Gears of War 2

I wound up picking up gow2 also, couldn't resist on friday since i was bored! Had so much fun, yes horde is a riot, depending on the map it can be more or less fun.. but it's good when your tired of straight multiplayer and want good co-op. Only on friday was is really hard to get a game going, waiting like 20 minutes to get anything started.. but sat/sun were much better only took a few minutes.. overall i'm happy with the purchase and haven't even gotten that far into the campaign
My brothers and I hooked up 2 360s at my parents house and played on xbox live. 2 people were one 1 system and 1 on the other. We played horde all night long. I think my little brother set it on casual so we got up to like wave 32 and were just too tired to go on (4am). Very fun with my brothers and 2 of my friends. Can't wait to go home and try the harder difficulty settings.
What were you expecting exactly? The first one wasn't very long, I remember finishing it in two sittings so the second followed the same pattern. The real meat of the gameplay is multiplayer.

i really didn't have any expectations but i did hear everyone continually say bigger, better and more bad ass, i never said i didn't enjoy the game because i really did i just would have liked a longer single player experience.
I usually don't like too many console games other than sports games and the occasional FPS but GoW has me hooked like no other console game since around 2003.
i just finished campaign, i loved it. i played the first one co-op with a friend, and i can't wait to play this one with him too. multiplayer i have yet to get on live, though i will.

the bosses were pretty easy on normal difficulty, we'll see how it plays on hardcore and insane. the guns were good, i liked the new heavy weapons, and the upgraded hammerhead gun.

there were a few platforming sort of levels that got a little old, but pacing and story were better i think.

overall it's a lot more of the same old, which i love. i doubt it'll win any game of the year awards, cuz it's not new,but its what i wanted
I played the Gears variant of Capture the Flag tonight, it was an absolute clusterfuck, and a hilariously fun one at that!

I can't recall the name of the mode, but the flag is a computer controlled stranded character called the 'meatflag', with a shotgun, and a bad attitude. He fires on everyone, if you go down in front of him, he executes you. The score even keeps track of how many downs and kills he gets.

You have to down him, then take him hostage, and walk him over to a destination area. He bitches and mumbles the entire time, and his voice is muffled because your hand is over his mouth. If you get downed by the other team he resets, kicks your ass, says something profane, and starts popping caps in whomever is closest.

We laughed our asses off the entire time.
I played the Gears variant of Capture the Flag tonight, it was an absolute clusterfuck, and a hilariously fun one at that!

I can't recall the name of the mode, but the flag is a computer controlled stranded character called the 'meatflag', with a shotgun, and a bad attitude. He fires on everyone, if you go down in front of him, he executes you. The score even keeps track of how many downs and kills he gets.

You have to down him, then take him hostage, and walk him over to a destination area. He bitches and mumbles the entire time, and his voice is muffled because your hand is over his mouth. If you get downed by the other team he resets, kicks your ass, says something profane, and starts popping caps in whomever is closest.

We laughed our asses off the entire time.

LOL I never got to any of the multi other than Horde, because its so damn slow, I wait for like 10 mins and I can't even get a match. Idk whats up with the match making service but its sucking it teh big time.
I am really enjoying Gears 2. After I finished the Gears 1 campaign, I was done with it. The MP side of Gears 1 bothered the hell out of me. Specifically the bullet lag. Every match I got in, I would first try the shotgun and 90% of the time it would go like this: Boom.... splat (holes in the wall). As opposed the the SP game, as soon as the shotgun went boom, the holes were in the wall, there is no delay. So, the first thing I did when I put Gears 2 in was test the mp. After several matches and even more in horde mode, I have not noticed bullet lag! Has Epic finally cleaned up their code and gone client side hit detect like CoD and Halo?

I sure hope so and can definitely say that I am very impressed with what Gears packs into one disc. Tons of MP both adversarial and co-op, plenty of MP maps to boot, Horde mode, bots for practicing, longer SP campaign, touched up graphics, etc. Awesome.
LOL I never got to any of the multi other than Horde, because its so damn slow, I wait for like 10 mins and I can't even get a match. Idk whats up with the match making service but its sucking it teh big time.

Thats really weird, because there were three of us playing, and we were getting paired up to others and into the game start lobby within about 2-3 minutes. This was around 8pm-ish
Haven't had the chance to play Gears 2 yet, but was able to see some gameplay and fool around with the menu's using my nephews 360

Is it me, or does Dom's face look weird? ( stretched and elongated)
Did Epic really remove the intense, vivid, etc modes
i think they smoothed dom's face, and i think added some detail to the scar, and it does look a bit different.
Submission (should have been called meatflag) is straight up awesome. Nothing beats the "flag" killing 5 people who are fighting around him to cap him. Nothing's lead to more laughter in gaming for me and my buddies in the last few years more than a few games of meatflag have. It's hilarious and really fun.

