Gateway FHD2400

Well, unfortunately today I started getting MASSIVE Backlight Bleeding... Just out of the blue, the bottom of the screen today started BLEEDING BAD. It's so bad that it comes up at least 4 inches from the bottom of the screen.

This really sucks, because there are no pixels out... and there wasn't any backlight bleeding at all before...

Has anyone had luck returning and getting one that NEVER starts to bleed?
Well, unfortunately today I started getting MASSIVE Backlight Bleeding... Just out of the blue, the bottom of the screen today started BLEEDING BAD. It's so bad that it comes up at least 4 inches from the bottom of the screen.

This really sucks, because there are no pixels out... and there wasn't any backlight bleeding at all before...

Has anyone had luck returning and getting one that NEVER starts to bleed?

Did you move or rotate it? I'm wondering if some of this is related to easily damaged panels...
fvck this monitor, dude I'm getting a Dell. My BLB is now very noticable. I'm bout to take my chances with the new 2408WFP.

The only thing I really liked about this Gateway was the OSD. That's it...
Nope... haven't moved it or rotated it at all... just normal use over the last week and a half... and all of a sudden last night it just got brighter... I actually saw it happen...

Maybe there is some sort of coating that gets burnt off after a certain time frame???

14 days is up on Sunday, so I have to decide what to do by tomorrow... Should I return it and try another? or are ALL of them susceptible to this problem? I like the monitor other than that... In fact before the BLB it was probably my favorite monitor yet... besides my Sony that got stolen over the holiday break.
I bought this monitor when it first came out, I returned the first one because it had a scratch, but my second one is fine. There is very light backlight bleed on the bottom, but that is it. Not noticeable unless the entire screen is black and the room is black as well. I am quite happy with mine.
Well I know some claim maybe it isnt really progressive back light bleeding...But I INSURE YOU IT IS. It's not just because I didn't pay attention... trust me I looked for it...

Besides, it is so bad now that it shows up on EVERY SCREEN regardless of how dark or bright what I am viewing is. I can even see it in bright images... the left edge, bottom and the top are by far the worst... approximately 5 inches down from the top... about an inch from the left.... and about 4 inches from the bottom.... The right side has some but not noticeable much.... In addition there is starting to be some in the middle of the screen as well.

Is there a coating that burns off due to overheating perhaps??? I don't know much about the architecture of TN panels....

Now I want to get that new Dell that isnt a TN panel... but Best Buy doesn't carry it and I need my monitor for a quiz I have to take this weekend. If I return this to Best Buy and exchange it, do they give you another 14 days to evaluate it?
fvck this monitor, dude I'm getting a Dell. My BLB is now very noticable. I'm bout to take my chances with the new 2408WFP.

The only thing I really liked about this Gateway was the OSD. That's it...

Aren't you taking a big risk on input lag? Though I'm not sure if that's your main concern, but coming from a fast TN, I think you're gonna notice.
Well I know some claim maybe it isnt really progressive back light bleeding...But I INSURE YOU IT IS. It's not just because I didn't pay attention... trust me I looked for it...

Besides, it is so bad now that it shows up on EVERY SCREEN regardless of how dark or bright what I am viewing is. I can even see it in bright images... the left edge, bottom and the top are by far the worst... approximately 5 inches down from the top... about an inch from the left.... and about 4 inches from the bottom.... The right side has some but not noticeable much.... In addition there is starting to be some in the middle of the screen as well.

Is there a coating that burns off due to overheating perhaps??? I don't know much about the architecture of TN panels....

Now I want to get that new Dell that isnt a TN panel... but Best Buy doesn't carry it and I need my monitor for a quiz I have to take this weekend. If I return this to Best Buy and exchange it, do they give you another 14 days to evaluate it?
I don't know. You better ask them about that. Probably they do. BestBuy will most likely not carry the new Dell monitor. Your backlight bleeding seems to be excessive. I only notice it on black areas of the screen. So I don't think your experience is typical of most users here.
Man, this is turning out to be yet another Gateway debacle. First, the myriad problems plaguing the FPD2185W, then the FPD2485W inverse ghosting issue, now the progressive BLB with the FHD2400 and the XHD3000 owners had to contend with a large screw-like shadow compounded by increasing reports about blackout issues...

What the heck is wrong with Gateway's quality control??!!
Man, this is turning out to be yet another Gateway debacle. First, the myriad problems plaguing the FPD2185W, then the FPD2485W inverse ghosting issue, now the progressive BLB with the FHD2400 and the XHD3000 owners had to contend with a large screw-like shadow compounded by increasing reports about blackout issues...

What the heck is wrong with Gateway's quality control??!!

