Got my Sharp Aquos LC-32GP1U "Gaming" 1080p display today!

im not sure.. but the image quality on this is absolutely amazing, no need to spend $400 more for the gaming model (i got my non-gaming for $1030)
how does the xbox 360 perform on the non gaming models of the aquos?

Does *drools* answer your question? Hehe... Really good, I have no complaints about it or any input lag issues at all. The Darkness looked stunning on it, with its great details on Blacks and its bright vibrance for other colors being displayed at the same time.
Hey all, I actually made it through all the pages of this post (phew!), but there's only one thing that throws me off from wanting to find this TV... I still haven't heard (and there's others wondering I'm sure) how the Vyper Drive performs, and not just with the 360..I'm talkin original Xbox, and Wii, and even PS2.

[edit] just realized i didn't mention the model... looking at the Sharp LC-32GP1U

I'm curious if that HDTV Lag is really crushed to an unnoticable level by this thing, as all I've got are an Xbox and a Wii (well, and my brother's borrowed Dreamcast :) ), which I could get to 480p easily enough. I'm glad to know the 360 looks great as I'm eventually planning to get one of those :)

I'm interested to know whether or not the upscaling/de-interlacing of the Vyper drive will produce any noticable lag with these consoles at 480p, and if having to de-interlace AND upscale screws things up for those with PS2 and other mainly 480i sources.

I'm also wondering if this might be a good way to test instead of bringing my whole console down to a shop: I've got a canon HV20 HDV camera that can output both 1080i and 480i to a TV for viewing (any old Mini DV camera could work for this as well, I'm sure). I've seen this test someone did with hooking up their laptop to a bunch of TVs and running a bit of fullscreen timecode and taking stills of these to see how well the timecodes match up or how badly they're off. My plan is to just stripe a tape with 5 minutes of timecode and do the same idea. I'm just curious to see if anyone thinks this might be as accurate as bringing in a PS2 with guitar hero 2, or if the changing graphics of GH2 will cause more upscaling/de-interlacing strain than my camera just running timecode.

Of course, the trick is actually FINDING the TV here to test ;) I saw someone mention earlier that they saw it in Bay-Bloor Radio here in Toronto, so maybe next weekend I'll check it out...

Thanks for this thread guys, It's been really informative and helpful! I think if the lag isn't an issue or is a very small issue, then I might pick this one up :) Mainly using for TV watching, movies, gaming, and a preview monitor for my HD editing.


According to everyone posting on this thread, input lag is not a problem for the Xbox 360, and I can confirm that lag is not an issue for PC gaming in my experience.
Well, I'm hoping either this weekend or next I can see if I can find one in Toronto and test it out...would love to get my hands on one as I don't want to end up with a TV that makes gaming unplayable! (and I certainly don't want to have to keep my 24" crt around just for that ;)
Thanks for the input!
Hoping someone might have some insight on older-gen consoles/Wii lag!
I've been considering getting the lc32gp1u model, and from what I have read the image is fantastic for PS3/XBOX 360 as well as for high definition movies and tv. Am I right in assuming that the only problem with this tv is when using it as a monitor? Or do the backlight/contrast problems occur in games and movies as well?
After a few minutes of scanning through this thread (and a couple AVS threads), I decided not to get this TV. Mostly because of rthefley's comment. Apparently he edited his comment to show his change of opinion, but his "updated" comments only made me more confused at first read. He should have made it more obvious.

After looking around the internets for other TV's, and seeing so many people recommending this one, I decided it would be worth my time to read this whole thread (especially since we're talking about a $1000+ item).

Conclusion, ordered :cool: I bought the non-gamer version, since the gamer seem to be unavailable in Canada. But I'm so cheap (i.e. poor college student) that I probably would have gotten the non-gamer anyway:p

I'll proudly update with a few pics when it arrives.
Bigfoot said:
Also, before I do research, does anyone know why colors such as red, or dark blue appear so blurry on dark backgrounds?

