Gaming NIC Card only $279.99

For 300 bucks this thing should have some sort of Killer wireless as well. A deluxe price for a deluxe card... If you wanted wireless with this thing you'd need 2 expansion cards.
mr saturn said:
For 300 bucks this thing should have some sort of Killer wireless as well. A deluxe price for a deluxe card... If you wanted wireless with this thing you'd need 2 expansion cards.

drop the price to $25 and ill buy it for the sole purpose of when i have a lan in my basement ill stick it in a friends pc when he steps out and throttle his ping upto 150 for a good laugh.. thats all its good for.
Elios said:
what was your posts befor thay get edited over there lets see if we can back this guy in to a corrner

You can look at my post one the page just before the photos of the nic. I should have copied it but didnt. The guy removed the edited by Tytus (or what ever his name is) at the bottom.
In the second paragraph of my post I asked him specifically what he did with his 4 million dollar prize money......its gone.
Last night I also added to the bottom of my secong post, "so you still havent responded to the question about the 4 million dollars" thats gone today ,too. I guess its a sore spot.

Ive been pretty harsh to this guy. I keep comparing this nic to the phantom console and I guess he doesnt like it, but this lag bullshit is getting old.

I also made a statement about the gratuitous use of a .org website "end lag now" to promote the killer nic and make it sound like the site was promoting anything else.
All I can say is these people have balls. Oh yeah, the website comment is gone too.
Its been a while since I've seen a component that was just plain fugly... I know it goes on the inside and all, but most people have windows and what not nowadays. The board and construction make it look as if it should be popped into an ISA interface back in the early 90s. :eek:
XOR != OR said:
Jees, after reading that they really are targetting stupid kids with rich parents. No one who has been exposed to advertising for a few years would buy have the shit they try shoveling in that ad.

Really? Seemed to work great for Alienware for a number of years.

It has worked for Bose for decades, lol.
eastvillager said:
Really? Seemed to work great for Alienware for a number of years.

It has worked for Bose for decades, lol.

At least Alienware and Bose have actual products.
Not to change the subject, but Alienware for all the shit that gets thrown their way, makes a pretty good product with top name components......and never had a "Killernic", I wonder how they functioned????? :D
my entire post on endlagnow that I quoted above has been deleted. You'll notice the posts are out of sequence.

I had four points listed, basically because the guy insinuated that I couldn't afford his nic.

one.....he's advertising a product that is not yet for sale and offering pre-sales, essentially asking for investment in a yet to be produced item.
two.....I keep asking what his organizations do, BigFoot and endlagnow, except to shamelessly promote the nic under false pretenses.
three....what did they do with the four million dollars????
four.....I can afford his nic, but at this point they have no independant data that supports their claims, nor do they even have a retail product.
I offered to eat my words if they showed me a working retail product that could best a standard motherboard ethernet adapter in head to head testing.
But.....I got deleted.
magoo said:
my entire post on endlagnow that I quoted above has been deleted. You'll notice the posts are out of sequence.

I had four points listed, basically because the guy insinuated that I couldn't afford his nic.

one.....he's advertising a product that is not yet for sale and offering pre-sales, essentially asking for investment in a yet to be produced item.
two.....I keep asking what his organizations do, BigFoot and endlagnow, except to shamelessly promote the nic under false pretenses.
three....what did they do with the four million dollars????
four.....I can afford his nic, but at this point they have no independant data that supports their claims, nor do they even have a retail product.
I offered to eat my words if they showed me a working retail product that could best a standard motherboard ethernet adapter in head to head testing.
But.....I got deleted.
ha, what a suprise there
magoo said:
my entire post on endlagnow that I quoted above has been deleted. You'll notice the posts are out of sequence.

I had four points listed, basically because the guy insinuated that I couldn't afford his nic.

one.....he's advertising a product that is not yet for sale and offering pre-sales, essentially asking for investment in a yet to be produced item.
two.....I keep asking what his organizations do, BigFoot and endlagnow, except to shamelessly promote the nic under false pretenses.
three....what did they do with the four million dollars????
four.....I can afford his nic, but at this point they have no independant data that supports their claims, nor do they even have a retail product.
I offered to eat my words if they showed me a working retail product that could best a standard motherboard ethernet adapter in head to head testing.
But.....I got deleted.

