GF100 with same underfill problems as G92

Typical Charlie fud.

He can't report anything good about Nvidia, or anything bad about AMD it would seem. Anyone that brings in facts is labeled a fanboy, no matter what their actual preference is.
Typical Charlie fud.

He can't report anything good about Nvidia, or anything bad about AMD it would seem. Anyone that brings in facts is labeled a fanboy, no matter what their actual preference is.

Not so fast. He's been surprisingly accurate about Nvidia, at least about Fermi. I agree that his sources within ATI aren't exactly the best but as far as Nvidia goes, I'd say he's got a more than 50% success rate.

P.S. Nvidia user here. All I want is the best overall product (balancing performance and power consumption, that's also reliable) and I don't really care what color the company's logo is.
I saw the URL and just said no. Honestly, take whatever Charlie tells you about nVidia and just disregard it. The man, I mean this in all sincerity, is psychotic. A few years back I had some email exchanges with him. His hatred of nVidia and Microsoft is palpable and it leads him to deny reality, which is the underlying condition of most mental disorders.

Look at his history, a single fixation on a company that even when everyone else says is producing a good product he will contine to say the opposite. There's just no other explaination. I prefer not to get my information from a psychotic. I'm not saying that his always wrong but even a broken analog clock has the correct time twice daily.
Not so fast. He's been surprisingly accurate about Nvidia, at least about Fermi. I agree that his sources within ATI aren't exactly the best but as far as Nvidia goes, I'd say he's got a more than 50% success rate.

P.S. Nvidia user here. All I want is the best overall product (balancing performance and power consumption, that's also reliable) and I don't really care what color the company's logo is.

Accurate? FIFTY PERCENT success rate? He threw darts at EVERY possibility on the board, so how could he have been wrong ;)? He's clueless and biased.

I saw the URL and just said no. Honestly, take whatever Charlie tells you about nVidia and just disregard it. The man, I mean this in all sincerity, is psychotic. A few years back I had some email exchanges with him. His hatred of nVidia and Microsoft is palpable and it leads him to deny reality, which is the underlying condition of most mental disorders.

Look at his history, a single fixation on a company that even when everyone else says is producing a good product he will contine to say the opposite. There's just no other explaination. I prefer not to get my information from a psychotic.

As they say... "this".
He may be clueless, but people said the same thing in the early days of bumpgate that anyone reporting it was "drinking the crazy sauce", and we all know how that turned out. Hopefully the GF100 owners don't have any bumpgate issues.
He may be clueless, but people said the same thing in the early days of bumpgate that anyone reporting it was "drinking the crazy sauce", and we all know how that turned out. Hopefully the GF100 owners don't have any bumpgate issues.

It's Charlie... he is crazy-sauce personified with his nVidia and Microsoft hatred ;). If other sites report it with their own sources, maybe I'd listen, but CHARLIE? Just... lol.
He may be clueless, but people said the same thing in the early days of bumpgate that anyone reporting it was "drinking the crazy sauce", and we all know how that turned out. Hopefully the GF100 owners don't have any bumpgate issues.

Never said he was always wrong. Yeah, I hated to give the site a hit but the date of that article was July 12. Hmmmm...... Don't know what else nVidia had going on that day. Besides my 480s have lifetime warranties.:D
Well, what he reported was that more cards than the ones Nvidia wanted you to believe were affected by the original issue, and he was 100% correct in that. I know that from first hand experience.

I'm not sure about this latest one - could Nvidia possibly be stupid enough to do the same thing again? But I would like to hear something from another source with less bias. IF this is true, I'd like to know if the GF104 also suffers from the same issue.
Knowingly getting information from a biased source is fine, but only if you recognize the bias and take the information with the requisite amount of skepticism. There are a lot of people who seem to think getting it right once in a while is enough reason to take someone at their word 100% of the time.

As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
F--- that shmuck. He's the Ann Coulter of tech. Even if he has good info, of which he has become much less reliable at producing, I'm not going to invest belief in his stories. I'll wait to hear it from [H] or Anand or even Engadget or The Register before I let the info creep into my brain.

BTW, Charlie didn't have a clue about GF104. He reported a lot of bad information prior to its launch. Pay no attention to his ramblings, this man is literally in need of medication.
Charlie's problem is that, to the uninformed, he sounds completely plausible, level headed, and knowledgeable.
Well, what he reported was that more cards than the ones Nvidia wanted you to believe were affected by the original issue, and he was 100% correct in that. I know that from first hand experience.

I'm not sure about this latest one - could nVidia possibly be stupid enough to do the same thing again? But I would like to hear something from another source with less bias. IF this is true, I'd like to know if the GF104 also suffers from the same issue.

