Grand Theft Auto V

If I buy a movie, it's on Blu-Ray. I don't do digital downloads or rentals. I occasionally watch NetFlix, but when I think about it, it's probably not enough to justify the the monthly fee.

What I really want to do, but haven't, is rip all my movies to MKV H.264 files. I like having the disks, but i also like the convenience of having them on my network. I guess I'd consider using a lossless copy, if the size is small enough. Storage is becoming large enough where I could store a 50GB disk, but I suspect a decent amount is just alternate languages and trailers (which I might want in some cases, but not always).

I have almost 500 blu ray movies, ripped at 1080p. To look exactly like the uncompressed version you are looking between 12 and 17GB per movie in x264. depending if you want all the extra language trakcs and such in the container file.

I bought an 8TB hdd - and it's only about 1/2 full of all my HD movie collection.
I have almost 500 blu ray movies, ripped at 1080p. To look exactly like the uncompressed version you are looking between 12 and 17GB per movie in x264. depending if you want all the extra language trakcs and such in the container file.

I bought an 8TB hdd - and it's only about 1/2 full of all my HD movie collection.

good to know. That's a pretty reasonable amount of space. I don't have near as many BDs, but if I get a process for ripping what I have, I may up my purchases.
Blu Ray was just bad timing. It was introduced right on time when digital distribution started to become mainstream. It makes no sense for distributors to release PC games on blu ray media since it hasn't been widely adopted. Digital is convenient and easy as long as you have the connection to support it.

I have a meager 1.2Mb download speed and the pre-load was done in about 16-20 hours. It was crazy to see how many people were fiendng over the pre-load coming available.
Yeah, it's missing GTAV.exe and maybe others.

[2015-04-09 20:40:22.210] [DISPLAY] Unable to get file version info size for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe
Blu Ray was just bad timing. It was introduced right on time when digital distribution started to become mainstream. It makes no sense for distributors to release PC games on blu ray media since it hasn't been widely adopted. Digital is convenient and easy as long as you have the connection to support it.

I have a meager 1.2Mb download speed and the pre-load was done in about 16-20 hours. It was crazy to see how many people were fiendng over the pre-load coming available.

True, but if you have a cap on your data, 60GB (before the patches) is at least 1/5 of your monthly data, possibly 1/4. I can't speak for the masses, but if I buy an Optical drive, it'll have BD support (even if it's only read support). Considering how cheap the writers are, I don't see the point of going with DVD only. OTOH, I don't use BD writing very much, because media has never really fallen (and the capacity is too small :( )
I love Rockstar, companies like them are why Comcast should fuck off with bandwidth caps. I say bring on the 50+GB games!
Waiting on benchmarks to figure out what gpu I will need to run 4k maxed out.
I'm waiting to see if its a complete mess like the GTA 4 launch was. That launch was just horrible. Nothing worked right for over a year. I won't be making that mistake again.
The game requires 64-bit so it will run on literally any x64 processor.
I think the same can be said for... every game.
It's a horrible translation of a French Article, but things sound good:

Apparently GTA5 can run on a Intel Core 2 Duo with a 9800GT!

Redditor who speaks French summarizes the same article:
The minimum specs are a Core2Quad and the venerable 9800 GT, so it's not surprising.

That Frenchie Redditor guy also claims the game has no element pop-in. Which I highly, highly doubt. How do you create an open world game engine that draws everything instantly? There has to be some pop-in, right? Grass and shadows and such.
The minimum specs are a Core2Quad and the venerable 9800 GT, so it's not surprising.

That Frenchie Redditor guy also claims the game has no element pop-in. Which I highly, highly doubt. How do you create an open world game engine that draws everything instantly? There has to be some pop-in, right? Grass and shadows and such.
Proper fading techniques over long distances, I guess.
Some games handled this pretty well.
Or maybe that guy had the draw distance/draw distance detail dialled completely down.

I'm a bit worried my ES Xeon quad won't be able to handle GTA V properly due to it's low clock and bottlenecking my dual GTX680 4gb cards.

Been trying to find an 3960x or 3930k/4930k for cheap lately and no luck so far, they don't even pop up much anymore on ebay unless it's some asshat asking more then retail costs for it.
Or maybe that guy had the draw distance/draw distance detail dialled completely down.

