Gateway FHD2400

Well all I can say is purchase that warranty from Circuit City... and pray that they don't go out of business anytime soon (the rumors are starting that HH Greg may be buying them out).

I myself if you can, would take it back and wait a month or so... Best Buy said that it is on manufacturers back order... so they could be producing another revision (23r?) which fixes the BLB...

I don't think anyone has NOT experienced BLB with this monitor... or at least I haven't seen anyone post it here.
Are you using the 1:1 mode for scaling? If not, it'll look horrid no matter what.

Yes, I've tried 1:1 scaling and it gave me bars, as expected. Even tried paranomic, everything looks ugly. The VGA looks ugly because the colors are not as good as they should be. I want to add color, not brightness and contrast. With component I'm able to add saturation, which really helps, but then everything isn't crystal clear. So, does anyone have a specific setting for your Xbox 360? Thanks!
1:1 is what you should be using... bars are normal... you have a 1200 pixel height on this monitor... your 360 will only display a max of 1080.... if you are not using 1:1, then the image will be distorted...

not sure about the 360 settings, but I was under the impression that you cant get full 1080p without HDMI (360 elite).
1:1 is what you should be using... bars are normal... you have a 1200 pixel height on this monitor... your 360 will only display a max of 1080.... if you are not using 1:1, then the image will be distorted...

not sure about the 360 settings, but I was under the impression that you cant get full 1080p without HDMI (360 elite).

Actually, the 360 does 1080p over all the connections now. I think what he's referring to is the difference -- at times, dramatic -- between how the 360 displays component and VGA output. The component connection is seriously super-saturated with color, whereas the VGA out displays a "truer" picture, in some respects. I myself prefer the VGA out, but others disagree. You might want to try playing with the gamma settings on the 360.
Was that in an update? I thought when the 360 first came out it wouldn't do 1080p over component?

Maybe he hasn't updated his 360?

Regardless, anyone heard anything from Gateway as to why there is a backorder?
Was that in an update? I thought when the 360 first came out it wouldn't do 1080p over component?

Maybe he hasn't updated his 360?

Regardless, anyone heard anything from Gateway as to why there is a backorder?

Well, here's day two of using my monitor, everything still looks amazing when using DVI. No backlight bleeding at all. Yes, my 360 is updated, it's mandatory to update the console if you want to play on Xbox Live. Also, the 360 supports 1080P over HDMI, Component and VGA. I have all of the 360 cables, EXCEPT for the HDMI cable. I shouldn't have to purchase an HDMI cable to get the full potential of this monitor. Also, it's not only sharpness that is the problem, it's the colors. When I play around with the gamma, it seems as if it does nothing at all. Thanks for the replies guys, I really appreciate it.
If they fix the BLB in another revision I will buy this again I havent found A replacement yet after two days of looking Samsung 2493HM looks nice on paper or the Dell 2408. I wish Benq would come with A 24inch X series
I am about to pull the trigger on this monitor is this still one of the top choices for a gaming monitor out there today? Any suggestions or items to watch out for?
if you buy it from CC just make sure to check the BLB before 14 days is Up they should still have it for 499.00 I had Rev 21R and 22R both had the problem if they fix it I will but it again TN or not the Imange was great for me
Why is everything so dark? Even with brightness and contrast to 100%, it's still dark.

Wow -- this is the brightest monitor I have ever sat at, and I work with computers of all kinds for a living! My brightness is actually down to 5 because it's so bright. If yours is dark at 100%, I'd definitely consider a possible malfunction...
Wow -- this is the brightest monitor I have ever sat at, and I work with computers of all kinds for a living! My brightness is actually down to 5 because it's so bright. If yours is dark at 100%, I'd definitely consider a possible malfunction...