Yeah, he gets inside info from time to time and has accurate info from time to time sure. But he gets a lot of stuff wrong to as others have mentioned. He just hates nVidia. What has he said about the 460? Nothin'. Is ANYONE besides reporting this. At the end of that tirade of course he's telling people not to buy GF100 cards until this "issue" is addressed. Gee what a surprise.

So until the concerns of Charlie are addressed don't buy GTX 480/470. I mean does that recommendation even make fucking sense since EVERYONE knows his concerns will NEVER be addressed even if there isn't a problem?

One day he's going to go to far and I he'll need to be stopped. Nothing wrong with a watchdog but this one has gone rabid.
F--- that shmuck. He's the Ann Coulter of tech. Even if he has good info, of which he has become much less reliable at producing, I'm not going to invest belief in his stories. I'll wait to hear it from [H] or Anand or even Engadget or The Register before I let the info creep into my brain.

BTW, Charlie didn't have a clue about GF104. He reported a lot of bad information prior to its launch. Pay no attention to his ramblings, this man is literally in need of medication.

Stop insulting Ann Coulter!:D
He may be clueless, but people said the same thing in the early days of bumpgate that anyone reporting it was "drinking the crazy sauce", and we all know how that turned out. Hopefully the GF100 owners don't have any bumpgate issues.

Bumpgate??? Tessalation something!?
Charlie's problem is that, to the uninformed, he sounds completely plausible, level headed, and knowledgeable.

Charlie becomes a complete mental case when he writes about nvidia.
Bumpgate was scandalous. A repeat of that would be disastrous for Nvidia.

And exspensive. Bottom line I'm not seeing a lot of folks have issues with there 480s, but its only been three months. But as I said, my cards have lifetime warranties. If you have that kind of warranty then really, why worry about this sort of thing a whole lot anyway. Just Charlie raining on the 460 parade is all this bullshit is. Fudge em.
Yeah, he gets inside info from time to time and has accurate info from time to time sure. But he gets a lot of stuff wrong to as others have mentioned. He just hates nVidia. What has he said about the 460? Nothin'. Is ANYONE besides reporting this. At the end of that tirade of course he's telling people not to buy GF100 cards until this "issue" is addressed. Gee what a surprise.

So until the concerns of Charlie are addressed don't buy GTX 480/470. I mean does that recommendation even make fucking sense since EVERYONE knows his concerns will NEVER be addressed even if there isn't a problem?

One day he's going to go to far and I he'll need to be stopped. Nothing wrong with a watchdog but this one has gone rabid.
what is the issues with a 480? heat and noise?
Not so fast. He's been surprisingly accurate about Nvidia, at least about Fermi. I agree that his sources within ATI aren't exactly the best but as far as Nvidia goes, I'd say he's got a more than 50% success rate.

P.S. Nvidia user here. All I want is the best overall product (balancing performance and power consumption, that's also reliable) and I don't really care what color the company's logo is.

It's been said in the comments above, but I'll just agree with the 90% of comments here
- he's actually Surprisingly Inaccurate

- but this latest one is a little on the pathetic side
- he's pissed-off that the GTX460 is being generally well received, so he chooses to re-publish his old bumpgate stories, and then imply that the same problem also effects the GTX480/470
- it would actually have more credibility if he had chosen any other day than the GTX460 launch day to publish this - as it is, his motives are just too obvious.

Personally, I think Charlie is an Asperger Syndrome sufferer,
- his obsession with nVidia is just a symptom of his condition
Can someone paste the damn article here? I am not going to his site.

Based on everyone's comments though: Charlie was dead wrong about desktop chips being bad, it just wasn't true.
It's been said in the comments above, but I'll just agree with the 90% of comments here
- he's actually Surprisingly Inaccurate

- but this latest one is a little on the pathetic side
- he's pissed-off that the GTX460 is being generally well received, so he chooses to re-publish his old bumpgate stories, and then imply that the same problem also effects the GTX480/470
- it would actually have more credibility if he had chosen any other day than the GTX460 launch day to publish this - as it is, his motives are just too obvious.

Personally, I think Charlie is an Asperger Syndrome sufferer,
- his obsession with nVidia is just a symptom of his condition

Yes, he's slowly lost credibility with me too. I still visit his site because he has several writers now that post more often than he does, and they actually report real news. The take is mostly unbiased (bias level typical of The Inq before Charlie took hold).

I've been a fan of Charlie for some time, but he lost a lot of my faith with his reports of GTX 470/480 shortages (they failed to materialize). And yeah, I know that a GPU with a stigma will sell less, but this is Nvidia we're talking about - even at half the normal sales rate, they would still sell at the same rate as ATI. And under those circumstances his estimate of 10-30k cards on launch would have dried-up immediately.
Can someone paste the damn article here? I am not going to his site.

