Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.................**~PC~**

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Jul 22, 2004
well less than a month left for the release of the PC version and god i'm stoked. Man i hope they crank up the graphics and sounds(weapons mostly) for the PC cause i dint like what they did with Vice City.
I have the PS2 version in the next room and have not played it more that 2 hours because I want to play it on the PC in its full glory. RockStar says they originaly developed it in hi-res so the PC version will look awesome. Also I thought VC was good and had no prob with the visuals (ran it at 1600x1200). It looked unique and the graphic style fit it.
Cool, IM excited too.

Eagerly awaiting a multi-theft auto version for it ;)
Eh....GTA III will remain king. If only it had bikes and stuff :(

Sorry, I can't stand "ghetto" people....All these wanna be thugs in my area have thier own game now....great. :rolleyes:
I've liked GTAIII and VC on PC so far. I hated VC on PS2 but once I got it on PC it just felt different and much better IMO. I'll be looking forward to San Andreas.
whats the release date? i know but i just figured i'd ask instead of searching for it.
WSlyce said:
whats the release date? i know but i just figured i'd ask instead of searching for it.
I beleive it's June 7th for both PC and XBOX
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Eh....GTA III will remain king. If only it had bikes and stuff :(

Sorry, I can't stand "ghetto" people....All these wanna be thugs in my area have thier own game now....great. :rolleyes:

Agreed!!! I've never stopped playing GTA3 , Vice City was fun but got boring quick, SA looks more of the same but it might be a bit more fun.
I've been waiting so long that I'd forgot about this one... I'd get it for PS2 but the frame rate gives my a headache, which is a shame.
no worries, rockstar has "grand theft auto: caucasion suburbia" coming out next year

the goal of the game is to borrow the wife's jetta, drive around to different golf courses, starbucks, and then the mall to pick up the kids.

there won't be a "thug" in sight, so you can feel safe
Sounds great should hold me over to Mafia 2 which will be 3 times better :)
michealo said:
no worries, rockstar has "grand theft auto: caucasion suburbia" coming out next year

the goal of the game is to borrow the wife's jetta, drive around to different golf courses, starbucks, and then the mall to pick up the kids.

there won't be a "thug" in sight, so you can feel safe
:D :p :D
Hate_Bot said:
Cool, IM excited too.

Eagerly awaiting a multi-theft auto version for it ;)

I could never get the multi-theft to work with VC so I'm not keeping my hopes up to high for SA. I really wished they had incorporated multiplay into the PC version, the original 2 games of the series had really great multiplayer. SA would have been perfect for the "you drive I'll shoot" type of game, or even just to have another friend as your wingman when doing a mission.
Jeriko_Cherry said:
I could never get the multi-theft to work with VC so I'm not keeping my hopes up to high for SA. I really wished they had incorporated multiplay into the PC version, the original 2 games of the series had really great multiplayer. SA would have been perfect for the "you drive I'll shoot" type of game, or even just to have another friend as your wingman when doing a mission.

oooooo that would have been sweet........

i just hope that in this game when you crouch you can still move unlike in VC
i wish multy theft made a mod where the objective is to control your own gang,you can send them out to try and kill other important gang people,drive bys,or get like 30 escalades full of ganstas with ak's and go to tear apart someone elses turf
Ballz2TheWallz said:
i wish multy theft made a mod where the objective is to control your own gang,you can send them out to try and kill other important gang people,drive bys,or get like 30 escalades full of ganstas with ak's and go to tear apart someone elses turf

Gangsters 3D? :p
The PC version of GTA: San Andreas is compatible only with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. You'll require Service Pack 1 or above and DirectX 9, along with DirectX 9 compatible drivers. It will be packaged on a DVD-ROM only, so if you've not got a compatible drive, now is the time to upgrade.
logan1 said:
T It will be packaged on a DVD-ROM only, so if you've not got a compatible drive, now is the time to upgrade.

about time they started doing DVD only
^^^^Location: Whidbey Island, WA... I know there are no real ghettos where you are, but agreed, his comment came off poorly.

