Google Guesses Your Age And Sex

Arts & Entertainment - TV & Video - TV Shows & Programs - TV Dramas - TV Medical Shows
Business & Industrial - Advertising & Marketing
Business & Industrial - Small Business - MLM & Business Opportunities

Computers & Electronics
Finance - Investing
Games - Computer & Video Games
Games - Online Games - Massive Multiplayer
News - Politics
Shopping - Toys

Your demographics
We infer your age and gender based on the websites you've visited. You can remove or edit these at any time.
Age: 35-44
Gender: Male
They're off the mark big time. I'm not sure how these categories worked out. Especially Toys? Are they inferring adult toys? Maybe they were guessing based off the Thomas Trains I purchased for my nephew a while back through amazon?
Age: 65+ more than 2x my actual age.
gender: male At least it got that part right
Cookies are disabled

Your browser's cookies seem to be disabled. Ads Preferences will not work until you enable cookies in your browser.
No cookies or ads for you :)
Same message for me too. I do not subscribe to anything google and I do not allow cookies from them on my system either.
Adblock Plus and Ghostery extensions on Firefox seem to work pretty well. :D
I think a combination of Adblock and blocking google-analytics javascript has kept me off their radar.
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Components - Sound & Video Cards
Computers & Electronics - Software - Device Drivers
Games - Computer & Video Games - Fighting Games
Internet & Telecom - Mobile & Wireless - Mobile Phones
Internet & Telecom - Mobile & Wireless - Mobile Phones - Smart Phones

Age: 25-34
Gender: Male

nope, 19
I don't recall opting out of this but I got this
Your demographics
No demographic categories are associated with your ads preferences so far. You can add or edit demographics at any time.
Some of you guys talking about noscript and stuff might wanna be careful:

(23) Any discussion of AD BLOCKING software or instruction for using ad blocking regarding this forum or any other discussion in general of attempting to block advertisement will result in a no questions asked permanent ban on your account. This is not done lightly, rather deliberately to deny access to those who choose to utilize this forum, but not support our sponsors. It takes money to finance the cost of bandwidth, especially a forum of this size and if you don't care enough to support us through our advertisers, then we don't need your business. This will be the only warning with no discussion.

I'm new here, though, so maybe the mods aren't hardasses. :p
Damn! It said I'm interested in Computers and Electronics (Check, got that), that I live in the US (Check) that I live on the East Coast (Check) that I live in the Mid-Atlantic area (Check) in Washington D.C. (Uh, no... I live in Virginia Beach, four hours away by car, but I am a fan of the Redskins and go to DC fairly regularly). It also said I'm male (yep) and that I'm 65+ years old (WTF? My FATHER is 65+ years old, and while I'm not a kid anymore, I'm not even in my upper 40s).

Sorry, not all that close, Google.
Your categories
Below you can review the interests and inferred demographics that Google has associated with your cookie. You can remove or edit these at any time.
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Components - Chips & Processors
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Components - Sound & Video Cards
Internet & Telecom - Email & Messaging - Voice & Video Chat
Internet & Telecom - Mobile & Wireless - Mobile Phones - Smart Phones
Shopping - Consumer Resources - Customer Services - Warranties & Service Contracts

Your demographics
We infer your age and gender based on the websites you've visited. You can remove or edit these at any time.
Age: 25-34
Gender: Male

Well, I am most certainly a male, but the age guesstimate is one to almost 2 decades higher.
It wont even load because I have all google based data blocked from my computer. Did I mention that I don't like being tracked?
Age: 25-34
Gender: Male

Your categories
Below you can review the interests and inferred demographics that Google has associated with your cookie. You can remove or edit these at any time.
Books & Literature - Magazines
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Components
Computers & Electronics - Consumer Electronics
Mine ended up being pretty damn accurate:
Your categories
Below you can review the interests and inferred demographics that Google has associated with your cookie. You can remove or edit these at any time.
Arts & Entertainment - Comics & Animation - Anime & Manga
Autos & Vehicles
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Components - Chips & Processors
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Components - Sound & Video Cards
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Drives & Storage
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Drives & Storage - Network Storage
Computers & Electronics - Software - Freeware & Shareware
Games - Computer & Video Games
Internet & Telecom - Web Apps & Online Tools

Your demographics
We infer your age and gender based on the websites you've visited. You can remove or edit these at any time.
Age: 25-34
Gender: Male
Oh, and then this:

Arts & Entertainment - Movies - Movie Reference - Movie Reviews & Previews
Arts & Entertainment - Music & Audio - Rock Music
Arts & Entertainment - Music & Audio - Urban & Hip-Hop - Rap & Hip-Hop
Computers & Electronics - Software - Software Utilities
Games - Computer & Video Games - Shooter Games
Games - Online Games
World Localities - North America - USA - Mid-Atlantic (USA) - New York State - New York City

What is funny is I NEVER listen to hip-hop or rap (can't stand either), and live on the complete opposite end of the country from New York, and have zero connections there. Never even been there.

The rest is pretty accurate, but it's funny how far off those two are.
Mostly right, has the age a bit wrong though.

Arts & Entertainment - Movies - Science Fiction & Fantasy Films
Computers & Electronics - Software - Freeware & Shareware
Games - Computer & Video Games
Games - Roleplaying Games

Your demographics
We infer your age and gender based on the websites you've visited. You can remove or edit these at any time.
Age: 25-34
Gender: Male
I get a completely blank page. I opted out of both the Google advertising cookie and Google Analytics a long time ago. On top of that I block them/mark them untrusted with AdBlock Plus and NoScript just to be sure.
Some of you guys talking about noscript and stuff might wanna be careful:

I'm new here, though, so maybe the mods aren't hardasses. :p

I'd think it best to let the Mods make that call. personally I dont see this (sub part of the thread) as a conversation so much about "How to" ad-block, as to the effects and consequences of ad-blocking on the main story, being online targeted advertising and data mining by use of cookies. Would be like talking about the front of a coin but not the back.
So porn doesn't affect this :p
Maybe Google felt they couldn't advertise porn to everyone all the time, which would have been the result if they'd included porn ;)
I sent the link to a 15 year old girl... google thinks she's a 18-24 year old guy.
Are you sure she's not one of those FBI agents? :p

Anyway, I'm 18-24 male, not far off, I'm 25, 26 in a few weeks. Though it included comics/animation and online dating/personals in my categories which is pretty far from what I use the interwebs. thinks I'm a lot younger than reality. I must be doing something right because it knows very little about me.
Business & Industrial
Computers & Electronics
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Components
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - ... - Sound & Video Cards
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Computer Drives & Storage
Computers & Electronics - Computer Hardware - Laptops & Notebooks
Games - Roleplaying Games
Shopping - Apparel
Shopping - Consumer Resources - Coupons & Discount Offers
Demographics - Age - 25-34
Demographics - Gender - Male

This is odd because I use Bing. However It is right for my age and gender.