Based on everyone's comments though: Charlie was dead wrong about desktop chips being bad, it just wasn't true.

Just go to the site & read it of you want to
(I have)

- it's not just the one article - he republished his entire Bumpgate Opus Magnum
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The vast majority of people that are Nvidia fans fail to realize that Charlie is accurate A LOT about the company, and you cant disregard what he says as fanboy drivel because there is a decent chance its all correct.

Now, when you read the articles they are tainted with anti-Nvidia toxin and you would do well to realize he will paint Nvidia in the worst light possible, but that doesnt change the fact that what he says - the core finds behind them - are right. A lot.
The vast majority of people that are Nvidia fans fail to realize that Charlie is accurate A LOT about the company, and you cant disregard what he says as fanboy drivel because there is a decent chance its all correct.

Now, when you read the articles they are tainted with anti-Nvidia toxin and you would do well to realize he will paint Nvidia in the worst light possible, but that doesnt change the fact that what he says - the core finds behind them - are right. A lot.

No, they're not "right: a lot", he GUESSES virtually EVERY possibility that can happen, then beats his chest about how right he was that one of his 90%-of-the-game-board-of-chance-covered guesses was "correct". Le sigh, amazing people don't even know how to tell FUD now.
No, they're not "right: a lot", he GUESSES virtually EVERY possibility that can happen, then beats his chest about how right he was that one of his 90%-of-the-game-board-of-chance-covered guesses was "correct". Le sigh, amazing people don't even know how to tell FUD now.

Bullshit. I hear this excuse all the fucking time and its absolute bullshit. He speaks about specific things and is right a lot. He doesnt go around saying every possibility, as you so choose to believe. Your spreading FUD about someone who harms the reputation of your favorite company, thats the only FUD around here.
Bullshit. I hear this excuse all the fucking time and its absolute bullshit. He speaks about specific things and is right a lot. He doesnt go around saying every possibility, as you so choose to believe. Your spreading FUD about someone who harms the reputation of your favorite company, thats the only FUD around here.

Has nothing to do with my like/dislike of nVidia and/or ATI or any other company: he routinely posts articles speculating one thing or two or three or twelve, then deletes any that turn out wrong. Much of the time he leaves them up anyway, even though they're blatantly wrong. It's not FUD in the slightest... Charlie is a BS'er and on his best days an extremely unbalanced man from what I have seen of his postings on forums.
Bullshit. I hear this excuse all the fucking time and its absolute bullshit. He speaks about specific things and is right a lot. He doesnt go around saying every possibility, as you so choose to believe. Your spreading FUD about someone who harms the reputation of your favorite company, thats the only FUD around here.

No its not. If you go back and read what he says this DOES happen a lot with his stuff. Look at all of the changing specs he'll throw out. Now towards a product launch he'll get things nailed down well when just about everyone else has as well but you can't discount all the stuff he said months prior and then say "Hey, look he was right".

Also, where was all of his knowledge about the GF104 and the 460? That one caught him of guard didn't it? Yes, he did know a lot a bumpergate, no one denies this. So he takes about the only prediction he's made that ever meant much, applies it to the 480/470 which in looking at the article I'm not sure how he made the connection between G92 and GF100, republishes two year stuff that's old news to everyone by now then applies it to a 3 month old product that as far as I can tell isn't having these issues, for now at least, and then tells everyone not to buy 480/470s based on his concerns on a day when nVidia launched its best mainstream part ever.

Yeah, he's right. Once in a while.
His goal for this article was to bash and harm nvidia and to get people to read his crap. He must be changing his ways.
Bullshit. I hear this excuse all the fucking time and its absolute bullshit. He speaks about specific things and is right a lot. He doesnt go around saying every possibility, as you so choose to believe. Your spreading FUD about someone who harms the reputation of your favorite company, thats the only FUD around here.

LOL, I thought only pr0n stars had charlie has one.
The thing about Crazy Charlie is you can go back to his old stuff at the Inquirer, and see the same stuff written about nVidia chips literally generation after generation (G80, G200, GF100), year-after-year, almost word for word the same

These days, he's getting lazy, and just re-cycles old articles, and says 'look!' must the same now.

Anyway, Asperger - look it up, and tell me it's not good fit!
The thing about Crazy Charlie is you can go back to his old stuff at the Inquirer, and see the same stuff written about nVidia chips literally generation after generation (G80, G200, GF100), year-after-year, almost word for word the same

These days, he's getting lazy, and just re-cycles old articles, and says 'look!' must the same now.

