Gran Turismo

spent $35 at homedepot and 40 min of work, now i have my wheel setup. it's not pretty but its solid, stable, has lots of room and just made the game 10x more fun to play.

The irony of that is I paid 10x that for a commercial cockpit that may be pretty, but it's not solid or stable...

I hate it!
spent $35 at homedepot and 40 min of work, now i have my wheel setup. it's not pretty but its solid, stable, has lots of room and just made the game 10x more fun to play.
What did you buy and make at home depot that makes the game better? Pics???:D:D
lol I spent in hour in the garage the other night and made my wheel setup outta extra wood I had lying around :) works great! :) looks ugly though hehe

If your going to mention exclusives for the PS3 being awesome at least get them right.. you probably ment God of War 3.

You mentioned like 5% of the PS3's best exclusives.

5%? I think he covered most of them...

spent $35 at homedepot and 40 min of work, now i have my wheel setup. it's not pretty but its solid, stable, has lots of room and just made the game 10x more fun to play.

Pics? I'm using a folding card table now and it sucks... a lot.
5%? I think he covered most of them...

Not really, the vast majority of PS3 exclusives have all been rated very well and there are a good number of them. Maybe I should have said incredible, awesome, or whatever because I guess "best" these days are being 10/10 or 95% or above.

I'd love to see a thread that debates system exclusives without it being locked after 10 posts though, it would be an interesting read.
did anyone update to 1.02? I think it's causing my ps3 to freeze up in game. To the point where i can't even use the on off button and have to use the plug
5%? I think he covered most of them...

Pics? I'm using a folding card table now and it sucks... a lot.

it takes up a decent amount of room and its ugly, but its level and stable and lots of room for the legs. (also bought adjustable feet for $2 on the bottom just in case the floor wasn't level.) pay no attention to that L brace on the wrong side lol.

I've never used a racing wheel with pedals but from what I've heard, using them in a normal sitting position is quite difficult.
One of you dudes who made the wheel holder should make a bunch and sell them!
if you need a job anyways....

I hated playing on my friends wheel because you'd have to put it in your lap, and thats just uncomfortable.

Doox's looks good, just paint it and make it match your TV stand (which it kind of already does with that wood look)
lol I spent in hour in the garage the other night and made my wheel setup outta extra wood I had lying around :) works great! :) looks ugly though hehe


That's pretty cool. How stable is it? It looks pretty light weight. I know when I bolt my G25 to a lighter computer desk the whole desk kicks and bucks with the wheel ;)

I've never used a racing wheel with pedals but from what I've heard, using them in a normal sitting position is quite difficult.

I use mine on a computer desk and I think its fine. That said, I drive an old car in real life which has a relatively upright seating position, so maybe I'm just used to it :)

Back in the day I used to play on the couch, using a coffee table... but there wasn't enough space under the table for me to use the pedals so I had the pedals sitting to the right of the coffee table and just used my right foot to operate the brake and throttle (didn't have a clutch pedal back then). Also the coffee table was too light, so I put some big heavy weights on it to keep it steady. Far from ideal... but I sunk about 100 hours into Forza 1 on the Xbox playing like that and still enjoyed it ;)
I've never used a racing wheel with pedals but from what I've heard, using them in a normal sitting position is quite difficult.

How do you sit in a car? For me, I play in my office chair and desk and its feels the same as when driving my car. I drive in a normal sitting position though, I outgrew the gansta lean about 10 years ago.
How do you sit in a car? For me, I play in my office chair and desk and its feels the same as when driving my car. I drive in a normal sitting position though, I outgrew the gansta lean about 10 years ago.

unless you drive a minivan or a school bus, I can't see how your car and desk seating positions are the same.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Well I've been playing the game since I bought it on release day and just finished up all my license tests, after going through that PITA, I'm needing to buy a large enough flash drive to back everything up just in case the HDD dies.

Initially I thought the graphics were just ok, I had it hooked up to a 46" Sharp Aquos which is about 3 years old. I decided to connect it to a much newer 32" LG and it looked much much better (both 1080p). The car models are some of the best I've seen, and this includes PC games as well. NFS Shift gets pretty close but I'd have to see them side-by-side to pick a clear winner. The tracks are ok. The surface and curbs look decent enough but the grass texture is very flat. Not really a big deal, I don't think it takes anything away from the gameplay.

