Gateway FPD2485W - 24" HD LCD

FerretBoi said:
I Tested 2 Dell 2407's and 2 Gateway 2485's here is a unprofessional pros and cons of both of them =p

Dell ~ The image was solid and uniform, I had no issues with ghosting, blurring, or flickering as I did with the 2485 in the 6 months I used it. This was the main reason why i liked it.

Dell ~ The 2407's lamp wasnt very bright altho i didnt notice the severity until I had the 2485 side by side with it, I didnt like when scrolling thru text that white letters would turn greenish. Obviously the banding issue. I was able to match the colors of the dell to the 2484 but i had to put the monitor into gaming mode which enabled the Fuju chip and increased banding issues.

Gateway - The Colors! Oooh the brightness! Everything was so clear and crisp it almost melted my eyes. The gateway no doubt has the better picture of the 2 and i wish i could have kept it if it wasnt for...

Gateway - The flickering in games and in the desktop, this monitor acts like a 80's TV with a faulty optical sensor for detecting light and dark rooms. After hours it would give me a migraine because of the constant flickering of the screen. Motion Blur in WoW was very noticeable also.

These issues happened in the desktop also, so no matter what FPS you are achiving it will always happen, Its just the nature of the Monitor.

For those having flickering issues, I suggest updating your video driver. Also, if you are using DVI, try playing with the DVI video mode functions under the Digital Panel Properties setting in ATI Catalyst Control Center. ATI driver has this feature, not sure if Nvidia does at well.
I have had mine for a few days!! I don't have the flickering problems and very little banding which I got rid of by calibrating it. This monitor is great for the money if you ask me! Using it over my dvi-d on a ATI X1950XTX it runs really well. The only thing you have to do is be sure and set v-sync to on in your games and that takes care of most tearing problems. Every LCD I have owned has had this including the Dell 2001 and 2005fpw so it is nothing new to me !! Also what the post above mine said about playing with the DVI settings in the Catylist Control Panel does make a difference in video ,games and just plain viewing
Want to see the type of flicker Im seeing?

Go to this website....

Move the Vertical window slider up and down at semi slow speeds, by left clicking and holding it down. See the blue background on both side of the window with a texture? On my monitor, with this kind of movement. The screen flickers like crazy!

Now try playing a game with all that going on...

I just saw this puppy at Best Buy. They had it hooked up via VGA sadly but at least was set to the panels native resolution. Unfortunately though the buzzing coming from it was audible even above the ambient noise and music in the store. Highly annoying. Is this level of buzzing normal? The 22in next to it didnt buzz at all that I could hear.
I have more than a few posts to respond to now, but here goes.

I don't have any other 24" displays available to me for a side-by-side comparison, so I can't help much there. Not having them side-by-side, though, I'm confident about saying that the Gateway is definitely brighter than the Dell 2005FPW but is less color accurate. The Apple 24" Cinema Display may be just as bright, and is also more color accurate than the Gateway.

In terms of viewing from an angle, this monitor has a strange behavior I haven't seen before. If you take the monitor with the factory defaults, it actually looks best from a 45 degree angle. At this angle, the dark grays brighten up and the blinding whites darken, so it looks really nice. As you move to looking at it straight on, the blacks get crushed and the whites go blinding.

After running some tests with the colorimeter, I found out that the "cyan push" I spoke of earlier actually only happens in the mid-tones. At the factory defaults, the whites and the blacks are spot on 6500K. The fact that I reduced the contrast to make the monitor less blinding brought the whites down into the range where the monitor pushes cyan.

I have also been experiencing the headaches people are talking about. I'm not sure what causes it, but I think it is the difference in color intensity that I get in each eye since the color varies so greatly by position. It could also be the brightness. I'm not sure though.

On the example images I posted with crushed blacks... If you can't see the difference, then your monitor is crushing blacks. ;-) (Thanks to everyone who posted the Pluges and such.)

By "no lamp intensity adjustment", I do mean that the light inside the monitor only shines at one intensity. If you make adjustments in the monitor controls that make the image appear darker, it is simply making the liquid crystal pixels block more of the light from escaping from behind the panel.

