Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

I didn't say anything about blur, I'm mostly talking about how hard the text is to read, but only in wow.
So um.. any news on the ps3 over hdmi blinking on this monitor? It's kind of a problem to me now that I have one.
I should have saved up a little bit extra and got one of those, that screen makes my dell 2407wfp look like a POS! >.<

IT WORKS! I used the rest of my B-day BB gift card to get the Xbox360 HD DVD drive and then took the CyberLink DVD Ultra $99 plunge.. gah! that part was the hardest to get by honestly.. no trial to test with.. anyways, I am happily watching Batman Begins on my PC with this Xbox HD DVD drive now.. the picture is amazing. The video quality is VERY good.. no choppiness or studdering at all! wow.. I am pretty happy with this so far.. one thing I did do was install the unofficial drivers for the DVD drive which some say you don't need to do, so ymmv on that, but it can't hurt to have them. fuck this picture is nice. whew.
I was thinking about ordering one of these from Newegg, but before taking the plunge I was curious if anyone had any experiences with their extended warranty plans? It's kind of a big investment for me, so having the additional protection would give me peace of mind. Any thoughts? Thanks!
IT WORKS! I used the rest of my B-day BB gift card to get the Xbox360 HD DVD drive and then took the CyberLink DVD Ultra $99 plunge.. gah! that part was the hardest to get by honestly.. no trial to test with.. anyways, I am happily watching Batman Begins on my PC with this Xbox HD DVD drive now.. the picture is amazing. The video quality is VERY good.. no choppiness or studdering at all! wow.. I am pretty happy with this so far.. one thing I did do was install the unofficial drivers for the DVD drive which some say you don't need to do, so ymmv on that, but it can't hurt to have them. fuck this picture is nice. whew.
That's great to hear! I just have it connected through the X360 and it's great, but it's good to know one has the option without having to buy the console. That's hands-down the cheapest "stand-alone" HD DVD player on the market, then.
I was thinking about ordering one of these from Newegg, but before taking the plunge I was curious if anyone had any experiences with their extended warranty plans? It's kind of a big investment for me, so having the additional protection would give me peace of mind. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I didn't get any extended warranty with mine... but only because I live in the middle of nowhere and there would be no authorized repair centers nearby for any trustworthy warranty provider. Next year, when I move, I might just have to buy a plan (you can buy a protection plan separately from the monitor).
Westinghouse has like a 8-12 DP policy, and they get pretty angry when you bring it up on the phone, fyi. I am pretty unsatisfied with their customer service but, the monitor itself is great.

If you just got the monitor, wait a few days and see if they go away on their own before acting on it. If they don't go, just do the warranty thing through Newegg.

Thanks for the advice, I will give it a bit of time to see if they correct themselves. I may not notice them anymore once I wall-mount it anyway. :)
IT WORKS! I used the rest of my B-day BB gift card to get the Xbox360 HD DVD drive and then took the CyberLink DVD Ultra $99 plunge.. gah! that part was the hardest to get by honestly.. no trial to test with.. anyways, I am happily watching Batman Begins on my PC with this Xbox HD DVD drive now.. the picture is amazing. The video quality is VERY good.. no choppiness or studdering at all! wow.. I am pretty happy with this so far.. one thing I did do was install the unofficial drivers for the DVD drive which some say you don't need to do, so ymmv on that, but it can't hurt to have them. fuck this picture is nice. whew.
Post some HD pics biatch!!!!!! :D
Post some HD pics biatch!!!!!! :D

LOL... I knew that was coming.. ok, these two are the only ones which sorta look ok from the batch I took just now.. I have to get better at taking these pics which show off the screen nicely.. I think I am starting to get it.. I need enough light in the background to make the shutter close fast, while not using the flash and not washing the image out either.. anyways.. I will take more tonight.. but for now:



Still doesn't do the picture justice..
I took some pix of HDDVD's playing, and other random 1080p/720p content, but the pix turned out horrible. I'll have to retake some later.
LOL... I knew that was coming.. ok, these two are the only ones which sorta look ok from the batch I took just now.. I have to get better at taking these pics which show off the screen nicely.. I think I am starting to get it.. I need enough light in the background to make the shutter close fast, while not using the flash and not washing the image out either.. anyways.. I will take more tonight.. but for now:

Still doesn't do the picture justice..

You're right, they don't...and yours came out a lot better than mine did. I think you have to see this thing running 1080p in person to fully appreciate it.
You're right, they don't...and yours came out a lot better than mine did. I think you have to see this thing running 1080p in person to fully appreciate it.
That, or have a kickass camera and be a good photographer. I have the former... still working on the latter... veeeeery slowly.......
Thanks for the pics revenant, I'm sure they don't look half as good as the real thing.

Since I'm using mine as a TV and I don't have an HD DVD Player, Blue Ray player, Xbox360 or PS3 yet I still haven't been able to see true 1080p video on my screen. :( The closest thing I've seen are upconverted movies with my Oppo 981HD DVD Player.

I wish the Xbox HD-DVD player worked with the monitor without the need of an Xbox or a PC. :rolleyes:
I got a xbox hd-dvd player the other day and bought my first hd-dvd today as well (happy gilmore). I have to say the movie looks great on the westy....even my wife pulled up a chair and watched it.

I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
Here's some 1080p content. I have a 8800GTX, Xbox360, PS3, and a Wii. So if you want any pictures of anything just ask.




