Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

There's a fairly good chance, though that if you get the SE version, you are essentially picking up a defective monitor. Most seem to have the W4207 firmware, and the EDID does not have the correct timings, etc, for 1080p. Who knows whether or not devices and drivers in the future will be able to be "tricked" and forced into making it display 1080p properly. I own an SE which I would return in a heartbeat if I could find a refurbished non-SE model. I'll likely return it even if I can't.
Since the egg was OOS, and now has stock, one can logically conclude that these are new monitors. I would also expect that Newegg is not buying excess stock from others, and is dealing with the OEM.
If that is in fact the case, then it is a reasonable possibility, given Westinghouse's multiple firmware versions in the FE model, that there is a different firmware on the SE now. It would be great, and keep this tread moving forward, if someone who has bought one of these from the Egg recently, can report what the latest and greatest firmware rev is for the SE and perhaps a manufacture date.
What would be nice is if someone with an electronics/engineering background could figure out how to extract the new proper firmware from a recent SE version and upload it to a disfunctional SE, then share how they did it step by step for the rest of us. I'm sure it's doable. Gefen's DVI detective does something like this but for the EDID only, and only reads/intercepts and stores it in its own memory, it doesn't write to the EDID on the monitor.

The Powerstrip utility by EnTech is supposed to be able to write to EDIDs but only if they are unlocked and in all likelyhood the Westy's EDID is locked. You also need to buy the registered version to even try.
WOW! She's alive!! I finally got my setup to crack up! This 42" Westy was NOT reported correctly (initially) in Vista Ultimate x64. It was reported as a generic monitor. Since I have SLi 8800gts's (640mb'ers), I checked my nVidia control panel to make sure that SLi was enabled. Nope. It was not. As soon as I "enabled" SLi, this 42" Westy was correctly reported as it wanted me to confirm the 1920 x 1080 resolution. Simply beautiful.
There's a fairly good chance, though that if you get the SE version, you are essentially picking up a defective monitor. Most seem to have the W4207 firmware, and the EDID does not have the correct timings, etc, for 1080p. Who knows whether or not devices and drivers in the future will be able to be "tricked" and forced into making it display 1080p properly. I own an SE which I would return in a heartbeat if I could find a refurbished non-SE model. I'll likely return it even if I can't.

Facesnorth, maybe you can answer my question on the previous page. Do you use this with a computer thru the DVI input? Will it display 1920x1080 properly in that config?
If 1080p didn't work properly via the component input or somesuch I wouldn't care, but I am trying to find out if with the 42 firmware it still works properly 1:1 via the DVI at 1920x1080.
Facesnorth, maybe you can answer my question on the previous page. Do you use this with a computer thru the DVI input? Will it display 1920x1080 properly in that config?
If 1080p didn't work properly via the component input or somesuch I wouldn't care, but I am trying to find out if with the 42 firmware it still works properly 1:1 via the DVI at 1920x1080.

I had to "trick" it in giving me 1080p over the DVI input by making a custom profile in the nvidia control panel, and basically told it to go into modes it didn't recognize the monitor as supporting. The Xbox 360 can get 1080p on Component and VGA, but not through HDMI. It grays it out as unselectable, because apparently the 360 will only allow modes detected in the EDID through HDMI. This could become a problem down the road if I want to use other devices which require modes supported by the EDID. I've also heard of people having problems with the most recent nvidia drivers under vista, and who knows with future drivers what kind of problems might arise.
anybody who ordered a LVM-W3 from and is still waiting for it. I just called and turns out that they are shipping from the wharehouse today as I speak. Good luck to everyone, I know i'm crossing my fingers for no dead pixels.

I was called and said I would get tracking info by the 5th but that didnt happen. The 10th now huh? Dammit. The price is so good but who knows if theyll ever actually send it...
Just thought I would post a follow up picture of the Westy 42".. It's finally up and running flawlessly! No dead pixels! I'm very happy with it. It's also posted up under "Show your LCD Setup's" (for those who only subscribe to this thread and not the other)..



Just thought I would post a follow up picture of the Westy 42".. It's finally up and running flawlessly! No dead pixels! I'm very happy with it. It's also posted up under "Show your LCD Setup's" (for those who only subscribe to this thread and not the other)..




Wow, where did you get that wallpapper? I NEED it!!! :D
Just thought I would post a follow up picture of the Westy 42".. It's finally up and running flawlessly! No dead pixels! I'm very happy with it. It's also posted up under "Show your LCD Setup's" (for those who only subscribe to this thread and not the other)..




Hooked up via VGA or HDMI-DVI?