I'm starting to envision returning the Gateway and getting a BenQ FP241W when they fix the 1:1 pixel mapping problem. I just wish I could buy one at Best Buy.

JBall, great demo of the flickering! It's not all in my head after all. I tested that same page on the Dell 2001FP and it doesn't happen at all.

I used GretagMacbeth's EyeOne Match software to generate an ICC profile, and the corrected display looks MUCH better. However, you can't use an ICC profile to correct video playback, so that doesn't help for watching movies and such. My digital camera pictures look great now, though.

I'd like to post the ICC profile I made. Can anyone suggest a place for serving up non-image files? It's only 7KB.
Seemore said:
I'm starting to envision returning the Gateway and getting a BenQ FP241W when they fix the 1:1 pixel mapping problem. I just wish I could buy one at Best Buy.

Im in the same quandry. Best Buy Canada is starting to get these in, maybe we will get them here stateside.

My question is, If Im not hooking this thing up to anything but my PC, should I be concerned about 1:1 mapping?

Does newegg have a nice return policy?

FerretBoi said:
I Tested 2 Dell 2407's and 2 Gateway 2485's here is a unprofessional pros and cons of both of them =p

Wow... thanks... that is pretty wild. I wonder why the flickering...

Were you running all of them off DVI? (I won't be using VGA, only DVI)

Maybe some of the tips from Tim-in-CA will help? I'm anxious to hear. I could probably live with some of the other things... but if it flickers like that... I can't handle that.

JaconKin said:
Perhaps understanding what "black" is in video terminology will help you understand. This is taking from the Pluge test I had linked earlier.

Thanks for posting that.... I guess I'm just not familiar with this THX type of calibration. It just doesn't seem like any kind of monitor calibration I've seen that graphic artists use.

And... I still don't think it seems right that you would not see the first several steps of the gray scale. But, maybe for watching movies, this is the best way to be set up. I'll have to play with both one of these days when I get one. :)

Seemore said:
In terms of viewing from an angle, this monitor has a strange behavior I haven't seen before. If you take the monitor with the factory defaults, it actually looks best from a 45 degree angle. At this angle, the dark grays brighten up and the blinding whites darken, so it looks really nice. As you move to looking at it straight on, the blacks get crushed and the whites go blinding.

Wow... that doesn't sound good at all. I get some of that on my PowerBook LCD, but wouldn't expect this with this kind of LCD. And, from your description, it sounds much more severe than my PowerBook.

I also don't like the idea of the backlight running full blast all the time. I think you are correct that many others actually reduce it... though maybe not, and this one is just extremely bright.

What I'm NOT getting, is the huge range of views on this LCD here... many are saying that it is awesome and great, while some of you are pointing out some very serious issues. Is this the input being used? Or, maybe the video card? I'm assuming everyone is running it at native rez and basic stuff like that.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to look at one in a store one of these days. I'm at least familiar with the Dell 2405, and assume the 2407 is similar. I've not seen the BenQ, and probably won't get to unless I order one.

Thanks again,

Okay, the Gateway's win is revoked for the moment. After playing WoW I'm now seeing the "light/dark" flicker that others are reporting. Also when I jump my toon there's this weird, almost fluid light/dark anomaly that's freaking me out a bit. Probably just the same issue as the flickering.

I played around with the Digital Panel properties and other settings in the Catalyst Control Center to no avail, but I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who has been able to find a consistent remedy to the problem. Otherwise screen #3 is going back to Best Buy and I'll just get a monitor somewhere else. :(
Tim-in-CA said:
For those having flickering issues, I suggest updating your video driver. Also, if you are using DVI, try playing with the DVI video mode functions under the Digital Panel Properties setting in ATI Catalyst Control Center. ATI driver has this feature, not sure if Nvidia does at well.

been there done that, It also does it using Analog connection along with Digital using CAT 6.10 and CAT 6.11 , With DVI Freq. on / off ~ With AA on/off ~ with all the WoW settings at max and at bare min.

I cloned the 2485 beside 3 others that didnt show the problem ( 17 Inch Gateway LCD , Dell 2407 and NEC FP2141SB-BK ) so its not the graphics card.

SteveW928 said:
Wow... thanks... that is pretty wild. I wonder why the flickering...

