalty because the sticker matches in color of your motherboard heatsinks is a bad thing :p.
I hope they make 670s with tiny HSFs I need a card thats 7.9 inches max for an SFF!!!
I hope the heat isnt why they have that big ol HSF on it.
Most reasonable people don't give a damn about "brand loyalty". They buy the best bang for the buck in their price range. Whoever nabs that crown in the $200-$300 range stands to gain a great deal.

Problem is, Nvidia has zero cards out in their current gen at this price. AMD is sitting fat and happy with high prices and no competition. Until Nvidia releases something, those looking for current mid-range cards have no choice other then AMD.

I hope they make 670s with tiny HSFs I need a card thats 7.9 inches max for an SFF!!!
I hope the heat isnt why they have that big ol HSF on it.

haha, not sure what language on that last line is but as far as small/custom cooling goes you may be in luck with a gigabyte card, but since it is a smaller PCB it will most likely either require a "lengthy" or "bulky" block on it. If you WC your system, the cooling on this thing will be great! (yay for smaller footpring water blocks!!)
The guy with the slower GTX 680 has a weird card. Most GTX 680 score above 9500 stock. I verified this and I have a CPU (4.0ghz) slower than his. I'm really liking the GTX 670. So much mythology behind it and it still hasn't launched. This kind of press must be good for companies.
interesting read
Gigabyte GTX 670 scoring hundereds of points better than gtx 680 (3d mark)..40 pages thread and the conclusion is 1.GTX 680 owners are pissed 2.Gigabyte created a monster card

Whoa... and yeah, it seems to have incredible OC headroom too. I'm this close to 'Baying my pair of 680's to snag up a pair of the Gigabyte 670's on release, better perf possibly, much better oc, nice non-ref cooler, and much lower price.

EDIT: Pay attention to the graphics score, not the overall score, guys.
what if the released 680 was never the real 680 but because of the long announced release date Nvidia had to release a gimped 680 with 2gb? 680 being just a re-branded 670 while the real 680 should be the FTW 4gb version.This makes sense keeping in mind 2 x 680 in sli were almost identical with 1 x 690 (based on H review) results that sparked a lot of "discussions" ...All this because of GK104 shortage...
That GTX 670 graphics score over at - 9158
My eVGA GTX 680 SC graphics score? - 9742

Enabled the targeted frame rate and set it to 100FPS just to see. Almost the same score at 9755.

Trying some overclocking on just the memory clock. +50MHz (9860), +100MHz (9885), and +150MHz (9893).
Trying some overclocking on just the core clock. +50MHz (10095)

Attempting to go higher but the score is dropping by some 700+ points now. Can't repeat the +50MHz core test either so take that one with a grain of salt for now. Will probably need to remove my GTX 570 in the 2nd PCIe slot to eliminate heat from this card as an issue. Oh crap....I left nVidia's FXAA on. Alright, I don't know what the hell is going on. Scores are staying steady at ~9300 right now regardless of what I do. Any ideas?
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Whoa... and yeah, it seems to have incredible OC headroom too. I'm this close to 'Baying my pair of 680's to snag up a pair of the Gigabyte 670's on release, better perf possibly, much better oc, nice non-ref cooler, and much lower price.

EDIT: Pay attention to the graphics score, not the overall score, guys.

If the 670 reference version has nearly the same performance / OC headroom there's gonna be some tears from 680 owners :p

PS. Just benched my 680 SLI and it gets 19530 (stock) vs 18131 (670 SLI non-ref stock) and 20027 (670 SLI non-ref OC) :eek:
I wouldn't make any conclusions from 3d mark

I agree but let's face it ,so far GTX 680 scores lower than 670 in this standalone test.Which is not normal by anymeans.Should I also mention that we are talking here about exactly the same drivers.
There are 2 explanations: 1 . either that aussie struck gold with his card, I guessed before the released 680 is not what nvidia had in mind when 680 was announced long ago, hence the upcoming 4gb GTX 680 .Either way i'm guessing 670 is going to be a VERY popular GPU. relinked
I dont believe any of those benchmarks.
Will wait till Anand gets a hold of one.
There is no way that the GTX 670 will outperform a GTX 680 in the real world. Some of you people are delusional.
There is no way that the GTX 670 will outperform a GTX 680 in the real world. Some of you people are delusional.