I've heard in public matches that people just sit back and snipe at whoever grabs the meatflag and it leads to unfun matches, but I don't pub, and it's been the best game mode so far.
LOL I never got to any of the multi other than Horde, because its so damn slow, I wait for like 10 mins and I can't even get a match. Idk whats up with the match making service but its sucking it teh big time.

Same here I tried for 20 minutes last night to get a match in different modes then gave up. The only way I can get into anything is get at least two other friends together and then find a match. It sucks because in the original Gears I could hop right into a match in a minute.
So far Gears 2 has been an amazing game for me. My old 19" Dell LCD died last night, got a Samsung 22" 22BW!

Going to hook up everything tomorrow!
The matchmaking has to borked again, last night we couldn't get into game with 3,4 or even 5 people in a party with us.

I wish they'd just admit that they F'd up and give a time frame for a fix.

just beat the game.



the whole game was just insane!

and the ending?! holy crap! riding a Brumack?!! And then watching it go Lambent, WOWWWWWW

still reading the end credits but im crossing my fingers i can do the last level over and over and over. was awesome pressing the right stick to make the Brumack scream
The matchmaking has to borked again, last night we couldn't get into game with 3,4 or even 5 people in a party with us.

I wish they'd just admit that they F'd up and give a time frame for a fix.

if you do it with 3 or less ppl in a party its easier. I could not no matter how long I waited get into a game with 4 ppl in a party. Its total bs, two or less is better.

just beat the game.



the whole game was just insane!

and the ending?! holy crap! riding a Brumack?!! And then watching it go Lambent, WOWWWWWW

still reading the end credits but im crossing my fingers i can do the last level over and over and over. was awesome pressing the right stick to make the Brumack scream


I just finished the campaign too. I enjoyed the entire experience, but the ending was anti-climatic imo. Riding the Brumack was cool, but the game really needed a final boss fight. It also left you with more questions than answers. You don't even kill either of the main enemies (Locust Queen or Skorge). Also no questions about Marcus father's involvement were answered. And wtf were the locus doing to the human prisoners. Why did Tie shoot himself; torture or is there more too it? Another question, what's all the fuss about the experimental facility. What's up with the infected locust? I assume the infected Locust, the human prisoners, the experimental facility and Marcus' father all tie in together, but very few clues were reviled.

I was sad the Hammer of Dawn was used so seldomly. I wanted atleast one scene to whip out hundreds of oncoming Locust with dead from above. I wished they included a moment or 2 with a Berserker too. And imo RAAM kicks Skorge's ass.

I just finished the campaign too. I enjoyed the entire experience, but the ending was anti-climatic imo. Riding the Brumack was cool, but the game really needed a final boss fight. It also left you with more questions than answers. You don't even kill either of the main enemies (Locust Queen or Skorge). Also no questions about Marcus father's involvement were answered. And wtf were the locus doing to the human prisoners. Why did Tie shoot himself; torture or is there more too it? Another question, what's all the fuss about the experimental facility. What's up with the infected locust? I assume the infected Locust, the human prisoners, the experimental facility and Marcus' father all tie in together, but very few clues were reviled.

I was sad the Hammer of Dawn was used so seldomly. I wanted atleast one scene to whip out hundreds of oncoming Locust with dead from above. I wished they included a moment or 2 with a Berserker too. And imo RAAM kicks Skorge's ass. - my take on the story

I just finished the campaign too. I enjoyed the entire experience, but the ending was anti-climatic imo. Riding the Brumack was cool, but the game really needed a final boss fight. It also left you with more questions than answers. You don't even kill either of the main enemies (Locust Queen or Skorge). Also no questions about Marcus father's involvement were answered. And wtf were the locus doing to the human prisoners. Why did Tie shoot himself; torture or is there more too it? Another question, what's all the fuss about the experimental facility. What's up with the infected locust? I assume the infected Locust, the human prisoners, the experimental facility and Marcus' father all tie in together, but very few clues were reviled.

I was sad the Hammer of Dawn was used so seldomly. I wanted atleast one scene to whip out hundreds of oncoming Locust with dead from above. I wished they included a moment or 2 with a Berserker too. And imo RAAM kicks Skorge's ass.

Did you let the credits roll all the way to the end? Theres something at the end of the credits in regards to Marcus's father.
I'm gonna have to say after playing through single player it was alright. Nothing to jump up and down about. Dom is just as buggy as ever, got into plenty of fights with him either running from different places to get cover, or just not fighting at all. Some times assets don't even load fast enough (nothing like running and sliding into a barrier that hasn't fully loaded yet). AI in general is buggy, countless times I've been able to walk up and chainsaw an enemy because he hasn't figured out how to react to a situation (or jump over a barrier). I've dove into cover only to get stuck, I've dove over a collision volume and gotten hit at the same time, and became stuck. The need to revive Dom or anyone else doesn't seem urgent because as soon as the gong goes off they get up like nothing happened. Battles are predictable, and once you get the sniper rifle, it becomes VERY one sided.