Exactly. This is the last time I will be hooked by Gateway. I don't exactly regret my purchase, but the insidious way in which it became less-than-ideal sours me. I just hope the 2408wfp is better. Although with the amount of crap that 2407wfp owners had to go through, I think Dell gets a lot more slack than does Gateway.
Yeah, mine has some nasty BLB on all four sides as well. But I can still RMA to Gateway or buy the Circuit City Advantage Protection Plan Plus and wait a few months.
After doing some research I have been considering buying this monitor to replace my old dead 22". Now after hearing you guys talk about these problems with backlight bleeding I am nervous and considering looking for a different monitor. Is the bleeding a common problem or is it something that I might not have a problem with? Thanks
well taking into consideration that every display unit I have seen at Best Buy has major backlight bleeding problems, I would say it is very common place. I've been to 3 different Best Buys and all of the FHD2400 display units had the problem.

Mine started off PERFECT. I mean there wasn't any distortion at all in brightness across the whole panel. But almost two weeks later of everyday use, just magically when I was watching a movie on it, it changed....


Not happy with it at all. I am returning it to Best Buy today to try an exchange. See if I get a better one, since some do claim they get them with no back light bleeding.

Maybe revision 22r is better? I have a 21r
Has anybody got replacement thats been perfect ? newer revision MFG date etc ,
I will be returning mine for the second time due to backlight bleeding for A Full refund at CC after talking customer service for 20min to get 15% waved hopefully something will come out thats better , I will miss the OSD but what ever the 2493HM may be that way to go
This monitor is GARBAGE, i tried 5 of them, all are garbage, the backlight bleeding was so bad on ALL of the units its a total waste of $600, if you pay a premium price for a monitor, you shouldnt have to deal with such crap quality......if you want a good monitor, get a BENQ FP241W, best 24" i have ever tried.
Even if one was to receive a 'perfect' monitor, there reamains the lingering doubt as to how long it will stay that way. This monitor's 'staying power' is what concerns me more than anything. A product that's bad from purchase time can easily be returned. Not so with an older product. I won't bother looking beyond the posts in this thread for that reason alone.
Well, just got my replacement.. made sure it was a 22r revision... Now I have a dead pixel in the middle of the screen... great.

Bleeding looks better, but again, it will probably only worsen.

Something weird is happening now though:

When using HDMI with my PS3, it now cuts off the left and right sides when using 1:1... when I use ZOOM it zooms and also SHOWS THE CORRECT SIDES... Basically 1:1 is cutting off the left and right sides of the picture being displayed (ie a blu-ray movie). I don't want to use zoom because it is distorting the picture. Ever seen this happen? 1:1 should not be doing this... There should only be 60 pixels missing on the top and bottom (1200 - 1080 = 120).
Well, just got my replacement.. made sure it was a 22r revision... Now I have a dead pixel in the middle of the screen... great.
The only advice I can offer is to try UDPixel app. Maybe it will jog the errant pixel to work. Some people reported success with it. It's also free.

Bleeding looks better, but again, it will probably only worsen.
Hope not
Well I've solved the PS3 problem...

The pixel appears stuck on instead of dead. Strange thing is when I use the software you recommended, and move the box over the area of the pixel and change the colors manually by right clicking and selecting only one flashing color, upon close inspection each color seems to light up appropriately. The only time I see anything is when it is black... then I see a whitish gray dot...

It also changes brightness from different angles... Which I'm pretty sure means what I am actually seeing is a gap between the pixels there...

Although if I place the box a few pixels away from the whitish gray dot, and then move my head around, the distance between the box and the whitish gray dot changes, in such a way that implies that the dot is BEHIND the pixels... so again I think it could be a gap. Unless there is some kind of panel right behind the pixels and there is something stuck on it (dust). Again it appears to be behind the pixels, not in front (ie its not on the outer glass).