Great shots! Good camerawork

Maybe you could post some 1080P pics of movies/360/windows desktop (I think your pics capture the quality best and I'm curious how good it is for a desktop monitor) in action straight on, and links to original sizes :)
Excellent pics, Opeth and AngryJim! Thank you for sharing with us. :) The color in Ice Age is outstanding. Makes me want to rent it. I just watched Serenity in HD, and oh boy does it shine on this monitor...
Finally got some pix that turned out "ok". They still don't even look close to what it looks like on the monitor, but you get the idea. I need a Canon XTi or something.. lol.



Casino Royale @ 720p




Sports Illustrated Swimsuit on TNT @ 720p



Star Wars @ 1080p





The Matrix @ 720p


The Fast and the Furious HDDVD @ 1080p




Warning: not for the faint of heart, especially those that love their precious Westy:

Argh what a bad day. Ok I just recently built a shuttle c2d system with an 8800 GTS (now 8800 GTX) and it's been sitting on my desk near the Westy. Anyhow, today I went to Fry's to pick up an 8800 GTX and when I went to grab the Shuttle to open it up and install the new card, this is what I discovered (sorry for the blurry pics my camera is garbage):





That's right, the piece of shit exhausted so much heat that it MELTED the Westy casing! Fortunately the Westy still works but I'm still pissed off at myself for putting the shuttle near it in the first place. Keep in mind the damn thing was about 1.5 ft away from it so it's not like I had it next to it but I guess this little box exhausts a TON of heat. So those of you that have shuttles or are planning to build one, don't let it anywhere near your Westy unless you want to try your hand at remolding the plastic.
:eek: glad it's still working fine tho.. but that thing must have been putting off crazy heat, wow!

w1retap - nice pics man.. I know, an XTi would be nice.. but I think I am going to be blowing too much on HD DVDs to afford one. lol. ;) I picked up Batman Begins and The Mummy and now am shopping for more.. UUGH! I knew this was going to happen.. I hate re-buying movies I already have, but I'm going to need to get that Matrix set.. LOTR when it's available.. maybe some Harry Twatter also.. gah! ;) and there are some others I can pick up which I don't own in non-HD format.. amazon seems to have a good selection but eBay does have the best prices.. but I love amazon because everything is next day for me, being right next to a distribution center.. well, most things are one day.. anyways..

for others with the Xbox 360 HD DVD drive I found this skin kit to make it look a little nicer.. just sharing.
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That's right, the piece of shit exhausted so much heat that it MELTED the Westy casing! Fortunately the Westy still works but I'm still pissed off at myself for putting the shuttle near it in the first place. Keep in mind the damn thing was about 1.5 ft away from it so it's not like I had it next to it but I guess this little box exhausts a TON of heat. So those of you that have shuttles or are planning to build one, don't let it anywhere near your Westy unless you want to try your hand at remolding the plastic.
OMG that's awful... sorry for you, man. I'll pay extra attention to not letting anyhing hot near the case.

Btw, is that a Logitech Access keyboard you have there?
... I didnt even know those buttons on the side existed.

Thats really nice, i figured that if my remot ever died, id be completely out of luck
Finally got some pix that turned out "ok". They still don't even look close to what it looks like on the monitor, but you get the idea. I need a Canon XTi or something.. lol.
Heh... I have an XT and it doesn't get too much better. Taking pictures of LCDs is just plain hard.
Wonderful pics, especially Episode III. The color is impressive (and it still doesn't get close to how it really looks in person).
OMG that's awful... sorry for you, man. I'll pay extra attention to not letting anyhing hot near the case.

Btw, is that a Logitech Access keyboard you have there?

I think it's a Logitech media kb, it's pretty old and I just dumped it in fact. Replaced it with a Logitech Media KB Elite and so far it's great, especially for a $30 kb.
I think it's a Logitech media kb, it's pretty old and I just dumped it in fact. Replaced it with a Logitech Media KB Elite and so far it's great, especially for a $30 kb.
Agreed, it's great. If only it weren't black it'd be already on my desk. Good choice.
Does anyone have pictures of this monitor in a pitch black room displaying only black? I'd like to see some pics of this.

Sorry if there are an abundance of them but I haven't been able to find any.
Does anyone have pictures of this monitor in a pitch black room displaying only black? I'd like to see some pics of this.

Sorry if there are an abundance of them but I haven't been able to find any.
I'm sure there's a couple of them, but certainly not an abundance. Good idea. I'll see what I can do.
What do I need to buy in order to watch TV on this monitor? I'd like to be able to watch plain ol' cable here in my dorm, and when I'm at home I'll have a Time Warner Digital Cable box to connect to that has a bunch of HD content as well as SD. I'd prefer to not have to connect to my computer at all, but if there are reliable and quality ways to do it, I wouldn't mind a TV card solution.
Well I went and bought one from PCNation regardless of the pictures I wanted to see. I just gave in to the hype! :)

I figure that since it was $1032 with free three day shipping and their main headquarters is in Chicago, then I can probably get it pretty quick to Madison, WI. Maybe Tuesday if I'm really lucky! *crosses fingers*

Also, I just noticed that NewEgg now has this for $999 shipped with promo code EMC411SWEST (taken from slickdeals). I didn't see it yet in this thread so thought I'd throw that out there for anyone looking. There's also a combo where you can get an HDMI > HDMI cable and it's only about $1005 total.

Regardless, I'd still like those black background in a pitch black room pics if anyone has em! ;)
oh wow, PCNation is in chicago?

I'm actually moving to Chicago in 15 or so days.

Maybe I should wait till I live there instead of ordering now, unpacking,repacking the TV?

yea.. probably.