Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs

Spoken from someone who spent ~$1300 on video cards in SLI.

For high res's, benchmarks show memory is important so get the GTS 640 over the 320. Keep in mind it's easy to OC the GTS halfway to the performance of a GTX.

Ummm, I am not sure how to take that comment.

In any case it's my opinion. I didn't recommend SLI to the person who's post I was responding to. I did recommend the 8800GTX over other cards out now simply because I feel that the extra performance is needed in the newer games and certainly will for the next generation titles. There is no doubt in my mind about this. I had a single 8800GTX for a couple of weeks and I found that while it was more than capable of 2560x1600 in most of the games out at the time, there was opportunity for improvement which is why I added the second 8800GTX. I feel it was a good move for me as I've been very pleased with the performance of my system as a result of the components I've chosen.

For Dark Messiah and Oblivion, you almost NEED SLI'ed 8800GTX's to get good performance in my opinion.
Thanks for the feedback.
I guess I should have mentioned that I really don't play any games, I use my system mostly for photo work and video editing. With that in mind, which way should I go?
Thanks again,
In any case it's my opinion.
It's important to consider the person who's giving the opinion. Very few people spend $1300 on video cards, so when one of them recommends a GTX or possibly an Ultra (the top two most expensive cards), it's informative to know the person's background.

For Dark Messiah and Oblivion, you almost NEED SLI'ed 8800GTX's to get good performance in my opinion.
No way man. Dark Messiah runs great for me at 2560x1600 and high details, full HDR, no AA, 16X Anisotropic. That's on one OC'd GTS. I'd say the framerate probably stays above 45, and is often >60, because I experimented with Vsync and sometimes it dropped below 60.
I guess I should have mentioned that I really don't play any games, I use my system mostly for photo work and video editing. With that in mind, which way should I go?
I recommend a Geforce 8500 or 8600. 8500's are sub-$100. They'll have perfectly adequate 2D performance and also hardware decoding abilities for BluRay and HD-DVD. Or if you don't care about DX10 support and the HD hardware decoding, I know there's a Geforce 7xxx for $70 shipped that supports 2560x1600. I'm sure there's ATI options as well.
It's important to consider the person who's giving the opinion. Very few people spend $1300 on video cards, so when one of them recommends a GTX or possibly an Ultra (the top two most expensive cards), it's informative to know the person's background.

No way man. Dark Messiah runs great for me at 2560x1600 and high details, full HDR, no AA, 16X Anisotropic. That's on one OC'd GTS. I'd say the framerate probably stays above 45, and is often >60, because I experimented with Vsync and sometimes it dropped below 60.

I haven't run it in quite awhile but performance with early XP drivers on the 8800GTX wasn't that great. As soon as I get my machine working again I'll have to try it.
So i just got it unpacked and hooked, just wow. This thing is amazingly awesome.
Well guys, the 3007WFP-HC is ordered. I'm like a kid at christmas now. I'm going to use my existing 8800GTS 320m and see how it works.
Thanks for all the help,
Well guys, the 3007WFP-HC is ordered. I'm like a kid at christmas now. I'm going to use my existing 8800GTS 320m and see how it works.
Thanks for all the help,

Post some fraps up for us so we can see how well it handles that res :)
When I checked yesterday, Dell was running a $230 off deal for the 3007, coincidentally just as I was thinking about one. I had to figure out some shipping details, and by the time I had, the deal was off today. Well crap.

*picks up phone* "Hello, Dell sales? Can you give me that deal that just ended? You can? Sweet."

Dunno how long it'll work, but they were very accommodating. Hope this helps someone out, I'd like to return the favor since I got so much info off the forum.


I should note that it's probably worth saying that you saw the deal for $230, but it ended on the 16th, and could they pretty please let you saves your monies. "Some guy online said I could get it cheaper if I asked" might not cut it. :) The nice lady had to look up the specific deal to apply it.
Hi guys just looking for some confirmation: will the 3007 definitely work with an XFX 7600GT (dual DVI )? Thanks so much for the help.
Hi guys just looking for some confirmation: will the 3007 definitely work with an XFX 7600GT (dual DVI )? Thanks so much for the help.

As long as the card supports Dual-Link DVI you are good to go. I wouldn't expect to game on one at 2560x1600 unless you have an 8800GTS at a minimum. Preferably an 8800GTX at the least, if not two.
If your video card is HDCP compliant over dual-link (see above) then, yes. The new ATI R600 cards apparently have this capability as well as the nVidia 8600s.