Sounds like it's in 1080i.
Just to let any Aussie hopefuls know, the only way to get this monitor to Australia (just about EVER) will be to buy it on eBay and spend A LOT on shipping and A LOT on customs, and pretty much a lot on the monitor. It will probably amount to $2.5k AU I guess kind of worth it considering the only competitor is the Samsung 40" 1080p which goes for close to 1mil, lol.

So yeah. Anyway, there's the ViewSonic 28" which is only 4" short of this but higher resolution, and apparently everything works on it also!
When I look at certain grey backrounds like the one this forum has, I see a constant flicker. Like the one you get when you watch a recording of a CRT monitor, but less noticable. I've pretty much followed all the tips and settings on this forum and the AVS forums. Can't seem to fix the problem.
what's the difference between this 2?


LC-32GP1U = Gaming Version
LC-32D62U = "Non-gaming" version

According to the 29 pages of this thread that I've spent so long to read... the 32D52U is cheaper, that's it.

The "Vyper Drive" might give you the extra confidence that it'll perform to your gaming needs, as it's the only performance difference between the two. The Vyper Drive makes sure that the TV keeps up with the pace of the video game. Some LCD's lag behind the input A/V so that it will take some milliseconds for the "A button" to register to the TV. The D62U is also missing the DVI-I input that the GP1U has. Appearance wise, as you may have noticed, the GP1U has a black speaker, whilst the D62U has silver.

Everyone here who owns the D62U has said that they have no problems gaming with this set. I'm speculating that the Vyper Drive may not even exist, it could be a marketing scheme to slap a sticker on the TV to ensure people that this is the "right" LCD TV to purchase for playing games.
LC-32GP1U = Gaming Version
LC-32D62U = "Non-gaming" version

According to the 29 pages of this thread that I've spent so long to read... the 32D52U is cheaper, that's it.

The "Vyper Drive" might give you the extra confidence that it'll perform to your gaming needs, as it's the only performance difference between the two. The Vyper Drive makes sure that the TV keeps up with the pace of the video game. Some LCD's lag behind the input A/V so that it will take some milliseconds for the "A button" to register to the TV. The D62U is also missing the DVI-I input that the GP1U has. Appearance wise, as you may have noticed, the GP1U has a black speaker, whilst the D62U has silver.

Everyone here who owns the D62U has said that they have no problems gaming with this set. I'm speculating that the Vyper Drive may not even exist, it could be a marketing scheme to slap a sticker on the TV to ensure people that this is the "right" LCD TV to purchase for playing games.

Great info.. thanks so much :)
Returned my Samsung 245BW the other day, and picked up a 32D62U today from Best Buy this evening.

I'm having the same problem with reds, like the intellitext inline ads on this forum.

Don't remember having this problem with my old LVM-37W1.
I'm starting not to like this monitor now with pc use.. the fonts are horrible.... is your font smooth? because mine isnt :(
Betauser, what was your 'fix' for the other fonts?
Re. your "red font" problem, if u dont get answer here, go check Sharp thread in AVSforums, AVS guys often come here to check our thread when they get stuck. ("One hand washes the other" ;))
Heres link

i wasnt using 1:1 mode and that's the reason why the font looks stretch... but i'm returning this monitor (non-gamer version).. i just cant stand the colors and it's making my game looks like crap because of the sharpness (it's already set to -10) but still look like crap.. on top of that, i have 2 dead pixels :( I'm just gonna keep my 2 2407-HC monitors.. thanks for the help tho..
I picked up one of these bad boys to go along with my new system and I'm just amazed by the picture. I will try to get more details up later, but I couldn't sure some of the colors are a bit off, but I can't believe the difference of gaming on 19" vs 32". I'm even debating about trying a Samsung 40" because I will be using the TV as a PC/Home theater.
LC-32GP1U on sale today at Best Buy for $1259.99. I used a 12% off (regular price) coupon via their "Rewards Program" and got it for $1163.26 plus tax.