Agreed. And even if it gets close or beats it with an aggressive overclock that is not a good long term solution for you are shortening the life of your 670 and not all 670s will be able to overclock as well.
I agree but let's face it ,so far GTX 680 scores lower than 670 in this standalone test.Which is not normal by anymeans.Should I also mention that we are talking here about exactly the same drivers.
There are 2 explanations: 1 . either that aussie struck gold with his card, I guessed before the released 680 is not what nvidia had in mind when 680 was announced long ago, hence the upcoming 4gb GTX 680 .Either way i'm guessing 670 is going to be a VERY popular GPU. relinked

Technically the 670 cannot be faster than the 680 due to its lack of shader counts. The only scenario where you can get the 670 to perform faster than the 680 is to somehow overclock the 670, give it better a cooling as well, and keep everything stock for the 680.

And this is probably what happened. That guy has an overclock version of the of the 670, with custom cooler.

But I do agree that the 670 will probably be a better card for the budget conscious users, which is way more than the enthusiastic crowd. It will be a very popular card. Good luck getting one.:p
Looking closely here it looks like (and this may have been mentioned before in this thread) they used early drivers for the 7970. I fully expect the GTX 670 to perform neck and neck with 7970. I expect a 7970 to beat it when overclocked. However, I'll still give the edge to the GTX 670 as I see it falling less than 10% slower than a fully overclocked 7970 when fully overclocked as well. Pair 2 GTX 670s and the smoother SLi experience due to new tech brought to the table by nvidia makes me believe most will give the GTX 670 the nod. It'll be interesting to see where these cards end up performance wise but I think some are expecting too much based on a piss poor review by a now irrelevant website that dug it's own grave and now is bitching because they are now receiving the treatment they deserve.
Technically the 670 cannot be faster than the 680 due to its lack of shader counts. The only scenario where you can get the 670 to perform faster than the 680 is to somehow overclock the 670, give it better a cooling as well, and keep everything stock for the 680.

And this is probably what happened. That guy has an overclock version of the of the 670, with custom cooler.

But I do agree that the 670 will probably be a better card for the budget conscious users, which is way more than the enthusiastic crowd. It will be a very popular card. Good luck getting one.:p

Which is exactly the same thing that happened with the GTX 570. The top end card is never a good price/performance value.
The people saying that it's OC 670 vs. stock 680 are missing the point... the 670 is still running at slower clockspeeds and has 1 SMX module disabled, yet is somehow beating out the 680 running at higher clockspeeds with more shaders enabled. Something doesn't add up.
Nvidia probably improved the architecture somehow when configuring the board layout for the 670.
The people saying that it's OC 670 vs. stock 680 are missing the point... the 670 is still running at slower clockspeeds and has 1 SMX module disabled, yet is somehow beating out the 680 running at higher clockspeeds with more shaders enabled. Something doesn't add up.
again the gpu boost is actually going higher than the gtx680.
The people saying that it's OC 670 vs. stock 680 are missing the point... the 670 is still running at slower clockspeeds and has 1 SMX module disabled, yet is somehow beating out the 680 running at higher clockspeeds with more shaders enabled. Something doesn't add up.

His gpu mem is at 3550. Heaven seems to like bandwidth, and doesn't notice the extra shaders (or I should say lack of).
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Nvidia probably improved the architecture somehow when configuring the board layout for the 670.

look at the 2nd picture of the card..this certain gigabyte gtx 670 has FULL size PCB not the small one that was seen previously in dif pics.
Did gigabyte engineers came up with some innovative way to squeeze more power?Why did they need a full size PCB when a smaller size would've saved them $ ...right?
look at the 2nd picture of the card..this certain gigabyte gtx 670 has FULL size PCB not the small one that was seen previously in dif pics.
Did gigabyte engineers came up with some innovative way to squeeze more power?Why did they need a full size PCB when a smaller size would've saved them $ ...right?

Then yeah, it could just be that Gigabyte came up with a kick-ass non-ref design. Guess we'll have to wait and see about the reference, short version results.
GPU boots is likely kicking in more often on the 670 so its at a higher clockspeed more of the time.
This will be an interresting read if finally someone came with an OC version that works rather well then the normal single digit increase were "used" to.