I asked him why they were so expensive and got this response...


It's expensive for a lot of reasons:
The main reason is that designing chips/ building chips and boards, etc. is just plain expensive.


I really do not know how they can charge this much for a product that may not exist. I think Magoo is right they are doing presales to raise more money. Seems really bogus to me.
techie81 said:
The main reason is that designing chips/ building chips and boards, etc. is just plain expensive.

I bought a calculator from WalMart for a dollar the other day. That's got chips and a board in it. Oh that's right, there's no plastic "K" on it. Maybe I got ripped off...
Well the NIC they are making may cost a lot of money for them to design and to produce, but thats not our problem... we're not gonna make up the cost of that by buying something thats way up in the 3 digits range just for a NIC.
MooCow said:
Well the NIC they are making may cost a lot of money for them to design and to produce, but thats not our problem... we're not gonna make up the cost of that by buying something thats way up in the 3 digits range just for a NIC.

I can go to frys or newegg and get a nic card for $10, the basic foundation is still the same. Its still a NIC card, so why is it so expensive?
techie81 said:
I can go to frys or newegg and get a nic card for $10, the basic foundation is still the same. Its still a NIC card, so why is it so expensive?

'Cause chips 'n' boards is spendy. They're just do darned spendy. :rolleyes:
weres Kyle we need some phantom style ass kicking over there

seems Magoo's latest post has TOTALY been removed

magoo said:
I also made a statement about the gratuitous use of a .org website "end lag now" to promote the killer nic and make it sound like the site was promoting anything else.
All I can say is these people have balls. Oh yeah, the website comment is gone too.
In one word, that's called astroturfing. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if a chunk of their forum members (aside from the forum admins) are either shills or employees of the company.
This whole "gaming" market crap is surely getting out of hand. Here you have companies that have figured out that gamers, which is us, is a niche market to exploit. Fine, at least do it the right way. 3 companies that I can mention are on the right track are Logitech, Razer, and Saitek, with their gaming peripherals.

Then, you've got dumb companies, like Phantom, and now this Killer NIC crap. Whatsa matter with them? They don't realize that 99.999999999999999999% of us gamers won't take BS, and BELIEVE ME, we know BS when we see (smell) it.

Now I'm still wondering how exactly this card will benefit me, especially since it better make my 1.5Mbps DSL magically reach speeds of 32106403210321096510Mbps. In addition, it better guarantee me that I've won every single LAN match before I even start, due to the 1337 ping speed.
ha this company reminds me of the scam a few years ago. It wouldnt supprise me that this company is going to try and pull the same thing. :rolleyes:
I have a box of NICs and have a hard time GIVING them away... People expect that even 1 in 10,000 gamers would buy a ~ $300 NIC ?

ajm786 said:
This whole "gaming" market crap is surely getting out of hand. Here you have companies that have figured out that gamers, which is us, is a niche market to exploit. Fine, at least do it the right way. 3 companies that I can mention are on the right track are Logitech, Razer, and Saitek, with their gaming peripherals.

Then, you've got dumb companies, like Phantom, and now this Killer NIC crap. Whatsa matter with them? They don't realize that 99.999999999999999999% of us gamers won't take BS, and BELIEVE ME, we know BS when we see (smell) it.

Now I'm still wondering how exactly this card will benefit me, especially since it better make my 1.5Mbps DSL magically reach speeds of 32106403210321096510Mbps. In addition, it better guarantee me that I've won every single LAN match before I even start, due to the 1337 ping speed.

heres the thing like you said and i keep try to explane this on there forum is
this thing CANT DO ANY THING about lag thats not client side and if you have a shitty ISP and crappy pings past your router this thing isnt going to help sure on a lan maybe but i KNOW it wont do any thing over the net

till i see Hard review this thing and thay say it works is just BS

this is just getting sad
PrkChpXprss said:
I have a box of NICs and have a hard time GIVING them away... People expect that even 1 in 10,000 gamers would buy a ~ $300 NIC ?


