Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

my backup ideas would be the samsung 4061f or 4065f, matte and glossy, respectively

the matte display was only a few hundred more before the 2nd large price drop on the TX42..personally if i was going to buy again i'd go with the 65f since i'm a fan of glossy and runs for 1482 at, whom i've dealt with before.

With both of these you lose two inches and pay about 5-600 more for better panels and more features (i really wish the TX had a swiveling base, which is really just a mechanical feature along with PIP that works, are you listening westinghouse:mad:)

unfortunately mine works fine so I have excuse to exchange at the moment:p
Ok, so you gave me some monitors to look at (Samsung).

If it comes down to me, having to replace this LVM-37W3, what do you all recommend that I get in replacement?

Another Westinghouse? Or a 40inch Samsung?

I would need it solely for my PC.

I already have a large screen 1080p display for my living room home theater.

So I don't really need the bells and whistles of the monitor to be so...great?

I like to have a large monitor to game, view photos (photography), and occasionally catch a flick through the PC.

Basically, I need a large format PC monitor. My Westinghouse LVM-37W3 has served me VERY well. It's just that this distortion thing is really annoying.

I really would appreciate some recommendations on a monitor that will do just as well as my LVM-37W3 or better.

Thank you all in advance.
So there aren't any good substitute displays to replace my WESTINGHOUSE LVM-37W3?

I think I may have to ship this out to the manufacturer or something...

Are the 40+ inches displays any good?
I have the 47" Westy and I love it, awesome display..both the PC and the 360 look amazing on it.

You're using a 47incher?!

Isn't that REALLY big? I mean I think the 37 is awesome, but going bigger, won't that make do you say...less sharp with the PC graphics?

Basically, each pixel is now larger, no?

It's still only 1080p, if I'm correct.

I do a lot of PC gaming, and the 37 has been VERY nice to me. I'm not sure how the 47 inches would look. Have there been any screenshots of games on the 47incher? PC games that Half-life 2, Counter Strike Source, Bioshock, FEAR, Enemy Territory, Battlefield 2, etc.?

I think I'm supposed to replace this display (having spoken with the manufacturer), so I'm wondering what's a good replacement out right now...

You're using a 47incher?!

Isn't that REALLY big? I mean I think the 37 is awesome, but going bigger, won't that make do you say...less sharp with the PC graphics?

Basically, each pixel is now larger, no?

It's still only 1080p, if I'm correct.

I do a lot of PC gaming, and the 37 has been VERY nice to me. I'm not sure how the 47 inches would look. Have there been any screenshots of games on the 47incher? PC games that Half-life 2, Counter Strike Source, Bioshock, FEAR, Enemy Territory, Battlefield 2, etc.?

I think I'm supposed to replace this display (having spoken with the manufacturer), so I'm wondering what's a good replacement out right now...

Yea the 37" should look significantly better for PC use. For games and movies though I'm sure the 47" is amazing :)
Man, why is it so hard to find a 30+ inch display?

Everything is just a TV or too big (42 + inches).

I'm torn here. Do I go up to 42 inches and lose the finer resolution of 1080p at 37inch or go smaller and find a suitable 30incher (pc display).

UGH...I hate these types of decisions :(
You could always just get a TX-42 and sit a little further back.
Maybe mount it on the wall behind your desk.
I'm assuming that the TX42 is simply the 42 inch version of the westinghouse 37w3, yes?

I just took a walk through Best Buy, and I saw the Samsung 4061F display...very nice :)

I think 40" is not WAY too big but nice enough to replace the 37, if it comes down to that.

A bit pricey though 1600 dollars :/

42...hmm...I can't really ...well I guess I could pull the desk farther away from the wall and mount the display on the wall...jeez...decisions...
I'm thinking about buying one of these on Newegg for $900, my question is: Does anyone predict a drastic price drop in the next 2 years, and.. what about dead pixels? What's the return policy?
The LVM-42W2 is more like the "42" version of the 37W3". The TX42 has less problems from what I hear, I know the colors are improved, and it has a TV Tuner. It's the new Westinghouse model, replacing both the 42w2 and 37w3.

I've seen them in action, very nice indeed. The Tx42 can be had for a nice price too, I believe Best Buy still has them on sale for $989.

