Gears of War 2

i would probably get it but this is ridiculous with the amt of quality games coming out, just no money left for gow2
Dammit, I just finshed Mass Effect and started up Lost Odyssey too. :(

I finished mass effect a while ago and I'm on disc 4 of lost odyssey.

Both are extremely good. Lost odyssey is badass.

Mass Effect 2 will be phenomenal.
There is no 4 player campaign coop

Yeah sadly I found this out today.

Anyway I went to the launch at Bellevue, WA and got a bunch of stuff. We had very heavy rain all day so not as many people made it out as I would have expected. I estimate about 200 people showed up though. I got there at like 10:45ish so the wait wasn't bad at all. I got a bunch of swag, a shirt, beanie, hat, back pack, comic book, golden gun code, and a poster. Plus they had plenty of tanks so I got the LE for that.

Just played for about 2.5 hours and I'd say its not as polished as the first one out of the box. I ran into a few bugs with getting stuck and a few things floating that shouldn't. Its still a great game though and co-op is just as fun as before. There is a lot more of a story this time and you get achievements in lots of little increments very often.
I'll be getting it later today, Best Buy has it guaranteed in stock or you get a $20 gift card here in Canada so I didn't bother going to the midnight launch. Not sure if I'll get the LE for the golden gun and metal case though.
I'm getting mine from BB or Target on my lunch break.
Two of my more hardcore friends have already completed it on normal and are moving through hardcore right now. Having a non-standard 40-hour week job must be nice :)
A buddy of mine got it last night at midnight and beat it on hardcore by 7 a.m. Impressive but of course he doesn't have a job.

the game is so freaking sweet I love it and I hated playing the first one.
This morning on the news I saw a story about the midnight release, much to my surprise. I didn't realize this was being released so soon. I'm still making my way through Fallout 3, and have yet to complete dead space. I am really going to have to finish these games up so I can move on ... although I think I will be playing fallout 3 for some time to come.
Why are my students mid-terms due this weekend .. WRRRRRRRY!:p
I haven't been able to start Gears of War 2 unfortunately. I would like to finish Dead Space before I start it.
Horde mode is a freaking blast. Played that for almost two hours with some buddies. Unfortunately, deathmatch seemed to be broken as it was continually restarting the search to find a 5th player so that we could go 5v5. We waited almost 20 mins, and it only found one dude to place us with, then reset, and went right back into a searching loop.

Picked ours up at Wally World. Got the a snap on can cooler, bottle opener, and the Gold Hammerburst code.

Played about halfway through chapter 1, personally I find it to be immensely bad-ass.
Played it until 3:30 am last night and I must say the game is solid. Me and four friends play horde mode all night on hardcore and got to level 17. The horde mode is soo damn fun worth it for the price of the game alone. I really like the new balance with the weapons which has brought some new flavor to the game. The sniper was the best weapon they improved IMO with no more bullet lag on the shot and the aim seems a lot smoother. Any body else play horde mode and what level did you get to?
Limited Edition is in my car waiting for 6pm to come.....come on 6pm! What really sux is that I have absolutely nothing to do at work right now and wish I could just go home early and start playing, but alas the boss won't let me :(

I went to 5 stores on my lunch break before I found the last copy at target! The dude didn't want to sell it to me either, he asked me 3 times if I was sure that I didnt just want the regular version. I finally asked him why he cared so much which version I bought and he said that he wanted the limited and employees arent allowed to hold things for themselves so he was hoping it wasn't going to sell before he clocked out :) Sorry dude but I want the golden lancer since MP is the main reason I'm buying it.
I finished mass effect a while ago and I'm on disc 4 of lost odyssey.

Both are extremely good. Lost odyssey is badass.

Mass Effect 2 will be phenomenal.

Lost Odyssey is so awesome. I love it. The dreams are the best thing ever. Very well written and emotional. Still on disc 1 :p

Amazon shipped me Gears of War 2 yesterday but it was shipped to my parents house. Goign there tonight to play it woohoo!! :D Gonna be sweeet!!! The reason I bought an Xbox in Nov '06 is because of Gears of War. The graphics were godlike on my friend's HDTV.
Limited Edition is in my car waiting for 6pm to come.....come on 6pm! What really sux is that I have absolutely nothing to do at work right now and wish I could just go home early and start playing, but alas the boss won't let me :(

I went to 5 stores on my lunch break before I found the last copy at target! The dude didn't want to sell it to me either, he asked me 3 times if I was sure that I didnt just want the regular version. I finally asked him why he cared so much which version I bought and he said that he wanted the limited and employees arent allowed to hold things for themselves so he was hoping it wasn't going to sell before he clocked out :) Sorry dude but I want the golden lancer since MP is the main reason I'm buying it.