Most of the online stores that have it for this price turned out to have very questionable reputations when I checked them out at,, Local purchase will make returns/service much easier if I have a problem <fingers crossed>

Unfortunately I have to leave very, very early for 4-5 days of work so I will not get a chance to set it up until Tuesday at the earliest (it's now Thursday evening). :( Oh well, something to look forward to when I get home. :)

I will be driving it with an EVGA Superclocked 8800GTS 320MB and dual link DVI cable. Can't wait!
Since the GP1U only has limited availability in Canada, my only option was the LC32D62U.

$1299 at FutureShop, have a buddy who works there give me his discount (-$200), then sold it to me as an "open box" item (-$100).
Final price $999 Cdn. Opted for their 4 year warranty service plan (+$269) which kicks in after Sharp's 1-year warranty expires, so I have 5 years coverage total.

Taxes = 14%. $177.80

Total price = $1447.75.

Picking up Wednesday. :D
I just hope my X1950Pro 512 can handle 1920x1080 decently...
Nice price...I got mine at Best Buy in Vancouver, for $1597 out the door with a 4 year (which I'll probably cancel because it's really a 3 year, and I won't be in this tax-happy country that long anyway),

Even if BB decides to charge me the price of the TV at its $1299 sale price instead of $1150, it'll still save me $70 on something I'll never use.

You'll be fine with the 1950 Pro for awhile...a single X1900XT does pretty good on mine, I had no problems playing Bioshock with all options maxed at 1920x1080 for example, and the rest of our systems are similar in horsepower.
I got my 32GP1U shipped to me today, and have it working now. I paid a bit under $1200 in total price (didn't have to pay tax or shipping) from vaans. I am very pleased with it, I have no stuck or dead pixels. They shipped it in a gigantic box, with the tv box inside the big box with tons of air coshioning all around it.

I've tried it on CSS and some other FPS games, and it works great. Looks great with Gears of War for X360 too.

The only problem I am having is finding good settings for black text on a white background, I just can't seem to find a setting that gives me a good result. I tried the settings on AVS forum, but they looked awful. I'm using different settings. Can anyone help?
What happened to my post? I typed a review I spent a lot of time on, and posted pictures... now it's gone? Was it deleted? I don't understand...

I also had a thread about a new keyboard dissapear on me :confused:

I hate to say it, because I love the maturity of this forum. But I feel like I'm wasting my time here.
If you'd actually take 5 seconds to read the announcements, you would have known that a database rollback occured. Hence my re-registration and deleted posts as well.
I've pretty much ruled out the Sharp 1080P 32" models, because of not being able to shut off the dynamic adjustments in PC mode issue.

I haven't seen any evidence of someone successfully being able to shut that stuff off, even via the Service menu...

Too bad, because it looks like it could have been the ultimate PC monitor released to date if not for some very lame flaws, which Sharp apparently does not care about...

(Would love to hear that I'm wrong...)
I don't know that you're wrong per se, but I do know that some people are not bothered by it, myself included. It's very subjective.

There's one very vocal detractor on the AVS forums who has made that issue (among others) into a crusade, and that man has driven off a lot of people who I think would probably be very happy with the GP1/62U/92U series of displays.

I had a Westy before this (actually two, had to swap my first one for a refurb via Westinghouse warranty due to extreme backlight whine and splotches).

The constantly washed out black levels of that line bothered me far more than the dynamic contrast changes on the Sharp line. That said, I was still happy with the LVM-37 overall.

But I'm happier still with my Sharp, even though it's smaller, more expensive and has fewer inputs.

The reality is, at this stage of the game, no 32"+ 1080p panel is perfect for PC use, so you have to ask yourself if the many benefits outweigh the various flaws.
I've pretty much ruled out the Sharp 1080P 32" models, because of not being able to shut off the dynamic adjustments in PC mode issue.