The way I see it... you'll always have use for a 42" panel, if eventually you stop using it as a PC monitor for whatever reason, it's still perfectly usable as a television in another room. A very nice television. :p

As far as specific PC monitors in the 30" variety goes, it's just not something I would consider. First off, the resolution on most of those panels is almost sickeningly huge. Regardless of how nice of a graphics card setup you have or are going to have, running next gen games at a native resolution of 2560x1600 just isn't ideal. 1920x1080 is far more reasonable.
Also, prices on those monitors skyrocket when you hit anything higher than 24".... and they're still not really bright enough to use as anything other than a PC monitor, in most cases. You wouldn't exactly put the thing in your living room or bedroom if you eventually decided to use something else as a PC monitor. You'd probably just end up selling it or giving it away.

Spending as much money as we're talking about, I think it's good to have something that ensures elongated use with multiple functions.
The sub-$1k price point on the TX42 is something to keep an eye on, so just keep in mind that if you think it's a little too can always remedy by sitting a little further back. I think you'd be thanking yourself in the long run for going with something larger.

I've seen those Samsungs in action too. They're very nice, great picture. But there's a fairly dramatic price difference. When it gets to the point that you're spending 600-700 dollars more, you have to ask yourself how much nicer that picture really is. :p
I just got an email today of deals from newegg. There is a 28" inch hanns-g PC monitor for about $650 shipped. 1920x1200 resolution. Seems like it could be a nice in-between of a monitor and TV, decently bigger than a 24" but not quite as big as a 32". It'll still fit very comfortably on a desk, and the price is pretty nice for such a big monitor.

I would really enjoy a TV monitor, but right now they just seem to be hovering around the ~$1000 or more mark, and that's way too much for me. I may invest soon in either a 24" or 28" monitor.

hhaaha, you guys got me!

I think I'm settling on the TX42.

It's definitely larger than what I wanted...but...I can't go smaller than 37 after having owned the 37 for so long.

I'm hoping that the resolution isn't too far off from what I'm used to right now.

Gonna check out Best Buy later today and see if I can grab one of these before another price change :)

Thanks everyone!
facesnorth said:
I had to "trick" it in giving me 1080p over the DVI input by making a custom profile in the nvidia control panel, and basically told it to go into modes it didn't recognize the monitor as supporting. The Xbox 360 can get 1080p on Component and VGA, but not through HDMI. It grays it out as unselectable, because apparently the 360 will only allow modes detected in the EDID through HDMI. This could become a problem down the road if I want to use other devices which require modes supported by the EDID. I've also heard of people having problems with the most recent nvidia drivers under vista, and who knows with future drivers what kind of problems might arise.

Thanks for the answer to my question a couple pages ago facesnorth. Much appreciated.

facesnorth said:
There's a fairly good chance, though that if you get the SE version, you are essentially picking up a defective monitor. Most seem to have the W4207 firmware, and the EDID does not have the correct timings, etc, for 1080p. Who knows whether or not devices and drivers in the future will be able to be "tricked" and forced into making it display 1080p properly. I own an SE which I would return in a heartbeat if I could find a refurbished non-SE model. I'll likely return it even if I can't.

I ended up taking the chance and buying one, only one way to find out, right?
The bios version reported is 37w3 SE v1.0.

facesnorth said:
Since the egg was OOS, and now has stock, one can logically conclude that these are new monitors. I would also expect that Newegg is not buying excess stock from others, and is dealing with the OEM.
If that is in fact the case, then it is a reasonable possibility, given Westinghouse's multiple firmware versions in the FE model, that there is a different firmware on the SE now. It would be great, and keep this tread moving forward, if someone who has bought one of these from the Egg recently, can report what the latest and greatest firmware rev is for the SE and perhaps a manufacture date.

So there you go, I took one for the team :D I bought one so I could report to you all what the current bios rev is. You were dead on the money facesnorth.
And for the record, my 8800GTX (w/XP) detects the monitor correctly and syncs to 1920x1080 at 60hz automatically. I have not tested any other inputs yet, as mentioned earlier I bought this for PC gaming.

So maybe they did more than just change the bios name reported, maybe we are all finally good to go now with the SE model? I never had the original 37w3 FE model so I can't compare and say it's just as good with the effed up W4207 bios fixed, but it seems to function fine at the moment.
So there you go, I took one for the team :D I bought one so I could report to you all what the current bios rev is. You were dead on the money facesnorth.
And for the record, my 8800GTX (w/XP) detects the monitor correctly and syncs to 1920x1080 at 60hz automatically. I have not tested any other inputs yet, as mentioned earlier I bought this for PC gaming.