I'm buying the 42" but I'm waiting for my next paycheck :D
The TX-42 can be had for a possible $871 from Best Buy this week. It is $990 in store and if you can manage this coupon it's yours.


I had the 37W3 but it was defective, I think I will get this one on the next sale.
The TX-42 can be had for a possible $871 from Best Buy this week. It is $990 in store and if you can manage this coupon it's yours.


I had the 37W3 but it was defective, I think I will get this one on the next sale.

I think this is worthy of a trip down to the states.
The TX-42 can be had for a possible $871 from Best Buy this week. It is $990 in store and if you can manage this coupon it's yours.


I had the 37W3 but it was defective, I think I will get this one on the next sale.

I purchased my TX42 at Best Buy a few weeks ago and I've been throroughly enjoying it sofar. I paid $1080 so I just called Best Buy up and had them submit a ticket to refund me the difference per their price guarantee. (60 days price guarantee on HDTV sets)

Awesome TV!
I don't have that particular problem, but I have video coming into the monitor from my computer (DVI) and from a wireless AV receiver through the RCA plug at the moment. When I get static on the RCA plug, it causes a line to appear at the bottom of my DVI screen momentarily. My suggestion would be to unplug all other inputs other than the HD one, then see if the lines go away. If they don't then :( I don't know what else to say.

It's not just HD... Sorry if I made it sound like it was. It's ALL THE TIME. It's exactly where my 'standard' black bars start, and it's there on every input. Looks just like someone took a pen and outlined the black bars on the inside lol...
Someone locally is offering to sell their 9 month old 37w3 for $750. They say it's in great condition, with 2 tiny scratches on the bezel, no problems with screen, and no dead pixels. It's not the SE version. This seems kind of pricy to me for a 9 month old used monitor, when you occasionally see refurbs/recerts for $599 and free shipping. Of course, those are not available now and the availability now is pretty chaotic. But ignoring that present reality, since I'm really not the type to go spend a lot extra on something just because it's hard to find - do you think this is a fair deal?
considering he paid probably over 1100 bucks 9 months ago, and given the scarcity these non-SE monitors, I think its pretty decent. Ebayis over a grand for the W3's, the math. If you're willing to chabing a refurb, and save the money and get an SE, then do it.
Someone locally is offering to sell their 9 month old 37w3 for $750. They say it's in great condition, with 2 tiny scratches on the bezel, no problems with screen, and no dead pixels. It's not the SE version. This seems kind of pricy to me for a 9 month old used monitor, when you occasionally see refurbs/recerts for $599 and free shipping. Of course, those are not available now and the availability now is pretty chaotic. But ignoring that present reality, since I'm really not the type to go spend a lot extra on something just because it's hard to find - do you think this is a fair deal?

Good luck actually getting that $599 monitor. I just canceled my order through onsale. They pushed back the ship date twice on me and other said they've been doing that since August.
Good luck actually getting that $599 monitor. I just canceled my order through onsale. They pushed back the ship date twice on me and other said they've been doing that since August.

LOL, since August? That is ghey
That they have... I canceled last week and went with the recertified 42 westy just like officermartinez has. As per the other posts I have seen, my box almost brought a tear to my eye. It looked like a retarded 5th grader was given 5 scrap pieces of cardboard and a tape gun. I took some pics I can post later. I opened the box and was greeted by a relatively unscathed monitor. There are 2 cosmetic scratches in the plastic, and otherwise it looks perfect. I am looking up info on getting the rez to work before I plug her in and check for dead/stuck pixels. With any luck I am going to be watching the Yankee game while getting some 2142 action going on (PiP FTW).:D
The $750 westy he is selling is firmware version 1.11, though. Yikes! That's a pretty outdated firmware. What types of bugs would I expect with that firmware? He got it from Newegg in January of this year.
considering he paid probably over 1100 bucks 9 months ago, and given the scarcity these non-SE monitors, I think its pretty decent. Ebayis over a grand for the W3's, the math. If you're willing to chabing a refurb, and save the money and get an SE, then do it.

Ebay prices are around $750 shipped, not $1,000.
Not sure if this was discussed in this long thread, but has anyone experienced distortion on their 37w3 displays, near the center?

Only with certain muted tones, like taupe. I see it very clearly when in games like Counter Strike - Source and I am looking at a wall.

It's almost like a wavy distortion towards the center of the display.

Other color backgrounds don't show it, except for when it's an olive greenish or some muted tone color.

It's really annoying...I'm going to try and take a picture, but I wanted to know if anyone has reported something like this.
lol no but I do have 2 black stripes going down my screen that are only noticeable on colors such as blue, purple, some greens, and reds, beige, etc... :D annoying, getting replaced.

