Gateway FPD2485W - 24" HD LCD

Alright, after seeing the free shipping today I finally pulled the trigger. Hopefully I don't have all the problems you guys have mentioned, but FedEx Kinko's is close enough that I can return this easily (I hope).
Just got the benq in... quick test..

No flickering, and absolutely smooth gradients.. Im off to work, so I wont be able to calibrate this thing till this weekend sometime.

Looks promising.

Jball said:
Just got the benq in... quick test..

No flickering, and absolutely smooth gradients.. Im off to work, so I wont be able to calibrate this thing till this weekend sometime.

Looks promising.

I know there is a thread for the benq, but seeing as you are going to be able to compare the gateway with it, please let us know if you see any ghost/trailing/motion blur. I don't know if you were noticeing it on the gateway, but I was.

I just bought this monitor and the picture looks great. I've been playing Xbox 360 games on it all day and there have been now problems. However, this monitor has a very high pitched buzzing sound that is forcing me to return it and either try another one or buy the BenQ when it gets 1:1 (if it hasn't already).

I think I will probably exchange this for another first and see if the buzzing problem was just for this monitor. I can even hear it above my speakers when playing X360 games...
dannyallen34 said:
I just bought this monitor and the picture looks great. I've been playing Xbox 360 games on it all day and there have been now problems. However, this monitor has a very high pitched buzzing sound that is forcing me to return it and either try another one or buy the BenQ when it gets 1:1 (if it hasn't already).

I think I will probably exchange this for another first and see if the buzzing problem was just for this monitor. I can even hear it above my speakers when playing X360 games...

weird that the buzzing bothers people. the buzzing doesn't seem to bad for me, i can barely hear it over my ps3 or computer.
aeon said:
weird that the buzzing bothers people. the buzzing doesn't seem to bad for me, i can barely hear it over my ps3 or computer.

I just played some more X360 over the VGA cable and there was no buzzing, but right when I went to change the input back to DVI, the buzzing started again. Weird.
dannyallen34 said:
I just played some more X360 over the VGA cable and there was no buzzing, but right when I went to change the input back to DVI, the buzzing started again. Weird.

Are you using the DVI cable that ships with the monitor or another one?
Tim-in-CA said:
Are you using the DVI cable that ships with the monitor or another one?
I'm using the one that it shipped with. I don't think that it would matter because now I hear the buzzing over component as well. One other thing I've noticed is that this monitor is hot, especially on the top. It isn't like burning hot, but it is hotter than any monitor I've had before.

If you turn the monitor around, the buzzing becomes much louder. I'm pretty sure that the sound is from a fan on the back of the monitor.

Can someone who has this monitor confirm the heat of this monitor? It might be that I recieved a faulty monitor.

Also, can someone discuss the boxing that yours came in? Mine had those slits on the bottom sloppily taped but all the contents of the box were in the sealed plastic wrap/other stuff. I bought this from a Best Buy from across my state and had it shipped to the Best Buy in my town, so is there a chance that mine was returned before?

EDIT: I just checked the back again and the metal part connecting the stand and the panel is even hotter than the top. The metal is so hot that I can't keep my hand on it for more than 30 seconds... Problem with all of these or should I exchange?
BPini said:
I know there is a thread for the benq, but seeing as you are going to be able to compare the gateway with it, please let us know if you see any ghost/trailing/motion blur. I don't know if you were noticing it on the gateway, but I was.


I think part of the flickering that was occuring was coming from Ghosting and trailing. The Benq doesnt seem to have this issue. The biggest difference I have seen so far, and we are only talking about an hour of use here.. Is no hint of green in greys, and the gradients are smooth. Absolutely zero banding. I havent tried to calibrate it yet.

The other big difference, is that moving my head just a little doesnt distort the color/contrast, whereas the gateway, even the slightest movement, and the image changed. I can't state enough how important this is to me.

Both are light canons, and they need to be tamed via contrast adjustment. I will say that the colors of the gateway had more pop to them, and text seemed sharper/crisper.

For me, because of the photo editing I do, Im thinking I made the right choice. I wont know until I can match them to some of my prints. That may be a while. But the fact that Im getting better black level detail, and smooth gradients is a big step in the right direction.

As much as I wanted to like the gateway, and there were certainly a lot of things to like, I think this is going to work out better for me. ymmv.

If you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to ask, as for the next day or two, I will have both monitors in my possession. Im not even going to attempt to take something back to BB during the weekend. Not worth all the traffic I have to go through.

The BenQ has hint of green in greys, or the Gateway does?

The BenQ has gradient problems, or the Gateway does?

How is the video noise when watching videos/movies/DVDs on both monitors? Which one is better? Which has more accurate colors after calibration, and which has a wider color gamut?
peTeMelster said:
The BenQ has hint of green in greys, or the Gateway does?