So maybe they did more than just change the bios name reported, maybe we are all finally good to go now with the SE model? I never had the original 37w3 FE model so I can't compare and say it's just as good with the effed up W4207 bios fixed, but it seems to function fine at the moment.

Tippy, I'm glad yours is working out. When you POST, does the monitor cut the sides off? Or do you see a stretched out/widened BIOS POST?

Also, if you go into the nvidia control panel (do you use nvidia?) and click on "Set up multiple displays" then what is the name listed for your Westinghouse display there? 37W3 SE or W4207?

FYI that last quote was not me so I cannot take credit for the call on newegg.

I just got an email today of deals from newegg. There is a 28" inch hanns-g PC monitor for about $650 shipped. 1920x1200 resolution. Seems like it could be a nice in-between of a monitor and TV, decently bigger than a 24" but not quite as big as a 32". It'll still fit very comfortably on a desk, and the price is pretty nice for such a big monitor.

I would really enjoy a TV monitor, but right now they just seem to be hovering around the ~$1000 or more mark, and that's way too much for me. I may invest soon in either a 24" or 28" monitor.

I ALMOST bought that 28" monitor.. I would still be interested in buying one as my wife simply wants something bigger than her 22" but no where near my 42".. I think the 28" would fit the bill nicely.
Tippy, I'm glad yours is working out. When you POST, does the monitor cut the sides off? Or do you see a stretched out/widened BIOS POST?

At POST it stretches and fills the screen. For better or worse, don't know what that means, what does yours do?

Also, if you go into the nvidia control panel (do you use nvidia?) and click on "Set up multiple displays" then what is the name listed for your Westinghouse display there? 37W3 SE or W4207?

It reports LVM-37w3se (yes I typed that case correct).

FYI that last quote was not me so I cannot take credit for the call on newegg.


Oops you're right, sorry about that yevaud. Got carried away with the cutting/pasting.
are these t.v.s that good
Is that a statement or a question? Read the thread if it was a question. The conclusion should be pretty obvious of what people's experiences have been. There are also plenty of pictures you can look at.
I hear there's a 277 page thread somewhere determining answers to that very question.


Thread summary: This monitor is best. If you don't have one already, you should get one. If you already have one, buy another for a loved one. It will be the best gift they have or ever will receive. If world leaders would buy this monitor for each other, there would be world peace.
Ok, so thanks in part to the various recommendations from the forum members here, I went out and purchased the TX42.

Thanks guys.

Now I have an even bigger display.... :/


I went to Best Buy to check out the TX42, and what do I see when I get there? An open box TX42. I was like :D

On top of this, today at Best Buy they had some promotion that was an extra 10% off open box items.

So, the standard price being 989.99 for the TX42 brand new, I got the open box TX42 for about 960 after tax and 4 year warranty (extended). Having had the distortion issue with my 37w3, I didn't want to take any chances again this time around. So, I made out pretty well, all things considered. 960 was a damn good deal for a 4 year warranty and after taxes.

So, the rest of my day will center around, re-structuring my desk (I have a shelf above the 37 display right now that I have to elevate in order to fit the 42), and possibly FINALLY installing my wireless router (I bought a month ago, and have been procrastinating) :p

Again, THANK YOU HARD FORUM members!

You guys always bring me to the best conclusions :)
I've been testing another way to get 1080p out of NVIDIA cards for those of us stuck with a bugged EDID. It's not perfect (shifts the screen left 5 px, 1366x768 still default resolution on first detection) but other than that it works well for me.

It involves modding the nv4_disp.inf (OR equivalent OEM-named INF file, e.g. NVDM.inf for DELL mobile drivers) in the driver installation package and reinstalling the drivers.

