Geforce 770 & 780 coming in May

does this mean i shouldnt get a 2nd 670 and i should just get a 780?
I recently sent my new 7950 back to newegg. I really wanted to go nvidia this round, but the 6 series 2GB of ram just wasn't cutting it for me.

I just hope the 780 is not priced high. I hope a 3GB 780 is one of the options. That should keep prices reasonable, and I think 3GB is the sweet spot.

Currently rocking a Intel HD 4000 iGPU until upgrade. :)
Wonder if maxwell will get titan or even more performance. Hope it's another 8800gt
So what some of you guys are saying is that the 780 will be 30% faster that the 680 yet more than 30% more expensive. I don't even....
I already have a Galaxy GTX 680 4GB in my main gaming rig. The GTX 780, I'm guessing, would only be an incremental upgrade. I'm going to save my money and purchase a GTX Titan as it provides a much larger increase in performance than a GTX 780 would.

Indeed , just an optimized version of the 600 series. I've got 2 GTX 670's and I don't think I'll be upgrading at least until the 800 series comes along.

I wish I could justify spending $1,100 on a single Titan but I just can't right now lol
It is the 580/Titan that are true compute devices.

Yes -- 600 series double precision performance is 1/24 that of single precision.

Indeed , just an optimized version of the 600 series. I've got 2 GTX 670's and I don't think I'll be upgrading at least until the 800 series comes along.

I wish I could justify spending $1,100 on a single Titan but I just can't right now lol

All the rumors are that GTX 780 will be a GK110 card.
At minimum we are about a week away of the cards leaking into the market and 2 weeks for a rumored "official" release.
I have been thinking for a few days that the 780 and 770 will both be GK110. the fact that 770 pics show apparently the same cooler and card length plus it has 6 and 8 pin connectors making me think its even more likely. it just makes no sense to give GK104 all those expensive things. that means the 760ti will probably just use full GK104 seen in the 680 and the plain 760 will simply be basically the 670 or 660ti core.
I am willing to pay $650 for the GTX 780 assuming a 30% performance increase over the GTX 680. This is not negotiable NVIDIA! ;) :p
I am willing to pay $650 for the GTX 780 assuming a 30% performance increase over the GTX 680. This is not negotiable NVIDIA! ;) :p

I wonder if it will really be 30% faster guess is more like 15-20%, since isn't it a watered-down Titan basically?
get ready for the run of people trying to sell their Titans to get a 780 instead :D
700 series seems like a total joke.

Simple rebranding, not even any decent price drops.

780 looks to be a total waste, provided it's actually in the middle of 680 and Titan performance, which isn't that big of a gap to begin with.

Was thinking along the same lines though if one planning to get the 780 or 770. I'm interested to see how well the 760ti will be and if it will be a bang for buck card at around $300-350 price range. I'd rather nvidia and ati to release graphic cards that will be a 40-60% performance increase over a previous gen rather than all this incremental upgrade models here and there having your "current gen" 680 obsolete in 6 months time only to be replaced by a card that cost $50-150 more offering less than 15% performance gains. Talk about wasting money.
Was thinking along the same lines though if one planning to get the 780 or 770. I'm interested to see how well the 760ti will be and if it will be a bang for buck card at around $300-350 price range. I'd rather nvidia and ati to release graphic cards that will be a 40-60% performance increase over a previous gen rather than all this incremental upgrade models here and there having your "current gen" 680 obsolete in 6 months time only to be replaced by a card that cost $50-150 more offering less than 15% performance gains. Talk about wasting money.

But be realistic, how much can you possibly expect form a refinement of the same architecture on the same fab process? There is a reason they call them tick tock cycles.
I am willing to pay $650 for the GTX 780 assuming a 30% performance increase over the GTX 680. This is not negotiable NVIDIA! ;) :p

i doubt it. that puts it in titan territory.

im predicting 10% to maybe 15% gains.

hence why they killed the evbot plug and had the lighting bios changed.
But be realistic, how much can you possibly expect form a refinement of the same architecture on the same fab process? There is a reason they call them tick tock cycles.

I'd rather them make and release big upgrades carefully fixed and matured over a 9-12 month + release time frame than small 6-7 month updates providing 10-25% performance gain with a 20-40% price increase, so I'm not wasting my money. Of course those on multi-monitor setups is a different story.
Only to a point. Once the cost of materials becomes the controlling item for the marginal cost, the number you make no longer matters.

I'd rather them make and release big upgrades carefully fixed and matured over a 9-12 month + release time frame than small 6-7 month updates providing 10-25% performance gain with a 20-40% price increase, so I'm not wasting my money. Of course those on multi-monitor setups is a different story.

This is a 13 to 14 month refresh, not 6 to 7 months.
And no one is saying you have to have the latest and greatest. If you have a 680, it's a huge waste to upgrade.
Video cards aren't meant to last only a year. If you don't see the value, don't buy it.
It will outperform the last version. Why complain about a small increase? It just makes the value of your existing card better.
S[H]ady;1039872229 said:
It just makes the value of your existing card better.