It's dark when using the VGA or Component inputs. Wow, if you have your brightness at 5, everything is so dark, even when in DVI mode. I leave it at 60% brightness and that's perfect for me (when using computer in DVI mode).
Wow, if I can't get the 360 to look good on this damn monitor, it's going to get returned for the Samsung 245BW and I'll just use the VGA port on there for my 360. Since this can't even create a clear picture for any other inputs besides DVI and HDMI. Everything else is terrible. By the way, day 3: no backlight bleed.
Wow, if I can't get the 360 to look good on this damn monitor, it's going to get returned for the Samsung 245BW and I'll just use the VGA port on there for my 360. Since this can't even create a clear picture for any other inputs besides DVI and HDMI. Everything else is terrible. By the way, day 3: no backlight bleed.
The BLB probably takes more than a couple of days to manifest. I doubt you will ever notice it since you're taking the monitor back for another one. It's probably for the best.
Yeah, but I don't want to return it. I just wish that it looked really good when using my 360. Is the Samsung 245BW another good alternative? If I don't care about the extra inputs..
Wow, if I can't get the 360 to look good on this damn monitor, it's going to get returned for the Samsung 245BW and I'll just use the VGA port on there for my 360. Since this can't even create a clear picture for any other inputs besides DVI and HDMI. Everything else is terrible. By the way, day 3: no backlight bleed.

I don't understand. VGA looks fine for me with the 360. So did component, although the blacks were crushed with component. If you are referring specifically to the dashboard, then yes, it's not crystal clear. But the games look a lot nicer than the dashboard. This has been my experience with several monitors.
I don't understand. VGA looks fine for me with the 360. So did component, although the blacks were crushed with component. If you are referring specifically to the dashboard, then yes, it's not crystal clear. But the games look a lot nicer than the dashboard. This has been my experience with several monitors.
Yes, I'm talking about the default theme on the dashboard and when I'm in my guide menu, everything is ugly and not clear and so dark. I don't understand when you say the blacks were crushed, what do you mean?
Yes, I'm talking about the default theme on the dashboard and when I'm in my guide menu, everything is ugly and not clear and so dark. I don't understand when you say the blacks were crushed, what do you mean?
On my screen, I wouldn't describe the dashboard as ugly; far from it. It's just not crystal clear, but that is to be expected because 1) the dashboard is not displayed at 1080p natively, and 2) it's an analog signal. It's not dark, either, but is perfectly bright. I find the monitor to have good contrast over VGA, but with component it's a lot harder to see in dark areas but still certainly playable. Can you post a picture of what you are seeing? I have very few issues using my Xbox 360 over VGA with this monitor. In fact the only one issue is that sometimes the FHD2400 doesn't sync well with the 360 and there will be a tear horizontally along the middle of the screen, but this is remedied by turning the screen on and off.
If you feel like the screen is unnaturally dark, then I may have an idea of what you are experiencing. At one point my Wii over component became dark to the point where I was having a hard time discerning details in the games. I posted how I was able to get the monitor to readjust earlier in this thread. If I remember correctly, I simply viewed my PC (over DVI-D) and turned on the PIP function to view the component input (which was displaying the Wii). I then swapped the two sources so that the Wii was the main display and my brightness was fixed.
If you are having trouble with it now, just wait until you finally see the BLB... The one I got after exchanging my first one had it from day one... and now it has gotten 10x worse since then even... Not as bad as the last one was after almost 2 weeks, but close, and I've only had it since Saturday.

Oh and I just talked to every department at Gateway... NO ONE has any idea as to why it is on back order... They don't show it as being on back order. So the thing isn't being fixed.

And they don't want to make note of any of the problems... they just brush it off that it has back light bleeding.


Won't be getting it again...
Oh, and I have the horizontal line with my PS3 now on my 22R revision model. The 21R revision did not have the horizontal line.
WOW! Thank you! When I did the PIP Swap with my DVI input (computer) everything was super bright when I swapped it back to 360 (component), now..everything looks much better, still not crystal clear (for the reasons you lised), but I did the PIP Swap in 720P for the 360. I'll try it in 1080P after this message, will I have to keep swapping between the inputs in order for me to get this kind of picture? Thanks again! The text and the black details were really dark and I wasn't able to distinguish grey from black. Thanks again and for everyone else that has helped me!
WOW! Thank you! When I did the PIP Swap with my DVI input (computer) everything was super bright when I swapped it back to 360 (component), now..everything looks much better, still not crystal clear (for the reasons you lised), but I did the PIP Swap in 720P for the 360. I'll try it in 1080P after this message, will I have to keep swapping between the inputs in order for me to get this kind of picture? Thanks again! The text and the black details were really dark and I wasn't able to distinguish grey from black. Thanks again and for everyone else that has helped me!