I'm not aware of it actually having been put to the test yet though - I seem to recall at least one hardware review site (can't remember which one) has promised to do an article in the very near future, specifically about HDCP with 30" 2560x1600 monitors. Probably a good idea to wait and see what they have to say. :)

What about the Geforce 8800s? Do they have HDCP over dual-link DVI?
What about the Geforce 8800s? Do they have HDCP over dual-link DVI?
Nope, sorry, only over single-link. They don't have full HD acceleration either, unlike the 8500/8600s. :(

I guess this is one area the new ATI cards have an advantage - you don't have to choose between outright gaming performance and HDTV optimisation, unlike nVidia's current lineup.
I finally got to check out the Far Cry demo, to see what all the fuss was about. I remember when it came out, it was all the hype since it supported DX9. Well, I ran it at 2560x1600 with 2xAA and "Very High" details, but apparently Dark Messiah spoiled me. The solid blue ocean with no waves looks pathetic, and trees and other objects suddenly appear when you get close enough (come on, I put "Very High" didn't I?). But playing it on a 30" still seems like a must.
I finally got to check out the Far Cry demo, to see what all the fuss was about. I remember when it came out, it was all the hype since it supported DX9. Well, I ran it at 2560x1600 with 2xAA and "Very High" details, but apparently Dark Messiah spoiled me. The solid blue ocean with no waves looks pathetic, and trees and other objects suddenly appear when you get close enough (come on, I put "Very High" didn't I?). But playing it on a 30" still seems like a must.

I seem to remember a string you could enter in the short cut that would allow for rendering out to the horizon and each individual grass blade. It made a real difference in emerision , i forgot it its been so long.

There is also a setting in your video control panel that is turned on and thats why its not rendering until your on top of it. I think its ___clamp
i forgot and i am at work so i cannot check
I finally got to check out the Far Cry demo, to see what all the fuss was about. I remember when it came out, it was all the hype since it supported DX9. Well, I ran it at 2560x1600 with 2xAA and "Very High" details, but apparently Dark Messiah spoiled me. The solid blue ocean with no waves looks pathetic, and trees and other objects suddenly appear when you get close enough (come on, I put "Very High" didn't I?). But playing it on a 30" still seems like a must.

There are more options you can configure to dramatically improve the performance of Far Cry. Especially in reference to the water. You can't find those options in the game menu, you have to enter them in the command window or configure them outside the game in the options control panel thingy.
Nope, sorry, only over single-link. They don't have full HD acceleration either, unlike the 8500/8600s. :(

I guess this is one area the new ATI cards have an advantage - you don't have to choose between outright gaming performance and HDTV optimisation, unlike nVidia's current lineup.

Ok, so it doesn't support dual-link DVI then? If not, then how are some people powering their 3007s with the 8800? Cuz if the 8800 supports dual-link DVI then how is it possible that it doesn't come with HDCP?
There are more options you can configure to dramatically improve the performance of Far Cry. Especially in reference to the water. You can't find those options in the game menu, you have to enter them in the command window or configure them outside the game in the options control panel thingy.
Oh really...sounds just like Doom 3 and Quake 4. I just tried the demos of those, and you have to type a bunch of crap in the console just to set the widescreen resolution settings.
If not, then how are some people powering their 3007s with the 8800? Cuz if the 8800 supports dual-link DVI then how is it possible that it doesn't come with HDCP?
"Powering a 3007" doesn't necessarily involve watching BluRay. For a long time, HDCP hasn't worked over dual-link DVI. Supposedly it finally does now on the latest cards.
Ok, so it doesn't support dual-link DVI then? If not, then how are some people powering their 3007s with the 8800? Cuz if the 8800 supports dual-link DVI then how is it possible that it doesn't come with HDCP?
The 8800 supports dual-link DVI, but not HDCP over dual-link. It does support HDCP over single link, which would be fine for a 1920x1200 display (with reduced blanking), or a native 1080p panel.

All 8600/8500 cards support dual-link DVI. All 8600GTSs have HDCP, some 8600GT/8500GTs do, depending on make/model. Where HDCP is provided, it works over dual-link.

All ATI 2xxx cards support dual-link DVI, with full HDCP capability over dual-link.

As for why the 8800s are restricted to single-link HDCP only, you'd have to take that up with NVidia - at present, your only options if you want to watch HDCP protected content on a 2560x1600 display are the 8500/8600s or ATI's 2xxx.