Were you running all of them off DVI? (I won't be using VGA, only DVI)

Maybe some of the tips from Tim-in-CA will help? I'm anxious to hear. I could probably live with some of the other things... but if it flickers like that... I can't handle that.


^^ read above ~ Other people that purchased it at my BestBuy are also returning theres that I recommended the monitor to. Its just causing the problem on too many machines with diverse hardware to not be the monitor :(


The flickering that people are actually seeing when objects are moving is not actually flickering but the motion blur to the smallest degree, Its awful on this monitor that things are leaving a "trail" behind them, I'm playing WoW not Tron light cycles. Since the NEC 24 inch BeAllEndAll monitor is taking soon long to be released I might end up just trying a few Samsung 225bw's until I get one thats nice.. The thread on the forum has shining reviews and it cost 1/2 of the 2485.
FerretBoi said:
I might end up just trying a few Samsung 225bw's until I get one thats nice.. The thread on the forum has shining reviews and it cost 1/2 of the 2485.

I have a feeling I'll be doing exactly the same thing - I'm tired of lugging boxes to and from Best Buy, hehe.

Although - the more duds I receive, the more attractive that 20.1" NEC is looking . . .
jmb2112 said:
I have a feeling I'll be doing exactly the same thing - I'm tired of lugging boxes to and from Best Buy, hehe.

Although - the more duds I receive, the more attractive that 20.1" NEC is looking . . .

Yea... the 20 inch NEC is what I wanted from the beginning, But i'm already using a 21 inch CRT and I dont want to go down no matter the size ~ to tell you the truth I wish I really hung on to my Dell 2407 I got from Costco before really breaking in the 2485 so I could have something to fall back onto ....

The good thing about buying from BB is you can choose Overnight $50 shipping from the website, get it the next day and if its bunk in anyway they will refund the total + your outragous shipping cost =p They were totally unhappy when me and my GF walked in with a bunch of 24inchers to return to them. :D

SamsClub does have the Samsung 225bw for $350 and with the 6 month return policy you cant really lose atleast giving it a try.
The flickering that people are actually seeing when objects are moving is not actually flickering but the motion blur to the smallest degree, Its awful on this monitor that things are leaving a "trail" behind them, I'm playing WoW not Tron light cycles. Since the NEC 24 inch BeAllEndAll monitor is taking soon long to be released I might end up just trying a few Samsung 225bw's until I get one thats nice.. The thread on the forum has shining reviews and it cost 1/2 of the 2485.[/QUOTE]

The NEC 2490WUXi will be released 1 month from today (give or take a day or two) with product available the following week.
travbomb said:
The flickering that people are actually seeing when objects are moving is not actually flickering but the motion blur to the smallest degree, Its awful on this monitor that things are leaving a "trail" behind them, I'm playing WoW not Tron light cycles. Since the NEC 24 inch BeAllEndAll monitor is taking soon long to be released I might end up just trying a few Samsung 225bw's until I get one thats nice.. The thread on the forum has shining reviews and it cost 1/2 of the 2485.

The NEC 2490WUXi will be released 1 month from today (give or take a day or two) with product available the following week.[/QUOTE]

Mmmm but where will it be released tho :( I want to snab it from somewhere where I can return it locally like CC or BestBuy... then again it IS a NEC <3
travbomb said:
The flickering that people are actually seeing when objects are moving is not actually flickering but the motion blur to the smallest degree, Its awful on this monitor that things are leaving a "trail" behind them, I'm playing WoW not Tron light cycles.

Yep, it's absurd to pay ~$700 for a monitor and see issues such as this one.

I'm not terribly educated on the subject of monitor technology, so pardon my ignorance - but if it's motion blur, why am I only seeing it on certain colors/textures? Everything else (even in-game where there "flickering" occurs) looks fine. It almost looks like an issue I had with the FPD2275W where certain terrain objects would "vibrate" (particularly grass and trees in WoW) until I adjusted some random digital panel setting in Catalyst CC.
FerretBoi said:
The NEC 2490WUXi will be released 1 month from today (give or take a day or two) with product available the following week.