Here's how:
  • Download Driver Cleaner PE or Driver Sweeper if you don't already have one of these cleaners
  • Download and run the installer for the drivers you want to install, extract them to a location you can remember (anywhere but the default C:\NVIDIA, because Driver Cleaner PE will erase that folder), but instead of installing them straight away, cancel out, and open the folder you extracted them to.
  • If using LaptopVideo2Go drivers download and copy Pieter's modded INF into the folder, overwriting the original INF.
  • Open the INF file with notepad
  • Search for the section labeled [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings]
  • Look for a series of lines starting with HKR,, NV_R&T,
  • Select all of those lines and replace with:

    HKR,, NV_R&T,                      %REG_MULTI_SZ%, "R&T0000=1920,1080,*,60,*,WDE4207,OEM,14850,2200,72,44,1125,4,5,++"
    What this does is it tells the NVIDIA drivers to look for a monitor called "WDE4207" (as reported by the faulty EDID), and gives it a timing for 1080p.
  • Uninstall current drivers.
  • Reboot into safe mode.
  • Run Driver Cleaner PE or Driver Sweeper
  • Locate the folder you extracted the new drivers to and run setup.exe and install the drivers.
  • Reboot. After Windows boots up, set the Westy as your primary monitor and change resolution to 1920x1080. If all went well it should be running in 1080p.

Let me know if anyone tries this and their results. I'm also looking into another similar INF mod that overrides the faulty EDID data with correct EDID data, which would potentially be a much nicer fix. But I need help.

I need one of you with one of the new SE's WITHOUT the bugged W4207 EDID to download and install softMCCS, and do the following:
  • Install and run softMCCS
  • From the yellow drop down box make sure your Westinghouse monitor is selected
  • Do File-Save EDID As...
  • Change the "Save as type" box to "ASCII text file (*.txt)
  • Save the file somewhere and open it with Notepad
  • Copy and paste the contents of the file and post it here on the forums. Wrap in CODE tags for proper formatting. e.g. (my buggy "W4207" EDID data)

Referencing this thread and this thread at, it should be possible to have the drivers override the faulty EDID with the proper EDID by adding a line to nv4_disp.inf.

I need to figure out how to convert "WDE4207" to bytes (four bytes to be exact) as in the above threads. Any clues? I should probably be able to figure it out but its been a while since I took my comp sci classes. :eek:
Ok...what a pain in the butt this new display is :p

I bought the TX42 and it is pretty much doing what you've described, in terms of the display not properly formatting the screen for 1920x1080 resolution.

I'm going to try and configure the INF file as you suggested, and hope that things will work :[
Ok...what a pain in the butt this new display is :p

I bought the TX42 and it is pretty much doing what you've described, in terms of the display not properly formatting the screen for 1920x1080 resolution.

I'm going to try and configure the INF file as you suggested, and hope that things will work :[

I don't think it will do anything for the TX42. Completely different set. Check the TX42 thread at AVSforums:
Thanks Blah!

Checking that thread right now...frustrating :[

The monitor/tv displays fine at 1280x740....not what i wanted :(
At POST it stretches and fills the screen. For better or worse, don't know what that means, what does yours do?

It reports LVM-37w3se (yes I typed that case correct).

OK, you're good then. Your monitor does not have the problems associated with the SE model. FYI, mine cuts the edges off the POST. That and it says "W4207". These are not _the_ problems in and of themselves, but just indicators that your monitor will have problems. So you're all set.
Thanks Blah!

Checking that thread right now...frustrating :[

The monitor/tv displays fine at 1280x740....not what i wanted :(

Make sure you have 1:1 pixel mapping enabled on DVI/HDMI and your graphics card drivers are up to date.

Don't stress much, the TX-42 does not have the EDID issue that the 37w3se does... you should be able to get it running just fine at 1920x1080p.

Be sure to either post some pictures or comments about it when it's all set up!

I needed to buy a DVI-HDMI cable, and now everything is copasetic! :)

I don't think it's 1:1 right now, as I can definitely tell there's some kind of pixelation. I'm trying to find some info on how to set this.

I'll be taking photos as soon as it is figured out :)

Looks good on the desktop.

I also need to tone down the brightness, I forgot how bright these things 37 I tuned down real quick :)

Thanks guys!


Can someone shed some light on how I can get to 1:1 pixel mapping? I'm trying to create a profile in NVIDIA, but the screens get all garbled when I try to do what I think I'm supposed to.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
I think you usually have to set it from the TV, it's not an NVIDIA/video card thing, it's how the monitor shows the image. Check the monitor settings for an option like that.
I still need one of you lucky new SE owners to help me out with this EDID business, please!