Wow 5 stores I figured they would have over printed the LE version like they have with other games halo 3 comes to mind I still see stores in Dallas with the legendary edition. I got a friend who wants me to look in my area to see if I can find any more LEs guess he might be SOL.
I just saw 7-8 LE's stacked at my local Target. Funny enough, the guy that worked there said that there were people waiting for the store to open in order to get the game...and they all got the normal one.
If you're that serious about the game, it's all about the 24-hour Wal-Mart.
The reason I bought an Xbox in Nov '06 is because of Gears of War. The graphics were godlike on my friend's HDTV.

Ha same here. Im debating on if I want to drive to Best Buy right now and get Gears 2 or just buy it from Amazon (which I probably won't get until Tuesday). Hmm...
Wow, Gears 2 is great. There are lot more cinematic throughout the gameplay, which is nice. And the battles feel much more epic in scale. Enemy movements and animation are improved nicely. Also, I like the feel of the new weapon balancing. The Graphics are a tad better too and the frame rate is very smooth so far.

I love the new multiplayer Horde mode. It's extremely fun with a group of your buddies. I'm definitely glad I bought it today. I have been spending so much money on all the great games being released lately that I almost decided to wait a few weeks before purchasing this game. Thank god I love spending money. :p
I just got the normal version, I hope I don't get Gold Lancer envy. :(
Anyone got an extra gold hammerburst code? Gamestop near me was all out. :(
I got the hammerburst code at gamestop. I got 2 copies of the game and got 4 code's lol
game is amazing. The first one seems like such crap now. I don't know how some people say it is more of the same. It's so much more epic, match making works for me but takes a long time, like 4 minutes. but I just use pc while it does it's thing. It's good good stuff
btw the best reason to get the LE version is to fap to the included picture of maria. no more fapping it to MAD comics for me!
game is amazing. The first one seems like such crap now. I don't know how some people say it is more of the same. It's so much more epic, match making works for me but takes a long time, like 4 minutes. but I just use pc while it does it's thing. It's good good stuff

This game is phenomenal I played GoW 1 on the pc because I didnt have a 360, now that I do I am rockin Live with Horde Mode. Campaign is a blast. I give this a 9.75 out of 10. This game has more replay potential than MGS4 lol and I bought the PS3 just for that game.
Played to level 41 on horde tonight with 4 friends, and it was amazingly fun.

The characters and world seems to have less "weight" than before, and the blood effects and some of the graphics are a tad more cartooney than before, but the gameplay is great, the sound is *amazing*, and the new weapons are awesome. Those shots where you nail 6 enemies at once with a well placed mortar are just beautiful.
btw the best reason to get the LE version is to fap to the included picture of maria. no more fapping it to MAD comics for me!

Fucking weird

Anywho, why is it the only map that I play is Avalanche. Its fucking annoying and I want to play Blood Drive! Also, any way to win chainsaw battles? Is it who hits B first and how fast or is it just how fast? I keep losing from some reason and Im sure there is some secret to it.
I liked GoW 1's campaign's missions better. I liked having to guide your partner along with the light so he wouldn't get attacked by bats in GoW1 and the end boss fight. I think GoW2's end was anticlimactic. I also thought it still didn't have much of a storyline. It felt like they just plugged in some background story on the characters and it didn't work. Seemed half assed. The photo of Doms wife in the LE is just odd. The gameplay was still very enjoyable though and the additional weapons fit into the game well. I also light the progress bars on the achievements.

Horde mode is tons of fun.

Oh one more thing online co-op had some really annoying bugs for me. I got stuck 3 times. The character would just walk in place sometimes in mid air and I would have no control. Even after a checkpoint when I got teleported to where my friend was I was still stuck. Dieing fixed the problem or when command calls you seems to fix it.
I liked GoW 1's campaign's missions better. I liked having to guide your partner along with the light so he wouldn't get attacked by bats in GoW1 and the end boss fight. I think GoW2's end was anticlimactic. I also thought it still didn't have much of a storyline. It felt like they just plugged in some background story on the characters and it didn't work. Seemed half assed. The photo of Doms wife in the LE is just odd. The gameplay was still very enjoyable though and the additional weapons fit into the game well. I also light the progress bars on the achievements.

Horde mode is tons of fun.

Oh one more thing online co-op had some really annoying bugs for me. I got stuck 3 times. The character would just walk in place sometimes in mid air and I would have no control. Even after a checkpoint when I got teleported to where my friend was I was still stuck. Dieing fixed the problem or when command calls you seems to fix it.