Mmmm but where will it be released tho :( I want to snab it from somewhere where I can return it locally like CC or BestBuy... then again it IS a NEC <3[/QUOTE]

I think you know as well as I that the NEC 90 series arent retail sort of products and wont be sold in stores like Best Buys and CC's. Sorry. I am sure NewEgg or shoudl have some good pricing on it though.
jmb2112 said:
Yep, it's absurd to pay ~$700 for a monitor and see issues such as this one.

I'm not terribly educated on the subject of monitor technology, so pardon my ignorance - but if it's motion blur, why am I only seeing it on certain colors/textures? Everything else (even in-game where there "flickering" occurs) looks fine. It almost looks like an issue I had with the FPD2275W where certain terrain objects would "vibrate" (particularly grass and trees in WoW) until I adjusted some random digital panel setting in Catalyst CC.

I dunno, I see so many annoyances with the monitor I really couldnt tell ya...or for that matter put into words what I'm actually seeing to a well enough degree that most of you would understand. Other then the Light/Dark Flickering, the Purple/Green/Clean Negative Trails on certain things, It also would make certain textures "Blurry" as you were running away or towards them. Most noticeable on Characters names above their heads.

travbomb said:
I think you know as well as I that the NEC 90 series arent retail sort of products and wont be sold in stores like Best Buys and CC's. Sorry. I am sure NewEgg or shoudl have some good pricing on it though.

Yea... But im obsessed with trying LCD's before I buy and the price of the 24 incher will explode my wallet ;p Is it still going to be around $1300-$1400 for the 24 inch?
More Flicker Studies....

Try This as well...

Load Photoshop or an other "paint" program you have that has a "texture" filter

Create an 800x600 Blank canvas. I chose this size so that I can move the image around, you can go smaller or bigger.

Fill it with any color, doesnt matter, it will do it on just about any color.

Then add a texture. In photoshop, I used the Sandstone Filter, Under Filter/Filter Gallery/Texture.

Save image to Desktop.Use whatever jpeg compression ya want. I used "1" for a 100k file.

Load Image with viewer (I use ACDSee) Dont stretch the image, just view full size. In other words 1:1

Now move the window containing the newly created image around your desktop and watch the the disco light show. Monitor strobes/ flickers all over the place. Move it slow to better see it.


It does appear to be some kind of lag of sorts....

Needless to say, I have ordered the benq, and when it arrives this is going back to BB.

How can you possibly notice this flickering/ghosting when you are playing the games? I haven't seen anything like this.

BTW, you have until January 8, 2007 to return this monitor at BestBuy.

So that means that if BenQ actually comes through with a fix for the FP241W/Z that supports 1:1 pixel mapping on all video inputs, I'll probably switch just because of the HDMI so I can hook up more devices (PC with DVI, Xbox with VGA, Wii with component, PS3 with HDMI).
Once again, before returning this monitor (not because of quality, but because of my money situation :) ) I tested games like WoW, COD, etc. In no way did I experience what these few individuals did ( flickering, motion blur, whatever the hell you want to call it ). I believe it's more of a problem with sensitive eyes rather than the monitor itself. No, that doesn't mean the problems don't exist on the monitor but they seem to only exist for certain people. If you're eyes are sensitive, don't get the monitor. It's not perfect and still has it flaws but I don't like seeing people bash it hardcore when in reality most of the issues stem from their eyes.
RyanGrob said:
Once again, before returning this monitor (not because of quality, but because of my money situation :) ) I tested games like WoW, COD, etc. In no way did I experience what these few individuals did ( flickering, motion blur, whatever the hell you want to call it ). I believe it's more of a problem with sensitive eyes rather than the monitor itself. No, that doesn't mean the problems don't exist on the monitor but they seem to only exist for certain people. If you're eyes are sensitive, don't get the monitor. It's not perfect and still has it flaws but I don't like seeing people bash it hardcore when in reality most of the issues stem from their eyes.

Im not bashing the monitor, Im passing on my experience with it. Its true it may be a eyes thing, though I dont believe it to be so. Then again, some people are sensitive to DLP rainbows, Im not one of them..

In WOW i havent noticed the flicker, but I only just started this game, and I am surrounded by snow. In other words bright textures. so I have yet to see it. The most offending game by far was Half Life 2 in the sewers section. It was so bad, it was unplayable. Far Cry had it, but it wasnt so distracting. Though it was there.

