GPU for VR (Index)


Jul 20, 2015
I'm not as techy as many here on the forum so I figured I might as well see if there are any better options for me.
I'm currently GPU-less after selling my 1080Ti a couple of months ago.

When it comes to games I pretty much only game in VR.
My thoughts are that I should get a powerful GPU as possible and crank up the resolution scale as far as the GPU can manage without giving me motion sickness.

But, is there any point in getting say 3080Ti if my Index hits a hard diminishing effect at some point where its own resolution can't really make any difference regardless of how much I scale in Steam VR app?
Or it actually worth it to get 3080Ti and just crank up the resolution?
You need the absolute fastest graphics card you can possibly get your hands on for VR. There are plenty of games where a 2080 Ti is really only just kind of "enough."

So, short answer is yeah, you'll probably want, and realize tangible benefits from, the new nvidia cards, whenever they actually become a thing.
If you want the highest refresh rate, I would wait and see how the 3080ti is going to stack against the 2080ti.
It might not be a big jump since there is no reason for them to.
If you’ve been GPU less for this long now and are willing to pay for a 2080Ti

just wait for the 3080Ti unless you get an amazing deal on the 2080Ti
I won't be getting 2080Ti out of principle.
Nvidia didn't try to go for 30% more expensive, they went straight for twice the price of 1080Ti, so now I'm upgrading every second generation instead of every generation.
Guess it's 3080Ti then, or AMD equivalent.
But it all depends if PS5 releases something new for VR.
I expect the new Nvidia cards will launch in the Sept timeframe, but the Index can use every last bit of juice a GPU can provide - a 2080ti would not be wasted if buying now.
I can understand the principle. The GPU prices have been disgusting this generation. But if you want to hit the 144hz or even the 120hz you need some serious GPU horsepower if you still want to keep the graphics details up high. 5700XT is relatively affordable (no Nvidia tax) and quite strong (basically equivalent to your old 1080Ti) but I am not sure if it is enough to max out Index's refresh rate in more taxing games. And it is an unnecessary side step anyway if you sold your 1080Ti to save money for a next GPU purchase in the first place.