Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs

caboosemoose said:
gee thanx. it's people like you that post pics like that, that make people like me spend money that i should NOT spend! i'm in love.

btw where did you get that desktop photo, i'd love to find me some 1920x1200 or 2560x1600 inner city or downtown live pics like that.

and really, thanks for the great posts.
Can't remember where I got it but it is the real 2,560 x ,1600 deal:

grrr more beautiful pictures of this Dell making me want to get it even more when I cant :(
Thanks to all kind words
The good looking girl is my wife
Here is another picture of my car and her

Congrat's on the new monitor and the good looking wife.

P.S. Your sig is over the limit.
Just got my 3007 and installed the new ATI X1300 card and drivers and set the resolution to 2560x1600 and it looks great! However, when I try to install and run the drivers.exe from the Dell CD, my antivirus, AVAST, sees it as a virus!. I then disable AVAST, and when the drivers.exe starts, it's not in english!! Is this what everyone has seen??

tyee should never, I mean never install drivers or programs while an antivirus is running. :rolleyes:
LittleMe said:
The little + and - buttons on the front or in the display settings of your drivers. I turned it down a bit, I think there are 20 settings using the button and I'm at 7 I think, with 10 being the way it comes.

What 20 setting? where can i get more info on this? Yea i was abit dissapointed when i found out there is only + and - on the 3007 compare to the 2405 i have which have more option setting for the LCD. Please enlight me.
omi said:
What 20 setting? where can i get more info on this? Yea i was abit dissapointed when i found out there is only + and - on the 3007 compare to the 2405 i have which have more option setting for the LCD. Please enlight me.

If you push, say the brightness down button all the way until the backlight stops adjusting, you can then adjust the brightness up to 20 different levels. There's nothing on the screen that will tell you what level you're currently at so I just counted them.
omi said:
What 20 setting? where can i get more info on this? Yea i was abit dissapointed when i found out there is only + and - on the 3007 compare to the 2405 i have which have more option setting for the LCD. Please enlight me.

As LittleMe said, it is just 20 levels of brightness. I was also a little disappointed that it didn't have any adjustments. But since this LCD has only one input, (Dual-link DVI) you don't need the adjustments. Most of the adjustments needed on other LCDs is for the VGA connection. This monitor is set basically perfect out of the box. A quick adjustment of the brightness to your prefered level and you are ready to rock on, rock on.
a ronin said:
I knew someone would post that sooner or later. Personally, that's not [H]. Impratical is all I have to say to that.

I don't think [H] has a limit. ;)
Yeah, those 12 3007s are pretty much wasted in that configuration. They have a pretty tight pixel pitch which requires close viewing to appreciate. It's fun and all, but hardly a good use of a bunch of 3007s.
Not if he has a bunch of HD security cameras he has to watch. But then again, I've never seen a 1080p security camera anyway.
even if he does have a bunch of HD security cameras, which I very much doubt, the 2,560 x 1,600 res of the 3007 is still overkill - and you can clearly see from the pics that the screens are being run at some hideously low res.
Dam, that is a nice ass monitor,that thing cost more then all the computers in my house put together, and my dad owns a computer company!
I am planning on purchasing this monitor in the near future. Does this particular model have any backlighting issues like the first run of Dell 2005's or dead pixels?

caboosemoose said:
Yeah, those 12 3007s are pretty much wasted in that configuration. They have a pretty tight pixel pitch which requires close viewing to appreciate. It's fun and all, but hardly a good use of a bunch of 3007s.

that's what I said too in the "Show LCD setup thread". That guy just didn't think very clearly. He clearly was trying to use the 12 x 30" for some graphics presenttation or movies, either way, If he needs a large display, w/ the money he put in for those 12, he should have go w/ a 65" Sharp. It's better, no border, and slightly cheaper.
Noetic said:
I am planning on purchasing this monitor in the near future. Does this particular model have any backlighting issues like the first run of Dell 2005's or dead pixels?


No it does not.
jacuzz1 said:
No it does not.
Ummm, I'm not sure that's safe to say yet. I do have one 'stuck' pixel, annoying but not bad for a display this size. I don't know if the backlighting is as bad as the first run of 2005's but it does have some issues as this review explains on a review 3007 and it's replacement.
An very sophisticated review. Impressive. I always good, technical review like this one.
beesquee said:
Ummm, I'm not sure that's safe to say yet. I do have one 'stuck' pixel, annoying but not bad for a display this size. I don't know if the backlighting is as bad as the first run of 2005's but it does have some issues as this review explains on a review 3007 and it's replacement.

You are always going to get an issue or two with any screen. The 3007 has no more issues than anyother lcd on the market, certainly nothing like the 2005 where you have a thread with pages and pages of issues reported. I would say that given the large number of purchases so far and what i would consider a normal level if defectives, that it can safely be said that the 3007 has no unusual amount of problems.
-=ABUSIVE-69=- said:
wow, i cant imagine how a single 7800 can drive that beast

My KO did a pretty good job and my current 7900gtx superclock does an excellent job
-=ABUSIVE-69=- said:
at native res?

He was using a 7800GTX 512 but yes, at native res. I currently have mine being powered by the older 7800gtx's but in game it gets kicked up to SLI and isn't a problem. But still, I should be getting my evga 7900GTX's this week and then I'll really put them to use.
My current monitor (19" CRT) is getting old and blurry so I'm looking for a replacement. This 30" Dell looks really interesting!

The problem is, my current videocard (6600GT 128MB AGP) doesnt support dual link DVI. I don't want to upgrade my pc or buy a new videocard right now since I'm planning to buy a new PC this summer when Intel Conroe arrives (That CPU is crazy!! :eek: )

Anyway since my current monitor is getting really blurry I want a new display NOW! I read it is possible to connect the 30" to a single link DVI but it will only display a resolution of 1280x800 pixels. Can anyone (with a 3007) confirm if this is true? Other sources say the latest nvidia drivers fix 'this problem' (I cant find that in the release notes though). My second question is; can I use all display modes (fill / 4:3 / 1:1) when connected via single link dvi?

Thanks! :)
caboosemoose said:
You seriously do not want to run the 3007 at non native, it's looks totally awful.

Mine looks great at native as well as 1900x1200 and 1600x1200.
caboosemoose said:
You seriously do not want to run the 3007 at non native, it's looks totally awful.

Well of course I would run it at native if I had the chance! But this would just be a temporary solution untill I get my new machine late summer.

imagequality on the 30" will at least be better (when using 1:1) as it is now on my 19" CRT ;)