Thats not even my big concern though. As i stated earlier, I do a LOT of photo editing, and when I bring this monitor down to the levels needed for proper editing, I get green and pink/red banding in gray gradients. I only go into this mode when photo editing .Blacks are indeed crushed when viewing head on, no matter what the contrast, which is rather strange as they are fine off axis. Everything else I bring the contrast back up, and the banding is gone, blacks still crushed though. This is slight mind you.

Something else I did notice this morning, is that the banding is a little worse via DVI, than VGA.

For some, this monitor will be nice. I even like the controls, while others have not. My immediate reaction when seeing it next to the gateway 22, is that there is no comparison. Everything on this monitor was crisp. The 22 looked rather dull, and slightly blurry.

I may get the benq and find its worse, then Ill be up a creek, as I dont think I have such a good return policy on it.

pNin01 said:
How can you possibly notice this flickering/ghosting when you are playing the games? I haven't seen anything like this.

RyanGrob said:
I believe it's more of a problem with sensitive eyes rather than the monitor itself. No, that doesn't mean the problems don't exist on the monitor but they seem to only exist for certain people. If you're eyes are sensitive, don't get the monitor. It's not perfect and still has it flaws but I don't like seeing people bash it hardcore when in reality most of the issues stem from their eyes.

The far more likely explanation is that you both happened to luck out and get two panels without the issue, or that have it to a more minimal extent. Every screen is different, and even dirt-cheap monitors can occasionally produce satisfactory results.

I can assure you that after using both the 22" (no flicker at all, just backlight bleed) and the 24" that the flickering isn't based in my eyesight. Even my girlfriend who could care less about detailed monitor quality was disturbed by the effect. Besides, nobody's bashing it, just reporting our experiences - which is what we're supposed to do here. ;)
Sorry if I came off on the defensive side, I just felt like when other people were explaining their problems they blamed the monitor as a whole and maybe not a bad batch they received. I didn't mean to be defensive about sharing your opinions - that's what helps people decide their purchases and in no way should I have lashed out for others doing so. Continue on :)
I don't really have much problems with flickering, when playing games. only thing that bothers me is the banding when i play ps3 games. when the screen fades in and out, i can see the steps in the fading.
I dunno, when you recieve 3 monitors 1 from a local store, and 2 you bought from an online store and all 3 are doing the exact same thing +/- to an extent you cant really blame it on sensitive eyes.
I don't have this monitor yet, still trying to find THE monitor. Just a quick question I wanted to ask. With these problems, what video card does it happens with. What brand and model?


Edit: I forget to asked which DVI port are you using? The Non-Integrated T.M.D.S. port or the Integrated T.M.D.S. port?
Waterboy said:
I don't have this monitor yet, still trying to find THE monitor. Just a quick question I wanted to ask. With these problems, what video card does it happens with. What brand and model?


my video card is a ATI X1900XT 512meg CAT 6.10 and CAT6.11
Jball said:
IThe most offending game by far was Half Life 2 in the sewers section. It was so bad, it was unplayable. Far Cry had it, but it wasnt so distracting. Though it was there.

Say it ain't so! Half Life 2 is unplayable on this monitor? Well that's gonna suck. I just ordered one from Gateway (they're 2 weeks backordered). Someone please tell me they can plan HL2 on this monitor!

tpapa said:
Say it ain't so! Half Life 2 is unplayable on this monitor? Well that's gonna suck. I just ordered one from Gateway (they're 2 weeks backordered). Someone please tell me they can plan HL2 on this monitor!


he did say in the sewer section so it might ok everywhere else. i'll try it out tonight and see how it goes.
tpapa said:
Say it ain't so! Half Life 2 is unplayable on this monitor? Well that's gonna suck. I just ordered one from Gateway (they're 2 weeks backordered). Someone please tell me they can plan HL2 on this monitor!


Half Life 2 was screwed up pretty good on the 2 monitors i tried it out on...
I think I'm about to give up on this monitor... seems like there are too many issues (although in the case of the 360 it could be the hardware not the monitor). :(

I'm about to just settle for a similar-sized LCD TV instead...
FerretBoi said:
Half Life 2 was screwed up pretty good on the 2 monitors i tried it out on...