I guess multiplayer is where it's at.
i feel like the sniper rifle is way more useful because there is much more ammo for it in this game, could just be me. i love the rifle so i think it's great.

i fully agree about the bugginess, it was nothing game-breaking, but i think it'll be a lot more fun playing with a human dom than a AI controlled version.
The AI was, imo, a lot more useful this time around. This time, I don't think I'll be able to play through a quarter of the game on Insane with it tho. Gears I didn't have much of an issue except in parts, in this one, I think a human is going to be essential to completing it.

One thing I liked is that the AI doesn't go down as often this time, and when it does, it crawls. You can also be rezzed by the AI in the parts where you split up when playing Co-op. It's the little things that made it better for me.

MP is still borked.

I just finished the campaign too. I enjoyed the entire experience, but the ending was anti-climatic imo. Riding the Brumack was cool, but the game really needed a final boss fight. It also left you with more questions than answers. You don't even kill either of the main enemies (Locust Queen or Skorge). Also no questions about Marcus father's involvement were answered. And wtf were the locus doing to the human prisoners. Why did Tie shoot himself; torture or is there more too it? Another question, what's all the fuss about the experimental facility. What's up with the infected locust? I assume the infected Locust, the human prisoners, the experimental facility and Marcus' father all tie in together, but very few clues were reviled.

I was sad the Hammer of Dawn was used so seldomly. I wanted atleast one scene to whip out hundreds of oncoming Locust with dead from above. I wished they included a moment or 2 with a Berserker too. And imo RAAM kicks Skorge's ass.

Tai was being beaten badly. So he probably suffered a whole lot.
it was nothing game-breaking, but i think it'll be a lot more fun playing with a human dom than a AI controlled version.
It was game-breaking for me. When the solution is to suicide (toss a grenade next to yourself), or restart the section (if you're out of grenades). Sucks when you're in a difficult section of the game and have to do it over like that.

Is it me, or does it seem that there are A LOT more checkpoints in the game?

I just finished the campaign too. I enjoyed the entire experience, but the ending was anti-climatic imo. Riding the Brumack was cool, but the game really needed a final boss fight. It also left you with more questions than answers. You don't even kill either of the main enemies (Locust Queen or Skorge). Also no questions about Marcus father's involvement were answered. And wtf were the locus doing to the human prisoners. Why did Tie shoot himself; torture or is there more too it? Another question, what's all the fuss about the experimental facility. What's up with the infected locust? I assume the infected Locust, the human prisoners, the experimental facility and Marcus' father all tie in together, but very few clues were reviled.

I was sad the Hammer of Dawn was used so seldomly. I wanted atleast one scene to whip out hundreds of oncoming Locust with dead from above. I wished they included a moment or 2 with a Berserker too. And imo RAAM kicks Skorge's ass.

When the cut scene moves to show his back it doesn't even look like skin, it's just deep horrible gashes, I assumed the torture was just horrific.
It was game-breaking for me. When the solution is to suicide (toss a grenade next to yourself), or restart the section (if you're out of grenades). Sucks when you're in a difficult section of the game and have to do it over like that.

Is it me, or does it seem that there are A LOT more checkpoints in the game?

i noticed more checkpoints and more ammo this time around, i like them both. my friend (who i play most games co-op with) gets into town next week and i can't wait to fire it up.
campaign was fun, but the levels seemed a bit oversized sometimes, leaving me wonder where the hell to go next. it was nice not feeling forced into something as linear as GOW1, but it was still a bit annoying. I don't mind having to find stuff, but the fov mixed with the over the shoulder view just sorta made some of the levels a pain in the ass.

right now matchmaking sucks ass, no matter what i choose, still takes at least 5x longer to join a game than it took me in gow1.

as others have said, the ending leaves A LOT to be answered, and seriously, there should have been a final boss fight. the last bits of the game are just meh... by the way, "meh" is now officially part of the english dictionary.

overall, great purchase. they just need to fix matchmaking. or at least implement a quickplay option.
The thing that irked me a little is that I tend to be a bit of a "treasure" hunter in games like these. They scatter the hidden items in very weird ways. For instance there will be a HUGE wide open level with nothing anywhere and then suddenly you'll find two books within 50 feet of one another down a small corridor. It's as though they added those items at the last second after they forgot 'em or something.
Either that or Epic enjoys giant levels that are mostly empty of enemies, items, etc.
i noticed more checkpoints and more ammo this time around, i like them both. my friend (who i play most games co-op with) gets into town next week and i can't wait to fire it up.

That's good to know! I gotta' beat Fable 2 already, so I can get this game.