Oh yeah, and I cant wait to get San An on my puter so I can finally use mouse/kbd!!1 =)
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Eh....GTA III will remain king. If only it had bikes and stuff :(

Sorry, I can't stand "ghetto" people....All these wanna be thugs in my area have thier own game now....great. :rolleyes:

There is a big difference between the term "wanna be thugs", and what you so hap-hazardly use as "ghetto people". I can only hope you arent so ignorant in your everday life, or perhaps you do live in caucasian suburbia and have never actually seen the ghetto. This post has nothing to do with the game, and 'wanna be thugs' are a dime a dozen as far as i'm concerned. I'm surprised I'm the only one that found this remark a bit out of place. I enjoy coming to these forums until I find a mindless and uneducated post like the one you have made. This statement goes to meanmodda[H] as well, for agreeing, with emphasis, on what you have said.
Didn't realize my original post was already deleted so I posted again, I'm sure it will be gone in no time...

BTW, i'm not FROM whidbey, i'm stationed up here. :)
This game is going to be awesome for the PC. The PC version of Vice City was a lot better than the PS2 version. The cheats make more sense on the PC version, objects are clearer, and most importantly, SHORTER LOAD TIMES!! The only problem I had with the PC version of Vice City was flying that remote-control helicopter around. Did anyone else have a really, really hard time controlling that thing with the keyboard? Finishing that mission took me minutes on the PS2 but on the PC it took me a really long time.
I_Need_Money said:
This game is going to be awesome for the PC. The PC version of Vice City was a lot better than the PS2 version. The cheats make more sense on the PC version, objects are clearer, and most importantly, SHORTER LOAD TIMES!! The only problem I had with the PC version of Vice City was flying that remote-control helicopter around. Did anyone else have a really, really hard time controlling that thing with the keyboard? Finishing that mission took me minutes on the PS2 but on the PC it took me a really long time.

Oh yea, PC helicopter flying was really bad with the keyboard. I gave up on doing the time races for that. I only did the blow up the building (forgot what it was called), and that took me alot of tries!

I am seriously thinking of buying a game pad just for the vehicles in San Andreas.
tronmaster said:
Oh yea, PC helicopter flying was really bad with the keyboard. I gave up on doing the time races for that. I only did the blow up the building (forgot what it was called), and that took me alot of tries!

I am seriously thinking of buying a game pad just for the vehicles in San Andreas.

I got a USB adapter for my PS2 dual shock gamepad, and I use it like that in VC. It rocks, definitely reccomended :)
ps2 controller is teh suck,and i dont wanna buy a dvd drive id have to dis mantle my whole pc cause its so cramped and buy ide cables with 2 connectors
Hahaha, I actually hooked up my PS2 steering wheel/pedals and played GTA:SA with that.

It was very hard to walk, you had to zigzag the wheel but when you got into a vehicle it was a BLAST! You couldn't wheelie with the bikes though, but it was fun. I just sat back and cruised around the map.

I recommend trying this for some fun, oh several beers and hand rolled cigs ;) are also good to have.
I can not wait. I loved Vice City, and I'm sure San Andreas is going to be a lot better than Vice City. I'm more excited about this than I was for Doom 3 & Half Life 2.... :eek:

17 days!
yup i thought all teh console news and junk had distracted us from the true calling of the gamer. Gonna make this a countdown clock thread

17 days............:D :D

Aside from the continuous world, San Andreas wasn't that great...

Metal Gear Solid 3 came out a week after and I haven't played SA since then.
planetary said:
I believe I'll take my chances....and buy it the first day.

I'm sure you will...perhaps you will enjoy the Boyz N' the Hood story better than I did. Overusing the Big N, "asshole", "cocksucker", "bitch", "fuck", and any combination of those words does not impress me.
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