I have a few days to cancel the order. If I can't find someone to confirm that HL2 plays on this monitor then I'll wait for a different model/vendor. I currently use a Samsung SyncMaster 204B and absolutely love just looking for the bigger screen but am not willing to get a bigger screen if the video experience is terrible for gaming since this is what the thing will be used for.

iketeru said:
I think I'm about to give up on this monitor... seems like there are too many issues (although in the case of the 360 it could be the hardware not the monitor). :(

I'm about to just settle for a similar-sized LCD TV instead...

I'm with you iketeru. I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this puppy. If the Sammy 244T wasn't so darn expensive it would be a no brainer for me. Any feedback on that monitor?

The Samsung monitor, IMO, is horrible. Input lag. That along with the Dell 24" have been ruled out for all their flaws by me long ago.

I'm down to the BenQ (both), Gateway, NEC, and LG.
tpapa said:
I have a few days to cancel the order. If I can't find someone to confirm that HL2 plays on this monitor then I'll wait for a different model/vendor. I currently use a Samsung SyncMaster 204B and absolutely love just looking for the bigger screen but am not willing to get a bigger screen if the video experience is terrible for gaming since this is what the thing will be used for.


I have played HL2 and Prey and have had no issue with the monitor. I pumped all the settings to their max on HL2 and still did not see any of the video issues. You may see some tearing, but that's because Wait for VSync is disabled by default ... if you enable that, you will not see this (this is typical of other monitors I have had). Also, the going bright and dark and bright is an effect of HDR lighting effects in HL2. It can get annoying, but once again, it is the same on others I have seen. I think that you will be very happy with the display ... good luck ....
pNin01 said:
How can you possibly notice this flickering/ghosting when you are playing the games? I haven't seen anything like this.

BTW, you have until January 8, 2007 to return this monitor at BestBuy.

So that means that if BenQ actually comes through with a fix for the FP241W/Z that supports 1:1 pixel mapping on all video inputs, I'll probably switch just because of the HDMI so I can hook up more devices (PC with DVI, Xbox with VGA, Wii with component, PS3 with HDMI).

Just asking, are you sure we have till Jan 8th. I know you are saying that because the gift purchase thing, but does that count for opened items? Also, is the return on this monitor definently 14 days?
Hey you guys. I just got this screen a few days ago, and so far so good. I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to see the viewsonic 2025 next to the gateway. Or any photos in general.

If so tell me of what and I'll get some for ya.

BPini said:
Just asking, are you sure we have till Jan 8th. I know you are saying that because the gift purchase thing, but does that count for opened items? Also, is the return on this monitor definently 14 days?

When I bought my monitor, the salesmen noticed my slight hesitation, and said, "hey Man, take it home and try it out, If ya dont like it, you have 14 days to return it without being charged a restocking fee". I bought this monitor on Nov 28th. Since I will take it back, Im not gonna risk going beyond 14 days.

On my receipt it says and I quote

"Gift Purchases made November 1 - December 24 2006 qualify for an extended return
(Policy excludes Computers and Notebooks)
Last Day for 14 day products Jan 8
Last day for 30 day products Jan 24"

Nothing about opened items, I can ask when I take it back. But you know how that goes, he said, she said, Most clerks have the wrong info, so be aware.

Jball said:
When I bought my monitor, the salesmen noticed my slight hesitation, and said, "hey Man, take it home and try it out, If ya dont like it, you have 14 days to return it without being charged a restocking fee". I bought this monitor on Nov 28th. Since I will take it back, Im not gonna risk going beyond 14 days.

On my receipt it says and I quote

"Gift Purchases made November 1 - December 24 2006 qualify for an extended return
(Policy excludes Computers and Notebooks)
Last Day for 14 day products Jan 8
Last day for 30 day products Jan 24"

Nothing about opened items, I can ask when I take it back. But you know how that goes, he said, she said, Most clerks have the wrong info, so be aware.


Yea, i hear you. You never know what kind of answer you are going to get. I am not totally happy with this monitor, but I don't know if I can hold out to see if the fix for the benq happens soon or the nec hits the street at a price I can handle. That, and I got this one for a good price, which makes it harder to return.