I need one of you with one of the new SE's WITHOUT the bugged W4207 EDID to download and install softMCCS, and do the following:
  • Install and run softMCCS
  • From the yellow drop down box make sure your Westinghouse monitor is selected
  • Do File-Save EDID As...
  • Change the "Save as type" box to "ASCII text file (*.txt)
  • Save the file somewhere and open it with Notepad
  • Copy and paste the contents of the file and post it here on the forums. Wrap in CODE tags for proper formatting. It should look something like this ( this is my buggy "W4207" EDID data)

Referencing this thread and this thread at, it should be possible to have the drivers override the faulty EDID with the proper EDID by adding a line to nv4_disp.inf.
Make sure you have 1:1 pixel mapping enabled on DVI/HDMI and your graphics card drivers are up to date.

Don't stress much, the TX-42 does not have the EDID issue that the 37w3se does... you should be able to get it running just fine at 1920x1080p.

Be sure to either post some pictures or comments about it when it's all set up!

I just returned my TX42 to Best Buy because when connected to my PC on DVI to HDMI cable, the text showed a lot of artifacts and 'bled' over (red text on white seemed to 'glow'). I tried all weekend to fix it, to no avail.

Does the EDID issue affect a DVI connection to the PC on the 37SE? I was thinking of getting one of them from Newegg as a replacement. My thought was that I could force my ATI control panel to 1080p, 60hz, regardless of what the monitor detects as.
I had to "trick" it in giving me 1080p over the DVI input by making a custom profile in the nvidia control panel, and basically told it to go into modes it didn't recognize the monitor as supporting. The Xbox 360 can get 1080p on Component and VGA, but not through HDMI. It grays it out as unselectable, because apparently the 360 will only allow modes detected in the EDID through HDMI. This could become a problem down the road if I want to use other devices which require modes supported by the EDID. I've also heard of people having problems with the most recent nvidia drivers under vista, and who knows with future drivers what kind of problems might arise.

Does this mean you get clear, crisp text over DVI from a PC? I'm trying to find a replacement for my TX42 that I just returned.

My ATI control panel can force 1080p on monitors that don't seem to support it, so I'm not worried about what the 37SE says it can display. I'm more worried about the text not being crisp... the 42" I just returned had blurry text and I couldn't resolve it.

Right now I'm using a Westinghouse 26" (720p only) and the text is completely clear, no aliasing.
I just returned my TX42 to Best Buy because when connected to my PC on DVI to HDMI cable, the text showed a lot of artifacts and 'bled' over (red text on white seemed to 'glow'). I tried all weekend to fix it, to no avail.

Does the EDID issue affect a DVI connection to the PC on the 37SE? I was thinking of getting one of them from Newegg as a replacement. My thought was that I could force my ATI control panel to 1080p, 60hz, regardless of what the monitor detects as.

No, the NewEgg SE's are new and do not exhibit the EDID issue from the first batch of SE's (sold around June-July by Costco primarily).
I never had any text blur or bleeding issues with the 37w3. I still have it here, just has that really annoying distortion in the middle of the screen.

As for the TX42, I'm not experiencing any bleeding/blurring/redness. Not quite sure what you're referring to.

The TX42 I picked up from Best Buy was an open box :p maybe it was yours? :p

It works fine, through DVI - HDMI.

I still haven't figured out if I'm in 1:1 pixel mapping at this point, but right now, I have NO complaints about the resolution. It's definitely noticeable, compared to the 37" that the pixels are more evident. The 37" I think was the fine line where 1080p resolution doesn't become too pixel-y.

It's not bad on the TX42, but noticeable, compared to the 37"

Nothing I will be crying about while I'm gaming (already have) and enjoying my HD-DVDs :p
I still haven't figured out if I'm in 1:1 pixel mapping at this point, but right now, I have NO complaints about the resolution. It's definitely noticeable, compared to the 37" that the pixels are more evident. The 37" I think was the fine line where 1080p resolution doesn't become too pixel-y.

I've been reading your posts and I'm still not quite sure what you're getting at with the pixel mapping question. If you're running in the Westy's native resolution (1920x1080) then you are quite obviously in a 1:1 pixel mapped mode. What exactly makes you think that you are not?

I've had the TX42 since September 21st and I still absolutely love it. I did have some issues with it and the Radeon 9550 in my HTPC - at first I couldn't get it to work at resolutions higher than 1024x768. Turns out I needed to untick the "Use reduced DVI frequency for flat panel monitors" setting in the Catalyst Control Center.
Hooked up via VGA or HDMI-DVI?

I'm buying the 42" but I'm waiting for my next paycheck :D

Did you ever get your 42" LCD? I see a few people on this thread having DVI to HDMI issues.. Honestly, my monitor has been running perfectly on a DVI to DVI connection.