I'll take the game off you hands;)
I just played for about 2.5 hours with a friend, and the part we just finished was fucking awesome. You'll know what's up when you get extremely bloody :p
I played it for about 1 hr. last night and it was fun until it locked up. Then I got the RRoD on my Elite. I'm a little upset because this is my second Elite with the RRoD. Now I'm going to have to wait a few weeks to play again.
Pretty fun, but so far I've encountered a couple of levels that totally blow chunks (rolling thunder and the running from wall of debris in the worms stomach). I certainly hope there isn't anymore of those levels for my future.
I am picking up a Xbox360 $199 this christmas solely for this game.

I still play GoW1 on PC and I want to play GoW2 so badly. I tried it at a buddies house and didn't ever want to leave. lol..

Ill soon be in the group that has 2 consoles. (PS3Xbox360FTW)
I am picking up a Xbox360 $199 this christmas solely for this game.

I still play GoW1 on PC and I want to play GoW2 so badly. I tried it at a buddies house and didn't ever want to leave. lol..

Ill soon be in the group that has 2 consoles. (PS3Xbox360FTW)

Welcome to the club lol. On another note, this might be considered a spoiler so ill put a *SPOILER ALERT* in just for added measure. The campaign on normal took me 8-9hrs? The end gave nothing, Seriously no over the top cut scenes to explain the many new questions? Still a great game but the ending wasn't all that great.
Welcome to the club lol. On another note, this might be considered a spoiler so ill put a *SPOILER ALERT* in just for added measure. The campaign on normal took me 8-9hrs? The end gave nothing, Seriously no over the top cut scenes to explain the many new questions? Still a great game but the ending wasn't all that great.

You have to wait for the third game to get the ending. :D

One thing I did notice is the new match making system sucks. It takes forever to get into a game where in Gears 1 I could pretty much jump right in.
You have to wait for the third game to get the ending. :D

One thing I did notice is the new match making system sucks. It takes forever to get into a game where in Gears 1 I could pretty much jump right in.

I have not played online due to this. Mine continually restarts the search, over and over and over andoverandoverandover and you get the picture.

I'm hoping they'll either patch it, fix it, or come out with some your router setting 'x' needs to be 'y' type of statement.

On hardcore it took me forever to beat the leviathan because when it would shake the boat, I would get stuck in place and then the tentacle would kill me. Or, I would chainsaw the tentacle, and the animation would play, but the tentacle would stay.

This frustrated the everloving fuck out of me.
Welcome to the club lol. On another note, this might be considered a spoiler so ill put a *SPOILER ALERT* in just for added measure. The campaign on normal took me 8-9hrs? The end gave nothing, Seriously no over the top cut scenes to explain the many new questions? Still a great game but the ending wasn't all that great.

did you wait for the end of the credits? if not there was some serious foreshadowing

but i have to say for $69 for the speical edition the game was waaaaaaaaaay to short, i bought Friday night finished it 20 mins ago. that's a little pathetic. it took me maybe 7-8 hours. well i hope resistance is longer, time to heat up the PS3.
Mac[X-D];1033289986 said:
did you wait for the end of the credits? if not there was some serious foreshadowing

but i have to say for $69 for the speical edition the game was waaaaaaaaaay to short, i bought Friday night finished it 20 mins ago. that's a little pathetic. it took me maybe 7-8 hours. well i hope resistance is longer, time to heat up the PS3.

Res 2 will be my next console shooter. I hope as well that I will be longer.
Mac[X-D];1033289986 said:
did you wait for the end of the credits? if not there was some serious foreshadowing

but i have to say for $69 for the speical edition the game was waaaaaaaaaay to short, i bought Friday night finished it 20 mins ago. that's a little pathetic. it took me maybe 7-8 hours. well i hope resistance is longer, time to heat up the PS3.

What were you expecting exactly? The first one wasn't very long, I remember finishing it in two sittings so the second followed the same pattern. The real meat of the gameplay is multiplayer.

Anyway I just finished it as well, the levels were designed well, the weapons were great and the pacing was good. Nothing really jumps out as being as memorable as a few of the situations in the first one though, but overall it was better I guess. I didn't think act 5 was as bad as some were saying, but I can see how it could be anti-climactic if you cared about one storyline more than the other. Also the last fight was kinda easy.

Time for me to start playing multi, let's see how bad the matchmaking is.
I've been avoiding playing it all weekend (Sorry Creep1ngdeth!) to complete Fallout, but I had 5 friends beg me to play Horde last night...and it was a blast!
I think I'm still going to hold off completing the game itself until I can win Fallout, but I have to say that Horde is one of the most fun things I've played in a long time.
No matter how crazy things get or how many players you have onscreen - the game does a great job of continuing to look great, keep a good framerate, and still display 20 characters moving around at once in a detailed environment. By the time you get to Horde level 25 or so...things are crazy!
I'm happy with my purchase for this mode alone.