Not really, it will make my existing card more and more obsolete to the point resale value and attention in the used market extremely poor, that is if the trend of more newer updates are released from nvidia's half with each card more and more powerful.
Current 680 has 8 x 192 = 1536 "cores."
Titan has 14 x 192 = 2688 "cores."

Any word on what the 780 will bring to the table?

11 x 192 = 2112 "cores" perhaps. That is right between the 680 and Titan.

Anything more and Nvidia will cut into Titan sales, any less and there's no real upgrade from the 680.

Price is the big unknown. If Nvidia still has plenty of Titan chips and they are still selling well, I think the 780 is going to be $650+. But if Titan chips are running low and Nvidia decides to reduce/eliminate Titan production they could price the 780 at $550 and people will go nuts and grab them up because of the "huge value" they will bring to the table in comparison to the Titan.

An added bonus for Nvidia when they release their next $1000 card (Titan II?) would be OMG! BY IT NOW BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE FOREVER!!!!!1111one... ;)
Current 680 has 8 x 192 = 1536 "cores."
Titan has 14 x 192 = 2688 "cores."

Any word on what the 780 will bring to the table?

11 x 192 = 2112 "cores" perhaps. That is right between the 680 and Titan.

Anything more and Nvidia will cut into Titan sales, any less and there's no real upgrade from the 680.

Price is the big unknown. If Nvidia still has plenty of Titan chips and they are still selling well, I think the 780 is going to be $650+. But if Titan chips are running low and Nvidia decides to reduce/eliminate Titan production they could price the 780 at $550 and people will go nuts and grab them up because of the "huge value" they will bring to the table in comparison to the Titan.

An added bonus for Nvidia when they release their next $1000 card (Titan II?) would be OMG! BY IT NOW BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE FOREVER!!!!!1111one... ;)
its been said for weeks now that it will be 2496 sp. if they cut it down to 2112 then it would be almost no faster than the 680 because of its much lower clocks.
I am willing to pay $650 for the GTX 780 assuming a 30% performance increase over the GTX 680. This is not negotiable NVIDIA! ;) :p

Man, i'm not getting the price/performance increases. GTX 480 > 580 was a 20% increase for the same cost (499$), GTX 580 > 680 was a 30% increase for more VRAM and the same cost (499$), now we're talking a 15% increase from the 680 > 780 (plausible since Titan is 35%?) for 650$-700$?

So 200$ more for 15% or 20% more performance? Note, i'm just guessing here on the performance increase percentage - but considering Titan is 35% or so, that would be a reasonable guess. 150$-200$ for a 15-20% increase this generation, which is still 28nm, is not reasonable IMHO. That price/perf is wack. What the hell is up with that? I guess the best thing to do is wait and see, but i'm hoping the price remains close to the same as it is currently, or 550$ since the 780 is rumored to have 3GB. Anything more than that is totally out of line with prior generation price/perf increases.

And before anyone blathers the capitalism argument, I know. I get it. Nvidia can charge what they want, and that's fine. Fact of the matter is, a lot of times if it's a great product - i'll pay the premium. I feel the premium for some apple products is worth it, but I don't have to like the company and I do not have to like the price. In fact, in Apple's case I don't really like the firm at all - but I can't deny they have the best ultra portable computer by a mile (retina MBP). I really _hope_ nvidia charges no more than 550$ if it is indeed a 15-20% increase, because that is in line with their previous generations while still giving them incredibly high margins. 650-700$ would be completely unreasonable, IMHO.
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hey HEY NOW! Thats called reasoning!! They don't do that here!! Burnable cash and banks credit lines rule here man!!! Look at all the people that bought Titan or 2!! The sensible person knows that prices are outta wack. Specially when it leaks that the XBOX 720 has the equivalent of a Radeon 7790 at its core for graphics and thats what all the pc games, oops, console ports will be based on. (with the exception of a game or two a year.)

I really love the threads that talk about BF4 and needing a Titan for it. Really? Its out on the next gen consoles, you really think its gonna push more than BF3??? It won't and it can't. It would kill EA/Dice's sales. Buy what you want, keep the prices high. Once this economy falls again and it has to with a 17 trillion debt, I will be on the FS/trade forum picking up these Titans for half cost or less, lol. ;) :p
I'm with you man. These arguments always degenerate into:

1) Capitalism arguments
2) Childish "You're poor" insults :rolleyes:
3) Lining up to be ripped off. Hell yeah!

Addressing all of these arguments, yes, nvidia has a right to charge what they want. I can also afford whatever they charge, however I am not going to cheer them on for having sky high profit margins at my expense - i'm a customer, not a shareholder. Let me back up a bit, and state we don't know final pricing yet, but seeing so many people cheer at a 700$ price for a 20% increase is pretty disgusting. That's 200$ more than the 30% increase the GTX 680 brought less than a year ago, which was 499$.