You're welcome. I haven't had a brightness problem with the 360 but only with the Wii over component, I've only had to do it that once and haven't had that problem again (which has been maybe two months ago).
Why is everything you say in past-tense form? Did you get rid of this monitor? Also, 1080P looks worse than 720P, 720P looks the best, for some weird reason. Is there something wrong with the monitor or my cable?
Oh, and I have the horizontal line with my PS3 now on my 22R revision model. The 21R revision did not have the horizontal line.

I'm sorry, what horizontal line are you referring to?

And as far as the backlight bleed is concerned, these manufacturers are aware of it and won't do anything about it. For an example, just look at Dell's forums. They have official employees addressing backlight bleeding as a normal drawback to buying cheaper LCDs.
Before it was stolen my Sony SDM-HS95P had no BLB at all... Best monitor ever... these manufacturers need to stop saying that it is normal... it is not. And PROGRESSIVE BLB is VERY FAR from normal.

The line I was talking about was the one you guys were talking about... where if you turn off the monitor and then back on again, it goes away. It did not do that on my last FHD2400... only on the replacement.

I talked to Dell tonight... They said the 2408wfp isn't even listed as an upcoming monitor. No release date... so who knows..
hooray! exchanged my august man. monitor at bestbuy and got a september one. Almost no backlight bleed. Also there are new options, color saturation and hue as well. Totally sweet!:cool:
You know, this may be just the power of negative thinking, but I swear my viewing angles have degraded as well.

Could this be somehow related to the coating on the panel or something of that nature?
Why is everything you say in past-tense form? Did you get rid of this monitor? Also, 1080P looks worse than 720P, 720P looks the best, for some weird reason. Is there something wrong with the monitor or my cable?
I am still chugging away with this monitor. I am happy with its quality as a gaming monitor as well as its image. I am just disappointed by the backlight leaking and am looking closely at the Dell 2408WFP, which promises to use a higher quality panel with a 6 ms response time (concerned about input lag, though).

For me, 1080p or 720p on the Xbox 360 doen't look any different as far as the dashboard is concerned... It could be the cable, I guess. I'm using Microsoft's VGA cable. I don't if there are any other ones besides that one.
You know, this may be just the power of negative thinking, but I swear my viewing angles have degraded as well.

Could this be somehow related to the coating on the panel or something of that nature?

I haven't noticed anything like this. If anything, I've become less aware of the limited viewing angle probably because I've become used to? If I notice any degradation, though, I'll post it. Perhaps you are thinking there is a decreased viewing angle because of the increased BLB causing more washout?
I haven't noticed anything like this. If anything, I've become less aware of the limited viewing angle probably because I've become used to? If I notice any degradation, though, I'll post it. Perhaps you are thinking there is a decreased viewing angle because of the increased BLB causing more washout?

You're right that it may be related to the increased BLB. But I guess that's even more of a reason to be concerned with the progressive BLB issue. . . .
My September revision was also perfect... but in two weeks it degraded bad.

And I agree... when the BLB got worse and worse, the viewing angle did as well.

It must be some sort of coating they are using... perhaps under excessive use, it melts off from the heat?

Has anyone attempted to repair their own like that person did on the other monitor in this forum? Where he/she used electrical tape around the edges of the panel and the BLB went away?
My September revision was also perfect... but in two weeks it degraded bad.

And I agree... when the BLB got worse and worse, the viewing angle did as well.

It must be some sort of coating they are using... perhaps under excessive use, it melts off from the heat?

Has anyone attempted to repair their own like that person did on the other monitor in this forum? Where he/she used electrical tape around the edges of the panel and the BLB went away?

I haven't had a similar degradation. Are you talking about vertical viewing angles (especially from underneath)? The horizontal angles are still good right?
I know I'm going to regret posting this now (you know, famous last words and all)...

But just to provide some counter-balance, I have been using this monitor (September build IIRC) since I bought it in early December. With my graduate school work, I'd say I have used it on an average of ~4 hours on weeknights (often more), ~7 hours on weekends. Mine has shown no signs of BLB yet.

My 360 looks very good on the monitor (I use the VGA cable). I have not hooked up the Wii to it yet though so I cannot comment on the component connection.