Anyway, Asperger - look it up, and tell me it's not good fit!

Thank You!!!!! Right on man. He LITTERALLY says the same thing about every nVidia GPU. Too hot, too slow, too exspesive, impossible to manufacture. I mean guys he thus far has gotten the GTX 480/470 pretty much wrong, but then so did everyone. Sure GF100 is hot a power hungry but the prices are in line and in multiples these things deliver the BEST gaming experience possible.

BTW, when I was talking to Charlie are few years back, the guy doesn't play games or really look at hardware. He simply pontificates about it. He has NO personal knowledge of how ANY of this stuff acutally works or performs. He says all of stuff, hardware and software is just free old stuff.

So yeah, from that point on I knew not to listen to him if I actually wanted to enjoy gaming since he has no idea what it is on modern hardware.
Thank You!!!!! Right on man. He LITTERALLY says the same thing about every nVidia GPU. Too hot, too slow, too exspesive, impossible to manufacture. I mean guys he thus far has gotten the GTX 480/470 pretty much wrong, but then so did everyone.

I got sick of reading his stuff at the Inquirer, and was glad when he moved on
- to me there are much more interesting things to talk about, and stories to tell, than the endless nonsense he comes out with.

Anandtech is one of the more interesting, well balanced & research sites
For example, they seem to be the only site to have knowledge of the low-level shader changes in the GF104
- 'superscaler' as they call it - quite an interesting development, it seems to me.

They also did a good background story on the ATI Evergreen, and the guy who was key to it turning out how it did.
I got sick of reading his stuff at the Inquirer, and was glad when he moved on
- to me there are much more interesting things to talk about, and stories to tell, than the endless nonsense he comes out with.

Anandtech is one of the more interesting, well balanced & research sites
For example, they seem to be the only site to have knowledge of the low-level shader changes in the GF104
- 'superscaler' as they call it - quite an interesting development, it seems to me.

They also did a good background story on the ATI Evergreen, and the guy who was key to it turning out how it did.

[H] and Anand are really the two main sites I visit. I guess my main confusion here is, why would anyone visit Charlie's site at all, and risk being misled? There are plenty of other sites to go to for news that have no detectable slant.
[H] and Anand are really the two main sites I visit. I guess my main confusion here is, why would anyone visit Charlie's site at all, and risk being misled? There are plenty of other sites to go to for news that have no detectable slant.

That is a question that I have to answer with a "beats me", too.
[H] and Anand are really the two main sites I visit. I guess my main confusion here is, why would anyone visit Charlie's site at all, and risk being misled? There are plenty of other sites to go to for news that have no detectable slant.

Not everyone wants news with no detectable slant. There's a fair % of people that would like nvidia to burn in hell (see for example the intel vs nvidia chipgate threads - quite a few people post just to say they hate nvidia and want them to loose - forget who's actually right/wrong). To those people Charlie is great because he wants the same thing and he gives them ammo to pollute the forums with.

Remember the 20 page "nvidia is leaving the high end gpu market" thread - one random Charlie hate article and the fan boys had a field day? As long as there are fan boys there's a place for someone like Charlie (although I would prefer it if the site organisers didn't encourage them like they did when they posted the nvidia leaving thread on the [H] front page).
2 years ago I was told all G92s were bad and had problems and would start failing IMMEDIATELY in HUGE numbers. 2 years later I still have the same 2 G92 cards in my system. Both work flawlessly. I look around this forum and I don't see mass G92 failures.

Charlies site is good for a good chuckle, and sometimes some solid insight into some of the techincal aspects of GPUs. Charlie knows pure techincal articles don't get web clicks. He adds doom and gloom to get webclicks. And he's pretty good at it. He's found a way to get paid to be a troll, and that in it's self is pure genious.
regardless of it's accuracy it is interesting... Even more glad I got my GF100s on water now.. and lol @ "basically Mama Bear's underfill". ;)
regardless of it's accuracy it is interesting... Even more glad I got my GF100s on water now.. and lol @ "basically Mama Bear's underfill". ;)

Just buy a card with a 3 year+ warranty and forget about it. Mine will be 3 years old next spring and will be ready to upgrade. If they die before that I'd probably get a small upgrade for my troubles as a result.
Charlie was right about GF100 issues in production, although part of it was quite easily deductible guesswork at that.

His GF104 news? Hogwash. 3/4 * GF100? Then why does it have 48 shaders (still refuse to call them CUDA cores) per cluster and not 32. Claiming terrible performance and being a power hog didn't help either.

I won't bother with this until he does the same test like he did with a macbook with a G96 chip to prove it has the same soldering as the G84 bumpgate chips.