I know the first counter argument here is going to be someone resorting to the capitalism argument or some type of insult about poverty - I know this because i've seen it here all too much. Again, I can afford it. I make a very good living, and have a mortgage. I don't have to like nvidia for ripping us off, and I don't have to cheer capitalism on. Fact of the matter is, the capitalism repugnicans are the same people who always complain at the gas pump about their gas price. They're all hypocrites - they certainly don't cheer when Exxon makes record profits year after year. But when it's a company they're a fan of, hell yes! I want to be ripped off! Let's line up and pay 1000$ for Titans! Whatever. :rolleyes:

I like nvidia's produts. A lot. I've used their products, a lot. And I can afford all of their products, before anyone resorts to childish insults about poverty and all that bullshit. I make a comfortable living with a nice house and pay my mortgage. But the bottom line is , i'm not going to cheer nvidia on for ripping us off. Maybe i'll buy the GTX 780. I don't know. But I don't have to like the suits behind the product that are gouging us. Period.
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The majority of people I know, including myself, make enough in their day job to afford something like a titan. That doesn't mean I'm going to spend the money on it. I have other priorities, but more power to you if you did purchase it :).

If the gtx 780 launches at $550, most will be fine with that.
yeah 550 seems to be about right price. I can stretch it to 600, but not a penny more. If it's more I will stick to the gtx 680...
Do the GPUs typically come out with aftermarket coolers (like the MSI TwinFrozer and Galaxy two fan cooler) at release, or do they lag behind by a month or so? I am wondering if the GTX 770 will have a two fan cooler at release.
Do the GPUs typically come out with aftermarket coolers (like the MSI TwinFrozer and Galaxy two fan cooler) at release, or do they lag behind by a month or so? I am wondering if the GTX 770 will have a two fan cooler at release.

It really depends. The 680 had to wait a month or two before aftermarket versions became available. The 670 and 660Ti both had aftermarket right from the get go. With the 580 series, users had to wait a month or two as well as the 570.
It really depends. The 680 had to wait a month or two before aftermarket versions became available. The 670 and 660Ti both had aftermarket right from the get go. With the 580 series, users had to wait a month or two as well as the 570.

Thanks for the reply. Maybe the 770 will get it at release considering it is essentially a GTX680 and previous coolers will be easy to adapt.
Thanks for the reply. Maybe the 770 will get it at release considering it is essentially a GTX680 and previous coolers will be easy to adapt.

Yup me too...I'm so over loud reference coolers. Especially if they make you stay under 70C due to the limiter.
Thanks for the reply. Maybe the 770 will get it at release considering it is essentially a GTX680 and previous coolers will be easy to adapt.
no because the 770 is using the same length pcb and cooler as the 780. thats why I still believe the 770 is really going to be gk110 like the 780 if its really using that. it just seems silly to stick the little 195 watt gk104 on a large pcb and use the 250 watt 780/Titan cooler for it.
no because the 770 is using the same length pcb and cooler as the 780. thats why I still believe the 770 is really going to be gk110 like the 780 if its really using that. it just seems silly to stick the little 195 watt gk104 on a large pcb and use the 250 watt 780/Titan cooler for it.

Nice hypothesis trek554. Good news for us, questions will be answered in about 3 weeks :D
From the rumors, they claim the 770 has a default voltage of 1.3, with a higher base clock. Maybe that's why it has the titan cooler.

Guess we will find out in the next 2-3 weeks :D.
I haven't been keeping with VideoCards this year yet, been happy with my eVga GTX-680 4GB I bought last Fall. But with new games due this Fall, like BF4, and Wolfenstein I will need an upgrade.

So is is this true, nVidia will release their new, next gen high end card the GTX-780 this June ? But will only be like 25%-30% faster than the 680 ? That's not much of an improvement, I was hoping for more like 40%-50% faster.
I haven't been keeping with VideoCards this year yet, been happy with my eVga GTX-680 4GB I bought last Fall. But with new games due this Fall, like BF4, and Wolfenstein I will need an upgrade.

So is is this true, nVidia will release their new, next gen high end card the GTX-780 this June ? But will only be like 25%-30% faster than the 680 ? That's not much of an improvement, I was hoping for more like 40%-50% faster.

This is only a cut down version of TITAN, so you can't really expect that. If you are wanting something more you will have to wait for 20nm to hit production from TSMC.
I haven't been keeping with VideoCards this year yet, been happy with my eVga GTX-680 4GB I bought last Fall. But with new games due this Fall, like BF4, and Wolfenstein I will need an upgrade.

A 680 4GB is still a great card and will probably play those games fine.

So is is this true, nVidia will release their new, next gen high end card the GTX-780 this June ? But will only be like 25%-30% faster than the 680 ? That's not much of an improvement, I was hoping for more like 40%-50% faster.

Chances are the high end 700 series card won't even be close to 25%-30% faster than a 680. The Titan barely manages to be. If you want the true performance king of single GPU you will have to get the Titan or wait for Maxwell. The 700 series is just a refresh and for people who don't want to or don't have the cash to spend on a Titan.