Hope this is clear enough now. :)

/edit: thinking about it, it might not be that big of an issue in practice - if you're a gamer (and why else would you want an 8800), then by the time Blu-Ray/HD-DVD drive prices come down to sane levels, you'll probably be looking for a new card anyway... :D
The 8800 supports dual-link DVI, but not HDCP over dual-link. It does support HDCP over single link, which would be fine for a 1920x1200 display (with reduced blanking), or a native 1080p panel.

All 8600/8500 cards support dual-link DVI. All 8600GTSs have HDCP, some 8600GT/8500GTs do, depending on make/model. Where HDCP is provided, it works over dual-link.

All ATI 2xxx cards support dual-link DVI, with full HDCP capability over dual-link.

As for why the 8800s are restricted to single-link HDCP only, you'd have to take that up with NVidia - at present, your only options if you want to watch HDCP protected content on a 2560x1600 display are the 8500/8600s or ATI's 2xxx.

Hope this is clear enough now. :)

/edit: thinking about it, it might not be that big of an issue in practice - if you're a gamer (and why else would you want an 8800), then by the time Blu-Ray/HD-DVD drive prices come down to sane levels, you'll probably be looking for a new card anyway... :D

I'm pretty sure the 8800GTX supports HDCP over dual link connections. I thought I had read about that being tested with a Dell 3007WFP and an 8800GTX. (Though I could be wrong, I've never researched it.)

Nopes the GF8800 DOES NOT support HDCP over Dual Link. This is a bit of oversight on Nvidia's part. The 8600GTS does support HDCP signals over Dual Link and will display BluRay/HD-DVD material on the 3007. The 8800 wont unless you drop down to 1280x800. The ATI HD2900XT will display such material at 2560x1600 as well.

If you want a good card for gaming & HD-DVD/BluRay I'd suggest waiting for Nvidia's refresh of G80 ( Not the Ultra ) or go with the ATI 2900XT
While I am waiting on the arrival of my 3007-HC, can anybody tell me if the blacks are as good on it as they are on a 2407WFP?
It’s finally here!!!
First impression is good. There is some light bleed along the bottom left and right, but not horrible. It could well settle out after the screen has been set up for a while. The colors are fantastic after I calibrated with Eye One Display 2.
I received a Rev A02, which I thought was strange since some got the A03 version almost six weeks ago.
Does anybody know what changed between A02 and A03? The DELL tech did not know.


PS To answer my prior question, the blacks are pretty darn good!
Just got mine too, Rev A02... I gotta say... whoa, it's ginormous!!


WoW at 2560x1600... amazing colors too.

Wow! I hadn't noticed an A04 revision. My only curiosity is if the A03 or A04 might have more even back lighting.
My A03 has pretty even backlighting. It is my understanding that the A04 is the -HC version.

Anyone have a non-HC A04 3007WFP?
I heard that someone has an A04 on this forum?

Is there really any big difference between A01 to A04?

I think the guy who said that posted again to clarify that it was a mistake and his was an A03. I got an A02 unit and I notice no problems at all with it, I love this beauty.

My only concern is the noticeable amount of light bleed on the lower corners and the top center. Every other aspect of the monitor is great.
When did you receive your A02 revision?
Hey you guys. Im thinking of jumping on a train with you all and 30" The only thing i'd like to know when is there going to be a new refresh of these monitors with better response time? perhaps 6ms? I play online gaming and any delay is a disadvantage. I can clearly see a bigger delay with my 2405 then my lcd projector. That fraction of a second can get you powned. :)
Hey you guys. Im thinking of jumping on a train with you all and 30" The only thing i'd like to know when is there going to be a new refresh of these monitors with better response time? perhaps 6ms? I play online gaming and any delay is a disadvantage. I can clearly see a bigger delay with my 2405 then my lcd projector. That fraction of a second can get you powned. :)

The 14ms of the original 3007WFP isn't even noticable. Don't get pulled into the hype about 2ms and 4ms TN panels. They have shit color reproduction and crap viewing angles. The overdrive technology that does this compromises image quality to draw the image faster.

I had a quality 16ms 20" monitor and gaming on it was great. There is no feeling of delay at all. I went to the Dell 3007WFP and no problem there either. Now you do have to be careful as some models have input lag, but the Dell 3007WFP and 3007WFP-HC are not ones that do.