The BenQ has gradient problems, or the Gateway does?

How is the video noise when watching videos/movies/DVDs on both monitors? Which one is better? Which has more accurate colors after calibration, and which has a wider color gamut?
If I understood correctly, those problems were with the gateway. Then he ordered the BenQ and he's saying it's much better in those areas (no gradient problems or green in grays).

I also second the questions about video noise -- the Tom's hardware in french review seemed to make a big issue of this. I'd be curious about your impressions. Also am interested in your final verdict on the color and sharpness, once you've had a chance to properly calibrate the BenQ.

Can you post up a few pics possibly comparing the two screens when they are running cloned inputs? I just wanted to get a feel for how much better the benQ may be than the gateway. The other thing I wanted to know, does the BenQ make any buzzing sounds or anything?
I wish I had good news but, I bought the Gateway 24 on Thursday, got it home and hooked it up. Everything was fine, for a while. I had an Xbox360 connected via vga and played all night. My girlfriend came home and and of course I called her to let her know I had finally got one, she came into the study and said, "Wow it smells new." I did a little sniff test and the panel smelled really hot, like it was about to release its magic white smoke. I had noticed that the panel was hot, I hovered my hand in front and noticed the heat radiating from the screen. I touched the back of the panel and it was really hot, way hotter than it should have been. I started to notice that some of the objects, particularly yellows and whites, were leaving trails behind them. This was not apparant when the panel was cold, only when it was hot, running after 45 to 60 minutes.
I think that the color trails were caused by the heat building up in the panel after time. Last night I took it over to my friends house to try some computer games. Initially everything was fine, but after 45 minutes or so the colors were starting to leave trails again, I still attributed this to the heat buildup.
I really wanted to like this panel, I had been drooling over it for weeks now. I liked all of its features, especially the 1:1 scaling, after all I do play a lot of Xbox. 1080p over component did not work however 1080i did.
I figured that if I was not 100% happy now, I would not be 100% later. I took it back to Best Buy today without any problems and got a 100% refund. I have decided that I will wait for another revision of the monitor and try again. Hopefully Gateway will recognize this and get it fixed.
I'll be in a situation to buy another panel after the first of the year, I might be looking at the BenQ, however no 1:1 scaling does not peak my interests.
So I ask you Gateway 24" owners, how is the heat on you panel? I am also interested in that with the Benq owners as well. Are the Gateways supposed to have a fan inside? Is the buzzing power supplies actually a fan, and since my panel had no buzzing was the fan not working? All question I need answered before I try this panel out again. Please share your thoughts.
I haven't had any problems with overheating. the top does get pretty warm though and i've left this monitor on for over 24hrs straight. buzzing noise isn't to bad, i only hear it once in awhile.
I got this monitor as well. I'm going to return it to BestBuy eventually if the Sceptre x24wg-naga comes through with 1:1. The monitor doesn't give me the ability to change Sharpness over VGA, and there is too much image tearing on my Xbox 360. Otherwise, the 1080p over VGA is quite nice, and you currently can't do 1080p with the 360 on any other 24" monitor. The component inputs are a disappointment. Buzzing doesn't bother me at all but it's there. I don't notice image trails or ghosting but there is apparent banding.
aeon, are you planning on keeping this monitor? What about the issues with the color trails I was having, were you having that as well?
Well, i think i might just keep this monitor. as for color trailing, i'm not having any problem with it.

i'll prolly keep this monitor for my computer uses and buy a bigger tv for my gaming and movies for my room. this monitor just doesn't compare to the tv we have in our living room when playing games and movies.
peTeMelster said:
The BenQ has hint of green in greys, or the Gateway does?

The BenQ has gradient problems, or the Gateway does?

How is the video noise when watching videos/movies/DVDs on both monitors? Which one is better? Which has more accurate colors after calibration, and which has a wider color gamut?

The gateway has the the green and gradient problems.

I unfortunately will not be watching any DVD's on this monitor. Sorry I wish I could tell help ya there.

As far as accurate colors. I havent calibrated the benq yet, and as I mentioned before when trying to calibrate my gateway with my gretagmacbeth, I was getting strange results. I have the first revision of the calibrator, and Im not sure how well it does LCD's. Although when I bought it, its claim was its better than others for LCD's. I will try to calibrate the benq Sunday night when I have the next day off. I will post my results.

Im not sure about the wider color gamut either.

madgravity34 said:

Can you post up a few pics possibly comparing the two screens when they are running cloned inputs? I just wanted to get a feel for how much better the benQ may be than the gateway. The other thing I wanted to know, does the BenQ make any buzzing sounds or anything?

I will attempt to post some pics of the Benq in action. Unfortunately, I do not have a way to hook up both monitors at the same time.