I mentioned a while back on this thread that I do have one issue with the monitor. My M1330 only has HDMI and VGA outputs. The monitor connects fine with the VGA, but I cannot display through the monitor using:

1) HDMI (computer) to HDMI (monitor)
2) HDMI (computer) to DVI (monitor)

In fact, when I do plug the monitor into the M1330's HDMI port, Vista instantly crashes! And it tries to "repair" the system on startup if I leave it plugged in. Of course, it never "fixes" the problem.

I know the HDMI port on the FHD2400 works fine with the PS3. But I also know the M1330's HDMI works fine with my Dell monitor at work when I use an HDMI-to-DVI converter cable. Is it possible that there is some Nvidia driver or Vista issue which results in compatibility problems with these two specific devices. I've not seen anyone else using the same combination or expressing the same problem. Anyone else?
It would seem quite strange for the monitor to be at fault for your computer crashing. All I can recommend is updating your drivers, perhaps by foregoing dell and going directly to the manufacturer's site, but you've probably already tried this. You are so lucky to not have backlight bleed after 4 months.
You know what? I realized that my viewing angle has gotten worse also. I just got my Dell 2208WFP in today and I'm gonna do some comparisons before I pack this GW POS and take it back to BB tomorrow morning.
It would seem quite strange for the monitor to be at fault for your computer crashing. All I can recommend is updating your drivers, perhaps by foregoing dell and going directly to the manufacturer's site, but you've probably already tried this.
Thanks. I've tried all the drivers (from Dell & Nvidia), but get the exact same thing every time. It gives me a BSOD (different than I've seen in previous versions of windows).

You are so lucky to not have backlight bleed after 4 months.
Well, technically it's only been 2 months, but it's really a top-notch monitor. If I hadn't read about the prevalent BLB problem, I'd recommend it to anyone in a second. But If I can get the M1330 to connect to the new Dell 2408 via HDMI, I'm going to have to sell the FHD2400. It's too bad because otherwise it is perfect.
I know I'm going to regret posting this now (you know, famous last words and all)...

But just to provide some counter-balance, I have been using this monitor (September build IIRC) since I bought it in early December. With my graduate school work, I'd say I have used it on an average of ~4 hours on weeknights (often more), ~7 hours on weekends. Mine has shown no signs of BLB yet.

My 360 looks very good on the monitor (I use the VGA cable). I have not hooked up the Wii to it yet though so I cannot comment on the component connection.

I mentioned a while back on this thread that I do have one issue with the monitor. My M1330 only has HDMI and VGA outputs. The monitor connects fine with the VGA, but I cannot display through the monitor using:

1) HDMI (computer) to HDMI (monitor)
2) HDMI (computer) to DVI (monitor)

In fact, when I do plug the monitor into the M1330's HDMI port, Vista instantly crashes! And it tries to "repair" the system on startup if I leave it plugged in. Of course, it never "fixes" the problem.

I know the HDMI port on the FHD2400 works fine with the PS3. But I also know the M1330's HDMI works fine with my Dell monitor at work when I use an HDMI-to-DVI converter cable. Is it possible that there is some Nvidia driver or Vista issue which results in compatibility problems with these two specific devices. I've not seen anyone else using the same combination or expressing the same problem. Anyone else?

What settings do you have set for your 360 connected to VGA? My VGA looks pretty bad, the component looks much, much better. It's too bad the orange colors are now yellow, I don't know why either.
Horizontal and vertical viewing angles degraded... Had my 2 friends over yesterday and they looked at it and both said "That is the worst looking monitor I have EVER seen". They saw my first one (the 21r revision) on the first day that I had it and loved it.

They specifically also stated that the viewing angle was HORRIBLE now. They noticed it because the first day I had the original one, we played Rock Band... so we had people all over my living room and everyone said how good it looked.

The horizontal viewing angle is now about 30 degrees to either side.... :(

Vertical is worse than before but not as drastic.
Just returned the FHD2400, in exchange for the Samsung 245BW. I loved the Gateway monitor when using the DVI port and I had absolutly NO backlight bleeding for the 4-5 days I had it. It's just that when the 360 was connected via VGA or Component, it just looked bad, compared to my old 700:1 Proview 22" monitor (which looked much better than the FHD2400 in that aspect.