Google Chrome OS to Launch Within a Week, Rumor

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
TechCrunch is reporting that a “reliable source” told them that Google’s Chrome OS will be available to download within a week. The netbook market is the primary target of the OS, at least initially. Are you going to give the Chrome OS a test run?

We expect Google will be careful with messaging around the launch, and endorse a small set of devices for installation. EEE PC netbooks, for example, may be one set of devices that Google will say are ready to use Chrome OS. There will likely be others as well, but don’t expect to be able to install it on whatever laptop or desktop machine you have from day one.
I will check it out, don't know if I would run it permenantly on any of my boxes though.
I might give it a shot on the AAO, but I doubt that it will stay as my primary.
I have an Eee and it's running the RC of W7 Ultimate (which will expire in March....:eek:)

If the Google OS can run my netbook, and replace the RC then have at it!!!:D
i'll see how it runs, but i'm 99% positive I won't be leaving it on there.
Cool can't wait to run an OS with a google ad on the login screen. :rolleyes:

What about Windows OS with Microsoft ad or drinking a Coke with a Coke ad on the can or driving a Honda/Ford/etc with it's ad on the side/back? Whiney.
What about Windows OS with Microsoft ad or drinking a Coke with a Coke ad on the can or driving a Honda/Ford/etc with it's ad on the side/back? Whiney.

There is a difference between an ad and a companies logo. None of what you listed are ad's.
What about Windows OS with Microsoft ad or drinking a Coke with a Coke ad on the can or driving a Honda/Ford/etc with it's ad on the side/back? Whiney.

I think he meant Google AdSense, not the actual Google logo.

Google profiles you through your web browser's cookies. It determines who you are and what you probably like by where you visit frequently, and create an ad tailored for you.

So yeah, I can see older men booting up ChromeOS with Viagra ads in place of a Google logo.
Will it have drivers for wireless cards?

It's going to be built off of a linux kernel most likely. Have fun trying NDISwrappers to get your card working.
Though, Ubuntu recognizes my Atheros Wireless card no problem.
It's going to be built off of a linux kernel most likely. Have fun trying NDISwrappers to get your card working.
Though, Ubuntu recognizes my Atheros Wireless card no problem.

Ahh screw that then, I wasted enough time trying to get that junk to work.
So will someone please tell me what's special about this OS other than tying everything into Google's cloud and web apps?
Indeed, since it is free and Google live of ad revenue it will be interesting to see exactly how many AdSense Ads that will be cluttering the interface.

My guess is NONE. Android was developed by Google and you don't see any AdSense littering the interface. Hell, its not even a requirement to have Google branding on the phone if the phone manufacturer doesn't want it (case and point: HTC Hero).

Assumptions make asses of us all.
sure ill try it. i dont see me using it in place of windows though full time. if it has a bunch off annoying ads or spyware/malware..........getting onto my machine it wont last long. i already have one os that does that i dont need another.
Not made by Microsoft.... So for you, there IS nothing special about it

I really don't care about WHO makes it. I was asking a valid question. What's special about it and why would I or anyone want to use it. If it provides some unique features that I find useful I'll use it.
Less than one page to get this completely off topic. :rolleyes: It will probably toy with it too on a virtual machine.
I cannot really comment on what will make it worth it because I have not seen it yet. (Or looked much into it either yet.) I would just try it and see, nothing to lose but a bit of time.

However, I suppose it would probably give us the same features as other linux distros.
I cannot really comment on what will make it worth it because I have not seen it yet. (Or looked much into it either yet.) I would just try it and see, nothing to lose but a bit of time.

However, I suppose it would probably give us the same features as other linux distros.

That's for ACTUALLY trying to answer my question!;)
I cannot really comment on what will make it worth it because I have not seen it yet. (Or looked much into it either yet.) I would just try it and see, nothing to lose but a bit of time.

However, I suppose it would probably give us the same features as other linux distros.

Thanks! Arrrggg! No edit in this forum!
I asked what is interesting about this OS and the only thing I got was a snide comment so far.

no one knows whats speacial about it..........because its not out yet. having another os on the market is a good thing though. comptitition is a good thing..........remember?
It's going to be built off of a linux kernel most likely. Have fun trying NDISwrappers to get your card working.
Though, Ubuntu recognizes my Atheros Wireless card no problem.

Ubuntu 9.04 recognized my Realtek USB wireless adapter. To 9.10, it doesn't exist :confused: Oh well, Win7 works so well that it will be hard for anyone to compete. Even Apple's OSX is starting to look like a bit of a mess compared to Win 7.
If anything, it might work out better than most linux distros because it has the "power of google" behind it.
If anything, it might work out better than most linux distros because it has the "power of google" behind it.

There's really not been a whole lot magical to Google in the realm of the desktop/laptop/netbook world other than perhaps Google Earth. Sure the search engine is awesome, Gmail is cool. And then there's Android is red hot right now. But not a lot on desktop.

And there's a bit of the rub. Google is all about the cloud, there not going to have much interest other than pushing cloud stuff and that's cross platform anyway. I really don't expect much out of the Chrome OS other than another Linux trinket that are a dime a dozen anyway.