Thus far out of the box (and this is for PC USE ONLY), the benq's dark/black level detail is WAY ahead of the gateway. Gray's seem really gray, no hint of green. The colors of the gateway (just from memory) seemed to have more punch to them. For me, this monitor is simply much better. Especially because of the flickering issue being absent.

Neither monitor had an issue with buzzing. To me they were both very quiet. I have heard that high altitude can sometimes cause buzzing in panels. I know it was an issue with plasmas, and some have said the same for LCD's. Another problem sometimes can be source of power. Make sure you are not running of the same line in your house that maybe is running a fridge or some kind of appliance/motor that can generate hum/buzzing.

I hope to calibrate Sunday night, and will include pics.

errr... That would be LATE Sunday night, EARLY Monday morning. In other words, After Midnight.

Ok, recently i purchased this monitor, here are my results............

- nice colors
- no ghosting for gaming
- dvd's look good
- plenty of inputs

- Blacks are horrible with this monitor
- a bit of color trail, only if you concentrate
- very LIGHT flickering, again only when you concentrate

Other then the CONS i have listen this monitor is awsome and its a keeper for me, the pros outpower the cons for me on this one

has anyone come up with ways to calibrate some of the cons i have listen, if you have please let me know what you changed and what are your settings so far i am using this setup

brightness = 100
contrast = 35
gamma = 0

red = 100
green = 95
blue = 90
gar818 said:
Ok, recently i purchased this monitor, here are my results............

- nice colors
- no ghosting for gaming
- dvd's look good
- plenty of inputs

- Blacks are horrible with this monitor
- a bit of color trail, only if you concentrate
- very LIGHT flickering, again only when you concentrate

Other then the CONS i have listen this monitor is awsome and its a keeper for me, the pros outpower the cons for me on this one

has anyone come up with ways to calibrate some of the cons i have listen, if you have please let me know what you changed and what are your settings so far i am using this setup

brightness = 100
contrast = 35
gamma = 0

red = 100
green = 95
blue = 90

For calibration, you should go thru the Wizard in EzTune to optimize the display for your setup
EZ tune gives you the same options as the monitor calibrations, but in a software.
Here are the ICC profiles I generated using my GretagMacbeth Eye-One Display colorimeter with their Eye-One Match software. I still felt that contrast of 35 was too bright for me, so I've now put mine down at 30, but if you prefer 35 I included a profile for that too. These are profiles for the way my monitor outputs color, and yours may be slightly different due to manufacturing variation, but LCDs don't vary that much, so it should be close.

Get the profiles here:

How to use them:

- Set the monitor Theme to "Warm"
- Set the Brightness to 80 (the default)
- Set the Contrast to 30 or 35 as you prefer
- Copy the files inside the zip into
- Go to Control Panel->Display->Settings->Advanced->Color Management
Select the appropriate profile (either 30 or 35), and click "Set As Default"

For the setting to take effect, you will need to log out and/or reboot.

To uninstall them simply delete the files and log out and/or reboot.
I tried your profile, still has a little too much blue in it, you still get the cyan effect.
gar818 said:
EZ tune gives you the same options as the monitor calibrations, but in a software.

I realize that, but EzTune also presents pre-set patterns to help with the calibration process ....
JBall, thanks for the info on the BenQ, and keep us posted on your

On the 1:1 pixel mapping issue I was having, it turned out to be a glitch
with my DVHS VCR where you have to push a button twice for it to take
effect. 1:1 pixel mapping works fine in DVI mode with a HDMI source and
works fine with a component 1080i source.
Ok, Just got done with the calibration. I was successful with my first try, and I did it two more times just to be sure. The Benq calibrated wonderfully. Smooth gradients still, and no hint of color shifts like I had on the gateway.

In order to get this thing to proper Luminance levels, you have to bring the contrast WAAAY down just like the gateway. I personally do not like this level for everyday use, but it did match my prints very well. I think Ill bump up the contrast a few notches for everyday use.

To give you an idea to get 120 luminance on the Gateway, I had to bring the contrast down to 23..Again, I wouldnt use that level for anything else but photoediting.

Both monitors were quite easy to get to 6500 kelvin. I believe the Benq does have better black levels, as well as black detail, but somehow the colors were still a little more appealing to me on the Gateway, even after calibration. Or course I wasnt able to exactly calibrate it well (meaning smooth gradients) , so I pretty much used the Warm setting which registered about 6800 kelvin. The warm setting gave me the best natural grays and I had to do away with the icc profile I made.

At first I thought maybe my gretagmacbeth eyeone display was not working well after so many attemps with the gateway, but because on the benq, it was spot on with all 3 attempts, Im thinking its working fine.