Speaking of gameplay, GT5 is a [i[little[/i] less tedious and frustrating than the previous iterations. Meaning, you still have to invest several hours in the game just to get to the good races. As mentioned before, there are a lot more ways to earn money in GT5 other than doing the same race over and over again like you had to do before, so in that sense it's great. You do still have to participate in some incredibly boring races with very slow vehicles.

Damage? what damage? The damage in this game is so limited that they should have just left it out and saved the useless development time they wasted on it. Maybe I'm missing something, but the only damage i've seen is VERY minor scuff marks and the heaviest damage i've seen is a larger than normal gap between the hood and fender, and I've only seen this damage in the license and special event races. What little damage there is is also all cosmetic.

The physics has improved as has the AI, both fairly noticeably. You can actually get spun out or spin someone out by tagging their rear end, versus simply bouncing off of them. The AI will move to block you, at least it certainly seemed that way when they kept getting in my way during the overtake license tests. There are also 16 car races vs I believe 8 in GT4, so they are making good use of the extra power they've got with the PS3 above and beyond better graphics.

Overall I'd say the game is pretty good, especially if you're a fan of the series. It didn't knock my socks off like I thought it may and probably should have considering the development time it took. That said, I do find myself having more fun playing F1 2010 on my PC than I am GT5 on my PS3
I drive a grocery getter and I do not sit like I'm sitting at my computer desk. For one, your back is usually tilted. The wheel is in the same location but pedals coming off the floor are not even close to how the pedals that hang are like in your vehicle.
Thats the entertainment furniture i want. well that kind of design but i cant find one in ikea! might make one myself. what kind of wood did you use and tools to join and secure it all together?

edit: you lot should get this far better than making one yourself as this one you can adjust and fold away

I made it outta poplar, I used dowels and glue to put it all together.
Havent been able to sit down and play it much, but have been able to give Bspec a solid run so far as it allows me to get up and leave the room when or do stuff with it running. I donno if im missing it, but all we can do is control the drivers pace right?

also, i just hit bspec lvl 6 and got my 2nd driver. Is there a point in the game where you can enter 2 in a single race at once?
I drive a grocery getter and I do not sit like I'm sitting at my computer desk. For one, your back is usually tilted. The wheel is in the same location but pedals coming off the floor are not even close to how the pedals that hang are like in your vehicle.

they feel about the same when you are playing. this isn't something where you need to have exact sitting position as you are in a real car in order to become immersed in the game, the steering wheel does a pretty good job with that as it is. if it is something that bothers you so much then i'd imagine you'd be buying a used car seat from a junkyard and putting some decent time into a setup, or buying a setup at a high cost. as it stands most people are probably ok with sitting on the couch or in an office chair.
the interface from a usability perspective is pretty bad. one would think they'd make the multiplayer button stand out a bit more seeing as how it's a major aspect of the game.

things like that happen when games are rushed to market. Shame PD wasn't given time to polish the game.
if 5 years isnt enough to polish a game, it must be lack of effort/skill from the developers.

they worked on gt5p and gt psp and have a MUCH smaller dev team then Turn 10.

Turn 10 had 100 developers working on the tracks only whilst PD have 100 in TOTAL working on 3 games.
I'm just glad it's not like GT5 Prologue. I think I've played a total of 1hrs on it, because it didn't feel right for some reasons.
the interface from a usability perspective is pretty bad. one would think they'd make the multiplayer button stand out a bit more seeing as how it's a major aspect of the game.

IMO the ui is fine. Im use to those sorts of UI;s from websites and pc apps and games.

i prefer that kind of style as instead of clicking through 10 different menu's like forza just to start a online game, its all under one roof.
IMO the ui is fine. Im use to those sorts of UI;s from websites and pc apps and games.

i prefer that kind of style as instead of clicking through 10 different menu's like forza just to start a online game, its all under one roof.

the style is fine, the grouping can just be very confusing to anyone first playing and there is no real natural progression for your eyes, of course after the first couple of times you play the game it's a moot point.
It's all the confirmations that annoy me. Do you want to buy this, do you want to swap to this do you want to install this, are you sure, ok you bought this, do you want to use this, you unlocked this, you've just got this, ok you're using this. Ok? Ok!
It's all the confirmations that annoy me. Do you want to buy this, do you want to swap to this do you want to install this, are you sure, ok you bought this, do you want to use this, you unlocked this, you've just got this, ok you're using this. Ok? Ok!

Are you sure that's what annoys you?