Has anyone attempted to take apart their monitor? I know there was a post in this forum on how to fix another monitor's backlight bleeding problem, so I was just wonderin if anyone tried it on this one... Plus if it is easy to take apart, i may attempt to take a look at the dot.
The FHD2400 that I returned today was A 22R version the backlight was still A problem . it sucks because of all the great features it had , the one on Display had the same problem but it still looked better than the 245BW they had next to I have high hopes for Samsungs 2493HM / 2693HM models comming out as we speak or the 2408 Dell
Circuit City did give me A full refund after little arguing and A reff number from the customer service that I talked with the night before
I'm new to this thread, but I also have a FHD2400 with backlight bleed. I bought my first one in early December from CC with a coupon. Took it home and immediately noticed some pretty bad backlight bleed from all four sides of the monitor. Otherwise, the monitor was great ... no stuck pixels, no ghosting, great OSD, inputs and adjustability. The bleed didn't seem to get any worse over time but I exchanged the monitor a couple of weeks later and got a newer "October" model. It was perfect out of the box. No perceptible backlight bleed at all. After about 1 week I started to notice a little bleed in the corners. Unfortunately I didn't immediately return it. I have since missed my return window and regret it (I didn't get one of their plans ... so I only had 14 days.) About a month into the second monitor and I now have noticeable backlight bleed on all four sides. I wouldn't yet call it "horrible", but it's pretty bad. It's o.k. for the web, but distracting while watching dark scenes in movies. I'm hoping if it gets much worse Gateway will refund my money under the warranty (after reading this thread I doubt any replacement FHD2400 would be any better.) Progressive backlight bleed is real on these monitors. This second monitor had none at first ... and I was specifically looking for it. Its a shame ... otherwise this is the a great monitor. Good luck everyone and thanks for all the info!
Thanks for posting your experience Davidsan. This should make any prospective buyers think twice unless they intend to use this monitor as a secondary display, alongside another better monitor and won't care as much about BLB.
Was wondering if anyone has any experience calling Gateway directly and asking about this? I'm wondering if I call Gateway and explain the problem, and how it's clearly widespread, if they'd give me some sort of assurance that when/if it's fixed, they'll swap mine with a good one.
Was wondering if anyone has any experience calling Gateway directly and asking about this? I'm wondering if I call Gateway and explain the problem, and how it's clearly widespread, if they'd give me some sort of assurance that when/if it's fixed, they'll swap mine with a good one.

Last I talked to them, they said it's not a reported issue. That was online tech, though.
So, I talked to both online tech and phone supprt, and they're sending me a new monitor and I'll send them my current one. Of course, that's assuming this new monitor has no dead pixels (like my current monitor) and shows no signs of backlight bleed (unlike my current monitor...). Neither "tech" could give me any info on this problem as being acknowledged by Gateway, though both "assured" me that they wouldn't send out "junk" and that the new monitor would not have this problem. Here's hoping that they've recently solved the problem and this new monitor they send me is one of the awesome new fixed ones...I'm not gonna hold my breath though.
So, I talked to both online tech and phone supprt, and they're sending me a new monitor and I'll send them my current one. Of course, that's assuming this new monitor has no dead pixels (like my current monitor) and shows no signs of backlight bleed (unlike my current monitor...). Neither "tech" could give me any info on this problem as being acknowledged by Gateway, though both "assured" me that they wouldn't send out "junk" and that the new monitor would not have this problem. Here's hoping that they've recently solved the problem and this new monitor they send me is one of the awesome new fixed ones...I'm not gonna hold my breath though.
What fixed monitors? I'm not aware that Gateway fixed this problem and some owners who received replacements noticed the BLB creeping up on their new units. I doubt it's already fixed when in certain cases it takes many weeks if not months of use before it manifests into a critical problem. It's an issue with the panel itself and I can't see Gateway specifying a completely different panel for a new production run of the FHD2400 so quickly. Possible, but not likely.

Besides, how long has the progressive BLB problem been reported? There would need to be literally thousands of calls to Gateway's RMA lines for the company to see an exigency to rectify this issue with a new panel design/selection. Looking back at this thread, it's been relatively recently, perhaps two months or so when the signs indicated a widespread and pervasive defect.
When I said fixed I didn't mean to imply that there are any. I just meant that hopefully there are, hence them sending me a new one rather than a refurbished one as they first claimed they would. As far as it taking awhile to manifest itself, I brought that up and told them that if it happened again as I was sure it would, I would go through the motions again until the problem was resolved, even if that meant their next model.

Don't get me wrong, in no way was I ranting at you. Sorry if it appeared that way. I greatly sympathize with your situation and others in this thread because of Gateway's quality control, or lack thereof. I am fed up of reading defect after defect from this company's display products. There have been at least four display models from their line-up in the past two years that are plagued with serious defects. I have a problematic FDP2185W that is giving me blackout issues and it's too old to be worth repairing. I was hoping to replace it with a FHD2400, but no way now. So, my rant is directed towards Gateway, whom are fully deserving of all the negative backlash they have received in the past few years.
No problem, didn't think you were ranting at me. I'm just trying to see if anyone has dealt directly with Gateway on this yet. I told them that I could certainly direct them to this thread if they needed more proof that this was a widespread problem, but of course we're dealing with the bottom-level reps on the phone who know nothing and have no control over anything.
I have been experiencing the same backlight issues you guys have been talking about, and I just got in contact with Gateway via online support today. It seems like they are willing to replace the monitor, but I'm hesitant to do that because I have a feeling I'll run into the same problem. I did ask the tech guy whether this was a known issue, and he insisted that it was. However, he basically gave me a bogus answer when I asked him when it would be resolved. His idea of a resolution was lowering the brightness, while I believe the actual solution involves some sort of design modification.