I was going to post some pics, but it would only be on the benq, and I feel that, that probably belongs on the benq thread.So i didnt even bother with pictures.

Overall, the benq gives me the best control/image that I need, and its definitely the one I will keep.

I think if you are not into photo editing, and you are not able to see any of the flickering, then you will be fine with the Gateway. If in fact your monitor does have the flickering, I cannot possibly see how you couldnt notice it. It was THAT bad.

I cannot give you any testimony to any video source, or consoles, as I dont use my monitor for either application. Sorry bout that!

I absolutely cannot stand the button/menu interface of the benq. Wow, what a pain to use! Of course once you're set, you will rarely use it it. By comparsion, the Gateway was so simple to use.

I did find a bug in the gateway. When changing modes for example movie, warm, cool, user, etc... (I forget the names), if you scroll down to the last setting (User/custom), whatever you have set your R, G, and B on that custom setting, it will carry over to the other setting when you keep htting the down key, and it starts back over from the top. Whereas if you scroll down to the last setting, then go back up, all modes will be at default. Its kind of hard to explain but try it. You will see the differences if you try it.

Jball said:
Both monitors were quite easy to get to 6500 kelvin. I believe the Benq does have better black levels, as well as black detail, but somehow the colors were still a little more appealing to me on the Gateway, even after calibration. Or course I wasnt able to exactly calibrate it well (meaning smooth gradients) , so I pretty much used the Warm setting which registered about 6800 kelvin. The warm setting gave me the best natural grays and I had to do away with the icc profile I made.

Why not still use the icc profile to get the monitor the rest of the way to 6500K using the graphics card LUT? If the colors were "more appealing" on the Gateway, why go with the BenQ?

Jball said:
I did find a bug in the gateway. When changing modes for example movie, warm, cool, user, etc... (I forget the names), if you scroll down to the last setting (User/custom), whatever you have set your R, G, and B on that custom setting, it will carry over to the other setting when you keep htting the down key

Wow! Very interesting find there! I get the same behavior, except the "User" mode adjustments will never carry over into the "Warm" and "Cool" modes, even if I loop all the way around from the top. The carry-over bug stops at "Web". To test this I just cranked one of my User color channels all the way to 0 and it is obvious what is happening as you flip through the color modes.
Seemore said:
Why not still use the icc profile to get the monitor the rest of the way to 6500K using the graphics card LUT? If the colors were "more appealing" on the Gateway, why go with the BenQ?

Appealing and accurate are not the same, I should have explained.. I could probably get the same out of the benq, but my prints would not match what Im seeing on the monitor.

The blacks and the color banding on my Gateway is really noticible only while playing FEAR mainly, other games have em as well, but FEAR is the worst, anyone else?
Are all the color issues with the monitor visible on xbox 360? it seems like the people who've used it for that on this thread haven't really complained about it. ...unless I forgot, heh.

I'm waiting for my monitor to get shipped... I think a lot of people ordered on the free shipping day, so the 24" was temporarily out of stock, it seems. Maybe they've been quietly fixing all the heating/banding issues? nah... probably not.
I returned mine sunday. I really wish that they will fix the problems, when they do you can bet I'll be the first one in line. It's funny because I've built a new system specifically to push a 24" LCD, with Sli'd 8800 gtx's mind you, funny how things work out.
Some occasional tearing over 1080p with Xbox 360. I'm waiting for the Sceptre x24wg-naga or the BenQ fp241wz. I'll return this monitor if one of those two will do 1080p with the 360. Banding is there, but to be practical, you won't notice the banding while you are playing a video game or watching a movie. It's a personal choice, I think, whether you want to sit and scrutinize the details of a still image. I know the defect is there but it doesn't affect me.
I have saved a point in fear and checked the monitor cold and a while later hot, and it does seem to get worse after it has been running a while. I am refering to the trailing/ghosting people have been seeing. It is like a color ooze behind objects in motion.

I also tried running 360 over vga with the scaling set to wide and it leaves very noticeable lines on the bottom half of the screen.

Anyway, I think I am returning this tommorow, my 14 days is up and I have found too many things I am not happy with. I got this for 640 out the door so it is killing me, but I will be living with this monitor for a long time and I will pay extra for somthing I am happy with. Of course, now it seems the waiting game is on sence it dosn't seem there is anything I can get today that fits the bill.
There is no kill like overkill, It was time to upgrade any way. I also do a lot of CAD work and recently got a grant so I splurged.
I want to return this monitor and get the BENQ, my box got wet, nothing wrong with the monitor, box still in decent shape but kind of in a wierd shape, do you guys this i will have a hard time returning this, hasnt been 14 days yet, also i have the reciept.
Can you folks with issues with this display post video's or pic's of the problems. I have this display and notice absolutely nothing wrong with it. I only have a couple days left to return it if I find anything?