I'm sure they did, but even still it's impressive for a state of the art game of 2015. Anyone running a Core2 anything should be happy they can play this at all.
Could use a bit of help actually if anyone is more familiar with Social Club accounts (tried searching all over for an answer to this). I got about 20GB into the pre-load and restarted the computer, but I have no idea now how to continue downloading from where I left off.
Signing in to Social Club does nothing and clicking on the .exe just gives me a constant loading screen.
This is not through Steam btw. Thanks.
Which source is the download coming from and what client are you using? I've heard there were issues with certain clients.

Could use a bit of help actually if anyone is more familiar with Social Club accounts (tried searching all over for an answer to this). I got about 20GB into the pre-load and restarted the computer, but I have no idea now how to continue downloading from where I left off.
Signing in to Social Club does nothing and clicking on the .exe just gives me a constant loading screen.
This is not through Steam btw. Thanks.
sorry, not sure what client I'm using (or how to even check it). All I know is that I was downloading straight from Rockstar Games using a key purchased from GMG. I thought Social Club would act like Steam and just continue downloading the game once I signed-in again but all I'm getting is a constant loading screen when I click on the GTAVLauncher (not PlayGTAV) application.

If I can't solve it soon-ish, I'll just start the download again and hope my internet connection stays constant for the next ~2.5 days lol (yeah my internet isn't that fast out here in rural country).

Edit: (Solved) Found out that all I had to do was launch the .exe using "run as administrator" and that took care of the constant loading screen (although I'm missing a good 5GB from the initial download..??). Thanks anyway.
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I don't believe it either. The 7870 is not a 1080p60 card by any stretch, I don't care what the 'master race' says.
It all sounds like bloviating to me. I don't think their recommended specs can even do 1080p60 in GTA 4, ffs.
AMD Evolved... Under Mantle it would be a 1080p60 card...
Just messing with you'll. We can dream though.
I don't believe it either. The 7870 is not a 1080p60 card by any stretch, I don't care what the 'master race' says.
It all sounds like bloviating to me. I don't think their recommended specs can even do 1080p60 in GTA 4, ffs.

Toms says this about the R7 260x which is substantially slower than the 7870.

"Solid Performance At 1920x1080

.....and it's quite capable of playing most games at 1080p, particularly if you snag the 2GB version"
When was that review written? 2013?
The 260X is still a capable 1080p30 card with mixed settings (not maxed). For most games, anyway.

I game at 1680x1050 / 1600x900 with my 280X. I don't need to be told what a slower card on higher resolutions can handle. :p
It's in the april best gpu for the money article. Sooo. 18 hours ago.,3107.html

Actually I should have scrolled farther down the article. They say this about the 270 which performs almost identical to the 7870.

"Mainstream Performance Leader

A recent price drop on AMD's Radeon R9 270 puts the Curaçao-powered card in range of Nvidia's GeForce GTX 750 Ti, and in all performance metrics, the Radeon is faster. The difference is going to be playable performance at 1920x1080 using mid-range detail settings versus one or two presets higher on the R9 270. Yes, AMD's card uses more than twice as much power under load. But it still only requires one six-pin auxiliary power connector."
It's in the april best gpu for the money article. Sooo. 18 hours ago.,3107.html

Actually I should have scrolled farther down the article. They say this about the 270 which performs almost identical to the 7870.

"Mainstream Performance Leader

A recent price drop on AMD's Radeon R9 270 puts the Curaçao-powered card in range of Nvidia's GeForce GTX 750 Ti, and in all performance metrics, the Radeon is faster. The difference is going to be playable performance at 1920x1080 using mid-range detail settings versus one or two presets higher on the R9 270. Yes, AMD's card uses more than twice as much power under load. But it still only requires one six-pin auxiliary power connector."
The 270 is a 7870. The 270X is also a 7870.
These cards are 3+ years old, this discussion is not worth having since everyone here should be well aware of how they perform.

I don't give a fuck if Toms calls any card "capable of 1080p" because of how incredibly vague that is.
the HD7850 in my HTPC has no prob doing 1080p/60fps in the majority of games on mostly high settings with a few compromises of course like no MSAA, mostly it's the Gamework games that do 30fps on that rig.

Going by the recommended specs it looks like the extra time Rockstar took to optimize the game paid off, fingers crossed
Calm down bro. You're right everyone should be well aware that the 7870 is a decent preforming card that can play most, if not all, games at 1080p. Apparently some are not.
Calm down bro. You're right everyone should be well aware that the 7870 is a decent preforming card that can play most, if not all, games at 1080p. Apparently some are not.
Great, so people should stop wasting our time.
If I wanted to explain how graphics tiers work I would go talk to the children on Reddit.