"gif" pronounciation

GIF (gift without the "t")

That's how I've always said it, and that's how I always will.
[H]ard G!

/side note, I think this JIF thing is an attempt to corrupt and ultimately bring down western civilization, much like a certain car company pronouncing their make "jag-you-are" when it should be pronounced "jagwahr"
2_hotty said:
GIF (gift without the "t")

That's how I've always said it, and that's how I always will.
I agree... but the group that originally devised gif compression pronounced it "jif" :confused: we may never know why
RagingSamster said:
[H]ard G!

/side note, I think this JIF thing is an attempt to corrupt and ultimately bring down western civilization, much like a certain car company pronouncing their make "jag-you-are" when it should be pronounced "jagwahr"

funny.. i dont see any W's in that word... do you?
AoL_Is_My_EnEmY said:
It's the pronunciation... havn't you ever heard of the animal? :confused:

your missing my point...

with the english language just because the letter is there, does not mean that that is the way to pronounce it. but i guess most others in this thread fail to see that.
Jif is a peanut butter.
It's G for Graphical, so it's Gif as in "gift."
Jason711 said:
your missing my point...

with the english language just because the letter is there, does not mean that that is the way to pronounce it. but i guess most others in this thread fail to see that.

Besides, there's that quote about "two nations divided by a common language". "Jag-you-are" is, I think, correct english, though not neccesarily in the US.
I won't risk drawing any conclutions about how this relates to the gif/jif issue, of course. :D
Rustynuts said:
What about Giraffe?

Haha, I think this question spans more than mere word pronunciation... what ABOUT giraffe? :p

P.S. "jiff"

Its also "duck duck grey duck", but I'm from MN and we're fucked in the head
Phonetically it should most likely be Gif, not Jif.... however

I know someone who used to work at Compuserve with the original coder.. and it is most certainly pronounced jif.

You don't tell people how to pronounce their last name correctly do you? Green Bay's Favre and Duke's Krzezewski would have a thing to say ;).
The English language is constantly evolving.

The way the acronym "GIF" is pronounced is a colloquialism. It absolutely does *not* have to be pronounced according to the words its letters represents (otherwise such acronyms as CAD, JPEG, OTIA would be pronounced "CAUD," "Jay-pho-egg," and "Ott-tea-yeah"). An ancronym is simply pronounced as if it were its own word. Unless the pronunciation is something strictly defined by the creator, then the most common pronunciation is the most 'correct' one. Given this, 'jiff' is the correct pronunciation of GIF, as most people pronounce it that way. But it doesn't matter that much really.

I say 'jiff,' by the way. The new format "DNG" should be pronounced "dingy" in my opinion, and PNG should be "ping". I pronounce "MIDI" letter for letter instead of "middey" like most less retarded people. "Alt," as in the alt-key," I pronounce as 'al' with a 't' on the end, instead of "ault" since it comes from "alternate," which I pronounce with "ault".

Probably more than you needed to know.

Oh, and I have pronunciation problems with "addict," too.
Arsux said:
The English language is constantly evolving.

The way the acronym "GIF" is pronounced is a colloquialism. It absolutely does *not* have to be pronounced according to the words its letters represents (otherwise such acronyms as CAD, JPEG, OTIA would be pronounced "CAUD," "Jay-pho-egg," and "Ott-tea-yeah"). An acronym is simply pronounced as if it were its own word. Unless the pronunciation is something strictly defined by the creator, then the most common pronunciation is the most 'correct' one. Given this, 'jiff' is the correct pronunciation of GIF, as most people pronounce it that way. But it doesn't matter that much really.

I say 'jiff,' by the way. The new format "DNG" should be pronounced "dingy" in my opinion, and PNG should be "ping". I pronounce "MIDI" letter for letter instead of "middey" like most less retarded people. "Alt," as in the alt-key," I pronounce as 'al' with a 't' on the end, instead of "ault" since it comes from "alternate," which I pronounce with "ault".

Probably more than you needed to know.

Oh, and I have pronunciation problems with "addict," too.

I love this thread. So I pretty much agree wit the fact that acronyms are words unto themselves to be pronounced as they are independent of their initial's origin. [G]iven that, I'd have to say that the word is pronounced [g]if, that's with a [h]ard 'g,' rather than the soft 'g.' You see, while someone may have said it before, if you take the word in the lang closest to the acronym (gift) you realise that taking the ending 't' away does not at all modify the phonetic structure of the preceding letters. If the acronym were 'RIF' we'd pronounce it 'ry-ff' even though the closes real word is 'rife' since we know that the 'e' on the end of 'rife' modifies it's preceding letters' phonetic by turning the from a short/soft sound until a long/[h[ard sound.

It's also important to know that while we typically respect the wishes of people who have names with dubious spellings (in Britain’s Keeping Up Appearances, the mistress of the "Bucket' family insists that their last name is pronounced 'boo-keh'), we see that the public sphere often takes the name and makes it their own. So while the authors may have meant to pronounce it peanut butter style, pop opinion may canonize it as [g]if, and that's really very OK, in terms of linguistic etiquette.

Personally, I feel it to be a regional thing--most natives of NYC that I've come across refer to it with the hard 'g' while my friends from more southern states like the Carolina's call it 'jiff.' We NYC people also tend to speak of some state called 'Oh-ree-gone,' unless we've been educated by the natives of said state to say 'Oh-ree-gin" as in Ginsburg.

Not to mention that we've got a very important street here written out "Houston" where the New Yorker emphasizes the 'house' and then adds the 'ton.' Texans have pretty much convinced the entire nation of a different pronunciation, but then again the recent events of November show that Texans can pretty much convince the lot of these united states of anything....
insanarchist said:
Its also "duck duck grey duck", but I'm from MN and we're fucked in the head

That's the only way to play. You can't be nearly as creative with duck duck goose. I remember going around going duck, duck, red duck, blue duck, green duck, etc.

Back on topic:

gif = hard Gif
jpg = j-peg
bmp = bitmap
png = I say both ping and p-n-g
mac = crap
i used to say Jif as in jiffy, but then i started saying Gif and in Gift...

i think Gif is right, but i don't know anymore... who invented it again? maybe we can aKs them...
Bennyb said:
Jif... My teachers says GIF but that sounds stupid...

Oh and its : Jay-pegg :p

Well since the "g" switched the "j", let's do vice versa.

Gay-peg =0þ
Its gif, gi as an gimp. I've heard some people say jif and it sounds stupid, like jank (gank) :D
r u ppl still at it? its GIF, as in GEORGE.

I just take the easy way out, and say "gif, jif, however the hell you say it." That way I cover both bases. I prefer gif, but I know jif is supposedly the right way.
Actually the answer is right in front of your face.


How do you pronounce Graphics? Certanly not Jraphics, right?

It's GIF as in Graphics.

Now, how do you pronounce DOS? (For those of you who are under 30, that's an operating system we used to use before we pointed at stuff). :)
Following the Graphical Interchange Format-logic, it should really be pronounced "jay-fegg." The P is for Photographers, right? ;)

GIF porn, korpse? Is that... uhm... really worth watching at all?
Two dimensional girlfriends :p

I've always pronounced it like the peanut butter.... scientific, factual or whatnot. it works for me :cool:
i pronounce the letters... G - I - F
no controversy there, those are indeed the letters.
dolphumous said:
When you pronounce an acronym shouldn't it correspond with the actual words it's representing?

I used to think so. Until I ran into an acronym in my city "PUC", wondered how it was pronounced.. Public Utility Commission... Hmm.. PUKE!

Stupid computers and all the acronyms have corrupted my mind.. AHHHHHHHH!!!