I would appreciate if you kept posting info on the forums in the case that you do decide to replace your monitor. Maybe they are making revisions to correct the issue.
Ugh, my BLB is getting very obnoxious. At first I was hoping it was just "forum syndrome," but it's pretty clear now that it is far worse than when I first got the monitor. I know that much is true because there is no way I would have kept it with this amount of BLB. I got the BB PSP, so I guess I can attempt to return it, but I'd hate to go through the hassle only to have it happen again with another panel.

What could be causing this?
Well good luck returning it to BB. It seems they are back ordered until mid February....

Does that mean Gateway is revising it again? Let's hope so...

Oh and mine is experiencing the progressive BLB again... in addition to what appeared at first to be a hot pixel...

Under closer examination using a magnifying glass, you can clearly see that the pixel is actually still there and working fine... it is just shifted out of the way leaving a gap to allow the back light to shine through (hence the reason the dot appears to be coming from behind the pixels).

I have to return mine by Feb 2 I think... what should I do? Is that Dell coming out before then?
I'm returning mine and getting a dell 248WFP for 375. Same TN panel. No BLB. done deal.
Well good luck returning it to BB. It seems they are back ordered until mid February....

Does that mean Gateway is revising it again? Let's hope so...

Oh and mine is experiencing the progressive BLB again... in addition to what appeared at first to be a hot pixel...

Under closer examination using a magnifying glass, you can clearly see that the pixel is actually still there and working fine... it is just shifted out of the way leaving a gap to allow the back light to shine through (hence the reason the dot appears to be coming from behind the pixels).

I have to return mine by Feb 2 I think... what should I do? Is that Dell coming out before then?

Backordered, huh? Hmm. Is anyone here a resident expert on the BB PSP? If, for example, I want to exchange it because the BLB is terrible and they don't have any more models in stock, can I exchange it for a different monitor of equivalent value?

This is all very upsetting; the FHD2400 is otherwise a fantastic monitor. But for the price they're charging, you shouldn't have to deal with this.
Backordered, huh? Hmm. Is anyone here a resident expert on the BB PSP? If, for example, I want to exchange it because the BLB is terrible and they don't have any more models in stock, can I exchange it for a different monitor of equivalent value?

This is all very upsetting; the FHD2400 is otherwise a fantastic monitor. But for the price they're charging, you shouldn't have to deal with this.

Yes, you can exchange for any other LCD monitor and will have a credit for the amount it retailed at the time of your purchase as shown on your receipt. However, I don't know if you'll find a similarly functional monitor at Best Buy.
Yes, you can exchange for any other LCD monitor and will have a credit for the amount it retailed at the time of your purchase as shown on your receipt. However, I don't know if you'll find a similarly functional monitor at Best Buy.

Interesting. They have the Westinghouse for $200 more than newegg does -- pretty odd.
bah...I really wanted one of these monitors but after reading a lot of this thanks.

Thanks for the heads-up all.
Well, I bought the monitor today at my local Circuit City for $499 (on sale). It's the October revision and I obviously don't have any backlight issues, not yet at least..but I was wondering why the 360 looks like total crap on this monitor. I've tried connecting it via VGA port and the Component port, both of them look like crap. When using the DVI port with my computer, everything looks amazing, jaw-dropping. But when it comes to the 360, my old ProView 22" looked much sharper than that. I've tried changing all the settings, I've tried using 720P, 1080i, 1080P, they all look terrible, isn't 1080P supposed to look sharp as a tack? Please, can anyone give me the exact settings to put in for VGA or Component inputs to get the best picture for my 360, I'd be very thankful. Also, I'll keep you guys posted on the backlight, to see if I receive any BLB. Thanks again!
Well, I bought the monitor today at my local Circuit City for $499 (on sale). It's the October revision and I obviously don't have any backlight issues, not yet at least..but I was wondering why the 360 looks like total crap on this monitor. I've tried connecting it via VGA port and the Component port, both of them look like crap. When using the DVI port with my computer, everything looks amazing, jaw-dropping. But when it comes to the 360, my old ProView 22" looked much sharper than that. I've tried changing all the settings, I've tried using 720P, 1080i, 1080P, they all look terrible, isn't 1080P supposed to look sharp as a tack? Please, can anyone give me the exact settings to put in for VGA or Component inputs to get the best picture for my 360, I'd be very thankful. Also, I'll keep you guys posted on the backlight, to see if I receive any BLB. Thanks again!

Are you using the 1:1 mode for scaling? If not, it'll look horrid no matter what.