send some my way i need a few more nics here i got a box of em too there just all dead lol
Elios said:
weres Kyle we need some phantom style ass kicking over there

seems Magoo's latest post has TOTALY been removed

*sniff* definitely has a Phantom air to it.
The only way I'd pay for this is if it magically boosted my 4 Mbit connection to OC 48 speeds, and gave me a ping of less than 10 on any server in the world. But, of course, that impossible unless they use some sort of witchcraft. :p
thay put some kind of throughput test meh still not impressed with this thing

some one over there still cant grasped once the packets are handed off to your gateway no nic can do any thing about what happens then

and i already get <1ms pings to my gateway guess ill have to post some screen shots to get them to see this flaw
After winning numerous awards, including the 2005 Fortune Small Business Startup Competition and the prestigious 2005 Moot Corp. competition at the University of Texas, Bigfoot Networks, Inc. has achieved its biggest milestone yet: $4 Million in Series A financing from Venio Capital Partners.

Here's the 4 million dollars boys.....they used the mootCorp award to get the 4 mil; basically the same thing.
Oh yeah, Ive been BANNED, watch out're next. :eek:
magoo said:
After winning numerous awards, including the 2005 Fortune Small Business Startup Competition and the prestigious 2005 Moot Corp. competition at the University of Texas, Bigfoot Networks, Inc. has achieved its biggest milestone yet: $4 Million in Series A financing from Venio Capital Partners.

Here's the 4 million dollars boys.....they used the mootCorp award to get the 4 mil; basically the same thing.
Oh yeah, Ive been BANNED, watch out're next. :eek:

lol realy heh well if you can use a proxy so you can see me poke holes in there ideas
See, here's my thing, having read the FAQ and based on my (admittedly limited) knowledge of networking hardware and software, optimisations such as those described are possible, you can take load off the CPU, you can optimise the stack.

Heck you can even shape traffic.

I can belive that you could end up with a few extra fps, and a smoother online gaming experience, but not $280 worth.

At $100 I might try it out of curiosity, but unless every reputable site out there shoots their load over it I just don't see it happening.
Yea, their is a possibility of a few minor improvments, but it's no where near worth over a hundred in my honest opinion.

Im new here at this forum.(that being the ELN forums)

My brother showed me an advertisement on line and laughed. He said it was a waste of time and money.

I'd like to show my big brother for once that something might be excellent even if he doesnt think so.

Do you have any results yet going head to head,so to speak, with a motherboard ethernet????

I hate getting beaten on CS:S because I lagged out........

If you can prove this to me, I'd buy one just to whoop my brother and laugh at his poor old laggy computer.

Ok, since I was banned I rejoined under an alias and decided to take another approach.
I think the kind way is the good way. I want to see the Killer benchies.
This is getting interesting. :eek:
magoo said:
It appears they smoke them.

also some one brought up a good poing there pushing using UDP on this NIC

UDP is notriuos for packet loss

then thay make a big deal about there TCP stack so im talking to a networking guy i know and we both hit on some thing didnt we move AWAY from 3rd party network stacks and all the crap then came with that back when window95 came out?? :confused:
Elios said:

also some one brought up a good poing there pushing using UDP on this NIC

UDP is notriuos for packet loss

then thay make a big deal about there TCP stack so im talking to a networking guy i know and we both hit on some thing didnt we move AWAY from 3rd party network stacks and all the crap then came with that back when window95 came out?? :confused:
Well apparently their network stack is so amazing it gets your data to you before it's even sent.
dotK said:
Well apparently their network stack is so amazing it gets your data to you before it's even sent.

yea i tryed that logic over there seems this card can send packets faster then light :rolleyes:

i mean if the dist. from you to server would take light say 40ms to travel and your getting say 50-60ms pings i dont thing any card can make that much better
Blauman said:
I was going to say the samething, they stuck out like sore thumbs, and why would a CEO talk like a 13 y/o pimpled faced gamer.
Oh sure, single me out you bastard! :(