Never had any problem in the middle though, least no distortion or any of that nature, unless it's just crappy reg input from my cable box :)
I ripped this from avs post.(CC's Special Sales can disappear fast..30 days full refund)....

"Circuit City presently has amazing sale price (1099) for JVC's 37" LT-37X688. I played with one for couple days and colors were superb, blacks very good. No wierd artifacts or banding, did I see at any time.
Also I saw no noticeable ghosting or lag, during fast-moving combat. Game was running full 1080P rez all the time.
Conclusion: 688 is fine gaming panel (my vid cards were twin 7900GT's in sli). I recommend this 37" LT-37X688 to anyone "on a budget" who's looking for a combo PCmonitor / Gaming panel at killer price.
The 688's Text was adjusted by me using WinXP (display/advanced/appearance). Excellent, sharp 1920x1080 rez Text, easily readable."

so i called up ecost b4 and got an order put in... i guess the call gives you cheaper freight!!!

i got it for $666.93 + $22.15 shipping = $689.08 shipped

but i just saw what you're showing, the Westinghouse LVM-37W3SE @ NewEgg for $899 shipped, and now i'm at awe... what is the SE version... if it's not better or worth it, i'll stick with my order... otherwise, i may have to call 'em back.

someone advise, please? :)
what does SE mean? what's so good about this one?

i just ordered one @ ecost for 689 shipped... i need an answer fast!! :) :)

This one is new, and also the SE is the model after the 37W3. If I remember right, it has 1200:1 contrast instead of the W3's 1000:1, but it also only has one DVI port now. The big difference is that it is new, but then again, the TX-42 is new and around this price also.
This one is new, and also the SE is the model after the 37W3. If I remember right, it has 1200:1 contrast instead of the W3's 1000:1, but it also only has one DVI port now. The big difference is that it is new, but then again, the TX-42 is new and around this price also.

thx bro... for the fast response.

so i guess it's worth the $210 savings to stick with the refurb W3? that's dumb that they lessened the # of digital video inputs... or did they add an HDMI in place of the DVI (i'll check that myself though)...

hmm.... save $210 for refurb, or go brand new from newegg for a newer model... if it was $100 i might, but i'm not sure it's worth it...
I got a $579 W3 refurb from PC Connection, it was DOA. I wouldn't buy a refurb again, but most people have not received defective models. Also I believe the SE warranty is 1yr while the refurb is only 90 days.
I got a $579 W3 refurb from PC Connection, it was DOA. I wouldn't buy a refurb again, but most people have not received defective models. Also I believe the SE warranty is 1yr while the refurb is only 90 days.

the warranty i know, but that's why i'm gonna check the monitor inside out when i get it 1st day... i'm sure it if lasts 90 days that it should be fine...

but the question is... is the W3SE from Newegg much better... that's what's haunting me... i guess i'll stick with the W3 refurb... the only reason i'm buying is the cheap price... and plus i have an Olevia 337H that is 6 months old retail box purchased new... figure i could get $550 for that.
Ok, so let me post some examples of the "distortion" I'm seeing.

I don't know what my options are at this time. I bought the display from Sam's Club awhile a look guys. This started about a month ago.

In brighter image backgrounds, this issue doesn't come up, but for some reason, when I'm looking at dark muted's really obvious. Can someone help me figure this out?

EDIT: Adding one more picture

Ok, so let me post some examples of the "distortion" I'm seeing.

I don't know what my options are at this time. I bought the display from Sam's Club awhile a look guys. This started about a month ago.

In brighter image backgrounds, this issue doesn't come up, but for some reason, when I'm looking at dark muted's really obvious. Can someone help me figure this out?

i would send that back... i don't see how that could be fixed, but i could be wrong...
I've seen that happen to many dell monitors at work. It is the panel dying or something. It will get worse and worse. Its like the pixels fade away to black.. its weird.
I think he just kicked the hell out of it... :) I'd have taken that thing back the moment I noticed something wrong... Thats why I thank god for extended warranties :D
Yea, kind of hard to take back after more than a year of use.

I'm hoping WESTINGHOUSE can provide better options in terms of how to deal with this. But their customer service email takes over a week to get a response :(

I'm going to give them a call tomorrow and hope they can give me a decent solution.

I really love this monitor and can't imagine going smaller :p

Wish there was another display that was comparable. Only Westinghouse seems to have simple monitors that are large. I don't know if I want a 42 or if I want to go to another display company.

Any suggestions?