I haven't seen any evidence of someone successfully being able to shut that stuff off, even via the Service menu...

Too bad, because it looks like it could have been the ultimate PC monitor released to date if not for some very lame flaws, which Sharp apparently does not care about...

(Would love to hear that I'm wrong...)

If the dynamic adjustment was not pointed out...I would not have noticed it.

Buy the monitor at a BB or something....Try it a few days. Don't like it, just return it.

I have had this monitor/tv a few months now and I absolutely love it. Best purchase I have ever made for my PC gaming. BF2142 on this thing is insane.

Like Croak said...The benefits out weigh the flaws.
Same with me, I only notice the dynamic adjustment if I REALLY, REALLY look for it. Some settings you can fiddle around with can reduce it a lot. If it wasn't pointed out to me, I probably would have never noticed it. I don't really notice it and its effects while using the monitor unless I actually look for it.
16:9 aspect ratio, 1080P at 32", and 2000:1 native contrast ratio, certainly are some nice specs.

(Looks like all of the standard PC monitors are 1000:1 contrast ratio.)
Is there any way to turn off the input notifications that appear on the upper right of the TV? I have this TV (non-gaming) in my dorm room, and the signal frequently changes, so the window pops up pretty often signaling a change from stereo to audio or vice versa.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Since the GP1U only has limited availability in Canada, my only option was the LC32D62U.

$1299 at FutureShop, have a buddy who works there give me his discount (-$200), then sold it to me as an "open box" item (-$100).
Final price $999 Cdn. Opted for their 4 year warranty service plan (+$269) which kicks in after Sharp's 1-year warranty expires, so I have 5 years coverage total.

Taxes = 14%. $177.80

Total price = $1447.75.

Picking up Wednesday. :D
I just hope my X1950Pro 512 can handle 1920x1080 decently...

4 year service plan means you have 4 years coverage. It does kick in after manufacturer's warranty, but that only means it's effective years 2-4

Just another way that they're being misleading. PSP date should be on your receipt anyway, to let you know when it expires.
Well here's my 32" GP1U. I love the thing and despite some color issues, which I think most can be fixed through proper calibration the thing is amazing. I can't believe how crisp and clear the games that I have played are.

Here's the shot of it in my new racing/gaming setup. There's still alot of work to go but I'm happy with what I've got so far.

4 year service plan means you have 4 years coverage. It does kick in after manufacturer's warranty, but that only means it's effective years 2-4

Just another way that they're being misleading. PSP date should be on your receipt anyway, to let you know when it expires.

I decided to cancel my Best Buy 4-year warranty, since I never keep a display or TV more than year or two anyway, and I definately won't be taking this set back with me to the U.S. when I leave in a couple of years in any case.

They didn't give me any hassle at all at Best Buy about the cancellation.

So, I ended up paying $1216 CAD out the door for the LC32D62U ($1050 base price, GST/PST at 13%, and a $30 CAD recycle fee).

That's $968 in real dollars base price, $1121 USD out the door price. I'm a little less pissed about being stuck in Canada now, that's very competitive with what I would have paid in the U.S.

I took that $340 "savings" from the warranty and bought a Toshiba HD-A2 HD-DVD player and kicked a little extra in for Heroes Season 1 HD-DVD boxed set. Looks like I'm gonna be a couch potato for the rest of this Labor Day weekend.
Yeah saw that. Killer. Too bad I already have a 37" and a 55", no room for a 42".
I got my 32GP1U .... it works great.
The only problem I am having is finding good settings for black text on a white background,....Can anyone help?
Congrats, on yer shiny new TV, it sounds great.
"finding good settings" is a pretty vague statement. Be specific. Are your fonts too fuzzy, too big, too small, the wrong style----- or what?
If you have XP u can customize Font size, Font style, etc. in 'Display'/'Appearance'